S.XX/15-16 [insert if required]{Restricted} UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK

[insert if required]{Restricted}
For the meeting of the Senate to be held on [Day Month 20XX]
[Insert the Title of the Report]
Please left justify the text, use Arial 11, single line spacing, and underline section titles.
Reports should be as brief as is feasible for the subject that your report covers and should be no more
than four sides of A4 (excluding appendices).
Please include an ‘Introduction’ section and state the following in an introduction:
the purpose of the paper, including what exactly you wish the Senate to consider;
summarise what the rest of the paper will cover in terms of content; and,
state which other committees/routes the paper has been to previously (or explain if appropriate, why
the report has not been to previous relevant Committees), and include any outcomes/considerations
of other Committees if these are not captured in the cover sheet.
If your report is a summary of a Committee meeting, please use the ‘Committee Reporting’ template.
The final electronic version will have paper and agenda numbers assigned and inserted, and then be
returned to you for the preparation and return of 25 double sided, stapled copies (in colour only if
necessary), plus one single sided copy.
Any questions, please email senate@warwick.ac.uk in the first instance.]
Recommendation[s] [to go at the end of the report]
The Senate is invited to:
[Insert the recommendation, numbering each one if there is more than one
recommendation, underlining the action(s) that the Senate is/are being asked to take (e.g.
note, approve, confirm etc.]
[Insert the name of the Author (usually the Secretary to the Committee)]
[Insert Title of Author]
[Insert the date when the paper was submitted - XX Month 201X]
Information contained in [ ] should be deleted or overtyped.]