Rotation Structure Worksheet – APPE Community

Rotation Structure Worksheet – APPE Community
Company/Site: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Participant: ___________________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________ Contact #: _______________
(How is it achieved?)
Teaching Method
Speak and write clearly, using
logical patterns of organization.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
Demonstrate sensitivity and
tolerance within a culturally
diverse society.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
Demonstrate an appreciation of the
obligation to participate in efforts
to help individuals and to improve
society and the health care system.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
Promote intellectual growth and
continued professional competence
through self-learning.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
Gather and organize information
in order to identify ongoing or
potential drug-related problems
and the root cause of the problems.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG – Ongoing [Type text]
Page 1
Interview the patient/caregiver to
help determine the adequacy of
patient therapeutic selfmanagement.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
Communicate alternative dosage
strategies to the prescriber to help
resolve specific patient therapeutic
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
Monitor the safety and efficacy of
therapeutic plans.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
Receive and correctly interpret oral
and written prescription orders.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
10 Verify prescription order for
legitimacy and apply local, state,
and federal regulations properly
when filling prescriptions.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
11 Collaborate with physicians, other
health care professionals, patients,
and/or their caregivers to
formulate a pharmaceutical care
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
12 Integrate basic knowledge as
needed to design, implement, and
evaluate patient-specific
pharmacotherapeutic regimens.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG – Ongoing [Type text]
Page 2
13 Identify allergies and potential
drug-drug and drug-disease
interaction when using the patient’s
drug profile.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
Integrate patient and drug
information with drug dosing
14 methods to calculate appropriate
dosage adjustments.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
15 Accurately prepare prescriptions.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
16 Counsel patients/caregivers on
OTC medications and devices. The
student is required to counsel two
patients using the patient
consultation form – see appendix
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
17 Counsel patients/caregivers on
prescription medications. The
student is required to counsel two
patients using the patient
consultation form – see appendix
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
18 Display the attitudes, habits, and
values required to render
pharmaceutical care.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
19 Demonstrates understanding of
purchasing, inventory
management, and storage of
controlled substances.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG – Ongoing [Type text]
Page 3
20 Demonstrates knowledge of
purchasing, inventory
management, and storage of
prescription and non-prescription
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
21 Demonstrates understanding of
third-party payers and formulary
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
23 Identify and use appropriate drug
information resources to respond to
patient specific drug problems or
inquiries from other health
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
24 Develop and present educational
materials tailored to the needs and
educational background of a given
audience (e.g. staff presentations,
journal clubs, etc.).
25 Demonstrate judgment, initiative,
responsibility, and maturity.
Displays a cooperative attitude
and is receptive to feedback.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
26 Responds to assignments and
responsibilities in a timely
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
22 Comply with federal, state, and
local laws and related regulations
that affect the practice of
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG – Ongoing [Type text]
Page 4
27 Reports to rotation site, patient
care activities, group discussions,
and meetings on time.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
28 Exhibits neatness and
professionalism in appearance and
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
29 Maintains confidentiality.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
30 Demonstrates tact when dealing
with staff, patients, and other
health professionals.
□ Lecture
□ Panel experts □ Video Tapes
□ Small Group □ Case Studies □ Guest Speaker
□ Project
□ Role Play
□ Observation
□ Group Discussion □ Guided Practical Experience
□ Other: __________________________________
□ Test □ Quiz □ Resrch. Paper □ Indiv. .Project
□ Group Project □ Poster □ Oral Presentation
□ Hmwrk □ Lab exe. □ Demonstration □ Case
□ Other □ Observation
□ Documentation__________________________
□ IP
□ 1st half
□ 2nd half
Status: IP – In Progress / TBD – To Be Developed
Time Frame: H1 – 1st half of rotation / H2 – 2nd half of rotation / ONG – Ongoing [Type text]
Page 5