Refereed Observations of an auroral streamer in a

Amm O., Nakamura R., Takada T., Kauristie K., Frey H.U., Owen C.J., Aikio A., Kuula R., Observations of an auroral streamer in a
double oval configuration, 2011, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 701,
Asano Y., Shinohara I., Retinò A., Daly P.W., Kronberg E.A., Takada T., Nakamura R., Khotyaintsev Y.V., Vaivads A., Nagai T.,
Baumjohann W., Fazakerley A.N., Owen C.J., Miyashita Y., Lucek E.A., Rème H., Electron acceleration signatures in the
magnetotail associated with substorms, 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115, 5215,
Berthomier M., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Pottelette R., Alexandrova O., Anastasiadis A., Aruliah A., Blelly P.-L., Briand C.,
Bruno R., Canu P., Cecconi B., Chust T., Daglis I., Davies J., Dunlop M., Fontaine D., Génot V., Gustavsson B., Haerendel
G., Hamrin M., Hapgood M., Hess S., Kataria D., Kauristie K., Kemble S., Khotyaintsev Y., Koskinen H., Lamy L.,
Lanchester B., Louarn P., Lucek E., Lundin R., Maksimovic M., Manninen J., Marchaudon A., Marghitu O., Marklund G.,
Milan S., Moen J., Mottez F., Nilsson H., Ostgaard N., Owen C.J., Parrot M., Pedersen A., Perry C., Pinçon J.-L., Pitout F.,
Pulkkinen T., Rae I.J., Rezeau L., Roux A., Sandahl I., Sandberg I., Turunen E., Vogt J., Walsh A., Watt C.E.J., Wild J.A.,
Yamauchi M., Zarka P., Zouganelis I., Alfvén: magnetosphere---ionosphere connection explorers, 2012, Experimental
Astronomy, 33, 445,
Beyene S., Owen C.J., Walsh A.P., Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Kiehas S., Dandouras I., Lucek E., Cluster observations of a
transient signature in the magnetotail: implications for the mode of reconnection, 2011, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 2131,
Bisi M.M., Breen A.R., Jackson B.V., Fallows R.A., Walsh A.P., Mikic Z., Riley P., Owen C.J., Gonzalez-Esparza A., AguilarRodriguez E., Morgan H., Jensen E.A., Wood A.G., Owens M.J., Tokumaru M., Manoharan P.K., Chashei I.V., Giunta A.S.,
Linker J.A., Shishov V.I., Tyul'Bashev S.A., Agalya G., Glubokova S.K., Hamilton M.S., Fujiki K., Hick P.P., Clover J.M.,
Pintér B., From the Sun to the Earth: The 13 May 2005 Coronal Mass Ejection, 2010, Solar Physics, 265, 49,
Bogdanova Y.V., Owen, C. J., Dunlop, M. W., Taylor, M. G. G. T., Fazakerley, A. N., Magnetospheric Boundary Layer Structure
and Dynamics as Seen From Cluster and Double Star Measurements, 2013, Chinese Journal of Space Science, 33, 577,
Branduardi-Raymont G., Sembay S.F., Eastwood J.P., Sibeck D.G., Abbey T.A., Brown P., Carter J.A., Carr C.M., Forsyth C.,
Kataria D., Kemble S., Milan S.E., Owen C.J., Peacocke L., Read A.M., Coates A.J., Collier M.R., Cowley S.W.H.,
Fazakerley A.N., Fraser G.W., Jones G.H., Lallement R., Lester M., Porter F.S., Yeoman T.K., AXIOM: advanced X-ray
imaging of the magnetosphere, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 33, 403,
Chmyrev V., Smith A., Kataria D., Nesterov B., Owen C., Sammonds P., Sorokin V., Vallianatos F., Detection and monitoring of
earthquake precursors: TwinSat, a Russia-UK satellite project, 2013, Advances in Space Research, 52, 1135,
Collinson G.A., Dorelli J.C., Avanov L.A., Lewis G.R., Moore T.E., Pollock C., Kataria D.O., Bedington R., Arridge C.S., Chornay
D.J., Gliese U., Mariano A., Barrie A.C., Tucker C., Owen C.J., Walsh A.P., Shappirio M.D., Adrian M.L., The geometric
factor of electrostatic plasma analyzers: A case study from the Fast Plasma Investigation for the Magnetospheric Multiscale
mission, 2012a, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 3303,
Collinson G.A., Dorelli J.C., Avanov L.A., Lewis G.R., Moore T.E., Pollock C., Kataria D.O., Bedington R., Arridge C.S., Chornay
D.J., Gliese U., Mariano A., Barrie A.C., Tucker C., Owen C.J., Walsh A.P., Shappirio M.D., Adrian M.L., Publisher's Note:
``The geometric factor of electrostatic plasma analyzers: A case study from the Fast Plasma Investigation for the
Magnetospheric Multiscale mission'' [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 033303 (2012)], 2012b, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83,
Engebretson M.J., Kahlstorf C.R.G., Posch J.L., Keiling A., Walsh A.P., Denton R.E., Broughton M.C., Owen C.J., FornaçOn K.-H.,
RèMe H., Multiple harmonic ULF waves in the plasma sheet boundary layer observed by Cluster, 2010, Journal of
Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115, 12225,
Farrugia C.J., Chen L.-J., Torbert R.B., Southwood D.J., Cowley S.W.H., Vrublevskis A., Mouikis C., Vaivads A., André M.,
Décréau P., Vaith H., Owen C.J., Sibeck D.J., Lucek E., Smith C.W., ``Crater'' flux transfer events: Highroad to the X line?,
2011, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 116, 2204,
Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Rae I.J., Watt C.E.J., Murphy K., Wild J.A., Karlsson T., Mutel R., Owen C.J., Ergun R., Masson A.,
Berthomier M., Donovan E., Frey H.U., Matzka J., Stolle C., Zhang Y., In situ spatiotemporal measurements of the detailed
azimuthal substructure of the substorm current wedge, 2014, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 119, 927,
Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Walsh A.P., Watt C.E.J., Garza K.J., Owen C.J., Constantinescu D., Dandouras I., FornaçOn K.-H.,
Lucek E., Marklund G.T., Sadeghi S.S., Khotyaintsev Y., Masson A., Doss N., Temporal evolution and electric potential
structure of the auroral acceleration region from multispacecraft measurements, 2012, Journal of Geophysical Research
(Space Physics), 117, 12203,
Forsyth C., Lester M., Fazakerley A.N., Owen C.J., Walsh A.P., On the effect of line current width and relative position on the multispacecraft curlometer technique, 2011, Planetary and Space Science, 59, 598,
Foullon C., Farrugia C.J., Fazakerley A.N., Owen C.J., Gratton F.T., Torbert R.B., On the multispacecraft determination of periodic
surface wave phase speeds and wavelengths, 2010a, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115, 9203,
Foullon C., Farrugia C.J., Owen C.J., Fazakerley A.N., Gratton F.T., Kelvin-Helmholtz Multi-Spacecraft Studies at the Earth's
Magnetopause Boundaries, 2010b, Twelfth International Solar Wind Conference, 1216, 483,
Foullon C., Lavraud B., Luhmann J.G., Farrugia C.J., Retinò A., Simunac K.D.C., Wardle N.C., Galvin A.B., Kucharek H., Owen
C.J., Popecki M., Opitz A., Sauvaud J.-A., Plasmoid Releases in the Heliospheric Current Sheet and Associated Coronal
Hole Boundary Layer Evolution, 2011, The Astrophysical Journal, 737, 16,
Foullon C., Lavraud B., Owen C.J., Fazakerley A.N., Skoug R.M., Heliospheric Current Sheet Distortions from Adjacent Outflowing
Transients: Multi-spacecraft Observations, 2010c, Twelfth International Solar Wind Conference, 1216, 367,
Grigorenko E.E., Malova H.V., Artemyev A.V., Mingalev O.V., Kronberg E.A., Koleva R., Daly P.W., Cao J.B., Sauvaud J.-A., Owen
C.J., Zelenyi L.M., Current sheet structure and kinetic properties of plasma flows during a near-Earth magnetic reconnection
under the presence of a guide field, 2013, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 118, 3265,
Grigorenko E.E., Zelenyi L.M., Dolgonosov M.S., Artemiev A.V., Owen C.J., Sauvaud J.-A., Hoshino M., Hirai M., Non-adiabatic Ion
Acceleration in the Earth Magnetotail and Its Various Manifestations in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer, 2011, Space
Science Reviews, 164, 133,
Khotyaintsev Y.V., Cully C.M., Vaivads A., André M., Owen C.J., Plasma Jet Braking: Energy Dissipation and Nonadiabatic
Electrons, 2011, Physical Review Letters, 106, 165001,
Khotyaintsev Y.V., Vaivads A., André M., Fujimoto M., Retinò A., Owen C.J., Observations of Slow Electron Holes at a Magnetic
Reconnection Site, 2010, Physical Review Letters, 105, 165002,
Li C., Matthews S.A., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Sun J., Owen C.J., Coronal Jets, Magnetic Topologies, and the Production of
Interplanetary Electron Streams, 2011, The Astrophysical Journal, 735, 43,
Li C., Owen C.J., Matthews S.A., Dai Y., Tang Y.H., Major Electron Events and Coronal Magnetic Configurations of the Related
Solar Active Regions, 2010, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 720, L36,
Owen C.J., Amm O., Bruno R., Keyser J.D., Dunlop M.W., Eastwood J.P., Fazakerley A.N., Fontaine D., Forsyth C., Hasegawa H.,
Hellinger P., Hercik D., Jacquey C., Milan S., Raeder J., Sibeck D.G., Stverak S., Travnicek P., Walsh A.P., Wild J.A.,
IMPALAS: Investigation of MagnetoPause Activity using Longitudinally-Aligned Satellites---a mission concept proposed for
the ESA M3 2020/2022 launch, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 33, 365,
Sembay S., Branduardi-Raymont G., Eastwood J.P., Sibeck D.G., Abbey A., Brown P., Carter J.A., Carr C.M., Forsyth C., Kataria
D., Kemble S., Milan S., Owen C.J., Read A.M., Peacocke L., Arridge C.S., Coates A.J., Collier M.R., Cowley S.W.H.,
Fazakerley A.N., Fraser G., Jones G.H., Lallement R., Lester M., Porter F.S., Yeoman T., AXIOM: Advanced X-ray imaging
of the magnetosheath, 2012, Astronomische Nachrichten, 333, 388,
Steed K., Owen C.J., Démoulin P., Dasso S., Investigating the observational signatures of magnetic cloud substructure, 2011,
Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 116, 1106,
Varsani A., Owen C.J., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Walsh A.P., André M., Dandouras I., Carr C.M., Cluster observations of the
substructure of a flux transfer event: analysis of high-time-resolution particle data, 2014, Annales Geophysicae, 32, 1093,
Walsh A.P., Arridge C.S., Masters A., Lewis G.R., Fazakerley A.N., Jones G.H., Owen C.J., Coates A.J., An indication of the
existence of a solar wind strahl at 10 AU, 2013a, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 2495,
Walsh A.P., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Owen C.J., Taylor M.G.G.T., Rae I.J., Sources of electron pitch angle anisotropy in the
magnetotail plasma sheet, 2013b, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 118, 6042,
Walsh A.P., Owen C.J., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Dandouras I., Average magnetotail electron and proton pitch angle
distributions from Cluster PEACE and CIS observations, 2011, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, 6103,
Yao Z.H., Pu Z.Y., Du A.M., Angelopoulos V., Owen C.J., Liu J., Chu X.N., Cao X., Fu S.Y., Zong Q.G., Wang Y., Pressure
gradient evolution in the near-Earth magnetotail at the arrival of BBFs, 2014a, Chinese Science Bulletin, 59, 4804,
Yao Z.H., Pu Z.Y., Owen C.J., Fu S.Y., Chu X.N., Liu J., Angelopoulos V., Rae I.J., Yue C., Zhou X.-Z., Zong Q.-G., Cao X., Shi
Q.Q., Forsyth C., Du A.M., Current reduction in a pseudo-breakup event: THEMIS observations, 2014b, Journal of
Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 119, 8178,
Non Refereed
Antonucci E.B., A.; DeForest, C.; Harrison, R.; Hassler, D.; Horbury, T.; Howard, R.; Lewis, W.; Maksimovic, M.; Marsch, E.;
Mason, G.; Martinez, V.; Pillet, Martinez; Owen, C.J.; et al., Solar Orbiter Exploring the Sun-Heliosphere connection, 2011,
Solar Orbiter Definition Study Report, ESA/SRE-2011-14.
Chmyrev V., Alan Smith, Dhiren Kataria, Boris Nesterov, Christopher Owen, Peter Sammonds, Valery Sorokin, Filippos
Vallianatos,, Detection and Monitoring of Earthquake Precursors: TwinSat, a Russia-UK Satellite Project, 2011, Yuri
Gagarin’s Legacy – 50 Years On, . RAeS Conf Proc,
Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Walsh A.P., Owen C.J., Electron matching above the aurora, 2013, Astronomy and Geophysics, 54,
Schwartz S.J., Hellinger P., Bale S., Owen C., Nakamura R., Vaivads A., Sorriso-Valvo L., Liu W., Wimmer-Schweingruber R.,
Fujimoto M., Mann I., Special Issue: Cross-Scale Coupling in Plasmas Preface, 2011, Planetary and Space Science, 59,