October 15, 2013 Volume 2, No. 17 On the web at: www.prevention.psu.edu Welcome to PR-eViews, our new source of internal news for the PRC community. This newsletter will be distributed on a bi-weekly basis to share news, information, upcoming events, and other items with PRC staff, faculty and research teams. Please send news or announcements to prevention@psu.edu. Next Seminars, Fall 2013 Series October 23, 4 p.m., 022 BBH—Cleve Redmond, Ph.D., Associate Director, Partnerships in Prevention Science Institute, Iowa State University, “The Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10–14: Research to Establish an Evidence Base and Support Dissemination Through the PROSPER Partnership-based Delivery Model” October 30, 4 p.m., 022 BBH—Mark Greenberg, Ph.D., Edna Peterson Bennett Chair in Prevention Research and Professor of Human Development and Psychology, and Alexis Harris, Doctoral student in Human Development and Family Studies and TIES Pre-doctoral Fellow, College of Health and Human Development, Penn State, “CALM for Teachers: Yoga Anyone?” NIH Grant Opportunities/ Announcements Due to the shutdown of the Federal government, the NIH is not distributing information on funding announcements and opportunities at this time. CYFC/SSRI Funding Recent PRC Awards Job Opportunity Doris Duke Fellowships CCHD Postdoctoral Position At the last Center meeting, Ed Smith reminded the PRC community about funding opportunities available through the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI; Level 1 and 2 funding and special competitions) and Children, Youth, and Families Consortium (CYFC; Level 1 and 2 funding and special competitions). Several PRC’ers have applied for and received funding from SSRI and CYFC— if you’d like to discuss these opportunities, please talk to Mark Greenberg and Ed Smith; if you need assistance in preparing an application, please see Lee. Nichole Scaglione, NIH/NRSA (Turrisi), “An indepth examination of predictive pathways of alcoholrelated sexual assault” • Mark Feinberg, NIH/NICHD, “Military Family Foundations: Adapting an evidence-based family prevention program” Research Scientist opening, Boys Town National Research Institute for Child and Family Studies—focus is on prevention/early intervention at the child, family, school, or community level. This institute seeks a high-quality, probably more junior investigator who holds promise for developing an independent program of research. Interested individuals should contact Walter Mason (walter.mason@boystown.org) or Ron Thompson (ronald.thompson@boystown.org) directly. The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago invite outstanding doctoral students to apply for the Doris Duke Fellowships for the Promotion of Child Well-Being—seeking innovations in child abuse and neglect prevention. These fellowships are designed to identify and develop a new generation of leaders interested in and capable of creating practice and policy initiatives that will enhance child development and improve the nation's ability to prevent all forms of child maltreatment. Applications are due by December 15, 2013. Each fellow receives an annual stipend of $25,000 for up to two years. Fellows can be based at any academic institution in the U.S. and must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents in the U.S. to be eligible. The Carolina Consortium on Human Development, Center for Developmental Science, invites applications for NICHD (NRSA) postdoctoral traineeships. Contact Jennifer Coffman (coffman@unc.edu). EPIS News Microsoft IT Academy Recent Headlines of Interest United Way Save the Date! Twenty-five Years Our colleagues at the EPISCenter offer the following news, including the appointment of Stephanie Bradley as managing director (congratulations, Stephanie!), while Brian takes on additional duties as Assistant Director of Knowledge Translation and Dissemination at the PRC; EPIS hosted the first networking meeting for Aggression Replacement Training (ART) trainers and providers in the Commonwealth; several EPIS members presented at the 2013 Pennsylvania Safe Schools Conference (Doyle, Hinkle, Cook); and EPIS is hosting a series of webinars on SPEP (Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol)—see the EPIS webinars page for more info. Microsoft IT Academy at Penn State offers all Penn State faculty, staff, and students free, 24/7 access to over 1,800 Microsoft eLearning courses on topics, including Microsoft Office, Windows, SharePoint, SQL Server, and many more. In addition to offering free eLearning, ITS Training Services will also provide interested Penn State faculty and staff with free vouchers to test for Microsoft Office Specialist, Microsoft Technology Associate, or Microsoft Certified Educator certifications. To access Microsoft IT Academy, visit the Microsoft IT Academy at Penn State homepage. If you have any questions, please email itstraining@psu.edu. • Lifestyle intervention improves high schoolers’ health, social skills, grades (NIH) • Can emotional intelligence be taught? (New York Times) • Start Strong: Building healthy teen relationships (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) • FDA and NIH create first-of-kind tobacco centers of regulatory science (NIH; grantees include Mary Ann Pentz, USC, and Jonathan Foulds, Hershey) This year’s PRC United Way representatives are Dena Falls and Kelly Confer. They’ve already begun to plan several activities, so keep an eye on your email. Please also plan to make a donation during this year’s United Way fund drive. And thanks to all who participated in this year’s Day of Caring! Tuesday, November 19, 10:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m., 116 BBH Building, “Building a Community-Engaged Research Learning Community,” sponsored by the Community Engagement & Research Core at the Penn State Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI) When the congratulatory email arrives, asking “clock or chair?”, one immediately begins to reflect back on the years that have preceded the reminder of 25 years of service to Penn State. Thank you to all who attended the Center meeting where I received my elm clock (Sebrina and I have managed to quiet its peals so that it will not have to compete with Old Main). Truly, have 25 years passed since I joined the Institute for Policy Research and Evaluation full-time? Amazing. Again, among those who have enriched my professional life at Penn State, offering a multitude of invaluable experiences and opportunities, I extend profound gratitude to Mark Greenberg and Ed Smith, who invited me to join the Prevention Research Center several years ago—it’s been a rich time and I continue to enjoy every minute of it. And when that email arrives in your Inbox, please feel free to visit my clock as you decide among your options—rocker, chair, or clock (I’d still take the clock). Send news about awards, new and forthcoming publications and reports, presentations, grants, and other information of interest to the PRC community to: prevention@psu.edu •Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center•College of Health and Human Development• The Pennsylvania State University•314 Biobehavioral Health Building•University Park, PA 16802•