






Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade


The following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article 10.6.

1. Member to Agreement notifying: Finland

If applicable, name of local government involved (Articles 3.2 and 7.2):

2. Agency responsible: EC WTO-TBT Enquiry Point

Name and address (including telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and web-site addresses, if available) of agency or authority designated to handle comments regarding the notification shall be indicated if different from above: Ministry of

Agriculture and Forestry

3. Notified under Article 2.9.2 [ x ], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ], other:


Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff heading.

ICS numbers may be provided in addition, where applicable): Propagation and planting material of fruit and perennial ornamental plants, insofar as not covered by

EU legislation

5. Title, number of pages and language(s) of the notified document: Draft Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on certified propagation and planting material (24 pages) in Finnish



Description of content: A voluntary certification scheme for producers of fruit propagation and planting material and perennial ornamental propagation and planting material. The Decree contains phytosanitary and varietal purity requirements for different classes of certified material for the following fruit and ornamental plant species: Fragaria x ananassa, Ribes nigrum, Ribes rubrum, Ribes uva-crispa, Rubus idaeus, Malus domestica, Prunus cerasus, Prunus domestica,

Forsythia spp, Hydrangea spp., Lonicera spp., Philadelphus spp., Phlox spp.,

Rhododendron spp., Rosa spp., Spiraea spp., Syringa spp., Viburnum spp. and

Weigela spp.

Objective and rationale, including the nature of urgent problems where applicable: The aim of the draft Decree is to ensure the availability and maintenance of high quality and climatically adapted propagating- and planting material of certain fruit and ornamental plant species


Relevant documents: The Act on propagating material of horticultural plants


 9. Proposed date of adoption: on


Proposed date of entry into force: on 1.4.2003

10. Final date for comments:

11. Texts available from: National enquiry point [ x ] or address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and web-site addresses, if available of the other body:
