JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. ???, XXXX, DOI:10.1029/, Analysis of electron impact ionization properties of methane Xianming Liu and Donald E. Shemansky Planetary and Space Science Division, Space Environment Technologies, Pasadena, California, USA Published experimental photon and electron impact ionization cross sections of CH4 have been reviewed and analyzed. Absolute partial ionization oscillator strengths + + + + (fij ) for CH+ and H+ 4 , CH3 , CH2 , CH , H 2 have been obtained. Electron impact ionization cross sections are recommended based on agreement between the oscillator strength values derived from photoionization and electron impact measurements. Analytic func+ + + + + + tions for cross sections of CH+ produced by elec4 , CH3 , CH2 , CH , C , H2 and H tron impact ionization of CH4 are established. The derived excitation cross section functions are accurate from threshold to impact energies limited by the relativistic effects. The cross sections examined here are important for modeling Titan ionospheric chemistry. Abstract. electron-impact cross section measurements is examined by comparing measurement techniques and the consistency between derived electron and photon ionization partial oscillator strengths. For non-dissociative ionization, the electron impact oscillator strength of CH+ 4 is found to be statistically identical to its photoionization counterpart. The oscillator strength of CH+ 3 , the major species of dissociative ionization of CH4 , also agrees with the photoionization oscillator strength within 2%. The electron impact ionization cross sections of Straub et al. (1997), as revised by Lindsay & Mangan (2003), are found to be the most accurate. The derived analytic excitation functions for various significant dissociative ionization channels are consistent with various experimental observations. While the partial oscillator strengths for minor species deviate from the photoionization counterparts, total ionization oscillator strengths and partial oscillator strengths of major species fully agree with the photoionization measurements. In addition to qualitative consistency with physical features of various ionization channels, the obtained oscillator strengths and excitation functions quantitatively reproduce the measured CH4 ionization cross sections of Lindsay & Mangan (2003). The partial oscillator strengths and analytical excitation functions thus provide accurate functional representations of partial ionization cross section from threshold to the non-relativistic limit. The ground state electronic configuration of methane, classified according to the irreducible representation of the Td point group, is (1a1 )2 (2a1 )2 (1t2 )6 . The 1t2 and 2a1 orbitals are essentially formed by atomic hydrogen 1s with the carbon 2p and 2s orbitals, respectively. The inner shell 1a1 orbital is formed almost exclusively by the carbon 1s orbital. The ionization of CH4 primarily takes place via the valence single-hole states, (1t2 )−1 and (2a1 )−1 , and the core excited (1a1 )−1 state, obtained by removal of an electron from each orbital. The (1t2 )−1 ionic state, with electronic symmetry of 2 T2 in the Td group, is unstable against Jahn-Teller coupling. Early theoretical calculations predicted D2d or C3v equilibrium structures for the ground state CH+ 4 [Arents & Allen 1970, Dixon 1971]. Subsequent ab initio calculations and experimental investigations suggested a large distortion from the Td geometry to 12 equivalent C2v equilibrium structures [Takeshita 1987; Frey & Davidson 1988; Boyd et al. 1991; Paddon-Row et al. 1985; Knight et al. 1984; Vager et al. 1986 ]. The large Jahn-Teller distortion has so far prevented the rotational structure of CH+ 4 from being analyzed. As a result, the most accurate measurement of the first adiabatic ionization potential, 101773 cm−1 (12.618 eV), has an uncertainty of ±35 cm−1 (4.3 meV) [Signorell & Merkt 1999, 1. Introduction Methane is a critically important molecule in the atmosphere of Titan [Yung et al. (1984)]. It is the second most abundant molecular species after molecular nitrogen. The chemical evolution of its atmosphere is essentially driven by the photon and electron impact interactions of N and N2 and CH4 . Nitrogen and methane are the fundamental building blocks of most neutral and ionic species in the atmosphere of Titan. As no emission attributable to electronic excited states of CH4 has been observed in the laboratory, the excitation of CH4 leads to either neutral dissociation or ionization. The excitation of CH4 by photons or electrons is, therefore, the most important source of simple hydrocarbon radicals and ions. The subsequent reactions of the hydrocarbon radicals and ions among themselves or with CH4 lead to formation of higher order alkanes, alkenes and alkynes [Banaszkiewicz et al. (2000), Wilson & Atreya (2004)]. Additionally, the reaction of CH4 with N+ and N+ 2 is the source of nitriles. The ionic species of nitrogen (N+ , N+ 2 ) and simple hydro+ + carbons (CH+ 4 , CH3 , and CH2 ) in the ionosphere of Titan are generated by solar photon, photoelectron, and magnetospheric electron ionization. Additional ionization sources such as ions from micrometeoroids [Molina-Cuberos et al., 2000] and X-ray photons from solar flares [Banaszkiewicz & Zarnecki 1999] have also been suggested. Both CH+ 4 and CH+ 3 are destroyed primarily by reaction with CH4 and by dissociative recombination with low energy electrons. In Titan ionospheric models [Fox & Yelle 1997; Banaszkiewicz et al. 2000; Cravens et al. 2004; and Wilson & Atreya 2004], + + + N+ 2 , N , CH4 and CH3 are considered to be the initial ionic species of ion-molecule reactions. Most models pre+ dict HCNH+ , CH+ 5 , and C2 H5 as the dominant ionospheric + + + species while N2 , N , CH4 and CH+ 3 appear only as minor constituents. In the first fly-by of Titan by Cassini UVIS, however, the emission from N+ was observed to be strong. Analysis of the data suggests that N+ is a major ionospheric component [Liu et al. 2004]. Accurate ionization cross sections of methane will clearly help to clarify the discrepancy. This paper presents the results of analyzing ionization CH4 by electron impact. First, partial ionization oscillator strengths for the valence transition are obtained from various photoionization measurements. The accuracy of several Copyright 2005 by the American Geophysical Union. 0148-0227/05/$9.00 1 X-2 LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 2000]. In contrast, the ionization potentials of isotope substituted methane, CDH3 , CH2 D2 , and CD4 , have been accurately determined within ±1.4∼1.6 cm−1 [Signorell et al. 1999, Signorell & Merkt (2000)]. Ionization via the (1t2 )−1 + state primarily produces CH+ 4 and CH3 ions, with a very small percentage (≤ 3%) of CH+ [Backx & Van der Wiel 2 (1975), Latimer et al. 1999]. Threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence investigations by Stockbauer (1973), Dutuit et al. (1990), and Field & Eland (1995) have shown that CH+ 4 is produced only in the region from methane ionization threshold to 14.323±0.001 eV, the threshold for the + formation of CH+ 3 [Weitzel et al. 1999]. Beyond the CH3 + + threshold, CH4 rapidly dissociates into CH3 . The stable CH+ 4 ion has not been observed when CH4 is excited above 14.6 eV [Dutuit et al. (1990), and Field & Eland (1995)]. The (2a1 )−1 state lies ∼ 22.411 eV above the neutral −1 ground state [Göthe et al. 1991]. CH+ state 4 in the (2a1 ) + + is not stable and dissociates into CH2 , CH and H+ and their corresponding neutral fragments [Backx & Van der Wiel 1975; Field & Eland 1995]. CH+ 2 is the major fragment, and CH+ 3 ion, if produced, amounts at most 0.4% of the total. Energy-resolved electron-ion coincidence measurements of CD4 by Kukk et al. (2002) and Riu et al. (2003) at 70 eV photon excitation energy failed to detect any CD+ 3 produced in the (2a1 )−1 state. CH+ observed in some photoelectron 3 studies has been attributed to npt2 Rydberg states that con−1 verges to the (2a1 ) state [Wu & Judge 1981; Mitsuke et al. 1991; Furuya et al. 1994; Sorensen et al. 1995]. The core ionized (1a1 )−1 state has a threshold of 290.735 eV [de Simone et al. 2002]. Once the core ionized (1a1 )−1 methane is generated, it is quickly followed by a normal Auger decay process to produce doubly ionized methane, which, in turn, dissociates into ion fragments such as CH+ 3 , + + and H+ [Kukk et al. 2002]. CH+ 2 , CH , C In addition to the transitions to the single-hole states, ionization of methane also takes place by autoionization of the Rydberg states lying above the first ionization potential. Mitsuke et al. (1991) and Furuya et al. (2000) have shown that the (2a1 )−1 (npt2 )1 Rydberg series is a significant source of CH+ 3 . Moreover, the independent electron is not a rigorous model for CH4 . As a result, transitions involving the change of two electron configurations is possible. Dissociative ionization via double ionization [Dujardin et al. 1985; Fournier et al. 1985; Hatherly et al. 1989] and transition to doubly excited states, while weak, are not negligible. Kato et al. (2002) and Fukuzawa et al. (2005) have shown that transitions to some doubly excited states are stronger than or comparable to some singly excited states. Furthermore, many core excited Rydberg states near threshold contribute significantly to the absorption and ionization processes [Ueda et al. 1995; Kivimäki et al. 1996; Köppe et al. 1996]. These core excited neutral states decay almost exclusively by electron emission. For states below the threshold, the decay takes place via the so-called participator Auger process, where the excited electron participates in the decay and an electron with the same energy as valence photoelectron is emitted, leaving the molecule with a hole in a valence orbital. The final state is thus the same as the singly ionized (valence) state. For higher Rydberg states, however, the decay occurs by the spectator process in which the excited electron acts as a spectator and an electron with the same energy as valence photoelectron satellites is emitted. The spectator decay channel leads to so-called doublehole-one-electron satellite state, with two holes in valence orbital and an electron in the excited orbital in the final state. The resulting feature of the spectator process is thus similar to the normal Auger transition that produces doubly ionized methane. Experimental investigations of Ueda et al. (1995) and Kivimäki et al. (1996) have shown that the spectator transition is the principal decay channel of the Rydberg excited states. Electron impact ionization cross sections of methane have been reported in many studies since the pioneer work of Rapp & Englander-Golden (1965). Schram et al. (1966) reported the total ionization cross section of CH4 from 600 eV to 12 keV. Duric et al. (1991), Nishimura & Tawara (1994), Tarnovsky et al. (1996) subsequently reported the total ionization cross section from threshold to 240, 1000, and 200 eV, respectively. Backx et al. (1975) obtained absorption oscillator strengths in 8.6 to 90 eV region by utilizing the electron-electron coincidence method at high energy and low momentum transfer and by using the Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn sum rule. Backx & Van der Wiel (1975) and Van der Wiel et al. (1976) reported partial oscillator strengths of CH+ n (n=04) and H+ from 14 to 80 eV and partial oscillator strengths for (1t2 )−1 and (2a1 )−1 states. Aarts et al. (1971), Pang et al. (1987), Motohashi et al. (1996), and Sasic et al. (2004) measured the emission cross section of CH and other fragments. Adamczyk et al. (1966), Chatham et al. (1984), Orient & Srivastava (1987), Tarnovsky et al. (1996), Straub et al. (1997), Tian & Vidal (1997, 1998) measured both partial and total ionization cross sections over various energy regions. In addition to the partial and total cross sections, Gluch et al. (2003) also measured the initial kinetic energy distribution of the CH+ n (n=0-4) ions from threshold to 1000 eV. They found that CH+ 4 is produced with negligible kinetic energy and are independent of the excitation energy over the measured energy range. CH+ 3 has the next smallest kinetic energy (810-970 meV) and shows fairly weak dependence on the excitation energy. Other ion fragments, however, are produced with much higher (850-6600 meV) energies and have very significant dependence on impact energy. Stano et al. (2003) measured the threshold energies and examined methane threshold behavior at different temperatures. Lindsay et al. (2001) and Wang & Vidal (2002) reported electron impact positive ion pair-ionization cross sections of CH4 . Lindsay & Mangan (2003) summarized and recommended experimental values of the CH4 electron impact ionization cross section. Tawara et al. (1973) measured the X-ray emission cross section due to K-shell (1a1 ) excitation of CH4 in the 0.3-18 keV range and found that the emission yield is independent of incident electron energy. Fainelli et al. (2002) investigated the fragmentation of core ionized CH4 by electron impact. Malhi et al. (1987), Knudsen et al. (1995), and Luna et al. (2003) reported partial ionization cross sections by proton impact. The positive ion-pair formation cross sections by protons have also been investigated in detail by Ben-Itzhak et al. (1993, 1994). Luna et al. (2003) also proposed a decay scheme to explain both electron and proton impact dissociative ionization. Photoabsorption and photoionization cross sections of CH4 have also been measured extensively. Denne (1970) and Lee et al. (1973, 1977) measured the absorption cross section of CH4 in the 23.7-82.1 Å and 175-700 Å regions, respectively. Lee & Chiang (1983) and Ma et al. (1990) also reported absorption and dissociative fluorescence cross sections in the 520-1060 Å and 1060-1420 Å regions. Dujardin et al (1985) obtained the double ionization cross section of methane over the range of 32-52 eV. Samson et al. (1989) measured both absorption and ionization cross sections in the 950 to 100 Å wavelength range and reported partial os+ + cillator strengths for the CH+ ions n (n=0-4), H2 and H from threshold up to 78 eV. Samson & Yin (1989) subsequently refined the absorption cross sections of CH4 at a few selected wavelengths. Au et al. (1993), using electron energy loss and dipole (e,e) technique, obtained photoabsorption cross sections of CH4 from 7 to 220 eV. Latimer et al (1999) measured the dissociative ionization cross sections of CH4 and CD4 at 100 K and room temperature from 12 + to 60 eV. They found that the CH+ n /CDn cross section ratios show significant isotope and temperature dependences. X-3 LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 Kato et al. (2002) investigated the fluorescence cross section of CH4 and its dissociation fragments. More recent experimental work on photoabsorption and ionization has been reported by Kameta et al. (2002) and Chen & Wu (2004). Extensive calculation of photon and electron impact ionization cross sections of methane have been performed. Rabalais et al. (1974) and Seabra et al. (2004) calculated the relative photoionization cross sections of the (1t2 )−1 , (2a1 )−1 and (1a1 )−1 states. Watanabe & Nishikawa (1975) calculated the relative dissociative photoionization cross sec+ + tions leading to CH+ 4 , CH3 and CH2 . Van Dishoeck et al. (1980) derived ab initio correlation diagrams for dissociative ionization of methane. Braunstein et al. (1988) calculated cross section and asymmetry parameter for the (1t2 )−1 state. Stener et al. (2002) performed similar calculation with time-dependent density function theory. Since ab initio calculations of electron impact ionization of molecules is a non-trivial task, many theoretical investigations have focused on semi-empirical and semi-classical formulation. Kim et al. (1997) obtained electron impact ionization cross sections of methane via their binary-encounter-Bethe (BEB) model. The K-shell ionization cross sections have also been obtained with the relativistic version of BEB model [Santos et al. 2003] and its improved variation [Uddin et al. 2005]. Khare et al. (1999), Deutsch et al. (2000), and Probst et al. (2001) also calculated the ionization cross section with slightly different formulations. While these models are typically capable of reproducing experimental peak cross sections within 5%-15%, they are difficult to apply to partial ionization because they are based on collisions between a free and a bound electron. Dose et al. (2000) obtained Bayesian inference cross section formulas and derived functional forms for partial ionization cross sections of CH4 from experimental data of Adamczyk et al. (1966) and Chatham et al. (1984). 2. Theory h σ(vi , vj ) Ry Ry C0 = 4f (vi , vj ) Eij E C7 πa20 4 X Cm m=1 C7 C7 1 1 − 3 X2 X (X − 1) exp(−mC8 X) C5 C6 1 + + ln(X) C7 C7 X 2 4πa0 Ry f (vi , vj ) = Eij + h σi,j Ry C0 = C5 E C5 πa20 + 1 1 − 3 X2 X 4 X Cm m=1 1 (X − 1) exp(−mC8 X) + 1 − C5 X # (3) where i, j are the electronic indices. In electron impact ionization cross section measurements, the vibrational states are not distinguished. Equation (1) needs to be summed over the vj . f (vi , vj ) = fij q(vi , vj ) (4) where fij is oscillator strength of the electronic band system i→j, and q(vi , vj ) is the Franck-Condon factor. Since vibrational structure of CH+ 4 is not well-known, one can assume a single threshold energy, Eij , for an electronic excitation and replace the f (vi , vj ) in equation (1) by electronic oscillator strength, fij . The electronic oscillator strength, fij , is related to the ph partial photoionization cross section, σij [Berkowitz 2002] fij = mc πhe2 Z ∞ σ ph (i, j)d Z 0 = 9.1107 × 10 15 ∞ σ ph (i, j)d (5) 0 where the cross section, σ ph , is in cm2 and kinetic energy of photoelectron, , is in eV. If multiple ionization is negligible, the partial ionization oscillator strength for the species k k, fij , can be obtained from its partial photoionization cross k section, σij via the same equation. 3. Analysis and Results For dipole-allowed ro-vibrational excitation from electronic state i to state j, the cross section, σ, based on the modified Born approximation is given by [Shemansky et al. 1986a, 1986b; Liu et al. 2003] + al. (2003) have shown that the excitation function can be conveniently represented by i (1) (2) where a0 and Ry are Bohr radius and Rydberg constant, f (vi ,vj ) is the (integrated) electric dipole absorption oscillator strength, Eij is the transition energy from vi to vj , E is the impact energy, and X = E/Eij is the dimensionless electron energy. The collision strength coefficients Cm /C7 (m=0-6) and C8 can be determined by fitting the experimentally measured relative excitation function. If the absolute excitation function of is available, the oscillator strength can also be determined. Cm /C7 (m=0-6) and C8 reflect the atomic or molecular electronic properties and are, usually, assumed to be dependent on electronic state but independent of rotation and vibration. For a dipole-forbidden excitation i → j, both electric dipole oscillator strength and C7 vanish. The asymptote of the cross section is determined by the value of C5 . Liu et 3.1. Photoionization oscillator strengths Partial photoionization cross sections of CH+ 4 and its ionic fragments have been measured by Backx & Van der Wiel (1975), Samson et al. (1989) and Latimer et al. (1999) from threshold to 80, 78 and 60 eV, respectively. Samson et + al. reported partial cross sections of CH+ n (n=0-4) and H2 and H+ while Backx & Van der Wiel (1975) and Latimer et al. (1999) measured listed the cross sections of CH+ 4 , + CH+ , and CH . Backx & Van der Wiel (1975) also listed 3 2 the value of H+ . The measured cross sections of CH+ 4 , and + CH3 , the two major species, are in good agreement. For the other ions the difference is significant. The cross section of CH+ 2 , the third most abundant species, obtained by Samson et al. (1989) is significantly lower than the other two studies between threshold and 23 eV and is higher between 23 and 30 eV. The difference in relative value of H+ is even more serious. The total ionization cross sections of Samson et al. (1989), and Au et al. (1993) and ionization branching ratio of Samson et al. (1989) were used to derive the partial valence shell photoionization cross sections. The measurement of Samson et al (1989) ranges from 13.05 to 123 eV, while that of Au et al. (1993) is from 7.5 to 220 eV. Samson & Yin (1989) estimated an overall error of 1-2% for the absorption measurement Samson et al (1989). Between 20 and 112 eV, the maximum difference between the Samson et al (1989) and Au et al. (1993) is less than 4%, with the root-meansquare difference being <1.8%. The cross section of Au et al (1993) from 112 to 220 eV was adjusted upward by 0.38% to combine with the Samson et al (1989) data. The combined data from 18 to 220 eV is then fitted with a polynomial X-4 LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 to obtain values beyond 220 eV. The ionization branching ratios measured by Samson et al. (1989) were used to obtain partial ionization cross sections. Experimental data of Kameta et al. (2002) was used to obtained the CH+ 4 ionization oscillator strength below 13.05 eV. Since the Samson et al. (1989) branching ratios were measured only from thresh+ + + + + old to 52-78 eV, the ratios CH+ 4 , CH3 , CH2 , CH , C , H and H+ beyond the highest measured energies were frozen 2 at 27%, 29.7%, 17.7%, 7.5%, 1.9%, 14.5% and 1.7%, respectively. These frozen values are very close but not equal to the available ratios at or near the highest measured energies. The branching ratios of H+ and H+ 2 by Samson et al. (1989) were terminated at lower energy (52 eV) than the CH+ n (n=4-0) species (78 eV). Small adjustments of the ratios are required to make the sum of branching ratios unity. Table 1 lists the derived partial oscillator strengths for the ionic species. It should be mentioned that the measurement of Samson et al. (1989) was carried out with a double-ionization chamber in which the total charge production cross section was actually measured. The contributions of multiple ionizations, which are very small, would therefore be over counted. Analysis of double ionization data from Dujardin et al (1985) leads to a double ionization oscillator strength of 0.00578 in the 35 to 52 eV region. Taking into account of over counting, the net photoionization oscillator strength for the valence shell is 6.7976. The total oscillator strength for neutral dissociation, obtained from measurements of Chen & Wu (2004) (8.67-9.95 eV), Kameta et al. (2002) (9.95-23.82 eV) and Samson et al. (1989) (23.82-27 eV), is 1.5492. The total oscillator strength of the valence shell excitation is thus 8.3468, which leads to a value of 1.6532 for the K shell oscillator strength. The K shell partial oscillator strength listed in the third column are obtained from relative proton impact ion-pair cross sections normalized to the expected K shell oscillator strength (see section 3.2.5). 3.2. Electron-impact ionization + 3.2.1. e + CH4 → CH4 The CH+ 4 parent ion is the major species of electron impact ionization. In addition, it is produced only in low energy levels of the (1t2 )−1 (or X 2 B1 in terms of C2v classification) state. The branching ratio of CH+ 4 vanishes as CH4 is excited 14.323 eV above the vi =0 level of the X 1 A1 state [Stockbauer 1973; Field & Eland 1995;]. The precise measurements with pulsed field ionization photoelectronphotoion coincidence technique by Weitzel et al. (1999) and + Song et al. (2001) shows that the CH+ 4 and CD4 signal both vanish when photon excitation energy is at or above 14.3240 and 14.4302 eV, respectively. Furthermore, CH+ 4 is produced with negligible kinetic energy. Gluch et al. (2003) found that the kinetic energy distribution of CH+ 4 essentially reflects that of the thermal profiles of ionization source and is independent of electron excitation energy. All these characteristics should enable a good and complete detection of the CH+ 4 ion. A comparison of its measured cross sections provides insight on the accuracy of overall measurement. As mentioned in section 1, the partial ionization cross sections of methane have been reported by Adamczyk et al. (1966), Chatham et al. (1984), Orient & Srivastava (1987), Straub et al. (1997), and Tian & Vidal (1998). The cross section of Straub et al. (1997) has been revised down slightly after a subsequent recalibration of their instrument. Unless otherwise stated, the Straub et al. (1997) cross sections in this paper refer to the revised data set as given by Lindsay and Mangan (2003). Only 5 data points, from 15 to 100 eV, were reported by Chatham et al. (1984). A meaningful comparison with other measurements can not be made. Cross sections measured by Orient & Srivastava (1987) and Tian & Vidal (1998) are from threshold to 510 and 600 eV, while those by Adamczyk et al. (1966), and Straub et al. (1997) are from threshold to 2500 eV and 1000 eV, respectively. Comparing with the CH+ 4 cross section of Straub et al. (1997), all other measurements are lower in energy region below 25 eV. Part of the difference is probably due to the electron beam profiles and uncertainty in absolute energy scale. Above 35 eV, the Tian & Vidal (1998) cross section is consistently 7%-12% higher than that of Straub et al. (1997). From 50 to 510 eV, the Orient & Srivastava (1987) value is likewise 10%-22% higher. Above 50 eV, the Adamczyk et al. (1966) CH+ 4 cross section is 1% -8% lower than the Straub et al. (1997) until 1000 eV, at which point it drops to the 80% of the Straub et al. (1997). The absolute partial cross sections of Straub et al. (1997) were directly measured by extracting, mass analyzing and counting ions formed along a known path length. The complete collection of ions was achieved. Stebbings and Lindsay (2001) found that the sum of their partial cross sections to be fully consistent with the total charge production cross section of Rapp and Englander-Golden (1965). The error in their data, according to Lindsay and Mangan (2003), is less than ±5%. The cross section of Orient & Srivastava (1987) was measured with a quadrupole mass spectrometer and the absolute value was established by using ionization cross section of rare gas with relative flow method. Orient & Srivastava (1987) estimated the error in their cross section to be ±15%. The measurement of Tian & Vidal (1998) was made with a focusing time-of-flight mass spectrometer and the complete detection of ions was demonstrated. The absolute value of their ionization cross sections was established using that of Ar by Straub et al. (1995). Tian & Vidal (1998) estimated the error in their CH+ 4 cross section to be ∼10%. Like methane, the Ar ionization cross section of Straub et al. (1995) has been revised as a result instrument recalibration. Between 35 and 600 eV, the revised Ar cross section is 2%-6.4% lower than the originally published value. If the Tian & Vidal (1998) cross section had been normalized to the revised Ar cross section, their CH+ 4 would have only been 1%-7% higher than the revised Straub et al. (1997) value. A cycloid mass spectrometer was utilized in the work of Adamczyk et al. (1966). Their total ionization cross section was normalized to that of Schram et al (1966). Above 500 eV, Adamczyk et al. (1966) found that their measurement suffered from the interference of secondary electrons in the mass spectrometer. Based on the experiment setups, it can be concluded that the values of Straub et al. (1997) and Tian & Vidal (1998) are more accurate than those of Orient & Srivastava (1987) and Adamczyk et al. (1966) and that the cross section of Straub et al. (1997) is probably the most reliable. Additional insight on the accuracy of various measurement can be obtained by comparing the electron impact ionization oscillator strength of CH+ 4 with the corresponding photoionization oscillator strength. To obtain electron impact ionization oscillator strength, a non-linear least-square fit of experimental CH+ 4 cross section to equation (1) is performed. Since the vibrational structure and Franck-Condon + factors of CH4 are not well-known, the analysis is carried out with a single threshold. Equation (1) shows that the value of oscillator strength depends on the value of threshold energy Eij . It is thus important to obtain an accurate value of Eij . We obtained the average value of Eij by using the relation Rb Eij = R b a a σ phi dE σ phi E −1 dE (6) where a = 12.618 eV, corresponding to the first adiabatic ionization potential of CH4 obtained by Signorell & Merkt (1999), and b = 14.323eV, corresponding to the threshold for LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 the formation of CH+ 3 measured by Weitzel et al. (1999). When the photoionization cross section of Kameta et al. (2002) is used, the averaged value of Eij = 13.844 eV is obtained. The second column of Table 2 lists the collision strength parameters and oscillator strength determined from CH+ 4 cross section of Straub et al. (1997). The oscillator strength, 2.992, agrees with the photoionization oscillator strength, 3.064, within one standard error (0.072). The renormalized partial cross section of Tian & Vidal (1998), being 1%-7% higher, produces an oscillator strength ∼5% higher. The Orient & Srivastava (1987) cross section is expected to give an even larger oscillator strength. The second and third columns of Table 3 list the mea+ sured and model CH+ 4 cross sections. The CH4 model cross section below or equal to 15 eV were obtained with parameters listed in the second column of Table 2 with multiple threshold energy and normalized Franck-Condon factors obtained from the photoionization cross section between 12.618 and 14.343 eV measured by Kameta et al. (2002). All other model entries were calculated with a single threshold and parameters listed in Table 2. + 3.2.2. e + CH4 → CH3 Similar analyses can be carried out for electron impact ionization leading to the formation of CH+ 3 . However, significant difference in the CH+ formation mechanism makes 3 the analysis more difficult. While the majority of CH+ 3 is formed via excitation to the (1t2 )−1 state, production by other electronic states is possible. Mitsuke et al. (1991) have shown that two kinds of CH+ 3 can be produced in ion-pairs with the H− (1 Sg ). The ground (X̃ 1 A01 ) state CH+ 3 is formed between 13.4 and 16.5 eV while the excited (Ã 1 E 0 ) state CH+ 3 is produced between 19.8 and 23 eV. Since the maximum quantum yield of the H− + CH+ 3 ion-pair is 0.03%-0.04% [Mitsuke et al., 1993], its contri+ bution to the production of CH3 negligible. Furuya et al. (1994) and Sorensen et al. (1995) have demonstrated that −1 (npt2 )1 and CH+ 3 is also formed via transition to the (2a1 ) −1 1 (2a1 ) (ndt2 ) Rydberg states. It is not clear whether excitation to the (2a1 )−1 state itself produces CH+ 3 [Samson et al. 1989; Furuya et al. 1994]. If CH+ 3 is formed in the state, however, it has to be produced in the low vibrational levels of the (2a1 )−1 and is smaller than 0.4% of the (2a1 )−1 cross section [Field & Eland 1995]. CH+ 3 can also be formed via positive ion-pair production by a direct excitation to a doubly ionized state or an indirect K shell excitation followed by a normal Auger process. Based on the measurements of McCulloh et al. (1964), the contribution of positive ion-pair production of CH+ 3 is estimated to be smaller than 2.1×10−19 cm2 or 0.54% of total CH+ 3 cross section at 1000 eV. The positive ion-pair production + is thus negligible for CH3 . Finally, Field & Eland (1995) have shown that CH+ 3 is also produced from states above 32 eV but below the doubly ionized states. These states are believed to be double-hole-one-electron satellite states such as (1t2 )−2 (3a1 )1 , and (2a1 )−1 (1t2 )−1 (2t2 )1 [Göthe et al. (1991); Fukuzawa et al. (2005)]. The photoelectron spectrum and branching ratio measurements of Field & Eland (1995) show that the contribution of these satellite states to the CH+ 3 is very small. Additionally, transitions to the double-hole-one-electron states are expected to be weak as they require simultaneous change of two electron configurations. The double-hole-one-electron states can be viewed as Rydberg series converging to the doubly ionized states. The cumulative oscillator strengths of Rydberg states are generally smaller than those of their corresponding ionic states. The fact that the positive ion-pair production of CH+ 3 is negligible suggests that transitions via double-hole one-electron states must be negligible, too. X-5 The final analysis is made by assuming that the ob−1 served CH+ and (2a1 )−1 (npt2 )1 3 is formed only in the (1t2 ) −1 states. The threshold energy for (1t2 ) state is set to 14.323 eV, corresponding to the appearance potential of CH+ 3 measured by Weitzel et al. (1999). The observed vibrational levels of (2a1 )−1 (npt2 )1 ranges from 19.96 to 22.96 eV above the ground state of CH4 [Sorensen et al. 1995]. The autoionization yield of 3pt2 and 4pt2 is >95% [Furuya et al. 2000]. The oscillator strength for the neutral dissociation of the (2a1 )−1 (npt2 )1 and (2a1 )−1 (ndt2 )1 series has been estimated to be 0.017 by Kato et al. (2002) from the measured data of Kameta et al. (2002). Furuya et al. (1994; 2000) obtained a >60% CH+ 3 production branching ratio for the (2a1 )−1 (4pt2 )1 state and suggested that the contribution of the Rydberg states to CH+ 3 is comparable to that of the (1t2 )−1 state. The third and fourth columns of Table 2 list collision strength parameters derived from the Straub et al. (1997) + CH+ 3 cross section. The first shape function of CH3 (term 1 in third column) is the same as that of CH+ . The sec4 ond shape function (term 2) in the fourth column describes the 2a2 → npt2 Rydberg excitation and subsequent autoionization to CH+ 3 . The Rydberg excitation contributes about 42% of the total CH+ 3 cross section. It can be noted that the sum of the CH+ 3 oscillator strength, 2.864, is very close to the valence shell photoionization oscillator strength, 2.813. It is also interesting to note that the Tian & Vidal (1998) CH+ 3 cross section above 35 eV is consistently 10%-13% higher than the Straub et al. (1997) cross section. Again, a renormalization to the revised Ar ionization cross section results in the former cross section being 3%-9% higher than the latter. However, the value of Orient & Srivastava (1987) is 30%-54% higher. In fact, the Orient & Srivastava (1987) + CH+ 3 cross section above 90 eV is greater than their CH4 cross section. Surprisingly, between 50 and 700 eV, the Adamczyk et al. (1966) CH+ 3 cross section agrees with that of Straub et al. (1997) within ±4%. Like CH+ 4 , the Straub et al. (1997) CH+ 3 cross section below 25 eV is higher than those obtained by others. Gluch et al. (2003) have shown that 0.8-1.0 eV average kinetic energy is released during the fragmentation process that leads to the formation of CH+ 3 . The fourth and fifth columns of Table 3 compares the + observed and model cross section of CH3 . + 3.2.3. e + CH4 → CH2 The CH+ 2 ion is the third most abundant species in ion+ + ization of CH4 . Unlike CH+ 4 and CH3 , CH2 is produced in many electronic states. Electron-ion coincidence measurement of Backx & Van der Wiel (1975) have estimated −1 and (2a1 )−1 the abundance of CH+ 2 produced in (1t2 ) states are ∼3% and 58%, respectively. In addition, Furuya et al. (1994) observed that a significant percentage of CH4 excited to (2a1 )−1 (npt2 )1 states produces CH+ 2 . Field & Eland (1995) obtained a large branching ratio for production of CH+ 2 from the double-hole-one-electron satellite states, (1t2 )−2 (2t2 )1 , (1t2 )−2 (3a1 )1 , (2a1 )−1 (1t2 )−1 (2t2 )1 and (2a1 )−2 (3a1 )1 [Göthe et al. (1991)]. Finally, CH+ 2 can also be produced via doubly ionized states in terms of positive ion-pair production. To simplify the analysis, we have subtracted the ion-pair + (CH+ 2 , H ) cross section measured by Lindsay et al. (2001) from the revised Straub et al. (1997) CH+ 2 cross section. In this way, contributions from excitation to doubly ionized states and from K-shell excitation are removed. The net production cross section of CH+ 2 is expressed in five terms. The first term, having the shape function of CH+ 4 , denotes the contribution from the (1t2 )−1 state. It has a partial oscillator strength of 0.078 and a threshold energy of 15.2 eV, corresponding to the threshold for CH4 → CH+ 2 + H2 . The second, third and fourth terms represent the contribution from (2a1 )−1 (3pt2 )1 , (2a1 )−1 (4pt2 )1 , (2a1 )−1 states, respectively. The collision strength parameters of the three terms X-6 LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 are identical to those of CH+ 3 listed in Table 2 except the values C0 /C7 are different (0.643 vs -0.25). The last term denotes the contribution from the double-hole-one-electron satellite states. Its shape function is described by equation (3) with a threshold energy of 28.2 eV. Table 4 lists the collision strength parameters for the five channels of CH+ 2 . Figure 1 compares the model cross sections with the measured CH+ 2 cross section of Straub et al. + (1997) after the contribution of the (CH+ 2 , H ) ion-pair channel has been removed. The sixth and seventh columns of Table 3 tabulate the observed and model cross sections. The inferred CH+ 2 oscillator strength, 0.5700, is significantly larger than the photoionization oscillator strength, 0.4354, derived from cross sections of Samson et al. (1989). + 3.2.4. e+CH4 →CH+ , C+ , H+ and H2 + + All of the cross sections of CH , C , and H+ 2 of Straub et al. (1997), whether or not including positive ion-pair formation, can be approximately represented by a dipole forbidden excitation function equation (3). This fact suggests that the oscillator strengths for producing these species are very small and the major production channels are via excitation to ”forbidden” states. Excitation of CH4 to a number of states can lead to the production of these ionic species and no single state, in general, is dominant. For this reason, accurate analysis of these species is difficult. Moreover, except for H+ , all other species can be considered to be minor species. Only the schematic of analysis is given here. Once again, the positive ion-pair cross section has been subtracted to simplify the analysis. The thermodynamic threshold for the formation of CH+ via the reaction CH4 → CH+ + H2 +H has been obtained to be 19.69 eV by Konebusch & Berkowitz (1976) and 19.87±0.20 eV by Plessis et al. (1983). While Furuya et al. (1994) have observed a CH+ branching ratio of 5-10% for the (2a1 )−1 (4pt2 )1 state, the CH+ cross section remains negligible until E≥ 22.58 eV [Samson et al. 1989]. Field & Eland (1995) have obtained ∼10% ionization branching for the (2a1 )−1 state and show that branching ratios for some double-hole-one-electron satellite states are as high as 60%. Backx & Van der Wiel (1975) have found that CH+ is 28% of ionic species formed in the (2a1 )−1 state. Figure 2 compares the CH+ model cross section with the measured cross section of Straub et al. (1997). Both cross sections exclude the contribution via doubly ionized states. Table 5 gives the corresponding collision strength parameters. The CH+ cross section is represented by two components. The first represents the production via the (2a1 )−1 state. Its shape is identical to that of the corre−1 state. sponding CH+ 2 component produced via the (2a1 ) The (2a1 )−1 component oscillator strength ratio of CH+ to CH+ 2 , 0.142/0.295, is fully consistent with the relative abundance ratio 0.28/0.58, measured by Backx & Van der Wiel (1975). The second component gives the contribution from double-hole-one-electron states. Similar to CH2+ , its shape is electric dipole-forbidden. The threshold energy, Eij , has been increased slightly, from 28.2 eV to 28.5 eV, to account for the much higher branching ratio (≥ 60%) of CH+ near 32 eV [Field & Eland, 1995]. While the appearance potential of C+ has been determined to be 19.56±0.20 eV by Plessis et al. (1983), the photoionization cross section is negligible below 27 eV in the measurement of Samson et al. (1989). The production of C+ primarily takes place by dissociation of methane in the double-hole-one-electron satellite states and doubly ionized states. The contribution via the doubly ionized states has been measured in the form of (C+ , H+ ) ion-pair cross sections by Lindsay et al. (2001). The C+ excitation function via singly ionized states is given in the second column of Table 6. The comparison of model and measured collision strength is shown in Figure 3. The appearance potential of H+ 2 in photoionization measurements is ∼28.9 eV [Samson et al. (1989)]. The produc+ tion of H2 by electron impact is undetectable at 22.5 eV but becomes detectable at 25 eV in the work of Straub et al. (1997). The difference can be attributed to the small H+ 2 cross section or a different excitation-dissociation mechanism. The absence of the H+ 2 signal at 22.5 eV suggests that the H+ 2 + CH2 product channel with 20.17 eV threshold is negligible. It appears that at least two production mechanisms of H+ 2 by electron impact are possible. The first path is the formation of H+ 2 + C + H2 with 23.49 eV threshold and/or H+ 2 + CH + H products with 24.50 eV threshold. This path is responsible for the small cross section at 25 eV measured by Straub et al. (1997). The second path is the production of H+ 2 + C + 2H, which has a 27.97 eV threshold. The threshold of the second dissociation channel coincides with the energy required to excite of double-hole-one-electron states. Samson et al. (1989) suggest that H+ 2 is primarily formed in the doubly excited or doubly ionized states. Positive ion-pair cross sections involving H+ 2 by electron impact at 10 keV have been reported + by Back & Van der Wiel (1975). The (H+ 2 , CH2 ) ion-pair is the major channel of H+ ion pair formation. Proton im2 pact measurements of Ben-Itzhak et al. (1993; 1994) from 1 to 12 MeV have shown that the H+ 2 ion pair cross section is about 5/8 of that of the C+ pair. The third column of Table 6 lists the collision strength parameters of total H+ 2 production by electron impact. The collision strength plots in Figure 4 demonstrate the forbidden nature of the excitations that produce H+ 2 . Gluch et al. (2003) have shown that 1.8 to 6.4 eV in total average kinetic energy is released in the formation of H+ from electron impact dissociation of methane between 35 and 300 eV. The conservation of momentum and the small mass of H+ suggest that most of protons are likely formed with high velocity. A complete detection of protons thus can present a problem in some experimental measurements. As a result, significant differences in proton cross sections exist among publications. The three lowest thresholds for proton formation, by way of (H+ + CH3 ), (H+ +H2 +CH), and (H+ +H+CH2 ) product channels, are 18.08, 22.67 and 22.81 eV, respectively, on the basis of the most recent thermochemical data of Ruscic et al. (1999, 2000, & 2005). Early experimental studies with low energy electrons led to the conclusion that H+ is formed through the (2a1 )−1 state [Appell & Kubach, 1971]. Indeed, Samson et al. (1989) failed to observe H+ formation until the photoexcitation energy reached 22.58±0.08 eV. However, a subsequent photoionization measurement by Latimer et al. (1999) found a threshold at 21.6 eV, which was suggested to arise from the autoionization of (2a1 )−1 (npt2 )1 Rydberg states. The electron impact measurement of Locht et al. (1979) found two lower thresholds of H+ production at 21.3±0.3 and 22.17±0.1 eV. Threshold-photoelectron photoion coincidence measurements of Furuya et al. (1994) obtained an extrapolated proton production threshold of 22.14 eV. However, Furuya et al. (1994) failed to detect H+ formation from the (2a1 )−1 (4pt2 )1 state and found all the protons produced in their study were from the excitation of the (2a1 )−1 state. In addition to the (2a1 )−1 state, Samson et al. (1989) and Latimer et al. (1999) demonstrated that the dissociation of the methane ion in the doubly excited satellite states and doubly ionized states both significantly contribute to proton production. The results of our analysis of proton production cross section by electron impact are listed in Table 7 and shown in Figure 5. Because the H+ cross section at 22.5 eV is below the detection limit of Straub et al. (1997), we have neglected the product channel 21.3±0.3 eV threshold and modeled the allowed transitions with the (2a1 )−1 shape function listed the third column of Table 4. The double-hole-one-electron X-7 LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 satellite states are represented with a dipole forbidden function with threshold of 27.5 eV. The positive ion-pair formation via doubly ionized states, which amount up to 12% of the total, has once again been removed from the measured data. Figure 5 shows that the satellite states are responsible for most of the proton production even at 1000 eV. 3.2.5. K shell ionization The 1a1 orbital of CH4 is considered to be entirely composed of the 1s orbital of the carbon atom. Based on the 1s transition of the isoelectronic Ne atom, the oscillator strength of the CH4 K shell transition is expected to be near 1.67. As a matter of fact, Au et al. (1993) assumed a value of 1.67 for the inner shell transition of methane to normalize their valence shell photoabsorption oscillator strength. Tawara et al. (1973) measured the X-ray emission cross section arising from the K shell excitation in the 0.3-18 keV range and found that the emission yield is independent of incident electron energy. Analysis of their data produces collision strength parameters for the K shell excitation. These parameters are listed in Table 8. In deriving the parameters, we have used a single threshold energy Eij of 290.735 eV, the ionization potential given by de Simone et al. (2002). Many transitions between 1s and Rydberg states below the (1a1 )−1 state are also possible. The strongest one is the sharp 1s → 3pt2 resonance transition with a 288 eV threshold [Tronc et al. 1979; Kivimäki et al. 1996]. Thus, X-ray emission is possible when excitation energy is below the ionization potential. Because of the various resonance features below the ionization potential, the single threshold approximation gives a poor approximation of the emission cross section near the threshold (E <350 eV). However, when E≥350 eV, the single threshold and collision strength parameters provide a very good representation of the K shell emission cross section. It can be noted that the X-ray emission oscillator strength is determined to be (5.357±0.589)×10−3 . The error limit, ±0.589×10−3 , arises from the 11% experimental uncertainty in the emission cross section of Tawara et al. (1973). Application of the K shell oscillator strength, 1.6532, and excitation collision strength parameters in Table 1 and 8 gives a maximum K shell excitation cross section of (2.7±0.3)×10−19 cm2 , peaking near 1000 eV. The derived emission oscillator strength, (5.357±0.589)×10−3 , leads to an effective K shell fluorescence yield of (3.21±0.35)×10−3 . The yield is higher than (2.69±0.39)×10−3 and 2.8×10−3 given by Tawara et al. (1973) and Krause (1979), respectively, who used an oscillator strength of 2 for the K shell excitation. Similarly, the present K shell excitation cross is correspondingly lower than the experimental value of Glupe & Mehlhorn (1967) and calculated values of Santo et al. (2003) and Uddin et al. (2005). At 888 eV, Glupe & Mehlhorn (1967) (see also Tawara et al.) obtained a value of 3.16×10−19 cm2 while the present value is (2.7±0.3)×10−19 cm2 . As mentioned in section 1, many investigations [Kivimäki et al. (1996)] have shown that the principal channel of the K shell excitation is the formation of doubly ionized methane, which rapidly dissociates into positive ion pairs. The total positive ion-pair cross section by electron impact measured by Lindsay et al. (2001) has a peak value of (5.08±0.77)×10−18 cm2 at 125 eV and decreases rapidly to (4.33±1.34)×10−19 at 1000 eV. Since the K shell excitation cross section peaks near 1000 eV with a value of 2.7×10−19 cm2 , it follows that positive ion-pair production by the direct excitation to doubly ionized states is a dominant channel even at 1000 eV. Malhi et al. (1987), Knudsen et al. (1995), and BenItzhak et al. (1993, 1994) have performed extensive investigations of proton impact ionization of methane. The positive ion-pair and ion-triplet formation cross sections by proton impact have been measured from 1 to 12 Mev by Ben-Itzhak et al. (1993, 1994). The ion-triplet cross section is found to be only 0.09%-0.36% of the ion-pair cross section and is, therefore, negligible. From the data given in the tables of Ben-Itzhak et al. (1994), the ion-pair cross section relative to the CH+ 4 cross section can be obtained. The ratio the total positive ion-pair cross section arising from the K shell excitation to the CH+ 4 cross section, according equation (1), is given by ip σ1s σCH + 4 = ip E CH4+ S1s (E) f1s fCH + E1s SCH + (E) 4 (7) 4 where S(E) refers to either the terms enclosed by the bracket of equation (1) or their high energy asymptotic form: S(E) = C5 /C7 + ln(E) − ln(Eij ) (8) The experimental positive ion-pair cross section consists of dissociation of CH++ directly excited to the doubly ion4 ized states and indirectly via K shell excitation followed by Auger decay. The direct excitation requires removing two electrons simultaneously and has very a small oscillator strength. Consequently, the contribution to the positive ion-pair formation is expected to decrease with energy faster than that of K shell excitation. The total positive ion-pair cross section measured by Ben-Itzhak et al. (1994) at 12 MeV is (2.22±0.39)% of the CH+ 4 cross section. If C5 /C7 values listed in Tables 2 and 8 are assumed applicable to proton impact and if the contribution from direct excitation to doubly ionized states is neglected, equations (7 & 8) give rise to an ion-pair oscillator strength of 1.83±0.32. While the value is higher than the expected K shell oscillator strength (1.65-1.67), it agrees with expected value within experimental error. Using the electron impact double ionization to single ionization cross section ratio at 10 keV, 0.007, measured by Backx & Van der Wiel (1975) and assuming direct doubly ionization is negligible, one can estimate an ion-pair oscillator strength of 1.95 for the K shell excitation. The contribution of direct double ionization in the high energy region, in principle, can be estimated. The photoionization measurement of Dujardin et al (1985) yields a double ionization oscillator strength of 5.78×10−3 . The average threshold energy, estimated using equation (6) and the Dujardin et al (1985) data, is 45.2 eV. The shape of the excitation function for direct double ionization, however, is not known. While Lindsay et al. (2001) have reported a methane positive ion-pair cross section from threshold to 1000 eV, a reliable shape function can not be ascertained because the asymptotic form of the cross section is not apparent over the measured range and possible interference from the K-shell excitation. Nevertheless, based on the collision strength parameters obtained for the double-hole oneelectron states in Tables (4-7), it is certain that the C5 value for the direct double ionization is positive. The double ionization oscillator strength is very small, and, therefore, the C5 /C7 value can be very large. A minimum contribution of direct double ionization can be obtained by setting C5 /C7 to zero. When this is done, an upper limit for the K shell double ionization oscillator strength, 1.78±0.32, is obtained from the 12 MeV proton impact data of Ben-Itzhak et al. (1994). Alternatively, if the C5 /C7 value of the direct double ionization is 34, the K shell double ionization oscillator strength would be 1.65. The relative abundance of positive ion-pairs measured by Ben-Itzhak et al. (1994) at 12 MeV proton impact energy can be utilized to estimate the partial ionization oscillator strengths of the K shell excitation. The total K shell oscillator strength can be obtained from the difference between 10 and the total valence shell oscillator strength, or 1.6532, X-8 LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 as from Table 1. The X-ray emission oscillator strength has been determined to be 0.0054 in Table 8. The absorption oscillator strength to the core-excited Rydberg states below the K shell ionization potential has been calculated to be 0.01391 by Ueda et al. (1995). The decay of a small number of Rydberg levels by the participator Auger process produces singly ionized species. Riu et al. (2003) have shown that the single ionized methane formed by this way produces a more complete fragmentation than the direct ionized process. Most of the Rydberg levels, however, decay by the spectator Auger process to double-hole-one-electron satellite states. If fragmentation for the core-excited Rydberg levels is assumed to be similar to that of the (1a1 )−1 state, the relative positive ion-pair abundance of Ben-Itzhak et al. (1994) can be utilized to model the partial ionization oscillator strengths of K shell excitation. The oscillator strengths for ionic species listed in the third column of the Table 1 is obtained by using the relative abundance and by normalizing the K shell ionization oscillator strength to 1.6478. 4. Discussion The partial photoionization oscillator strengths for valence electrons listed in Table (1) were derived by fixing the + + + + ionization branching ratios of CH+ 4 , CH3 , CH2 , CH , C , H+ and H+ above 78 eV to 27%, 29.7%, 17.7%, 7.5%, 1.9%, 2 14.5% and 1.7%, respectively. The total valence oscillator strength at energy above 78 eV is estimated to be 0.6534. Thus, a small deviation of branching ratios above 78 eV from the fixed values is not expected to cause any signifi+ cant error in the partial oscillator strength of CH+ 4 , CH3 , + + + + . The oscillator strengths of CH , C , H and H and CH+ 2 2 are small, a deviations from the assumed branching ratios will probably lead to differences in the oscillator strengths. The e + CH4 → CH+ 4 oscillator strength, derived from the revised partial ionization cross section of Straub et al. (1997), is 2.9916 with a standard error of 0.0716. It is about 1.0 standard error lower than the corresponding photoionization oscillator strength obtained from the experimental data of Samson et al. (1989) and Au et al. (1993). The difference is well within the ≤ ±5% error given by Straub et al. (1997). The primary error in deriving the electron impact oscillator strength from experimental data is the single threshold approximation. The approximation is necessary due to the lack of sufficient data on the vibrational structure of CH+ 4 and reliable Frank-Condon factors. In principle, multiple thresholds and normalized weighing factors selected from photoabsorption and photoionization data between 12.618 and 14.323 eV can be employed to reduce the analysis uncertainty. However, such an approach will either make the analysis appear arbitrary or produce results troublesome to apply. The averaged single threshold by equation (6) represents a good compromise. Even so, an argument could be made that the photoabsorption cross section, instead of photoionization cross section, should be used. It is sufficient to point out that, in the case of ionization of H2 , where accurate ro-vibrational levels and Franck-Condon factors are known, Liu & Shemansky (2004) have shown that the H2 ionization oscillator strength derived from the Lindsay & Mangan (2003) data, 1.063±0.021 (one standard error), agrees extremely well with the photoionization oscillator strength, 1.062, obtained from the Samson & Haddad (1994) measurement. The oscillator strengths of CH+ 3 production, arising from the (1t2 )−1 state and the (1a1 )−1 (npt2 )1 Rydberg series, are obtained to be 1.632 and 1.232, respectively. While the exact value for the (1t2 )−1 state and (1a1 )−1 (npt2 )1 Rydberg series can have very significant errors, the total CH+ 3 oscillator strength from valence shell excitation, 2.864 should be + reliable. The fact that the electron impact CH3 oscillator strength differs less than 1.6% from the photoionization oscillator strength, 2.8193, also provides the confidence in the accuracy of the value. Owing to the multiple electronic formation channels of CH+ 3 , the error in oscillator strength is expected to be higher than that of CH+ 4 . The CH+ 2 oscillator strength, 0.560, obtained in the present work is significantly larger than the photoionization oscillator strength, 0.4354, listed in Table 1. It can be noted that the CH+ 2 photoionization cross sections measured by Backx & Van der Wiel (1975) and Latimer et al. (1999) are consistent with each other but both differ significantly from the Samson et al (1989) measurement. The Backx & Van der Wiel (1975) measurement gives a CH+ 2 oscillator strength of 0.4007 between threshold and 80 eV, whereas the Samson et al. (1989) data yields a value of 0.3257. If the former cross section is used between threshold and 80 eV while the value above 80 eV remains the same, the CH+ 2 photoionization oscillator strength would be 0.5104. While it is still ∼9% lower than the corresponding electron impact oscillator strength, the difference is much more acceptable. A higher oscillator strength for CH+ 2 requires corresponding lower values of the C+ , H+ and H+ 2 as the oscillator + + strengths of CH+ are comparable to their 4 , CH3 , and CH photoionization counterparts. The oscillator strengths and collision strength parameters of CH+ , C+ , H+ and H+ 2 listed in Tables 5-7 are not uniquely determined. They should simply be considered to be one set of possible values that reproduce the measured cross sections well and reflects the essential dissociative ionization paths revealed by various experimental investigations. The uncertainty is caused by the fact that the oscillator strength values are inherently small and many electronic states contribute the formation of these ionic species. It should be stressed that the oscillator strengths for C+ and H+ 2 , term 5 + and H+ are set to zero because of CH+ 2 and term 2 of CH they correspond to the excitation to the double-hole-oneelectron state and are thus expected to be small. This point is illustrated by the almost constant collision strength plots in the high energy region in Figures 3 and 4. However, the oscillator strengths do not vanish because the independent electron model is not a rigorous one for the CH4 molecule [Kato et al. (2002); Fukuzawa et al. (2005)]. This point is further demonstrated by the fact that C+ , H+ 2 and doubly ionized states all have small but measurable photoionization cross sections. The total oscillator strength for the species listed in Tables 2 and 4-7 represents that of valence shell ionization via singly ionized states because the positive ion-pair cross sections have been subtracted from the measured cross section of Straub et al. (1997),. The sum of electron impact oscillator strength from these tables is 6.778. The valence photoionization oscillator via the singly ionized state is 6.79760.0058, or 6.7918. The two sets of number agree within 0.3%. It is interesting to compare the oscillator strength of 1t2 electron excitation with that of 2a1 electron excitation. Based on the number of electrons in each orbital, the 1t2 to 2a1 oscillator strength ratio is expected to be 3. While electron correlation will cause a small deviation from the expected ratio, it should be close to 3. In terms of ionization, the CH+ 4 oscillator strength, 2.992, the first term of the + CH+ 3 , 1.632 and the first term of the CH2 , 0.078, is from the removal of the 1t2 electron. The remaining ionization oscillator strengths are attributed to the removal of the 2a1 electron. For the neutral transitions, we can simply assume that those below 18 eV belong to 1t2 electrons while those above belong to the 2a1 electrons. The Kameta et al. (2002) and Chen & Wu (2004) measurements give the neutral oscillator strengths from 1t2 and 2a1 electron excitations to be 1.5103 and 0.0388, respectively. Thus the total oscillator LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 strengths involving the 1t2 and 2a1 electron excitations are 6.21 and 2.11, respectively, leading to an 1t2 to 2a1 oscillator strength ratio of 2.94. Table 2 shows that the autoionization of the 2a1 → npt2 Rydberg excitations contributes about 42% of the total CH+ 3 oscillator strength. The result is consistent with the suggestion by Furuya et al. (1994; 2000) that the contribution of the Rydberg states to CH+ 3 is comparable to that of the (1t2 )−1 state. It is important to note that the CH+ 3 cross section of Straub et al. (1997) itself does not suggest any significant contribution from the Rydberg transitions. Actually, the CH+ 3 cross section can be modeled slightly better in terms of sum of squares of residuals by assuming all the −1 state. However, doing so CH+ 3 is produced in the (1t2 ) would not only contradict with experimental observation of Furuya et al. (1994) but also would push the 1t2 to 2a1 electron excitation oscillator strength ratio significantly above 3. Indeed, it is impossible to obtain a reasonable ratio without a significant contribution from the 2a1 → npt2 Rydberg transitions. Table 3 and Figures (2 - 5) show that the model cross section above 22.5 eV agrees with the measured cross section well within the experimental errors, which are ±5%, + ±5%, ±6.5%, ±6.5%, ±8.5% and ±7.5% for CH+ 4 , CH3 , + + + CH+ , CH , H and H , respectively. Below 22.5 eV, usu2 2 ally at the first two or three measurable points, however, the difference between the two sets of cross sections exceeds the experimental errors. On the experimental side, the uncertainty in electron energy calibration is ±1 eV Lindsay & Mangan (2003). The calibration uncertainty, along with the finite energy width of the electrons, can cause significant error near the threshold region where cross section increases rapidly with the energy. Indeed, a shift of a few tenths of eV in energy is more than sufficient to remove the difference between the two sets of cross sections. Even for the 17% difference between the model and observed CH+ 3 cross section at 20 eV, an upward shift of 0.65 eV is enough to remove the difference completely. Moreover, since many vibrational excitation channels are opened or closed with a small change of excitation energy in the threshold region, the single threshold approximation used by the present model obviously becomes a very poor approximation. These two factors are sufficient to account for all of the differences in the two sets of cross sections below 22.5 eV. All the single excitation processes involved the 1t2 and 2a1 electrons are essentially described by two excitation shape functions. Ionic species produced in (1t2 )−1 state + such as CH+ 4 and Term 1 of CH3 in Tables 2 as well as the + Term 1 of the CH2 in Table 5 all have identical shape functions (with different thresholds and oscillator strengths). + The terms 2, 3 and 4 of CH+ 2 in Table 4, term 1 of CH in Table 5, and term 1 of H+ in Table 7, all describing the single excitation of the 2a1 electrons, have another common shape functions. CH+ 3 , which is essentially formed in the (1t2 )−1 and (2a1 )−1 (npt2 )1 Rydberg states, is described by both shape functions. However, we have to adjust the C0 /C7 coefficient of the 2a1 shape function of CH+ 3 slightly to achieve better agreement with the cross section of Straub et al. (1997) in the low energy region. Even with the adjustment, the difference between the model and measured cross sections at 20 eV is 17%. The neutral and ionization oscillator strengths of methane are about 15% and 85% of the total. In a uniform white photon radiation field, the ionization would be the dominant process of methane photochemistry. Likewise, ionization process would be more important than neutral dissociation in the presence of large number of high energy electrons. Solar photons and photoelectrons in planetary atmospheres are mostly low energy, which makes both neutral dissociation and ionization significant. From threshold to 30 eV, the electron impact ionization cross section of Straub X-9 et al. (1997), as revised by Lindsay & Mangan (2003), are significantly larger than those obtained by other measurements. Thus, the use of the revised Straub et al. cross section may significantly change previous estimates of methane ionization by electrons. In conclusion, we have obtained excitation functions and oscillator strengths for dissociative and non-dissociative electron impact ionization of methane. The partial oscillator + strengths of CH+ 4 and CH3 and total valence shell ionization oscillator strength are in very good agreement with values derived from photoionization measurements. The excitation functions not only are consistent with qualitative physical features of dissociative ionization channels but also capable of quantitatively reproducing the partial cross sections of each ionic species. Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Dr. C.Y.R. Wu and Dr. N. 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Partial photoionization oscillator strengths of CH4 Valence Shell K Shellc Total Ions CH+ 4 CH+ 3 CH+ 2 CH+ C+ H+ H+ 2 C+ 2 Double ionizationa Net valence ionization Total Neutral Total Valence Shell X-ray Emission 3.0638 2.8193 0.4354 0.1487 0.0316 0.2759 0.0287 0.166 0.331 0.190 0.130 0.744 0.081 0.005 3.0638 2.985 0.767 0.339 0.161 1.020 0.110 0.005 0.0058 6.7976 1.5492b 8.3468 0.005 a Derived from experimental measurement of Dujardin et al.(1985) b Derived from measurement of Kameta et al. (2002) and Chen & Wu (2004) c The K shell oscillator strength is assumed to be 1.6532, or 10 minus the valence shell oscillator strength. The partial ionization K shell oscillator strengths are derived from 12 MeV proton impact relative ion-pair cross section of BenItzhak(1994) by neglecting difference in fragmentation of the single ionization Auger decay channels. See section 3.2.5 Table 2. Collision strength parameters for e + CH4 → CH+ 4 and CH+ 3 Parametera C0 /C7 C1 /C7 C2 /C7 C3 /C7 C4 /C7 C5 /C7 C6 /C7 C8 fij Eij (eV) CH+ 4 CH+ 3 Term 1 CH+ 3 Term 2 -0.323351901 -0.23667982 0.977207808 -2.93095812 3.56563333 -0.878823599 0.878823599 0.25472016 2.99164b 13.844 -0.323351901 -0.23667982 0.977207808 -2.93095812 3.56563333 -0.878823599 0.878823599 0.25472016 1.63240 14.323c 0.64272222 -0.61479404 2.6111285 -9.8782976 10.909956 -0.35528176 0.35528176 0.47268153 1.23146 19.89 & 21.11d a See equations (1-4) for definition of the collision strength parameters. b The standard error is 0.071611 c 0 K dissociation threshold of CH+ measured by Weitzel 3 et al.(1999) d Thresholds of v =0 level of the 2a →3pt and 4pt 1 2 2 j obtained by Wu & Judge (1981). The oscillator strength, −3 1.23146, is partitioned according to the (n*) relation with n*=2.34 and 3.24 for 3pt2 and 4pt2 X - 25 X - 26 LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 + + ionization cross Table 3. e+CH4 → CH+ 4 , CH3 , and CH sections (unit:10−18 cm2 ) E(eV) 12.7 12.8 13 13.2 13.5 13.7 14 14.2 14.5 14.8 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 125 150 175 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 CH+ 4 Modelb CH+ 3 Obs.a Model 3.26E-05 5.49E-04 1.09E-02 0.063 0.402 0.987 2.70 4.54 8.36 12.68 15.73 51.34 82.15 103.82 118.33 134.41 142.11 146.57 149.68 152.06 155.12 156.13 155.50 153.75 151.36 148.67 144.47 137.66 131.25 125.17 113.93 104.06 88.35 76.89 68.27 61.57 56.18 51.76 48.04 35.80 28.86 24.34 21.13 18.73 16.86 14.11 12.19 10.76 9.65 8.76 8.03 7.42 6.91 0.8452 2.49 3.71 21.86 39.18 68.67 86.80 103.61 110.91 115.41 118.88 121.68 125.47 127.02 126.89 125.72 123.97 121.94 118.71 113.30 108.03 102.95 93.51 85.26 72.27 62.84 55.77 50.28 45.87 42.24 39.20 29.19 23.52 19.83 17.21 15.25 13.73 11.49 9.92 8.75 7.85 7.13 6.53 6.04 5.62 Obs.a 18.2 47.9 82.5 103.0 120.0 136.0 141.0 145.0 150.0 153.0 155.0 156.0 155.0 154.0 152.0 149.0 144.0 138.0 131.0 125.0 113.0 104.0 89.1 77.8 68.6 62.2 55.2 51.6 47.6 3.5 22.0 47.4 68.5 85.7 105.0 111.0 114.0 119.0 122.0 126.0 127.0 126.0 126.0 124.0 122.0 119.0 113.0 108.0 103.0 93.4 85.5 71.9 63.8 56.0 50.7 45.4 42.0 38.5 CH+ 2 Obs.a,cModel 0.50 1.57 2.64 5.19 13.10 20.30 24.80 27.90 28.80 29.57 29.55 29.76 28.45 28.13 27.39 25.85 24.17 22.23 21.24 18.19 16.28 12.78 10.96 9.61 8.40 7.54 6.90 6.33 0.61 1.36 2.85 5.17 12.70 20.95 24.94 27.16 28.48 29.72 29.89 29.49 28.81 28.01 27.19 25.98 24.12 22.45 20.93 18.30 16.14 12.98 10.88 9.42 8.36 7.54 6.90 6.38 4.71 3.79 3.20 2.78 2.46 2.21 1.85 1.60 1.41 1.26 1.15 1.05 0.97 0.90 a Observed cross sections are from revised Straub et al. (1997) (see also Lindsay and Mangan(2003)). b Model cross section for CH+ below or equal to 15 eV 4 are calculated with collision strength parameters in table 2 and multiple thresholds and weighing factors derived from the Kameta et al. (2002) data. Other model entries are calculated from single threshold and parameters listed in table 2. c The (H+ , CH+ ) ion-pair cross section reported Lindsay 2 et al. (2001) has been subtracted from the measured CH+ 2 cross section. LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 Table 4. Collision strength parameters for e + CH4 → CH+ 2 a Term 1 C0 /C7 -0.323351901 C1 /C7 -0.23667982 C2 /C7 0.977207808 C3 /C7 -2.93095812 C4 /C7 3.56563333 C5 /C7 -0.878823599 C6 /C7 0.878823599 C8 0.25472016 fij 0.078 Eij (eV) 15.2 Terms 2, 3, & 4 -0.25c b C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C8 fij Eij -0.61479404 2.6111285 -9.8782976 10.909956 -0.35528176 0.35528176 0.47268153 0.49201d d Term 5 1.2111104 0.23437743 0.46255677 -0.93829647 1.255228 0.0025 -0.0025 0.15104086 0 28.2e a See equations (1-2) for definition of the collision strength parameters. b See equation (3) for definition of the collision strength parameters. c Fixed d Thresholds for terms 2, 3, and 4 are 19.89, 21.11 and 22.41 eV, corresponding to those of vj =0 levels of the 2a1 →3pt2 and 4pt2 obtained by Wu & Judge (1981) and (2a1 )−1 obtained by Göthe et al. (1991). The partial oscillator strengths for 3pt2 , 4pt2 and (2a1 )−1 are 0.1429, 0.0539, and 0.2952, respectively. Once again the oscillator strength of the 3pt2 , 4pt2 is fixed according to the (n*)−3 relation with n*=2.34 and 3.24 for 3pt2 and 4pt2 . e The center binding energy of (1t )−2 (2t )1 given by 2 2 Göthe et al. (1991) is 29.2 eV with FWHM of ∼4 eV. Table 5. Collision strength parameters for e + CH4 → CH+ Parametera C0 /C7 C1 /C7 C2 /C7 C3 /C7 C4 /C7 C5 /C7 C6 /C7 C8 fij Eij (eV) Term 1 -0.25 -0.61479404 2.6111285 -9.8782976 10.909956 -0.35528176 0.35528176 0.47268153 0.142 22.6 Parameterb C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C8 fij Eij (eV) Term 2 -0.059284681 0.28504427 -0.52895674 1.6821527 -1.9517868 0.9629438 -0.9629438 0.22202841 0 28.5 a See equations (1-2) for definition of the collision strength parameters. b See equation (3) for definition of the collision strength parameters. Table 6. Collision strength parameters for e + CH4 → C+ and H+ 2 Parametera C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C8 fij Eij (eV) C+ H+ 2 -0.54797238 0.14599324 -0.23137839 -0.63278286 0.55232757 0.64698388 -0.64698388 0.26618235 0 27 -0.40077442 0.08372811 -0.41572575 1.0551294 -0.82806278 0.39291539 -0.39291539 0.10433324 0 23.53 & 28.9a a See equation (3) for definition of the collision strength parameters. b The weight factors for E =23.53 and 28.9 eV channels ij are 11% and 89%, respectively X - 27 X - 28 LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 Table 7. Collision strength parameters for e + CH4 → H+ parametera C0 /C7 C1 /C7 C2 /C7 C3 /C7 C4 /C7 C5 /C7 C6 /C7 C8 fij Eij (eV) Term 1 -0.25 -0.61479404 2.6111285 -9.8782976 10.909956 -0.35528176 0.35528176 0.47268153 0.21c 22.7 parameterb C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C8 fij Eij (eV) Term 2 -0.2057316 1.5145956 -9.1077259 22.191013 -29.420589 3.8882288 -3.8882288 0.305c 0 27.5 a See equations (1-2) for definition of the collision strength parameters. b See equation (3) for definition of the collision strength parameters. c Fixed Table 8. excitation Collision strength parameters for CH4 K shell Parameter Value C0 /C7 C1 /C7 C2 /C7 C3 /C7 C4 /C7 C5 /C7 C6 /C7 C8 em b fij Eij (eV) 4.8117638 0.3947709 -7.96414218 28.8399006 -54.3939722 -0.860019837 0.860019837 0.5a 0.0053567 290.737 a b Fixed Emission oscillator strength LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 e+CH4 (X 1A1) -> CH2+ 30 Measured - Ion Pair (1t2)-1,3pt2 & 4pt2 & (2a2)-1 2 hole 1 particle Model Total σ(unit: 10-18 cm2 ) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 E(eV) Figure 1. Comparison of experimental (solid circle) and model (solid diamond) ionization cross sections for e+CH4 → CH+ 2 . The experimental cross section is from the revised values of Straub et al. (1997), subtract+ ing (CH+ 2 , H ) ion-pair cross section of Lindsay et al. (2001). Model cross section via dipole allowed transitions [(1t2 )−1 , (2a1 )−1 (npt2 )1 , and (2a1 )−1 ] and dipole forbidden transitions (double-hole-one-electron satellite states) are shown in solid triangle and square, respectively. e+CH4 (X 1A1) -> CH+ 16 Measured - Ion Pair Model (2a2)-1 Model (2 hole 1 particle) Model Total 14 σ(unit: 10-18 cm2 ) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 E(eV) Figure 2. Comparison of experimental (solid circle) and model (solid diamond) ionization cross sections for e+CH4 → CH+ . The experimental cross section is from the revised values of Straub et al. (1997), after subtraction of the (CH+ , H+ ) ion-pair cross section of Lindsay et al. (2001). Model cross section via the (2a1 )−1 state and dipole forbidden transition via the double-hole-oneelectron satellite states are shown in solid triangle and square, respectively. X - 29 X - 30 LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 e+CH4 (X 1A1) -> C+ 900 800 Ω(unit: 10-18 cm2 eV ) 700 600 500 Measured - Ion Pair Model (2-hole-1-particle) 400 300 200 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 E(eV) Figure 3. Comparison of experimental (solid circle) and model (solid diamond) ionization collision strength for e+CH4 → C+ . The experimental cross section is from the revised value of Straub et al. (1997), after subtraction of the (CH+ , H+ ) ion-pair cross section of Lindsay et al. (2001). e+CH4 (X 1A1) -> H2+ 600 Ω(unit: 10-18 cm2 eV ) 500 400 Measured Model 300 200 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 E(eV) Figure 4. Comparison of experimental (solid circle) and model (solid diamond) ionization collision strength for e+CH4 → H+ 2 . The experimental cross section is from the revised value of Straub et al. (1997). LIU ET AL.: IONIZATION PROPERTIES OF e+CH4 e+CH4 (X 1A1) -> H+ 7000 Ω(unit: 10-18 cm2 eV ) 6000 5000 4000 Measured - Ion Pair Model Model (2a1)-1 Model 2-hole-1-electron 3000 2000 1000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 E(eV) Figure 5. Comparison of experimental (solid circle) and model (solid diamond) ionization collision strength for e+CH4 → H+ . The experimental cross section is from the revised values of Straub et al. (1997), after subtraction of the H+ ion-pair cross section of Lindsay et al. (2001). Model cross section via the (2a1 )−1 state and dipole forbidden transition via the double-hole-oneelectron satellite states are shown in solid triangle and square, respectively. X - 31