LONDON’S GLOBAL UNIVERSITY Corporate Events Team Event Management Request Form (for use by UCL departments) Title of Event: Date form submitted: Proposed date of event: Proposed Venue: * Please note that the Team will only be able to consider requests which are made AT LEAST 14 WEEKS IN ADVANCE of an event. What are the objectives of the event? Who is the audience? Do you/does your department already have a relationship with the audience? (Eg have they been to other events?) How is the event to be funded and what is the budget? Is there already a database of contacts with full and up to date contact details? How will you measure the success of the event? How will the event be publicised? (Eg invitation only) What follow-up with invitees is planned and how will this process be managed? Please return this form to: Rachel Anderson, Head of Resources +44 (0)20 7679 9128 (09128) 1