Unit Assessment: Data Collection Sheet (DRAFT) Please enter the requested data into this form and email to ___________ at _____@xula.edu. Coordinators: Please complete the blue boxes before sending to faculty/staff for data collection. Current Year (20xx-20xx): Outcome Description – What is your desired outcome? Assessment Method – What measurements will you use to determine if you are meeting your outcome? Criterion – What does success look like? (X% attained goal, average score of X out of Y, X% complete by deadline, etc) Assessment Results – State whether Criterion Met, Criterion Not Met, or Unknown. Describe results (X% attained goal, average score of X out of Y, X% complete by deadline, etc). Action Taken – Describe actions that the department will take to further improve on these results. If stating “No Action Taken” or “Continue to monitor,” provide a justification for not taking action. Previous Year (20xx-20xx): Previous Action Taken – The following actions were proposed in the action taken section of the previous report(s). Follow-up – Describe 1.) if the planned actions actually took place, 2.) how the actions are (or are not) affecting short-term change, and 3.) how these actions will help the department in the long-term. Unit Assessment: Data Collection Sheet (DRAFT) Documentation: Please include documentation of assessment activities with this submission of assessment results. Documentation may include, but is not limited to: grade sheets, exam copies, sample research papers, surveys, flyers, sign-in logs, and/or email communications. When choosing how to document your assessment results, remember that your goal is to prove that there is good assessment going on in your department. Student and staff names can be removed from documents to protect confidentiality. In cases where the documentation cannot be attached for confidentiality reasons, please inform the assessment coordinator to place a note in TracDat stating “To protect confidentiality, documentation is available for viewing in the ____ office by request.” If you say this, please be aware that you will be expected to keep these documents in the office for the entire 10-year SACS cycle.