Standing Group Responsible for the Maintenance and Refurbishment of
Centrally Timetabled Rooms
Notes from the meeting of the Group held on Monday 13 May 2013
Ms L Holland, Mrs K Jenkins, Mr P Jones, Dr E Melia (Chair), Mr J Owen, Ms E Spencer.
Mr J Buckingham, Mrs V Hill, Mr D Mace, Mr C Singleton.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 15 April 2013 be approved.
72/12-13Refurb Group Meetings
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
That the Refurb Group meetings should be held every other month, given the level of business to be
considered at each meeting.
That the Refurb Group meetings would now take place every other month, unless needed sooner.
73/12-13LIB1 and LIB2 Furniture Costs (minute 66/12-13 refers)
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(a) That the Chair had contacted the Director of Estates regarding over spend on the Refurb Group Budget
and subsequently he had agreed to fund the replacement of furniture in LIB1 and LIB2.
(by the Furniture and Equipment Officer)
(b) That the orders for replacement furniture in LIB1 and LIB2 had been placed.
74/12-13Ramphal Building Projection Screens (minute 60/12-13 refers)
An oral update from the Lead Technical Specialist regarding the two broken projection screens in the
Ramphal Building.
REPORTED: (by the Lead Technical Specialist)
(a) That Warwick Conferences had paid for the replacement of the projector screen in R0.12.
(b) That the other projection screen was able to be repaired by IT Services.
(c) That, to avoid the projector screens being damaged in the future, the storage cupboard doors could be
locked during conference season.
That the Lead Technical Specialist contact the Chair with an estimate of the costs of installing locks on the
cupboards in the Ramphal Building CTTRs.
75/12-13Ramphal Building CTTRs (minute 38/12-13 refers)
REPORTED: (by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(a) That he had not received a response from IATL regarding the difficulties posed by the trolleys for storing
tables in the Ramphal Building CTTRs.
(b) That the trolleys should be removed from the Ramphal Building CTTRs.
That the Furniture and Equipment Officer contact IATL notifying them that the Estates Office would be
removing the trolleys for storing tables from the Ramphal Building CTTRs.
76/12-13Windows 7 Migration (minute 68/12-13 refers)
An oral update from the Lead Technical Specialist regarding the progress of the proposed roll-out of the
Windows 7 migration.
REPORTED: (by the Lead Technical Specialist)
(a) That the Windows 7 migration trial in the Ramphal Building CTTRs had been successful and they had
received no complaints.
(b) That login times had been drastically improved with the migration to Windows 7.
(c) That all the PCs in CTTRs across campus would be replaced within 4-5 weeks.
That the Lead Technical Specialist contact Warwick Conferences regarding the schedule for Windows 7
migration and the subsequent updates to the PCs.
77/12-13Engineering Foyer Art Work (minute 55/12-13 refers)
That it was resolved at the March meeting of the Refurb Group that the Lead Technical Specialist was to
investigate the digital link of the Engineering Foyer Art Work to the automated AV Services signage provision.
That the Lead Technical Specialist investigate the possibility of digitally linking the Engineering Foyer Art
Work projection to the automated AV Services signage provision, so that the ambient sound could be turned
off at appropriate times to prevent disruption of people taking exams in F107, F110, and F111.
78/12-13Workstations in the Science Concourse (minute 63/12-13 refers)
An oral update from the Chair regarding the proposed PC workstations in the Science Concourse space.
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(a) That CPARG had resolved that they would not support the installation of workstations in the Science
Concourse as it was felt not to be a good location and their introduction may restrict space.
(b) That CPARG had, however, supported the provision of work zones that supported the use of mobile
devices and subsequently requested that IT Services provide a report to a future meeting of CPARG on
the strategy for work zones and potential space implications.
79/12-132012-13 Refurb Group Budget (minute 66/12-13 refers).
A summary of the current budget position for the present academic year (CTTR.1/12-13(revised3).
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
That the current budget position was unclear as Finance and Space Managements accounts differed.
That she was collating a paper to go to the Financial Plan Sub-Committee meeting on 4 June 2013 that
would ask for the Refurb Group budget to be increased to around £200k for the next academic year.
That an increased budget would enable the Refurb Group to take on medium sized refurbishment
projects and a rolling programme of minor refurbishments.
(by the Furniture and Equipment Officer)
That the Refurb Group should submit a proposal to have a project manager assigned to the Group to
manage larger refurbishments of CTTRs, if the increased budget is approved.
(a) That the Chair and the Space Management Assistant meet with the Estate Office Finance Manager, to
clarify outstanding questions regarding the Refurb Group budget.
That the Lead Technical Specialist provide the Chair with a list of costs for AV equipment, such as
projector bulbs and screens, to inform the Financial Plan Sub-Committee paper requesting an increased
Refurb Group budget.
80/12-13Lecture Capture Trial (minute 56/12-13 refers)
REPORTED: (by the Lead Technical Specialist)
(a) That IT Services had paid for the site licence for Camtasia Relay which would enable lecturers to record
lectures on lectern PCs in CTTRs, their laptop, or their office PC or Mac.
(b) That the feedback from the Lecture Capture Trial with Chemistry was extremely positive, both with and
without cameras.
(c) That IT Services would be rolling out a software version of Echo360 to all CTTR’s from October 2013
which would capture the PC desktop and audio from a built in microphone.
(d) That IT Services will need approximately £63k to install the Echo360 hardware capture appliance, camera
and audio equipment in14 lecture theatres, at £4.5k per theatre.
(a) That the Lead Technical Specialist provide the Chair with information on the cost of installing Lecture
Capture cameras in 14 lecture theatres.
(b) That the Chair include an appendix in the Financial Plan Sub-Committee paper requesting an increased
Refurb Group budget to cover the installation costs for Lecture Capture cameras in the 14 lecture
theatres suggested.
81/12-13Date of the Future Meetings
The dates for future meetings of the Group.
That the Group meet from 10:00-12:00 on the following dates;
Monday 15th July 2013
Monday 16th September 2013