Society for Range Management Characterization of Diversity among 3 Squirreltail Taxa Author(s): T. A. Jones, D. C. Nielson, J. T. Arredondo, M. G. Redinbaugh Source: Journal of Range Management, Vol. 56, No. 5 (Sep., 2003), pp. 474-482 Published by: Allen Press and Society for Range Management Stable URL: Accessed: 14/12/2009 14:15 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Allen Press and Society for Range Management are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Range Management. J. Range Manage. 56: 474-482 September 2003 Characterizationof diversity among 3 squirreltail taxa T.A. JONES*, D.C. NIELSON, J.T. ARREDONDO, AND M.G. REDINBAUGH T.A. Jones and D.C. Nielson, Research Geneticist and Entomologist, USDA-ARSForage and Range Research Laboratory, Utah State University,Logan, Utah 84322-6300; former Research Associate, J.T. Arredondo,Departamentode IngenieriaAmbientaly Manejo de Recursos Naturales. InstitutoPotosino de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (IPICYT)Rio Kennedy205, Col. Bellas Lomas San Luis Potosi, SLP, CP78210 Mexico; M.G. Redinbaugh,Research Plant Physiologist, USDA-ARS,Corn and Soybean Research, Ohio Agriculturaland Research Development Center, Selby Hall, 680 Madison Ave., Wooster, Ohio 44691-4096. Abstract Resumen Squirreltail (Elymus elymoides, E. multisetus) is a complex of 5 taxa whose systematic interrelationships are uncertain. Our objectives were to determine whether the 3 taxa studied here, Elymus elymoides ssp. elymoides, E. elymoides ssp. brevifolius, and E. multisetus, can be distinguished by several ecological and physiological traits and whether geographical origin is correlated with these traits across accessions within taxa. A multivariate principal component analysis of materials collected in the 10 contiguous western states successfully distinguished taxa, but no pair of the 3 taxa appeared to be more ecologically similar than any other pair. Elymus elymoides ssp. elymoides, which prevails in the semi-arid cold desert, was shortest and exhibited the lowest total plant dry-matter, earliest phenology, and lowest seed mass. Elymus elymoides ssp. brevifolius, which prevails in the Rocky Mountains, exhibited slowest emergence, highest specific root length, lowest nitrate reductase activity, and lowest root-to-shoot ratio. Elymus multisetus, which is most common in areas with relatively warm springs, exhibited fastest emergence (particularly from deep seeding), greatest root length, and greatest root-toshoot ratio. Elymus elymoides ssp. brevifolius accessions clustered into 3 groups: late-maturing high-seed mass accessions originating in Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona (Group A), earlymaturing low-seed mass accessions originating in Colorado and Utah (Group B), and intermediate-maturing low-seed mass accessions originating in the Snake River Plain of southern Idaho (Group C). The ecologically distinct subspecies and groups within ssp. brevifolius are indicative of the highly ecotypic nature of the squirreltails, suggesting that restoration practitioners should match site with genetically and ecologically appropriate plant material for these species. "Squirreltail (Elymus elymoides, E. multisetus) es un complejo de 5 taxas cuyas interrelaciones sistematicas son inciertas. Nuestros objetivos fueron determinar si las 3 taxas estudiadas aqui Elymus elymoides ssp. elymoides, E. elymoides ssp. brevifolius, y E. multisetus, pueden ser distinguidas por varias caracteristicas ecologicas y fisiologicas y si el origen geografico esta correlacionado con estas caracterristicasa traves de las accesiones dentro de la taxa. Un anailisismultivariado de componentes principales de los materiales colectados en los 10 estados contiguos del oeste distinguio en forma exitosa la taxa, pero ningun par de las tres taxas parecio ser mas ecologicamente similar que cualquier otro par. Elymus elymoides ssp. elymoides, el cual prevalece en el desierto frio semiarido, fue el mas corto y mostro la menor materia seca por planta, la fisiologfa mas temprana y la menor biomasa de semilla. Elymus elymoides ssp. brevifolius, que prevalece en las Montauias Rocallosas presento la emergencia mas lenta, la mayor longitud especifica de raiz, la mas baja actividad de nitrato reductasa y la relacion mas baja de tallo:raiz. Elymus multisetus, que es mas comuinen aireascon primaveras relativamente calientes, mostro la emergencia ma'srapida (particularmente en siembras profundas), la mayor longitud de raiz y la mayor relacion tallo:raiz. Las accesiones de Elymus elymoides ssp. brevifolius se agruparon en tres grupos: accesiones de madurez tardia-alta biomasa de semilla originarias de Colorado, New Mexico y Arizona (Grupo A), accesiones de madurez temprana -baja biomasa de semilla originarias de Colorado y Utah (Grupo B) y un grupo de accesiones de madurez intermedia-baja biomasa de semilla originarias del Snake River Plain del sudeste de Idaho (Group C). Las subespecies y grupos ecologicamente distintos dentro de ssp. brevifolius son indicativos de la naturaleza altamente ecotipica de los "Squirreltails, sugiriendo que los que practican la restauracion de pastizales deben aparejar el sitio con un el material vegetal gen'tica y ecol6gicamente apropiado de estas especies. Key Words: Elymus elymoides, genetic variation, plant autecology, Sitanion hystrix The squirreltails (Elymus elymoides [Raf.] Swezey andE. multisetus [J.G. Smith] Burtt-Davy) are increasingly important grasses for restoring rangeland communities on disturbed sites in the Intermountain Region of western North America. Systematists generally recognize up to 5 squirreltailtaxa (Wilson 1963), which we refer to in this paper as elymoides, brevifolius, californicus, hordeoides, and multisetus. These taxa have been recognized in This research was supported by the Utah Agricultural Experiment Sation, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322-4810. Approved as journal paper no. 7386. *Corresponding author ( Manuscript accepted 10 Oct. 02. 474 both Sitanion and in Elymus, with the latter being the currently preferred classification (Barkworth et al. 1983). However, rank of the taxa varies with taxonomic treatment. There seems to be little dissension regarding the retention of 2 taxa in E. elymoides, namely ssp. elymoides and ssp. californicus. Wilson (1963) mentioned the marked similarity of their karyotypes. Also, M.E. Barkworth and J.J.N. Campbell (pers. comm. 2000) noted that they appear to hybridize when sympatric. Taxonomic treatments have varied in their handling of specimens keying to brevifolius and hordeoides in Wilson's (1963) JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT56(5) September 2003 treatment.Brevifoliuswas treatedas a separatespecies by Wilson (1963) (S. longifolium J.G. Smith),reluctantlytreatedas a separate species by Holmgren and Holmgren(1977), treatedas a subspecies while others do so only reluctantly (Holmgrenand Holmgren 1977). Wilson (1963) notedthatthe karyotypeof multisetus was the most distinctiveof the 5 squirreltail taxa. He reportedextensive introof E. elymoides (ssp. brevifolius) by M.E. gressive hybridizationbetween multisetus Barkworth and J.J.N. Campbell (2000 and elymoidesin southeasternCalifornia pers.comm.),andunrecognizedas a sepa- and southernNevada,thoughnot in other rate taxon by Hitchcock (1950) and locales where these 2 taxa are sympatric. Arnow(1993). Hordeoideshas been treat- HolmgrenandHolmgren(1977) suggested ed as a separatespecies by Wilson (1963) thata reasonableapproachwouldbe amal(S. hordeoides Suksdorf)or as part of a gamation of all 5 taxa into a single species including elymoides, californicus, species. and brevifolius by Holmgren and Holmgren(1977) and by M.E. Barkworth andJ.J.N.Campbell(pers.comm.). Some systematists readily recognize multisetusas worthy of specific rank (E. multisetus [J.G. Smith] Burtt-Davy = S. Wilson (1963) provides a reliable key that easily separatesthe 5 taxa based on floral appendages. We have used it to identifyover 100 accessionsin ourcollection, which includesrepresentativesof all taxaexcepthordeoides.Ourobjectivewas jubatum J.G. Smith) (Hitchcock 1950, Wilson 1963, Barkworth et al. 1983), to determine how 3 taxa, multisetus, brevifolius, and elymoides, compare for traits relatingto seedlingestablishment,leaf and root morphology,and phenologybecause such traitsmay be correlatedwith adaptation to particular range sites. We also wished to determinethe degreeof separation or overlapbetweenthe taxa basedon these traitsandto gatherany insightsfrom the relationshipbetweenperformanceand geographicaloriginof the accessions. Materials and Methods Data set 1 Twenty-one of the 27 accessions (Tables 1, 2) in dataset 1 originatedfrom USDA-NRCS Plant MaterialsCentersin Aberdeen,Ida. and Bridger,Mont.,or the Upper Colorado Environmental Plant Centerin Meeker,Colo.. Two accessions Table 1. Means for 1 californicus, 17 elymoides, 5 brevifolius,and 4 multisetus squirreltail accessions in data set 1 for 8 traits in a 25-day greenhouse trial. Accession Collection location Days to emergence (no.) Leaf length (10 days Total plant post-plant) dry-matter (mm) Root-toshoot ratio (mg plant-') (mg mg-') Leaf area Specific leaf area Root length Specific root length (mm2 (mm2 (mm (mm plant-') mg') plantl-) mg ') californicus PI 531604 Toe Jam Creek,Elko Co., Nev. 6.0 73 10.46 0.389 174 31.3 914 324 elymoides Acc:1107 Acc:1 108 Acc:1109 Acc: 1110 Acc:1111 Acc:1112 Acc:1113 Acc:1114 Acc:1 115 Acc:I 116 Acc:1117 Acc:1124 PI 619489 PI 619491 PI 619555 PI 619561 9019219 sec 32 T22N R22E, Lemhi Co., Ida. sec 36 T4N R26E, Butte Co., Ida. sec 11 T4NR26E,ButteCo.,Ida. sec 26 T4N R26E, Butte Co., Ida. sec 11 T4NR26E,ButteCo.,Ida. sec 11 T4NR27E,ButteCo.,Ida. 1737 m, CusterCo., Ida. MorseCreek,CusterCo.,Ida. LeatonGulch, CusterCo., Ida. BradburyFlat, CusterCo., Ida. RoundValley, CusterCo., Ida. Squaw Butte, HarneyCo., Ore. Whitehall,Mont. Big Piney, Wyo. Warren,Mont. Big Piney, Wyo. btwn Worland& Ten Sleep, Wyo. 5.4 6.3 6.0 5.8 6.2 5.1 5.3 6.2 6.2 6.0 5.6 6.1 5.4 5.6 6.2 5.8 5.8 65 61 58 58 58 67 74 54 62 64 62 60 63 60 57 60 64 9.56 9.57 9.26 6.98 8.38 9.79 8.85 7.14 9.57 9.56 10.18 10.27 8.86 10.33 9.36 9.69 10.15 0.424 0.315 0.306 0.516 0.442 0.365 0.423 0.291 0.405 0.335 0.354 0.359 0.427 0.352 0.285 0.436 0.325 148 168 182 110 158 175 157 116 167 178 182 150 142 191 174 167 214 29.1 29.4 31.9 31.0 33.5 31.0 31.3 27.7 32.6 33.8 32.9 25.2 29.0 32.1 31.7 32.0 35.2 916 698 652 687 853 838 1057 641 717 668 814 960 830 711 629 821 667 317 316 324 289 337 330 410 410 270 275 322 368 323 273 298 306 284 5.8b# 62b 0.374b 163b 31.1a 5.7 6.4 7.0 70 71 56 12.44 9.35 10.50 0.358 0.280 0.267 197 157 154 27.6 28.0 23.8 1017 700 794 343 376 368 7.4 6.3 49 65 10.75 12.10 0.305 0.333 158 210 25.0 29.7 836 943 361 332 6.6 a 62 b 11.03 b 0.309 c 175 b 26.8 b 858 b 356 a 4.8 4.4 4.8 5.5 85 85 82 84 16.60 18.48 13.89 15.45 0.483 0.483 0.392 0.429 269 303 245 262 31.2 31.0 32.3 31.2 1434 1980 1520 1161 268 335 393 278 4.9 c 84 a 16.11 a 0.447 a 270 a 31.4 a 1524 a 319 a mean brevifolius Acc: 1123 Acc:1130 PI 531605 9040187 9040189 btwn PrairieCity & Dixie Pass, Ore. Savageton,Wyo. btwn N. LaVetaPass & Gardner, Colo. Wet Mountains,CusterCo., Colo. Buford, Rio Blanco Co., Colo. mean multisetus Acc:1132 PI 531603 PI 531606 PI 619466 mean ParadiseValley, Nev. Lake Tahoe, Nev. CentralFerry,Wash. Redlands,Lassen Co., Cal. 9.26c 774b 321a #taxameans followed by differentlettersin the same column are significantlydifferentat P < 0.05. JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT56(5) September 2003 475 Table 2. Means for 1 californicus, 17 elymoides, 5 brevifolius, and 4 multisetus squirreltail acces- sionsin dataset 1 for 5 traitsin fieldand greenhousetrials. Accession Headingdate (days after 30/4/95) Seed mass (mg seed-) Emergenceindex (60 mm) (20 mm) Nitrate reductaseactivity (per mg protein) californicus PI 531604 29 4.14 6.36 3.64 7.66 elymoides Acc: 1107 Acc: 1108 Acc: 1109 Acc:1110 Acc:1111 Acc: 1112 Acc:1113 Acc: 1114 Acc: 1115 Acc: 1116 Acc:1117 Acc: 1124 PI 619489 PI 619491 PI 619555 PI 619561 9019219 mean 15 27 15 31 19 24 31 17 33 33 36 36 31 29 33 27 29 27 b# 3.27 2.67 2.71 2.95 3.02 2.47 2.94 3.07 3.43 3.49 3.33 3.44 3.26 3.48 3.00 2.86 4.07 3.14 b 6.71 6.54 6.62 6.51 6.31 6.74 7.21 6.36 6.67 6.83 7.43 6.64 5.71 6.44 6.60 6.56 6.18 6.59 a 3.01 2.01 3.03 2.34 2.80 2.90 3.38 3.50 4.36 4.40 4.80 2.93 1.14 3.40 2.82 3.41 4.32 3.21 ab 7.83 7.34 7.01 5.38 7.17 6.52 6.03 7.50 8.48 9.46 9.13 6.68 7.34 8.48 7.83 8.64 8.64 7.62 a brevifolius Acc:1123 Acc: 1130 PI 531605 9040187 9040189 mean 47 29 46 59 45 45 a 3.94 3.98 6.83 6.32 5.51 5.32 a 5.67 5.92 5.05 5.62 5.46 5.54 b 3.73 3.94 3.40 3.43 2.94 3.49 b 3.91 6.85 4.57 5.54 5.87 5.35 b multisetus Acc:1132 PI 531603 PI 531606 PI 619466 42 50 47 33 5.29 6.33 4.89 4.69 6.58 6.10 7.30 7.25 4.03 4.24 4.25 3.63 9.62 8.64 8.15 8.15 mean 43a 5.30a 6.81 a 4.04a 8.64a #taxameans followed by differentlettersin the same column are significantlydifferentat P < 0.05. were obtainedfrom USDA-ARS,i.e., W6 22031 (David C. Ganskopp,Bums, Ore.) and W6 20963 (James A. Young, Reno, Nev.). The 4 remaining accessions (PI 531603 throughPI 532606),obtainedfrom theNationalPlantGermplasm System,were originally from the collection of the late D.R. Dewey of our laboratory.We determinedthe taxonof eachaccessionusingthe dichotomous key provided by Wilson (1963) thatdistinguishesthe taxabasedon numberandbifurcationof awns.Seed samples of theseaccessionsaredepositedin the National Plant GermplasmSystem at the USDA-ARS Western Regional Plant IntroductionStation in Pullman, Wash. ( Data were collectedfrom evaluationsin the field and4 greenhousetrials.The field evaluation was established on 2-3 Sept. 1993 at GreenvilleFarm,NorthLogan,Ut. (41045'59" N, I I 1148"34"W) on a Millville silt loam (coarse-silty,carbonatic, mesic Typic Rendolls; 2-4% slope). 476 Accessionswere establishedas field transplants on 0.5-m centers in a 7 x 7 plant block. Each block was filled with 49 plants unless fewer were available. Because the blocks were not replicated, datacollectedfromthis trialwere only for 2 traits of high heritability,which were headingdate (the numberof days after30 Apr. 1995 thatthe majorityof the plantsin a plot had at least 1 spikeemergefromthe boot) and seed mass (mg seed-' averaged across 1994 and 1995harvests). Seed harvested fromthese blocks was used to conduct a seedling growthtrial in the greenhouse, 2 depth-of-seeding trials, and a nitrate reductase activity assay in the greenhouse.Becauseoutcrossingin squirreltail is negligible (Jensen et al. 1990), seed harvestedfrom such a block may be presumedto be geneticallyrepresentative of the originalcollection. The seedlinggrowthtrialwas plantedin a greenhousemaintainedat 20 ? 5C on 8 Jan. 1996 in a soil consisting of 3 parts Kidmanfine sandy loam (coarse-loamy, mixed, mesic Calcic Haploxerolls):1 part peat moss. Five seeds of an accession were planted5 mm deep in 65 X 255-mm cone-containers. Accessions were assigned to 10 replicationsin a randomized complete block design. The third seedlingto emerge was retained,days-toemergence was recorded, and the other seedlings were removed.Waterwas supplied daily with a 32% Rorison nutrient solution (Arredondoet al. 1998). Length of the first leaf was measuredon day 10. Plants were harvested on day 25 and divided into shoots and roots. Leaf area was determinedwitha leaf-areameter(LI3000, LI-COR, Lincoln, Neb.). Roots were recoveredby gentle washingwith a slow-movingstreamof water.Root length was measured on fresh tissue with 'Branching' software (version 1.52,B) (Berntson 1992). Shoots and roots were then oven-dried at 70?C for 48 hours before weighing. Specific leaf area was calculated as leaf area/shoot mass, and specific root lengthwas calculatedas root length/rootmass. To measure seedling emergence, 2 greenhousetrials were conductedat 20 ? 50 C at depths of 20 mm and 60 mm. Both trials were plantedin above-groundbeds filled with the greenhousesoil described above. This was underlain by a gravel layerfor drainage.The beds were 1.067-m wide and furrows were 50.8-mm apart. Fifty seeds of an accession were planted per half-length of each furrow. Another randomizedaccession was plantedin the oppositehalf. Accessions were plantedin a randomizedcompleteblock design with 6 replications.The 20-mmtrialwas planted on 9 to 10 Dec. 1996 and seedling emergence was tallied daily. Emergence index was calculatedas Y[(gn-9(n-1))/n], where (gn-g(n-)) is the number of seedlings germinatingsince the previous day and n is the numberof days since the germinationtrial began (Maguire 1962). Therefore, large numbers indicate fast emergence and small numbers indicate slow emergence,the oppositedirectionof the days-to-emergence variable in the above-mentioned seedling growth trial. The 60-mm trial was planted on 4 Feb. 1997 andconductedsimilarly. High nitrate reductase activity may facilitatehigherassimilationof soil nitrogen, therebypromotingseedlingestablishment. For the nitratereductaseassay, the 27 accessions were grown in a 20 ? 5?C greenhouseas seedlingsin the samesoil as the depth-of-seeding evaluations. Fresh samplesof leaf tissue were harvested2 to JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT56(5) September 2003 4 hours after sunrise,placed directlyinto liquid N2, and stored at -80?C until use. Frozentissue was powderedin liquid N2 andextractswere madeby grindingin 5 to 10 vol. of 50 mM MOPSbuffer(pH 7.5) containing 10 mM MgC12,1mM EDTA, 0.1% TritonX-100, 2.5 mM DTT, 1 mM PMSF, 10 pM leupeptin,and 10 pM chymostatin. After centrifugation of the extractsat 12,000 g for 4 min, the supernatantwas transferredto a fresh tube and used immediately to assay total NADH:nitrate reductaseactivityaccording to Redinbaughet al. (1996). Assays were performedin a 200-pl volume containing 50 mM MOPS, 10 mM K-phosphate buffer(pH 7.5) containing13 mM KNO3, 500 pM NADH, and 10 pM FAD. Soluble protein in the extracts was determined using a dye-binding assay (Redinbaugh andCampbell1985). of the plantsin a plot had at least 1 spike emerge from the boot), seed mass (the mean mg seed-' across 1997/1998), and plant height (mean across 1997/1998) were measuredon these plots. Seed harvestedfromthese blocks was used to conduct a seedling growthtrial in the greenhouse as for dataset 1. The seedlinggrowthtrialwas plantedin a greenhousemaintainedat 20 ? 5?C on 12 Mar. 1999 in the same design and soil as used in data set 1. Waterwas supplied without nutrientsolution. Days-to-emergence of the third seedling was recorded and its leaf length was measured17 days after planting.The plants were harvested 14 Apr. (replications 1 to 3), 15 Apr. (replications4 to 8), and 16 Apr. (replications 9 to 10) and dividedinto shoots and roots. For data set 2, we used a Comair root length scanner (Commonwealth AircraftCorp.Ltd., Melbourne,Australia) to measureroot lengthof fresh tissue that had been stored in refrigeratedvials of water.This greatlyexpeditedthe process comparedto the techniqueused for data set 1. After scanning, shoots and roots were oven-dried at 70?C for 48 hours before weighing.Specific root length was calculatedas rootlength/rootmass. ized to unit variancefor each traitbefore multivariate analysis. Thirteen and 9 orthogonal principal components, the numberof variablesin each dataset, were generatedfor datasets 1 and2, respectively (Morrison1976). Because a large proportionof the total variancewas accounted for by the first 2 principalcomponents for both data sets, only the first 2 were retained. These 2 principal components were each definedby a vector of scalars, each representinga trait.These are termed the principal component loadings for Principal Component 1 and Principal Component 2, respectively. Principal Component1 loadingsarethe single set of numbers,13 in the case of dataset 1 and9 in the case of dataset 2, thatbest circumscribes the data set. Likewise, the Principal Component2 loadings are the secondsingle set of numbersthatbest circumscribesthe variationremainingafter Principal Component 1 variation is Data set 2 removed.We rotatedprincipalcomponent For the second data set, data were colloadings using an orthogonal varimax lected froma field evaluationand a greenrotation in PROC FACTOR (SAS house seedling growth trial. Forty-seven Institute, Cary, NC) to maximize the accessions (Table 3) were establishedas amountof informationincluded in the 2 field transplants on 3-4 Sept. 1996 at retained principal components (Kaiser Evans Farm, Millville, Ut. (41?41'39"N 1958). Principalcomponentscores were 111?49'58"W)on a Nibley silty clay loam calculatedfor each accession for each of (fine, mixed mesic Aquic Argiustolls;0the 2 principalcomponentsby multiplying 3% slope). All 47 accessionswere collect- Statisticalanalysis ed from their native sites in 1995. The For each trait, differences between the vector of standardizedmeans by the plantingdesign was similarto data set 1. meansof any 2 taxawere testedfor devia- vector of rotated principal component Heading date (the mean numberof days tion from zero using a t-test at cc = 0.05. loadings. Accessions were plotted in 2 after 30 Apr. 1997/1998that the majority Values for all accessions were standard- dimensionsbasedon PrincipalComponent 1 and Principal Component 2 scores. Because2 of the 13 traitsmeasuredin data Table 3. Loadings for the first 2 principal components in data sets 1 (13 traits) and 2 (9 traits). set 1 and 3 of the 9 traitsmeasuredin data set 2 were taken from unreplicatedplots, Principalcomponent comparisonsweremadeonly betweentaxa Trait 1 2 ratherthanbetweenindividualaccessions. Data set 1 The individualaccessionsprovidedrepliDays to emergence -0.563 -0.635 cation for theirrespectivetaxa. Leaf length Total plant dry-matter Root-to-shootratio Leaf area Specific leaf area Root length Specific root length Headingdate Seed mass Germinationindex (20 mm) Germinationindex (60 mm) Nitratereductaseactivity 0.818 0.968 0.437 0.903 0.055 0.924 -0.040 0.655 0.702 0.028 0.477 0.222 0.339 0.018 0.526 0.227 0.854 0.059 -0.517 -0.552 -0.593 0.791 0.163 0.749 Data set 2 Days to emergence Leaf length Total plantdry-matter Root-to-shootratio Root length Specific root length Headingdate Plantheight Seed mass 0.353 0.082 0.512 -0.754 0.441 0.302 0.912 0.905 0.902 -0.882 0.921 0.824 0.395 0.788 -0.654 0.008 0.001 0.291 JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT56(5) September 2003 Results and Discussion Data set 1 In the 25-day greenhousetrial,multisetus accessionsemergedfaster,had longer leaves at 10 days, and had greatertotal plantdry-matterat harvestthanthe other2 taxa (Table 1). The fasterseedling development of multisetus may relate to its prevalencein regionswithrelativelywarm springslike the ColumbiaandSnakeRiver Plains. Brevifolius emerged slowest, which may be because of the cooler springs and late freezes of the Rocky Mountains,a regionwherethis taxonpredominates.Elymoideshad the least total plant dry-matterof the 3 taxa, probably 477 because it is most common in the semiarid cold desert, a stressful environment where conservative growth is probably advantageous. Root-to-shoot ratio was least for brevifoliusand.greatestfor elymoides. Evaporativedemand,necessitating a greaterroot-to-shootratio,is typically greater in the semi-arid cold desert, whereelymoidespredominates,thanin the Rocky Mountains,where brevifoliuspredominates. Brevifolius and elymoides were similar for leaf area and root length and lower than multisetus, which again may relateto the latter'sprevalencein warmer regions.Brevifoliushadlower specificleaf area, i.e., thickerleaves, than the other 2 taxa, but no differencesamongtaxa were observed for specific root length. Likewise, Arredondoet al. (1998) found that 4 brevifolius accessions had lower specific leaf areathanthe multisetus,Sand Hollow.Low specific leaf areais associated with high carboninvestmentand long leaf life-span(Reich 1997), a characteristic of perennials relative to cheatgrass (Arredondoet al. 1998). We are uncertain as to whether brevifolius plants have greater longevity in their environments than do multisetus or elymoides plants. especially at low (<10 mM) external nitrateconcentrations(Johnsonet al. 1976, Feil et al. 1993). In addition, barley mutantswith low nitratereductaseactivity grew slower in the cool early-seasonand matured later than wild-type plants (BlackwoodandHallam,1979). Measured nitratereductaseactivityis the resultof a complex interactionof nitrate, carbohydrateavailability,plant development,and light. But plant materials with higher nitratereductaseactivity, e.g., elymoides and multisetus,that can more effectively assimilate and compete for soil nitrogen may grow or become established faster than those with lower nitrate reductase activity,e.g., brevifolius.Indeed,the slow emergence of brevifolius from a 5-mm planting depth relative to elymoides and multisetuswas notedabove.Principalcomponentloadingsfor days to emergenceand nitratereductaseactivity were negatively correlatedfor both principalcomponents1 and2, but the relationshipwas strongerfor principalcomponent2 (Table3). Principal Components 1 and 2 explained 38 and 29% of the variation, respectively,amongaccessionsfor the 13 traits.Loadingsfor PrincipalComponent1 indicate that accessions with higher PrincipalComponent1 scores had generally more rapid emergence at a 5-mm plantingdepth,greaterday-10 leaf length, and greatertotal plantdry-matter,root-toshoot ratio, leaf area, and root length at harvestin the greenhousetrial;laterheading dateandgreaterseed mass in the field; and more rapidemergencefrom a 60-mm planting depth (Table 3). Principal Component 1 separatedmultisetus(high scores) from elymoides (low scores). Brevifolius was intermediate between these 2, but closer to elymoides(Fig. 1). Loadingsfor PrincipalComponent2 indicate that accessionswith higherPrincipal Component2 scores had generally more rapid emergence at a 5-mm planting depth;greaterroot-to-shootratio, greater specific leaf area (thinner leaves), and lowerspecificrootlength(thickerroots)at harvest in the greenhouse trial; earlier heading date and lower seed mass in the field; more rapid emergence from a 20mm planting depth; and higher nitrate reductaseactivity.PrincipalComponent2 separated elymoides and multisetus (high scores) from brevifolius (low scores). Overlapamong the 3 taxa was absent in the 2-dimensionalscatterplot, but beyond that,accessionsdid not appearto be organizedin anygeographicalmanner. Values for the lone californicusaccession, PI 531604, were withinthe rangeof elymoidesaccessions for all traitsexcept total plant dry-matterin the greenhouse and seed mass in the field, where PI 531604 had slightlygreatervalues (Tables 1, 2). Accession PI 531604 was clearly more similar to elymoidesthan to brevi- In the field trial,elymoidesheadedearlier and produced seed with lower mass than the other taxa (Table 2), suggesting that it is adaptedto regions lacking the summerprecipitationthat is found in the Rocky Mountains, for example. In the folius or multisetus, supporting a close taxgreenhouse depth-of-emergence trials, multisetus emerged significantly faster than brevifolius at both 20 and 60-mm depths. The 25-day greenhousetrial also demonstratedthe slow germinationrateof 01 x x brevifolius, based on emergence from a x . W 0r shallow 5-mm depth. Elymoides emergence was similarto multisetusand faster U -2 0 than brevifolius at 20 mm, but lagged j E behindwith brevifoliusat 60 mm. The low 0 seed mass of elymoides accessions may 0. havebeen a disadvantageat the deeper60mm planting depth, while the high seed .E -3 mass of brevifoliusmayhave compensated for its inherentlyslow germinabilityat this -4 depth. Correlations between seed mass 4 2 3 0 1 -1 -2 and emergence index were negative (r = -0.50; P < 0.01) at 20 mm and positive (r Principal component I score = 0.34; P < 0.10) at 60 mm. Thus, largerseeded accessions emerged faster at 60 mm, while the reversewas trueat 20 mm. Emergenceindices at the 2 depths were uncorrelated acrossaccessions(P > 0.10). Nitratereductaseactivities were lower for brevifoliusthanthe other2 taxa (Table A 2). In agronomiccrops, high leaf nitrate reductase activity was correlated with Fig. 1. Plot of the first 2 principal componentscores for 27 Elymuselymoidesand E. multiseincreased plant growth and grain yield, tus squirreltailaccessionsin data set 1. * ssp. californicus* ssp. elymoides ssp. brevifolius x E. multisetus 478 JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT56(5) September 2003 Table 4 Means for 10 elymoides, 21 brevifolius, and 16 multisetus squirreltail accessions in data set 2 for 6 traits in a 34-day greenhouse trial. Taxon/ Accession Collectionlocation Elevation (m) elymoides T-el 173 T- 1174 T-1 175 T-1191 T-1 192 T-1193 T-1 198 T-1223 T-1224 PI 619553 mean brevifolius groupA T-1180 T-1233 T-1238 T-1239 T-1242 T-1249 T-1260 T-1264 T-1265 T-1271 T-1272 T-1277 T-1299 (mean) groupB T-1228 T-1243 T-1308 (mean) groupC T-1202 T-1203 T-1204 T-1205 T-1206 (mean) mean multisetus PI 619454 PI 619456 PI 619457 PI 619458 PI 619459 PI 619460 PI 619461 PI 619462 PI 619463 PI 619464 PI 619465 PI619467 PI 619564 T-1165 T-1183 T-1214 Leaf length (17 Root Days to days post- Total plant Root-toSpecific root length plant) emergence dry-matter shootratio length (no.) (mm) (mg plant-) (mg mg') (mmplant-) (mmmg-') east of MountainHome, Ida. west of MountainHome, Ida. Ditto Creek,ElmoreCo., Ida. CountyRd lO, Moffat Co., Colo. Point of Rocks, SweetwaterCo., Wyo. Superior,Wyo. btwn Sage Junction& Laketown,Ut. Fish Creek,Carey, Ida. Atomic City, Bingham Co., Ida. Shoshone, Ida. 1050 950 1000 2150 2200 2200 2200 1450 1500 1300 1633 5.7 4.4 4.6 5.0 4.7 5.9 5.0 4.3 4.5 4.8 4.9b# 38 38 42 41 47 37 42 49 49 38 42b 4.09 5.18 4.58 5.36 5.69 4.04 4.47 5.94 5.26 5.29 4.99c northeastof Wagonmound,N.M. northof Hermosa,Colo. east of ChimneyRock, Colo. northeastof Pagosa Springs,Colo. northof Lake City, Colo. west of Sargents,Colo. south of Westcliffe, Colo. northof Colmor,N.M. northof Wagonmound,N.M. southwestof Ocate, N.M. La Cueva, N.M. Tres Piedras,N.M. northof Flagstaff,Ariz. 2000 2000 2050 2350 2450 2600 2450 1850 1900 2300 2200 2350 2150 (2204) 7.4 5.8 5.8 6.4 6.4 6.8 6.6 7.0 7.1 6.3 6.4 6.6 6.2 (6.5) 30 44 44 39 37 35 42 35 37 45 43 44 47 (40) 5.52 9.53 8.89 7.33 6.16 7.68 6.61 5.33 5.56 6.86 5.46 5.70 8.44 (6.85) Colton, Ut. northof Powderhorn,Colo. northwestof Almont, Colo. 2150 2750 2500 (2467) 6.5 6.3 5.7 (6.2) 37 39 39 (38) hwy 75 X 20, Blaine Co., Ida. east of Fairfield,Ida. east of Hill City, Ida. west of Hill City, Ida. east of Dixie, ElmoreCo., Ida. 1350 1500 1550 1600 1600 (1520) 2100 5.4 5.4 5.8 4.2 5.0 (5.2) 6.1 a 950 1000 800 1100 1000 1000 950 1100 1000 800 1000 800 1100 850 1000 1100 3.9 4.1 3.8 4.0 3.9 4.3 3.9 3.7 3.9 3.8 4.4 4.3 4.9 4.3 4.2 4.2 A-line canal, Gem Co., Ida. CartwrightRd., Ada Co., Ida. Little Land & Livestock, CanyonCo., Ida. northwestof Mayfield, ElmoreCo., Ida. Boise, Ida. Bogus Basin Rd., Ada Co., Ida. Barber,Ida. southeastof Mayfield, ElmoreCo., Ida. Ditto Creek,ElmoreCo., Ida. Lower Hatley, CanyonCo., Ida. Seaman'sGulch Rd., Ada Co., Ida. Middle Hatley, Gem Co., Ida. Ditto Creek,ElmoreCo., Ida. King Hill, Ida. MountainHome, Ida. Black's Creek,Ada Co., Ida. mean 950 4.1 c #taxameansfollowedby differentlettersin thesamecolumnn aresignificantly different atP < 0.05. JOURNALOF RANGEMANAGEMENT 56(5) September2003 640 860 720 870 1090 730 840 870 770 780 817c 278 297 313 302 329 289 336 281 255 270 295b 0.84 0.61 0.50 0.85 0.88 0.65 0.76 0.74 0.82 0.81 0.92 0.91 0.76 (0.77) 710 1210 970 1160 1060 1080 1060 800 980 1050 850 1030 1500 (1035) 282 335 327 345 367 356 372 354 392 342 326 380 411 (353) 3.70 5.10 4.37 (4.39) 1.31 1.07 1.07 (1.15) 910 1070 980 (987) 433 405 434 (424) 42 52 43 44 45 (45) 41 b 4.71 6.28 6.55 5.92 5.92 (5.88) 6.27 b 1.26 0.84 1.17 1.26 1.18 (1.14) 0.91 b 720 1060 1010 1080 1080 (990) 1018 b 274 369 286 327 336 (319) 355 a 61 49 64 51 55 53 51 58 55 56 53 52 44 63 65 49 10.49 9.00 9.91 9.92 9.21 9.05 9.24 8.74 9.17 9.61 9.87 8.25 7.38 10.87 10.26 7.99 55a 9.31 a 1.28 1.27 1.01 1.16 1.39 1.68 1.27 1.09 1.35 1.20 1.27 a 1.14 1.17 1.22 1.31 1.20 1.16 1.16 1.39 1.34 0.99 1.23 1.07 1.04 1.25 0.99 1.04 1660 1560 1360 1470 1530 1510 1390 1360 1490 1280 1510 1160 1030 1610 1380 1200 297 321 250 262 305 311 280 267 284 268 278 272 273 267 270 294 1.17a 1406a 281 b 479 onomic relationshipbetween californicus traits.Loadingsfor PrincipalComponent1 and elymoides, as favored by Wilson indicatethataccessionswithhigh Principal Component1 scores had generallygreater (1963). total plant dry-matter,lower root-to-shoot ratio,and greaterroot length at harvestin Data set 2 In the greenhouse trial, multisetus the greenhouse trial; and later heading emerged faster, had longer leaves at 17 date,greaterheight,and greaterseed mass days, and had greatertotal plant dry-mat- in the field (Table3). PrincipalComponent ter at harvestthanthe other2 taxa (Table 1 separated brevifolius and multisetus 4). Brevifoliusemergedmost slowly from (high scores)from elymoides(low scores) a 5-mm plantingdepthand elymoideshad (Fig. 2). Loadings for Principal the least total plant dry-matter.Root-to- Component2 indicatethataccessionswith shoot ratio was least for brevifolius and higherPrincipalComponent2 scores had generallymorerapidemergenceat a 5-mm greater for multisetus and elymoides. Specific root lengthwas greaterfor brevi- plantingdepth;greaterleaf length on day folius (thinroots),especiallygroupB (see 17 and greater total plant dry-matter, below), than for multisetus or elymoides. greaterrootlength,andlower specificroot Multisetus had the greatest root length length (thicker roots) at harvest in the greenhousetrial. PrincipalComponent2 with brevifolius intermediate and elymoides least. In the field trial (Table 5), separatedmultisetus (high scores) from elymoides had the earliest heading date, elymoides and brevifolius (low scores). the lowest seed mass, and the shortest This separationresultedin plots that oriheight. Brevifolius and multisetus did not entedthe 3 taxain a similarmannerto data set 1 (Fig. 1). Variationamongaccessions differfromone anotherfor thesetraits. The first 2 principal components was greaterfor brevifoliusthanthe other2 explained 41 and 40% of the variation, taxa;this was reflectedmostlyby Principal respectively, among accessions for the 9 Component1 scores. Together,PrincipalComponents1 and2 separated brevifolius accessions into 3 groups (Fig. 2). "GroupA" accessions were late-maturingwith high-seed mass and originatedfrom mediumto high elevations (1850 to 2600 m) in Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. "GroupB" accessions were early-maturing(as early as elymoides) with low-seed mass and originatedfrom high elevations (2150 to 2750 m) in ColoradoandUtah."GroupC" accessions were intermediate-maturing with low-seed mass and originatedfrom low to mediumelevations (1350 to 1600 m) in southernIdaho.Amplifiedfragment length polymorphisms (AFLP), a DNA markertechnique,have verifiedthatthese 3 groupsaregeneticallydistinct(Larsonet al. 2003). In the greenhouse (Table 4), days to emergence were generally lesser for GroupC accessions and more similar to elymoidesthanwere GroupA or B accessions. Totalplantdry-matterwas generally greatestfor GroupA accessions,least for GroupB accessions,and intermediatefor GroupC accessions. Root-to-shootratio Table 5. Means for 10 elymoides, 21 brevifolius, and 16 multisetus squirreltail accessions in data set 2 for 6 traits in a 2-year field trial. Taxon/ Accession Heading date Plant height Seed mass (days after4/30) (m) (mg seed-') elymoides T-1173 T- 1174 T-1175 T-1191 T-1192 T-1193 T-1198 T-1223 T-1224 PI 619553 21 21 22 18 20 15 20 26 24 23 0.28 0.32 0.31 0.28 0.27 0.38 0.48 0.42 0.42 0.38 2.21 2.37 2.16 3.29 2.83 2.36 2.91 3.01 2.73 3.05 mean 21 b 0.35 b 2.69 b multisetus PI 619454 PI 619456 PI 619457 PI 619458 PI 619459 PI 619460 PI 619461 PI 619462 PI 619463 PI 619464 PI 619465 PI 619467 PI 619564 T-1165 T-1 183 T-1214 44 42 42 42 41 42 41 45 45 44 42 42 42 33 41 41 0.53 0.58 0.58 0.68 0.53 0.58 0.64 0.65 0.57 0.63 0.61 0.56 0.66 0.53 0.62 0.60 4.88 5.50 4.72 5.83 5.05 5.01 5.18 5.07 4.72 4.87 5.14 4.62 4.87 4.15 5.39 5.49 mean 42 a 0.59 a 5.03 a Taxon/ Accession Heading date Plant height Seed mass (days after4/30) brevifolius groupA T- 1180 60 T-1233 62 T-1238 47 T-1239 49 T-1242 42 T-1249 46 T-1260 51 T-1264 65 T-1265 60 T-1271 57 T-1272 57 T-1277 53 T-1299 63 (mean) (55) (m) (mg seed-') 0.66 0.64 0.75 0.75 0.77 0.68 0.53 0.71 0.71 0.72 0.72 0.63 0.66 (0.68) 4.81 4.51 5.10 5.34 5.36 5.71 4.58 4.86 5.02 5.23 5.48 4.51 6.16 (5.13) groupB T-1228 T-1243 T-1245 (mean) 23 24 17 (21) 0.51 0.53 0.58 (0.54) 3.39 3.77 3.37 (3.51) groupC T-1202 T-1203 T-1204 T-1205 T-1206 (mean) 34 32 34 38 38 (35) 0.50 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.60 (0.57) 3.75 3.74 4.61 3.47 3.27 (3.77) mean 45a 0.64a 4.57a #taxa means followed by differentlettersin the same column are significantlydifferentat P < 0.05. 480 JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT56(5) September 2003 data set 2 included plant height. With 1 exception (root-to-shootratio) the 2 data sets rankedthe taxa in the same orderfor all 8 common traits. However, for 3 of these traits (root-to-shoot ratio, root length, and specific root length), significant differencesamongtaxonmeanswere slightly different.For root-to-shootratio, data set 1 grouped middle-rankingely- 0 N1 x *1 c S -2 moides with lowest-ranking breviolius, while data set 2 groupedhighest-ranking -3 0.~. -2 elymoides with middle-ranking multisetus. 0X -1 Principal component I score Forrootlength,dataset 1 groupedlowestranking elymoides with middle-ranking brevifolius,while data set 2 groupedlowest-rankingelymoidesapartfrom middleranking brevifolius. For specific root length, data set 1 grouped all 3 taxa together,while data set 2 separatedhighest-ranking brevifolius apart from elymoides and multisetus. * ssp. brevifolius(A) * ssp. elymoides A ssp. brevifolius(B) x E. multisetus z Ssp.brevifolius (C) Fig. 2. Plot of the first 2 principal componentscores for 47 Elymuselymoidesand E. multisetus squirreltailaccessionsin data set 2. was generally lower for GroupA accessions thanGroupB or C accessions,which were more similarto elymoidesandmultisetus. Specific root length was generally greaterfor GroupB accessionsthanGroup A or C accessions,which were moresimilar to elymoides and multisetus. In the field trial(Table5), seed mass was generally greaterfor GroupA accessions,which were more similar to multisetus, than Group B or C accessions, which were more similar to elymoides. Plant height was generallygreaterfor GroupA accessions thanGroupB or C accessions,which were more similarto multisetus,which in turnwas greaterthanelymoides. While the geographicalrange of Group C is clearly separatefrom GroupsA and B, GroupsA and B themselvesare overlappingand may occur as biotypesat the same site. Accession T-1245, a group B accession originating northwest of Almont,Colo., was collected at the same site as T-1308, which was not includedin data set 2, but has been confirmed as a GroupA accessionbasedon its AFLPprofile (Larson et al. 2003). Likewise, T1264, a Group A accession originating north of Colmor, N.M., was collected from the same site as T-1309, also not includedin data set 2. Based on its early maturity(unpublisheddata), however, T1309 is likely a GroupB accession. Relativeto GroupA, GroupB is earlier in maturity, is shorter, and has greater root-to-shoot ratio, greater specific root length (thinner roots), lower total plant dry-matter,andlowerseed mass.We wonderwhethersome or all of these traitsmay be associated with adaptationto higher elevations. In fact, T-1243 (Powderhorn, Colorado),a GroupB accession,was collected at 2,750 m, the highestelevationof any accession. While our elevation data (Table4) do not directlysupportthis speculation, we may have missed a trend by failing to collect at higherelevationsthan we did. Conclusions In both data sets, the 3 squirreltailtaxa were easily separatedby the traitsexamined. Dataset 1 had 13 traitsanddataset 2 had 9 traits. The 8 traits in common to both data sets were days to emergence from5 mm;leaf length(at 10 days in data set 1 and 17 days in dataset 2), totalplant dry-matter, root-to-shootratio,rootlength, and specific root length at harvest;heading date;and seed mass. In additionto the 8 traits in common, data set 1 included leaf area,specific leaf area,days to emergence from 20 mm, days to emergence from 60 mm, and nitratereductaseactivity. In additionto the 8 traitsin common, JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT56(5) September 2003 Of all taxa, elymoideswas the earliest, shortest, and had the lowest seed mass, seedling dry-matter, and root length. Brevifolius had the lowest root-to-shoot ratio,specific leaf area,and nitratereductase activity, the highest specific root length, and generally the slowest emergence from a normalplantingdepth.Low specific leaf area is associatedwith high carboninvestmentand greatleaf life-span (Reich 1997). Multisetushad the fastest emergencefrom a normalplantingdepth, longest leaf length at 10 days (dataset 1) or 17 days (data set 2) post-plant, and greatestseedlingdry-matter,leaf area,and rootlength. Wilson (1963) stated that brevifolius displays the greatestecological diversity of the 5 squirreltailtaxa, being found in desert to montane habitats from 600 to 3000 m elevationand with extremevariation in size. Variationamong accessions was similarfor the 3 taxain dataset 1, but brevifolius had the greatest variation in data set 2, perhapsbecause these brevifolius accessionsrepresenteda widergeographical distribution than the other 2 taxa. Nevertheless, we found a greater degreeof discontinuity,e.g., GroupsA, B, and C, withinbrevifoliusthanwithinmultisetus or elymoides. In data set 2, acces- sions thatplottednearthe convergenceof the 3 taxa were from the environs of southemIdaho,a regionwith amplerepresentationof all 3 taxa. Overall,GroupC accessionswere moresimilarto elymoides and multisetusthan were Group A or B accessions(Fig. 2). Five brevifoliusaccessionsin dataset 1 can be reinterpretedbased on findingsof data set 2 and subsequentAFLP analysis (Larsonet al. 2003). Threelate-maturing, 481 high seed-mass accessions, 9040189, 904187, and PI 531605, qualify as Group A, according to AFLP data. While no AFLP data have been collected on the fourthaccession, Acc:1123, it appearsto be a member of Group C based on its Oregon origin, fast emergence (Table 1) and low seed mass (Table2). It shouldbe noted, however, that its heading date is similarto the 3 GroupA accessions.The fifth accession, Acc:1130 (Savageton, Wyo.), is unique in this study. Based on AFLP results, it belongs to "GroupD", accessionsof which we have collectedon the HighPlainsfromAlbertato Colorado. Ourdata supportthe recognitionof elymoides, brevifolius, and multisetus taxa, but they do not provide direction as to whethereach meritsspecific or subspecific rank. From an ecological perspective, these data do not supportthe suggestion that any one pair of elymoides, multisetus, and brevifolius is more similar than any otherpair.Furthermore, these resultsprovide guidance as to which specific commerciallyavailableplant materialsshould be plantedin which locations.For example, the 3 distinct groups of brevifolius accessions,as well as the differenttaxa,are ecologicallydistinctandare likely adapted to regionsin whichtheirparticulargroupis found in nature.These results reflect the highlyecotypicnatureof the squirreltails. 482 LiteratureCited Jensen, K.B., Y.F. Zhang, and D.R. Dewey. 1990. Mode of pollination of perennial speciesof the Triticeaein relationto genomiArnow, L.A. 1993. GramineaeA.L. Juss. p. cally defined genera. Can. J. Plant Sci. 775-833. In: S.L. Welsh, N.D. Atwood, S. 70:215-225. Goodrich,and L.C. Higgins (eds.) A Utah Johnson, C.B., W.J. Whittington, and G.C. flora. 2nd ed. BrighamYoung Univ., Provo, Blackwood.1976. 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