Meeting Notes: March 25, 2010 Communication, Prevention and Investigation Working Team Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group In Attendance: Esther Hernandez (Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office), Chair; Lauren Maloney (Bureau of Land Management/US Forest Service – SORO), Vice-Chair; Rod Nichols, Oregon Department of Forestry; Len Diaz, Bureau of Indian Affairs; Jeree Mills, US Forest Service – Mt. Hood/SORO; Mark Gray, Washington Department of Natural Resources; Tom Knappenberger, US Forest Service Representative Updates & Agenda Review: Jeree – FPA mechanism for entering prevention activities; cache of Smokey Bear h/o can be ordered/purchased so long as purchasers agree not to resell, teachers are encouraged to take advantage of this, orders must currently be faxed in but an e-commerce system is in the works; sign committee developing new prevention signs; Tom – Developing a list of information officers within the region, Chris Erikson (sp?) from NIMO would like to assist in the development; working on a 1-2 page document listing the requirements/qualifications for new IIOs; Lauren – National meeting next week for BLM; there has been a decrease in grant assistance in the Northwest resulting in a more even distribution across the US; 3.2M in NFP hazardous fuels reduction grants in the Northwest so the top 9 projects for each state will be funded; Mark – Wildfire Awareness Week proclamation has been signed, focus will be Dept of Ecology initiative to replace burn barrels with compost bins; new Firewise community so there is now one in each corner of the state, Union Valley Firewise community has utilized social media very successfully; Esther – No new State Fire Marshal yet, hope to have a decision by June 1. Prevention Working Team Website: The question was raised as to whether we could substitute the use of social media for the website. WA DNR has used Facebook, Twitter, etc successfully to share prevention information as well as with Firewise communities. There is an issue with access by the federal agencies and the WA Fire Marshal’s Office. WA DNR may be able to use an intern to keep the information updated. General consensus that the website is very Oregon-centric and that some of the information needs to be updated, i.e., Prevention Conference information. There is a need to judge our audience and market the site accordingly. The possibility was raised to have the site linked to NWCC and that maintenance could be reduced if only static fire prevention information was listed. There is a lot of useful information on the site and it is well-organized and well-written. The cost aspect was raised again as well as the issue of who would be responsible for maintaining the site. Possibly move the basic/static information to the NWCC webpage or the PNWCG webpage. Items that are date/season sensitive would be kept on the social media sites and refer back to the static page. Action Item(s): 1. Jeree will find out if it is possible to have NWCC or PNWCG house the site on their server. 2. Lauren will take responsibility to be the “technology” person and updating the information. 3. Mark will find out if possible to utilize WA DNR intern for social media sites. Fire Restrictions Website: Group agrees that this site is important to support. Jeree and Lauren have made contact with several personnel to get the information that Dale Guenther requested. Possible issue due to different restrictions by various agencies, this is a policy issue, not an IT issue and requires a standardized system for the public regarding outdoor burning. PNW Prevention Conference: The Prevention WT moved away from involvement with the conference due to inability to provide input to location, subject-matter, etc. of the conference. An interagency prevention conference would be ideal even if it is held every other year rather than every year. Group agreed that the WT needs to be involved and supportive of this conference however, funding is still an issue. Possible ways to decrease cost are by utilizing agency personnel or agencies paying for a speaker/conference room/etc. Question was raised about the WT organizing a separate conference. Approach the current conference committee to organize for the WT or put together a new group utilizing agency personnel to organize. Decided that WT needs to reach out to the current organizers and re-establish a relationship with them in order to effect change. Action Item(s): 1. Invite Kelly Niles and Lou G to participate in the next meeting. Smokey Bear Awards: General consensus that the group should submit nominations (person/group) for this award. Discussion of possible nominations will take place at the September meeting as applications are released in October. It would also be beneficial for team members to disseminate information about the awards to personnel within their agency and on their website. Current/Expected Tasks: Maintain WT website; Support Fire Restrictions website by providing requested information; Re-establish communications with the organizers of the Prevention Conference and provide input/support; Submit nominations for the Smokey Bear Awards; Develop list of regional IIOs and IIO h/o. Action Item(s): 1. Esther will send out the list of tasks to team members for comment prior to submitting to the Steering Committee. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be a conference call. A doodle poll will be sent out with morning and afternoon times to choose from for the week of May 10 th. The meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Attachments: 1. Team Charter 2. Task List