Deer-Tolerant Ornamental Plants Gary L. Wade, Extension Horticulturist, Department of Horticulture Michael T. Mengak, Wildlife Specialist, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources D eer like nutrition-rich plants, especially in spring and summer when does are pregnant or nursing, when young deer are growing and when bucks are growing antlers. Fertilized plants, such as those in home landscapes, provide protein, energy-rich carbohydrates, minerals and salts. Deer also get about one-third of their water from the moisture in irrigated plants and young, succulent vegetation on expanding leaves, buds and green stems. Nuisance deer that feast on home gardens and bucks that damage young trees by rubbing them with their antlers during the rutting season are difficult and expensive to control in residential communities. Although there are a number of commercially available deer repellents on the market, none of them are 100 percent effective. Most “home remedy” repellents, such as soap, human hair and animal dung, are unreliable. Shooting deer or using noise guns is prohibited in most residential neighborhoods, and many citizens are opposed to this method of control. Fencing whole communities or individual properties is often not practical, and may be against local ordinances or community covenants. Trapping and relocating deer is costly and often harmful or fatal to deer. If deer are overabundant in your neighborhood, and deer herd reduction or management is not feasible, a good way to prevent deer browsing in landscapes is to plant ornamental plants that deer do not like to eat. There is no such thing as a deer-resistant plant, and when deer populations are high and food becomes scarce, deer may feed on plants that are thought to be deer-tolerant. However, deer generally do not like plants with pungent aromas. Some gardeners have reported success with planting strong-scented plants like lantana, catmint, chives, mint, sage or thyme adjacent to plants that deer frequently browse. Deer also shy away from plants with prickly or rough leaves and plants with a bitter taste. Sometimes, deer browse new plantings or established plants with tender new growth, then avoid those same plants when their leaves are mature. Over the years, wildlife organizations, universities, botanical gardens and garden writers have constructed many lists of deer-tolerant and deer-susceptible ornamental plants. Because most of these lists are constructed from observational trial-and-error data instead of controlled scientific studies, they are open for criticism. Furthermore, many variables influence deer feeding preferences. The list below is a compilation of ornamental plants for Georgia hardiness zones that appear in published literature (see References) as well as observations by the authors. It is intended to be a guide for selecting ornamental plants for landscapes where deer browsing is a problem. Plants known to be invasive and a serious problem in natural areas, regardless of their level of deer tolerance, were excluded from the list. Common Name Plants Deer Occasionally or Frequently Browse (Protection is recommended) Botanical Name American Arborvitae American Beautyberry American Elder American Sycamore Arrow-wood Asiatic Lilies Beech (low branches) Bittersweet Black-Eyed Susan Blackgum Blanket Flower Buttonbush Carolina Ash Carolina Buckthorn Carolina Yellow Jessamine Chrysanthemum (fall mums) Coleus Cosmos Crossvine Daylily (prefer flowers and flower buds) Eastern Redbud Flowering Crabapple (small trees and low branches) Flowering Dogwood Fothergilla (flowers and new growth) Fringetree Gerbera Daisy Grape Hyacinth Green Ash (tender new growth) Greenbriar Hawthorn Hibiscus Some Hollies (some, such as Lusterleaf, Mary Nell, Nellie R. Stevens, Blue) Hollyhock Honey Locust Hop Hornbeam Hosta Hydrangea (bigleaf, oakleaf, climbing) Impatiens Indian Hawthorn Japanese Maple (tender new growth) Morning Glory Trumpet Honeysuckle Pansy Petunia Redbay Red Maple Rhododendron Rose Balsam Roses Deer-Tolerant Ornamental Plants 2 Thuja occidentalis Callicarpa acmericana Sambucus canadensis Platanus occidentalis Viburnum dentatum Lilium spp. Fagus spp. Celastrus scandens Rudbeckia spp. Nyssa sylvatica Gaillardia spp. Cephalanthus occidentalis Fraxinus caroliniana Frangula caroliniana Gelsemium sempervirens Chrysanthemum spp. Coleus spp. Cosmos spp. Bignonia capreolata Hemerocallis spp. Cercis canadensis Malus spp. Cornus florida Fothergilla spp. Chionanthus virginicus Gerbera jamesonii Muscari spp. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Smilax spp. Crataegus spp. Hibiscus spp. Ilex spp. Alcea spp. Gleditsia triacanthos Ostrya virginiana Hosta spp. Hydrangea spp. Impatiens walleriana Rhaphiolepis indica Acer palmatum Ipomea spp. Lonicera sempervirens Viola spp. Petunia spp. Persea borbonia Acer ruburm Rhododendron spp. Impatiens balsamina Rosa spp. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension & Warnell Circular 985 Common Name Plants Deer Occasionally or Frequently Browse (Protection is recommended) Botanical Name Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ Serviceberry Soloman’s Seal, Sourwood (tender new growth) Strawberry Bush Summersweet Clethra Swamp Cyrilla Sweetbay Magnolia Sweetshrub Titi Trumpet Creeper Tulips Violas Virginia Sweetspire Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ Amelanchier arborea Polygonatum spp. Oxydendron aroreum Euonymus ameicanus Cletra alnifolia Cyrilla racemiflora Magnolia virginiana Calycanthus floridus Cliftonia monophylla Campsis radicans Tulip spp. Viola spp. Itea virginica Yew (English and Japanese) Taxus spp. Trees Deer Rarely Browse Common Name Botanical Name Bald Cypress Carolina Silverbell Cherry Laurel Crape Myrtle Dawn Redwood Deodar Cedar Eastern Redcedar Falsecypress Fir Ginkgo Goldenraintree Gordonia Japanese Cedar Katsura Tree Kousa Dogwood Pawpaw Palm Pine Saucer Magnolia, Japanese Magnolia Southern Magnolia Smoketree Spruce Sugar Maple Sweetgum Tuliptree, Tulip Poplar Taxodium distichum Halesia carolina Prunus laurocerasus Lagerstroemia indica Metasequoia glyptostroboides Cedrus deodara Juniperus virginiana L. Chamaecyparis spp. Abies spp. Ginko biloba Koelreuteria paniculata Gordonia lasianthus Cryptomeria japonica Cercidiphyllum japonicum Cornus kousa Asimina triloba Many genera and species Pinus spp. Magnolia x soulangiana Magnolia grandiflora Cotinus obovatus Picea spp. Acer saccharum Liquidambar styraciflua Liriodendron tulipifera University of Georgia Cooperative Extension & Warnell Circular 985 3 Deer-Tolerant Ornamental Plants Common Name Shrubs Deer Rarely Browse Botanical Name Michelia figo Berberis spp. Kolkwitzia amabilis Aesculus parviflora Buxus spp. Buddleia spp. Hamamelis virginiana Cotoneaster spp. Deutzia spp. Leucothoe fontanesiana Chamaerops humilis Pyracantha coccinea Chaenomeles speciosa Gardenia spp. Abelia spp. Ilex spp. Banana Shrub Barberry Beautybush Bottlebrush Buckeye Boxwood Butterfly Bush Common Witchhazel Cotoneaster Deutzia Drooping Leucothoe European Fan Palm Firethorn (Pyracantha) Flowering Quince Gardenia Glossy Abelia Some Hollies (yaupon, inkberry, Chinese and Japanese) See occasionally browsed list. Japanese Andromeda Japanese Plum Yew Japanese Rose Junipers Needle Palm Oleander Osmanthus Pineapple Guava Pomegranate Primrose Jasmine Sotol Spirea Sweet Box Viburnum Wax Myrtle Weigela Winter Daphne Yucca Pieris japonica Cephalotaxus harringtonia Kerria japonica Juniperus spp. Rhapidophyllum hystrix Nerium oleander Osmanthus spp. Feijoa sellowiana Punica granatum Jasminum mesnyi Dasylirion wheeleri Spiraea spp. Sarcoccoca hookeriana Viburnum spp. Myrica cerifera Weigela florida Daphne odora Yucca filimentosa Ornamental Grasses Deer Rarely Browse Common Name Fountaingrass Feather Reed Grass Hakone Grass Lemongrass Little Bluestem Northern Sea Oats Pampas Grass Pink Muhly Grass Purple Moor Grass Ravenna Grass Sedge Sweet Flag Switch Grass Deer-Tolerant Ornamental Plants Botanical Name 4 Pennisetum alopecuroides Calamagrostis spp. Hakonechloa macra Cymbopogon citratus Schizachyrium scoparium Chasmanthium latifolium Cortaderia selloana Muhlenbergia capillaris Molinia caerulea Erianthus ravennae Carex spp. Acorus spp. Panicum virgatum University of Georgia Cooperative Extension & Warnell Circular 985 Common Name Vines and Groundcovers Deer Rarely Browse Botanical Name Bugleweed (Ajuga) Ajuga reptans Columbine Aquilegia spp. Confederate Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides Creeping Raspberry Rubus calycinoides Creeping Lantana Lantana montevidensis Dwarf Mondograss Ophiopogon japonicus Japanese Pachysandra Pachysandra terminalis Junipers Juniperus spp. Liriope Liriope spicata Plumbago Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Prostrate Rosemary Rosemarinus officinalis ‘Prostratus’ Sweet Woodruff Galium odoratum (Asperula odorata) Thyme Thymus spp. Common Name Annuals Deer Rarely Browse Botanical Name Ageratum houstonianum Lobularia spp. Catharanthus spp. Salvia spp. Gypsophila spp. Centaurea cyanus Ocimum basilicum Calendula officinalis Eschscholzia californica Celosia spp. Centaurea cineraria Nicotiana spp. Lantana spp. Tagetes spp. Petroselinum crispum Salvia coccinea Plectranthus spp. Antirrhinum majus Cleome spp. Bracteantha bracteata Matthiola incana Lathyrus odoratus Verbena x hybrida Ageratum Alyssum Annual Periwinkle Annual Salvia Baby’s Breath Bachelor’s Buttons Basil Calendula, Pot Marigold California Poppy Cock’s Comb Dusty Miller Flowering Tobacco Lantana Marigold Parsley Scarlet Sage Swedish Ivy Snapdragon Spiderflower Strawflower Stock Sweet Pea Verbena University of Georgia Cooperative Extension & Warnell Circular 985 5 Deer-Tolerant Ornamental Plants Herbaceous Perennials and Bulbs Deer Rarely Browse Common Name Botanical Name Allium spp. Agapanthus spp. Hippeastrum spp. Agastache spp. Aster spp. Astilbe spp. Platycodon grandiflorus Monarda didyma Boltonia spp. Potentilla fruticosa Asclepias tuberosa Iberis spp. Lobelia spp. Nepeta spp. Polystichum arcostichoides Osmunda cinnamomea Aquilegia spp. Crinum spp. Croscosmia spp. Crocus spp. Narcissus spp. Dahlia spp. Delphinium spp. Alocasia spp./ Colocasia spp. Baptisia australis Tiarella cordifolia Myosotis spp. Mirabilis jalapa Digitalis spp. Liatris spp. Echinops spp. Solidago spp. Phlomis spp. Sempervivum spp. Iris spp. Arisaema triphylum Stachys byzantine Lantana spp. Consolida ambigua Lavandula spp. Santolina chamaecyparissus Helleborus spp. Agapanthus africanus Lupinus spp. Origanum marjorana Podophyllum peltatum Thalictrum aquilegifolium Mentha spp. Lunaria annua Allium African Lily Amaryllis Anise Hyssop Aster Astilbe Balloon Flower Beebalm Boltonia Bush Cinquefoil Butterfly Weed Candytuft Cardinal Flower Catmint Christmas Fern Cinnamon Fern Columbine Crinum Lily Crocosmia Crocus Daffodils Dahlia Delphinium Elephant Ears False Indigo Foamflower Forget-Me-Not Four O’Clock Foxglove Gay-feather (Liatris) Globe Thistle Goldenrod Green Jerusalem Sage Hens and Chickens Iris Jack-in-the-pulpit Lamb’s Ear Lantana Larkspur Lavender Lavender-cotton Lenten Rose Lily-of-the-Nile Lupine Marjoram May Apple Meadow Rue Mint Money Plant Deer-Tolerant Ornamental Plants 6 University of Georgia Cooperative Extension & Warnell Circular 985 Herbaceous Perennials and Bulbs Deer Rarely Browse Common Name Botanical Name Oreganum vulgare Paeonia spp. Helianthus spp. Dianthus spp. Papaver spp. Primula spp. Echinacea purpurea Lychnis coronaria Rosmarinus officinalis Osmunda regalis Perovskia atriplicifolia Galanthus nivalis Tulbaghia violacea Veronica spp. Galium odoratum (Asperula odorata) Limonium latifolium Tanacetum vulgare Artemisia dracunculus Coreopsis verticillata Tricyrtis hirta Salvia greggii Cheiranthus spp. Baptisia spp. Artemesia spp. Achillea filipendulina Oregano Peony Perennial Sunflower Pinks Poppy Primrose Purple Coneflower Rose Campion Rosemary Royal Fern Russian Sage Snowdrop Society Garlic Speedwell Sweet Woodruff Statice Tansy Tarragon Threadleaf Coreopsis Toad Lily Texas Sage Wallflower Wild Indigo Wormwood Yarrow References Adler, Bill Jr. 1999. Outwitting Deer. The Globe Pequot Press, ISBN: 1-55821-629-4 Larson, Richard. 2001. Deer-Resistant Plants – Shrubs and Trees for the Deer-Plagued Gardener. Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Appleton, Forrest. 2008. Deer in the Urban Landscapes: Coping with the Deer by the Use of DeerResistant Plants. publications/deerbest.html Moreland, David. A Checklist of the Woody and Herbaceous Deer Food Plants of Louisiana. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Halls, Lowell K. and Thomas H. Ripley. 1961. Deer Browse Plants of Southern Forests. Published by the Forest Game Research Committee of the Southeastern Section of the Wildlife Society. Nuss, Robert J. 2001. Deer Resistant Plants. Penn State Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet No. GH001. pike. Perry, Leonard. Choosing Deer-resistant Landscape Plants. University of Vermont Department of Plant and Soil Sciences. Hart, Rhonda Massingham. 1997. Deer Proofing Your Yard and Garden. Stipes Publishing Co. ISBN:088266-988-5 Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance. Rutgers University Cooperative Extension. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension & Warnell Circular 985 7 Deer-Tolerant Ornamental Plants Cover Photo by: David Cappaert, Michigan State University, Circular 985 / April 2010 The University of Georgia and Ft. Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and counties of the state cooperating. Cooperative Extension, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, offers educational programs, assistance and materials to all people without regard to race, color, national origin, age, gender or disability. An Equal Opportunity Employer/Affirmative Action Organization Committed to a Diverse Work Force