CCSG & Estates Team Leader Development Programme 2015/2016 Application Form

CCSG & Estates
Team Leader Development Programme 2015/2016
Application Form
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Department: ______________________________Place of work: __________________________________
Job Title: _______________________________________________________________________________
1. Please give details of your experience to date:
No. of years as a Team Leader/Supervisor:
No. of staff currently supervising:
Grade/type of staff you are supervising:
2. Please confirm your level of supervisory responsibility in your present job:
Delivering team meetings
Training team members
Carrying out annual reviews / Job Talks
Managing Performance
Recruitment and selection
3. If you already hold any supervisory management qualifications please give details:
4. Please indicate if you have previously completed any of the following programmes:
(Please attach copies of relevant certificates to this application)
Practical Training Skills
Group Training Techniques
Date achieved: ........………..........
Date achieved: ........………..........
5. Specifically, what do you want to achieve by taking part in this programme?
6. How does this relate to your personal development needs?
Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________________
Now please ask your manager to complete the section overleaf
Manager’s Supporting Statement
Name of person nominated:________________________________________________________________
Name of manager supporting this application:_________________________________________________
Job Title: ___________________________________________________Grade:______________________
1. Please explain why you are nominating this person for a place on the 2015/2016 Team Leader
Development Programme:
2. How will the programme support this applicant’s personal development needs?
3. Please confirm that you will be willing to assist the applicant on the programme by ensuring they have
responsibility and the opportunity to:
Supervise at least two people.................................................................YES / NO
Carry out a DPR for a member of staff ...................................................YES / NO
Lead a team meeting/briefing ........................................……………..……...YES / NO
Interview a prospective employee.......................................................... YES / NO
4. Supporting statement
I confirm that I will fully support the nominated member of staff in achieving this Institute of Leadership and
Management Endorsed Award by:
releasing the delegate to attend the full programme
identifying situations where the delegate can carry out assessed tasks
observing and assessing the delegate carrying out these assigned tasks
enabling the delegate to put new skills into practice in the workplace
Signature: ____________________________
Please return the completed application form by Friday 25th September 2015 to:
Kevin Hamer, Learning and Development Adviser, University House