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Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Walsh A.P., Watt C.E.J., Garza K.J., Owen C.J., Constantinescu D., Dandouras I., FornaçOn K.-H.,

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Forsyth C., Lester M., Fazakerley A.N., Owen C.J., Walsh A.P., On the effect of line current width and relative position on the multispacecraft curlometer technique , 2011, Planetary and Space Science , 59, 598,

Masters A., Walsh A.P., Fazakerley A.N., Coates A.J., Dougherty M.K., Saturn's low-latitude boundary layer: 2. Electron structure ,

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Murphy K.R., Rae I.J., Mann I.R., Walsh A.P., Milling D.K., Kale A., The dependence of Pi2 waveforms on periodic velocity enhancements within bursty bulk flows , 2011, Annales Geophysicae , 29, 493,

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Shi J.K., Cheng Z.W., Zhang T.L., Dunlop M., Liu Z.X., Torkar K., Fazakerley A., Lucek E., Rème H., Dandouras I., Lui A.T.Y., Pu

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Sun W.J., Shi Q.Q., Fu S.Y., Pu Z.Y., Dunlop M.W., Walsh A.P., Zong Q.G., Xiao T., Tang C.L., Reme H., Carr C., Lucek E.,

Fazakerley A., Cluster and TC-1 observation of magnetic holes in the plasma sheet , 2012, Annales Geophysicae , 30, 583,

Volwerk M., André N., Arridge C.S., Jackman C.M., Jia X., Milan S.E., Radioti A., Vogt M.F., Walsh A.P., Nakamura R., Masters A.,

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Walsh A.P., Arridge C.S., Masters A., Lewis G.R., Fazakerley A.N., Jones G.H., Owen C.J., Coates A.J., An indication of the existence of a solar wind strahl at 10 AU , 2013, Geophysical Research Letters , 40, 2495,

Walsh A.P., Forsyth C., Cluster Observations of Plasma Bubbles, BBFs and Their Wakes , 2011,


Walsh A.P., Owen C.J., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Dandouras I., Average magnetotail electron and proton pitch angle distributions from Cluster PEACE and CIS observations , 2011, Geophysical Research Letters , 38, 6103,

Walsh A.P., Rae I.J., Fazakerley A.N., Murphy K.R., Mann I.R., Watt C.E.J., Volwerk M., Forsyth C., Singer H.J., Donovan E.F.,

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Non Refereed

Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Walsh A.P., Owen C.J., Electron matching above the aurora , 2013, Astronomy and Geophysics , 54,

Forsyth C., Milan S.E., Walsh A.P., Magnetotails throughout the solar system , 2010, Astronomy and Geophysics , 51, 28,
