UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities MCSC Project title Project summary Mapping Change for Sustainable Communities East London and the Thames Gateway are facing big changes in the coming years. Getting people involved makes good sense for everyone. This new project aims to make getting involved a little easier – and lot more effective. Lead organisation UCL Project coordinator Muki Haklay Contact details T: 0207 679 2745 m.haklay@ucl.ac.uk Website www.urbanbuzz.org www.london21.org/page/79/ project/show/mcsc Project value £175,623 grant plus £237,853 contribution in kind Start/end dates 1/5/07 to 31/12/08 Project partners London 21; Planning Aid for London; London Thames Gateway Forum; local community organisation UrbanBuzz project monitor Chris Anderson c.e.anderson@uel.ac.uk MCSC will use internet-based maps to show people what is planned for their neighbourhood and offer training and support so that they can develop and use these maps themselves. The same maps will also include the areas that people are worried about (due to crime, flytipping or pollution) as well as highlight what local communities doing and the things they want to celebrate. The project will work with four community groups in the region. Local people will identify their own issues and will be trained in using the relevant technology. The project will offer them access to planning information and advice and lead to a web-based map which they can maintain and develop. At the end of the project, each community will have their own map and website that can help them to communicate with new and existing members, increase the outreach of their group and enable the community to organise themselves to have a say on development projects.