BUKU MENTALLY RETARDED A CYCLE LIFE APPROACH PRINSIP UMUM MENGEMBANGKAN/MENGOPTIMALKAN TUNAGRAHITA MENGASESMEN UNTUK MENGETAHUI POSISI PERKEMBANGAN DAN POTENSI, SERTA KELEMAHAN/HAMBATAN POTENSI DIKEMBANGKAN KELEMAHAN/HAMBATAN DIPERBAIKI PROGRAM BERDASARKAN POTENSI DAN HAMBATAN HAMBATAN DENGAN PROGRAM KHUSUS ATAU KOMPENSATORIS POTENSI DENGAN PROGRAM YANG SESUAI KONDISINYA. PERKEMBANGAN PRASEKOLAH 1. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT 2. LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 3. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT 4. PSYCHOSOSIAL DEVELOPMENT PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT DIANTARANYA: Neuromotor Development Neuromotor development to become familiar with the physical dimensions of learning and the influences of the environment on this particular aspect development. Neurological development represents a critical demension of the child’s overall development and plays a particular role in the areas of cognitive, language, and psychosocial development HEAD AND BRAIN CHARACTERISTICS A child who exhibits inadequate neuromotor control and function or who evidences a developmental delay may suffer from some abnormality of form or function of the brain, although such a defect is not typically detectable directly. EMOTIONS AND THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM The limbic system of the brain is located in the central portion of the tissue and surrounds the hypothalamus. This system functions specifically to mediate the emotional and temperamental dimensions of behavior. SENSORY ORGANS AND CRANIAL NERVES. The development and integrity of the cranial nerves and specialized sensory organs also plays an important role in a young child’s general functioning status. These maturational processes are essential to a child’s ability to receive stimuli from the environment and to integrate them into the perceptual and memory components of the central nervous system. NORMAL LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 1.Birth crying and making other physiological sounds 2.1 to 2 months cooing as well as crying 3.3 to 6 months babblying as well as crying 4.9 to 14 months speaking first words as well as babbling 5.18 to 24 months speaking first sentences as well as words 6.3 to 4 years Using all basic syntactial structure 7.4 to 8 years Articulating correctly all speech sounds in context. Delayed Language Development Some of these scales include the pheno logical (sounds), semantic (meaning), morphological (word forms), and syntact ical (word order) skills acquired by normal children. All of these areas of assesment appear important to an evaluation of language development both for children who appear to be progressing normally and these who exhibit delay. Usaha untuk mengembangkan Some efforts have been under way with regard to language rehabilitation with the mentally retarded. A number of these have been based on Skinner’s approach. Several research projects have focused on the establishment of imitative repertoires in retarded children in order to facilitate speech and language development. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT PIAGET’S THEORITICAL FORMULATION. It is speculated that retarded children, particularly those who are only mildly handicapped, progress gradually through Piaget’s development stages in structural terms although the rate of progress is somewhat slower than for normal children. PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Development of trust, autonomy, and initiative. E. H. Erikson hypothesized that infancy is the time in child’s life when the first social achievement is accomplished—that of basic trust. Development of attachment Attachment behavior is also though to be an important emotional component of personality with considerable implication for future development. Bowlby (1969) viewed infancy as a crucial period for the emergence of this behavior. As attachment evolves the reciprocal behaviors of the mother first and other significant individuals are essentially caretaking behaviors. The role of early stimulation is immediately apparent in both psychosocial and intellectual domains.