Supporting Information for Observation Report Form University of Warwick

University of Warwick
Supporting Information for Observation Report Form
The purpose of this document is to indicate the kind of things that observers will be looking for under each
heading when they observe you; this is not a definitive list. They will not expect you to cover everything in one
session but over the series of observations you should attempt to have covered all the points. You might also
use it to inform your action planning if there are particular areas you think you need to develop.
Lesson planning including planning for differentiation (effective use of initial assessment and/or the learner
profile to plan for individual needs), development of English, maths and employability skills (professional
standards 12 &14)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 identified learners’ needs using appropriate methods
 had a lesson plan with clear outcomes prepared, with reference to:
o learners’ aspirations, learning styles and English and maths needs (recorded on ILP)
o a range of subject specific skills
o links to employment/industry
 provided a rationale for your planning
 matched teaching and learning activities to the intended learning outcomes
 adapted teaching methods to suit learners’ needs and individual learning preferences, including those
with specific learning difficulties and disabilities
 used a range of differentiation strategies e.g. by task, group, resources, pace, outcome, dialogue and
 planned learning for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environment
 planned a range of assessment methods which may include self-assessment; peer assessment; formative
 ensured effective use of learning support
 where possible, made reference to diversity events. In addition to religious days, you may consider for
example, Dyslexia Awareness Week, World Aids Day etc.
Development of learners’ subject specific skills, knowledge and understanding (professional standard 13)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 chose approaches that demonstrated an underpinning knowledge of how subject specific skills are
 had high expectations of all learners
 used effective teaching, learning and assessment strategies to develop subject specific skills and that
matched individual needs
 challenged learners to develop learner confidence and independence
Development of English, maths, ICT and employability skills (professional standards 15 & 16)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 took opportunities to develop learners’ English skills e.g. addressing the importance of good
communication skills; correcting errors related to SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar)
 took opportunities to develop learners’ maths skills e.g. drawing attention to graphs and charts; ensuring
learners understand a range of mathematical vocabulary
 took opportunities to address issues around employability e.g. importance of good communications;
punctuality; sound subject knowledge
 took opportunities to effectively use ICT to support learning e.g. interactive activities using an interactive
whiteboard; mobile technology; video clips
 worked creatively to overcome individual barriers to learning
Use of Resources including ILT: include any on-line activity to support independent learning (professional
standard 15)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 selected/adapted/developed and used a range of learning resources to suit different learning styles
 used materials that were accurate, appropriate, well presented and, where possible, authentic
 used resources with appropriate language, style and format for all the learners involved, including those
with specific learning difficulties and disabilities
 used resources that reflected diversity, interests, goals and aspirations used ILT, where available, to
assist learning
Assessment and checking for understanding including assessing learning that has taken place in the session
(professional standards 9 & 18)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 gave accurate and constructive feedback (written and verbal) using appropriate and accessible language
 monitor understanding of learners through a range of methods (observation, questioning, discussion)
 highlighted errors selectively, accurately and at an appropriate pace for the learner
 helped learners to peer and self assess, reflect on their own learning and the learning process
 evaluate learning against the achievement of learning outcomes and learner feedback
 monitor individual and group progress and keep effective records that inform the learner, the teacher
and the institution
 allowed learners time to answer questions
Progress checks - comment on verbal and written (assignments, coursework) feedback provided to learners
where applicable (professional standards 13 & 18)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 gave clear developmental feedback
 encouraged learners to become independent learners e.g. through problem solving
 wrote legibly on learners’ work
 welcomed all responses from learners regardless of whether they were correct
 checked progress regularly and accurately
 discussed assessments with learners so they know how well they have done and what they need to do
 challenged learners to improve and continually develop
Group management and communication skills including strategies to promote positive behaviour (professional
standards 6 & 11 )
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 made good use of whole group and/or small group activities to develop learners’ skills
 used a range of strategies to engage and enthuse learners
 designed small and/or whole group activities
 gave clear instructions about how activities should be carried out; summarised learning points and
outcomes with learners; set appropriate follow up tasks
 used the learning environment effectively to promote positive behaviour
 managed and promoted positive learning behaviour
 reinforced classroom rules and boundaries where appropriate
Learner centredness/learner engagement /learner independence/differentiation (professional standards 3, 4, 9
& 17)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 paced the activities appropriately for all the learners
 took steps to support a lively and supportive group atmosphere
 taught in a way that engages learners’ interest so that they become fully involved in the lesson
 used your subject knowledge to find different ways of explaining
 encouraged learner independence through teaching strategies and careful resource selection
 encouraged learners to use a range of self checking, memory and revision strategies
 provided opportunities for individual or self study
 made the connections between good learning and successful progression
 enabled learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that stretch
and challenge
Embedding of equality and diversity issues (professional standard 5)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 demonstrated an awareness of equal opportunities and inclusive education practice
 developed learners’ wider understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity
 celebrated diversity
 supported equality through differentiation