-Topic-1- EVOLOUTION OF SOCIOLOGY Though sociology is a recent addition to the scholarly world ,its roots can be traced back to the writing of Plato and Aristotle. Philosophers then were already speculating about their own societies comparing one with another and trying to understand the forces that shape them . The term "Sociology , however , first appeaered in the 1830s in the writing of a Frenchman , August Compte . As a result , Compte is often referred to as the founder of modern Sociology . This is an unmerited honour , however , since his writing were in an already established tradition , and his own contributions were not that important. The most famous 19th century sociology , and the most influential in his own day , was an English scholar , Herbert Spencer . Spencer brought Sociology to the attention of the world , and made numerous contribution to the theoretical foundation of Sociology . One of the most important was his suggeestion that societies are constantly changing to adopt to their environment. Following world war I , Sociology underwent a number of important changes . The discipline became increasingly concerned with contemporary societies . To a large extent these changers reflected in the desire of the sociologists to make the discipline more scientific . The result was a greatly increasing interest in field research , especially studies of local communities and their problems - crime , poverty , divorce , juvenile delinquency , air polleution , racism , the poplution , .birth control and so forth. Since world war II, Sociology has grown substantially and has begun to move beyond the confines of the academic community. Prior to the 1940s , sociologists were employed almost entirely by universities and colleges . Recently , however , there has been a growing demand for their services by government, organizations. ١ PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com industry and other follow.... COMPREHENSION 1-What is meant by a recent addition to the scholarly world ? 2- With whom did Sociology originate? 3- what were Plato and Aristotle concerned with ? 4- Herbert Spencer lived in the 19th century (true ٢ PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com /false )