. UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Standing Group Responsible for the Maintenance and Refurbishment of Centrally Timetabled Rooms Notes from the meeting of the Group held on Monday 18 March 2013 Present: Dr E Melia (Chair), Mr J Buckingham, Mrs V Hill, Mrs K Jenkins, Mr J Owen, Ms L Holland, Mr D Mace, Ms E Spencer. Apologies: Mr P Jones, Mr C Singleton. 51/12-13Minutes RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2013 be approved. 52/12-13Asbestos Checks (45/12-13 refers) CONSIDERED: (by the Asbestos Manager) An oral update from the Asbestos Manager, Jason Bunn, on the roll-out of the revised process for asbestos checks. REPORTED: (by the Asbestos Manager) (a) That, if any work was to be carried out, an Asbestos Survey Scoping Form needed to be completed on site with the Asbestos Manager. (b) That there was a significant amount of existing survey data that could be accessed through the Asbestos Manager, noting that if a survey had already been carried out then another survey may not be necessary. (c) That he was investigating the possibility of data from Asbestos Surveys feeding directly into the Estates Management software, Quantarc, to ease access to pre-existing survey data. (d) That results should be emailed within 2-3 days of completion of an Asbestos Survey and 10 days for a full report. (by the Furniture and Equipment Officer) (e) That the heavy use of CTTRs meant that there was limited time that the Asbestos team could view them. (by the Asbestos Manager) (f) That the survey team would come at a time that was suitable; noting that the area to be surveyed could only be fully inspected once vacant. (by the Lead Technical Specialist) (g) That it would be beneficial if CTTRs could be prioritised for Asbestos Surveys. RESOLVED: That the Refurb Group track any specific issues with the Asbestos Survey process and keep the Asbestos Manager informed with regular updates. 53/12-132012-13 Refurb Group Budget (43/12-13 refers) CONSIDERED: A summary of the current budget position for the present academic year (CTTR.1/12-13). REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That the Group required clear priorities for spend of the remainder of the budget. (by the Lead Technical Specialist) (b) That the document visualizer in the Ramphal Lecture Theatre needed repairing and estimated that it would cost £395 + VAT. (c) That IT Services had recommended that wireless access in GLT 1,2,3,4 needed to be improved. (d) That the provision of AV equipment in the Ramphal Lecture Theatre R0.21 needed updating to bring them up to the same standard as the rest of the building. (e) That the Medical School had been given ballpark costs for the installation of 3D projection equipment primarily in MD001 and that they had been asked to include it within their five year financial plan. (by the Small Works Officer) (f) That the small tiered teaching rooms in the Social Studies building could be refurbished if budget allowed. (by the Furniture and Equipment Officer) (g) That IATL had notified them of broken furniture in the Ramphal Building CTTRs, and that if repair of the furniture was not covered by warranty, replacement costs could be charged to the Refurb Group budget. RESOLVED: (a) That the Furniture and Equipment Officer contact the Chair with an estimate of the costs, should the Ramphal Building CTTRs furniture need replacing. (b) That the Lead Technical Specialist provide the Chair with figures for repairing the document visualizer in the Ramphal Lecture Theatre, prior to approval. (c) That the Lead Technical Specialist provide the Refurb Group with figures for improving the wireless access in GLT 1,2,3,4. 54/12-13LIB1 and LIB2 (minute 44/12-13 refers) CONSIDERED: An oral update from the Chair regarding the removal of the locked cupboards in LIB2. REPORTED: (by the Chair) That she had received a response from the Head of Infrastructure Services in IT Services, Malcolm Days, who advised her that she should contact Chris Wood regarding the removal of the locked cupboards in LIB2. RESOLVED: That the Chair contact Chris Wood regarding the removal of the locked cupboards in LIB2. Note: Subsequent to the Refurb Group meeting, Chris Wood had contacted the Chair indicating cupboards in LIB2 were currently empty but that he wanted to retain capacity for printer consumables, and so requested space elsewhere. 55/12-13Engineering Foyer Art Work 2 REPORTED: (by the Small Works Officer) (a) That work had been commissioned by the Mead Gallery in the foyer of the Engineering Building to install screens to project images and speakers that would produce ambient sound. (b) That this had prompted replacement of the doors for F107, F110, and F111 in order to ensure there was an appropriate acoustic seal. (by the Lead Technical Specialist) (c) That the projection could be linked to the automated AV Services signage provision so that the ambient sound could be turned off at appropriate times to prevent disruption of people taking exams in F107, F110, and F111. RESOLVED: That the Lead Technical Specialist investigate the digital link of the Engineering Foyer Art Work to the automated AV Services signage provision. 56/12-13Lecture Capture Trial REPORTED: (by the Lead Technical Specialist) (a) That IT Services would be undertaking a 12 month trial of a new lecture capture service for CTTRs with Chemistry and Life Sciences, which would be formally launched in October 2013 and that Echo360 capture software would be installed on all CTTR PC’s. (b) That Echo360 capture software would allow lecturers to record PowerPoint presentations and audio, which students could then access through Moodle and Sitebuilder. RESOLVED: That the Lead Technical Specialist update the Refurb Group on the Lecture Capture Trial once the project programme has been mapped. 57/12-13Windows 7 Migration REPORTED: (by the Lead Technical Specialist) (a) That, following complaints received about slow login times in CTTRs, IT Services planned to migrate the computers in lecture theatres and other teaching rooms to Windows 7. (b) That they would be running a pilot in 8 seminar rooms in the Ramphal Building during the week commencing 22 April 2013, with the IATL room stewards collecting feedback. (c) That, if the pilot was successful, a schedule would be built for the roll out of Windows 7 across the CTTRs and committee rooms on campus. RESOLVED: (a) That the Lead Technical Specialist keep the Refurb Group informed of the proposed roll-out of the Windows 7 migration. (b) That the Lead Technical Specialist contact the Timetabling Team with IT Services planned work in CTTRs. 58/12-13Date of the Future Meetings CONSIDERED: The dates for future meetings of the Group. RESOLVED: That the Group meet from 10:00-12:00 on the following dates; 3 2012-13 Monday 15th April 2013 Monday 13th May 2013 Monday 17th June 2013 Monday 15th July 2013 Monday 16th September 2013 4