Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) EMPANELMENT / RE-EMPANELMENT OF ESCOs Applications are invited from organizations for empanelment / reempanelment as Energy Service Company (ESCO) with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency. Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is promoting energy efficiency initiatives in the country under the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, including promotion of energy conservation measures in existing buildings through the ESCO route. ESCO is an organization engaged in a performance based contract with a client firm to implement measures which reduce energy consumption and costs in a technically viable manner. BEE intends to prepare and maintain a list of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs). The application format indicating criteria and process for empanelment can be downloaded from BEE website www.bee-india.nic.in . The last date for receipt of complete applications is (20th September, 2013 ). Incomplete applications and those received after the due date would be rejected. (Secretary, BEE)