CHECKLIST FOR FAIR USE Please complete and retain a copy of this form in connection with each possible "fair use" of a copyrighted work for your project Name:_________________________________ Date:____________ Institution:______________________________ Project:_________________________________ Prepared by:_________________________________ PURPOSE Favoring Fair Use R R R R R R R R R R Opposing Fair Use Teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use) Research Scholarship Nonprofit Educational Institution Criticism Comment News reporting Transformative or Productive use (changes the work for new utility) Restricted access (to students or other appropriate group) Parody R R R R R Commercial activity Profiting from the use Entertainment Bad-faith behavior Denying credit to original author NATURE Favoring Fair Use R Published work R Factual or nonfiction based R Important to favored educational objectives Opposing Fair Use R Unpublished work R Highly creative work (art, music, novels, films, plays) R Fiction AMOUNT Favoring Fair Use R Small quantity R Portion used is not central or significant to entire work R Amount is appropriate for favored educational purpose Opposing Fair Use R Large portion or whole work used R Portion used is central to work or "heart of the work" EFFECT Favoring Fair Use R User owns lawfully acquired or purchased copy of original work R One or few copies made R No significant effect on the market or potential market for copyrighted work R No similar product marketed by the copyright holder R Lack of licensing mechanism Opposing Fair Use R Could replace sale of copyrighted work R Significantly impairs market or potential market for copyrighted work or derivative R Reasonably available licensing mechanism for use of the copyrighted work R Affordable permission available for using work R Numerous copies made R You made it accessible on Web or in other public forum R Repeated or long-term use This document is provided as a courtesy of the Copyright Management Center, IUPUI, 530 W. New York St., Indianapolis, IN 46202. For further information and updates please visit This document last updated March 10, 2003.