Rotation Structure Worksheet – IPPE II - Community

Rotation Structure Worksheet – IPPE II - Community
Company/Site: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Participant: ___________________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________ Contact #: _______________________________
Practice Items
Teaching Method
Describe the pharmacy layout and
workflow to include the arrangement of
pharmacy stock in description.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
Discuss the duties and responsibilities of
each pharmacy staff member.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
Describe the role of the pharmacist in
monitoring drug therapy and counseling
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
Identify environmental factors (e.g.,
physical barriers, background noise) that
may inhibit the effectiveness of good
communication with patients, preceptor,
staff and other health care providers.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
List all pertinent information that must be
obtained from the patient or caregiver
presenting new prescription for filling or
refilling; from a physician or his
representative on phoned in prescriptions
for controlled and non-controlled
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG - Ongoing
Page 1
Discuss the pharmacist’s role as a
provider of information regarding over
the counter medications, prescription
accessories, durable medical equipment
and public health issues.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
Discuss third party payment of
prescription medication.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
Discuss the legal requirements pertaining
to ordering, dispensing and inventory of
controlled substances.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
Describe the managerial procedures and
policies regarding personnel
management, pharmacy insurance,
security and inventory control.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
Explain the regulatory duties and
functions of the Louisiana Board of
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG - Ongoing
□ IP
□ IP
Page 2