Refereed Berthomier M., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Pottelette R., Alexandrova O.,...

Berthomier M., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Pottelette R., Alexandrova O., Anastasiadis A., Aruliah A., Blelly P.-L., Briand C.,
Bruno R., Canu P., Cecconi B., Chust T., Daglis I., Davies J., Dunlop M., Fontaine D., Génot V., Gustavsson B., Haerendel
G., Hamrin M., Hapgood M., Hess S., Kataria D., Kauristie K., Kemble S., Khotyaintsev Y., Koskinen H., Lamy L.,
Lanchester B., Louarn P., Lucek E., Lundin R., Maksimovic M., Manninen J., Marchaudon A., Marghitu O., Marklund G.,
Milan S., Moen J., Mottez F., Nilsson H., Ostgaard N., Owen C.J., Parrot M., Pedersen A., Perry C., Pinçon J.-L., Pitout F.,
Pulkkinen T., Rae I.J., Rezeau L., Roux A., Sandahl I., Sandberg I., Turunen E., Vogt J., Walsh A., Watt C.E.J., Wild J.A.,
Yamauchi M., Zarka P., Zouganelis I., Alfvén: magnetosphere---ionosphere connection explorers, 2012, Experimental
Astronomy, 33, 445,
Beyene S., Owen C.J., Walsh A.P., Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Kiehas S., Dandouras I., Lucek E., Cluster observations of a
transient signature in the magnetotail: implications for the mode of reconnection, 2011, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 2131,
Branduardi-Raymont G., Sembay S.F., Eastwood J.P., Sibeck D.G., Abbey T.A., Brown P., Carter J.A., Carr C.M., Forsyth C.,
Kataria D., Kemble S., Milan S.E., Owen C.J., Peacocke L., Read A.M., Coates A.J., Collier M.R., Cowley S.W.H.,
Fazakerley A.N., Fraser G.W., Jones G.H., Lallement R., Lester M., Porter F.S., Yeoman T.K., AXIOM: advanced X-ray
imaging of the magnetosphere, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 33, 403,
Davey E.A., Lester M., Milan S.E., Fear R.C., Forsyth C., The orientation and current density of the magnetotail current sheet: A
statistical study of the effect of geomagnetic conditions, 2012, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 117, 7217,
Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Multispacecraft Observations of Auroral Acceleration by Cluster, 2012, Washington DC American
Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series, 197, 261,
Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Rae I.J., Watt C.E.J., Murphy K., Wild J.A., Karlsson T., Mutel R., Owen C.J., Ergun R., Masson A.,
Berthomier M., Donovan E., Frey H.U., Matzka J., Stolle C., Zhang Y., In situ spatiotemporal measurements of the detailed
azimuthal substructure of the substorm current wedge, 2014a, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 119, 927,
Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Walsh A.P., Watt C.E.J., Garza K.J., Owen C.J., Constantinescu D., Dandouras I., FornaçOn K.-H.,
Lucek E., Marklund G.T., Sadeghi S.S., Khotyaintsev Y., Masson A., Doss N., Temporal evolution and electric potential
structure of the auroral acceleration region from multispacecraft measurements, 2012, Journal of Geophysical Research
(Space Physics), 117, 12203,
Forsyth C., Lester M., Fazakerley A.N., Owen C.J., Walsh A.P., On the effect of line current width and relative position on the multispacecraft curlometer technique, 2011, Planetary and Space Science, 59, 598,
Forsyth C., Watt C.E.J., Rae I.J., Fazakerley A.N., Kalmoni N.M.E., Freeman M.P., Boakes P.D., Nakamura R., Dandouras I.,
Kistler L.M., Jackman C.M., Coxon J.C., Carr C., Increases in plasma sheet temperature with solar wind driving during
substorm growth phases, 2014b, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 8713,
Marklund G.T., Sadeghi S., Karlsson T., Lindqvist P.-A., Nilsson H., Forsyth C., Fazakerley A., Lucek E.A., Pickett J., Altitude
Distribution of the Auroral Acceleration Potential Determined from Cluster Satellite Data at Different Heights, 2011, Physical
Review Letters, 106, 55002,
Matthews S.A., Williams D.R., Klein K.-L., Kontar E.P., Smith D.M., Lagg A., Krucker S., Hurford G.J., Vilmer N., MacKinnon A.L.,
Zharkova V.V., Fletcher L., Hannah I.G., Browning P.K., Innes D.E., Trottet G., Foullon C., Nakariakov V.M., Green L.M.,
Lamoureux H., Forsyth C., Walton D.M., Mathioudakis M., Gandorfer A., Martinez-Pillet V., Limousin O., Verwichte E., Dalla
S., Mann G., Aurass H., Neukirch T., Solar Particle Acceleration Radiation and Kinetics (SPARK). A mission to understand
the nature of particle acceleration, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 33, 237,
Nakamura R., Karlsson T., Hamrin M., Nilsson H., Marghitu O., Amm O., Bunescu C., Constantinescu V., Frey H.U., Keiling A.,
Semeter J., Sorbalo E., Vogt J., Forsyth C., Kubyshkina M.V., Low-altitude electron acceleration due to multiple flow bursts
in the magnetotail, 2014, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 777,
Owen C.J., Amm O., Bruno R., Keyser J.D., Dunlop M.W., Eastwood J.P., Fazakerley A.N., Fontaine D., Forsyth C., Hasegawa H.,
Hellinger P., Hercik D., Jacquey C., Milan S., Raeder J., Sibeck D.G., Stverak S., Travnicek P., Walsh A.P., Wild J.A.,
IMPALAS: Investigation of MagnetoPause Activity using Longitudinally-Aligned Satellites---a mission concept proposed for
the ESA M3 2020/2022 launch, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 33, 365,
Rae I.J., Murphy K.R., Watt C.E.J., Rostoker G., Rankin R., Mann I.R., Hodgson C.R., Frey H.U., Degeling A.W., Forsyth C., Field
line resonances as a trigger and a tracer for substorm onset, 2014, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 119,
Sembay S., Branduardi-Raymont G., Eastwood J.P., Sibeck D.G., Abbey A., Brown P., Carter J.A., Carr C.M., Forsyth C., Kataria
D., Kemble S., Milan S., Owen C.J., Read A.M., Peacocke L., Arridge C.S., Coates A.J., Collier M.R., Cowley S.W.H.,
Fazakerley A.N., Fraser G., Jones G.H., Lallement R., Lester M., Porter F.S., Yeoman T., AXIOM: Advanced X-ray imaging
of the magnetosheath, 2012, Astronomische Nachrichten, 333, 388,
Varsani A., Owen C.J., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Walsh A.P., André M., Dandouras I., Carr C.M., Cluster observations of the
substructure of a flux transfer event: analysis of high-time-resolution particle data, 2014, Annales Geophysicae, 32, 1093,
Volwerk M., André N., Arridge C.S., Jackman C.M., Jia X., Milan S.E., Radioti A., Vogt M.F., Walsh A.P., Nakamura R., Masters A.,
Forsyth C., Comparative magnetotail flapping: an overview of selected events at Earth, Jupiter and Saturn, 2013, Annales
Geophysicae, 31, 817,
Walsh A.P., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Owen C.J., Taylor M.G.G.T., Rae I.J., Sources of electron pitch angle anisotropy in the
magnetotail plasma sheet, 2013, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 118, 6042,
Walsh A.P., Forsyth C., Cluster Observations of Plasma Bubbles, BBFs and Their Wakes, 2011,
Walsh A.P., Haaland S., Forsyth C., Keesee A.M., Kissinger J., Li K., Runov A., Soucek J., Walsh B.M., Wing S., Taylor M.G.G.T.,
Dawn-dusk asymmetries in the coupled solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere system: a review, 2014, Annales
Geophysicae, 32, 705,
Walsh A.P., Owen C.J., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Dandouras I., Average magnetotail electron and proton pitch angle
distributions from Cluster PEACE and CIS observations, 2011, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, 6103,
Walsh A.P., Rae I.J., Fazakerley A.N., Murphy K.R., Mann I.R., Watt C.E.J., Volwerk M., Forsyth C., Singer H.J., Donovan E.F.,
Zhang T.L., Comprehensive ground-based and in situ observations of substorm expansion phase onset, 2010, Journal of
Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115,
Yao Z.H., Pu Z.Y., Owen C.J., Fu S.Y., Chu X.N., Liu J., Angelopoulos V., Rae I.J., Yue C., Zhou X.-Z., Zong Q.-G., Cao X., Shi
Q.Q., Forsyth C., Du A.M., Current reduction in a pseudo-breakup event: THEMIS observations, 2014, Journal of
Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 119, 8178,
Non Refereed
Forsyth C., Autumn MIST 2009, 2010, Astronomy and Geophysics, 51, 27,
Forsyth C., Fazakerley A., Cluster at the Royal Society, 2011, Astronomy and Geophysics, 52, 25,
Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Walsh A.P., Owen C.J., Electron matching above the aurora, 2013, Astronomy and Geophysics, 54,
Forsyth C., Milan S.E., Walsh A.P., Magnetotails throughout the solar system, 2010, Astronomy and Geophysics, 51, 28,
Green L., Forsyth C., Wild J., Meeting Report: Looking ahead for space science, 2010, Astronomy and Geophysics, 51, 23,
Kanani S., Williams A., Kiyani K., Forsyth C., Autumn MIST 2010, 2011, Astronomy and Geophysics, 52, 34,
Walsh A.P., Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Chen C.H.K., Lucek E.A., Davies J.A., Perry C.H., Walker S.N., Balikhin M.A., 10 years of
the Cluster mission, 2010, Astronomy and Geophysics, 51, 33,