[Insert/delete as appropriate] CONFIDENTIAL TO MEMBERS AND ATTENDEES Agendum X S.XX/15-16 [insert if required]{Restricted} UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK For the meeting of the Senate to be held on [Date Month 201X] Subject: [Title - the title should be brief yet clearly relate to the content of the paper] Prepared by: [Name, position – this should be the person who wrote the paper] Presenter: [Name, Position - this should be the person who will be at the meeting and who will be talking to the paper if required, even though the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary to the Committee might be writing the paper] Purpose of the paper: [Insert a brief summary of the paper contents, numbering each point if the paper serves more than one purpose.] Recommendation[s]: The Senate is invited to consider: 1. [Summarise the action(s) that the Senate is/are being asked to take, numbering each one if there is more than one recommendation, underlining the action(s) that they are being asked to take (e.g. note, approve, confirm etc.] Key Points [Add each point that summarises the key points/issues contained in the paper with a line space between each point and a full stop at the end of each point. Please include any outcomes/considerations of other committees if these are not captured elsewhere in your report.] Route Map for this Report Committee Date Reference Action Requested / Taken [Further guidance overleaf] 1 [Insert/delete as appropriate] CONFIDENTIAL TO MEMBERS AND ATTENDEES Agendum X S.XX/15-16 [insert if required]{Restricted} [Guidance A cover sheet should be no more than two sides of A4, single line spacing, left justified and Arial 11 should be used throughout. The cover sheet should put across the key points of the paper. Authors should consider whether, in the light of Senators having a constrained period in which to consider papers, the coversheet acts satisfactorily as a means of highlighting key points to enable them to take the decisions sought of them. If the accompanying paper is very brief and clear it may not be necessary to complete the key points section above. If you would like advice on this, please send your draft report to senate@warwick.ac.uk in plenty of time before the deadline. If your paper is a summary of a committee meeting, please use the ‘Committee Reporting’ cover sheet template. The final electronic version will have paper and agenda numbers assigned and inserted, and then be returned for the preparation and return of 25 double sided, stapled copies (in colour only if necessary), plus one single sided copy. Please complete the route map to indicate which committees have already viewed the paper. Any questions, please contact senate@warwick.ac.uk in the first instance. Information contained in [ ] should be deleted or overtyped.] 2