Rotation Structure Worksheet - Nuclear

Rotation Structure Worksheet - Nuclear
Company/Site: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Participant: ___________________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________ Contact #: _______________________________
(How is it achieved?)
Teaching Method
Speak and write clearly, using
logical patterns of organization.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Demonstrate sensitivity and
tolerance within a culturally
diverse society.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Demonstrate an appreciation of
the obligation to participate in
efforts to help individuals and to
improve society and the health
care system.
Promote intellectual growth and
continued professional
competence through selflearning.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Knowledgeable of radiation
safety information, protection
practices and decontamination
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG - Ongoing
Page 1
Determine and communicate
accuracy, completeness and
appropriateness of prescription
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Dispense prescription orders
accurately and safely
( radiation shielding technique).
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Follow routine quality control
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Identify proper handling, storage
and disposal of drugs,
radioactive waste and biohazardous materials, if
10 Demonstrate proper use of survey
and analytical instruments.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
11 Communicate with physicians,
other health care professionals,
patients and caregivers the
requirements for receiving,
storing and administering
12 Comply with all local, state and
federal requirements for shipping
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG - Ongoing
Page 2
13 Gather and organize information
in order to identify ongoing or
potential drug-related problems
and the root cause of the
Collect accurate and
comprehensive information to be
14 used in monitoring therapeutic
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
15 Review patient profiles or
medication administration
records to determine the
adequacy of patient therapeutic
16 Interview the patient/caregiver to
help determine the adequacy of
patient therapeutic selfmanagement.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
17 Communicate alternative dosage
strategies to the prescriber to
help resolve specific patient
therapeutic self-management
18 Monitor the safety and efficacy of
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
19 Evaluate laboratory test results
and pharmacokinetics data.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG - Ongoing
Page 3
20 Evaluate information obtained
from the patient’s history and
physical assessment.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
21 Evaluate research studies.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Collaborate with physicians,
22 other health care professionals,
patients, and/or their caregivers
to formulate a pharmaceutical
care plan.
23 Integrate basic knowledge as
needed to design, implement,
and evaluate patient-specific
pharmacotherapeutic regimens.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
24 Select a drug delivery system that
will provide optimal therapeutic
benefit to individual patients.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
25 Integrate patient and drug
information with drug dosing
methods to calculate appropriate
dosage adjustments.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
26 Counsel patients/caregivers on
prescription medications.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG - Ongoing
Page 4
27 Counsel patients/caregivers on
non-prescription medications and
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
28 Document pharmaceutical care
activity in the patient's medical
record to facilitate
communication and collaboration
among providers.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
29 Record information related to the
provision of pharmaceutical care
to individual patients.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
30 Display the attitudes, habits, and
values required to render
pharmaceutical care.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
31 Use pharmacoeconomic data in
the selection of drug delivery
form, amount, and brand vs.
generic of a drug product.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
32 Comply with federal, state, and
local laws and related regulations
that affect the practice of
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
33 Apply principles of
pharmacoeconomics in making
pharmaceutical care decisions.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG - Ongoing
Page 5
34 Apply principles of humanistic
outcomes in determining impact
of pharmaceutical care services
on patient’s quality of life.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
35 Identify and use appropriate
drug information resources to
respond to patient specific drug
problems or inquiries from other
health professionals.
36 Develop and present educational
materials tailored to the needs
and educational background of a
given audience (e.g. case
presentation, journal clubs, etc.).
37 Demonstrate judgment,
initiative, responsibility, and
maturity. Displays a cooperative
attitude and is receptive to
38 Responds to assignments and
responsibilities in a timely
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
39 Reports to rotation site, patient
care activities, group
discussions, and meetings on
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
40 Exhibits neatness and
professionalism in appearance
and work.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG - Ongoing
Page 6
41 Maintains confidentiality.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
42 Demonstrates tact when dealing
with staff, patients, and other
health professionals.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Ongoing
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG - Ongoing
Page 7