University of Northern Iowa Outcomes for Student Teaching

University of Northern Iowa
Outcomes for Student Teaching
Outcome 1: Students shall be able to demonstrate his/her teaching competencies at various
grade levels. The student will:
Competency 1.1
demonstrate the ability to understand the function of the teacher and
identify his/her own personal teaching style.
Competency 1.2
develop daily and unit designs of study that include objectives, learning
activities, alternate instructional strategies, and methods of evaluation.
Competency 1.3
demonstrate different strategies for building an effective physical and
emotional environment for students at different grade levels.
Competency 1.4
demonstrate a knowledge of the learning process and development at the
different stages of growth, and demonstrate the ability to select and
implement learning experiences based upon that knowledge.
Competency 1.5
show an understanding regarding objectives and curricula within his/her
subject content area which are designed to meet the needs of culturally
diverse and exceptional populations.
Competency 1.6
demonstrate an ability to integrate motivation, problem solving and
questioning skills into classroom learning experiences.
Competency 1.7
demonstrate the ability to build evaluation instruments as one means of
assessing student progress.
Outcome 2: Students shall be able to demonstrate the ability to impact student learning
through the design, implementation, and assessment of a unit as described through a
Teacher Work Sample.
The student will:
Competency 2.1
design, deliver, and assess a unit of instruction, collecting documentation
of student performance that demonstrates the extent to which students
Competency 2.2
complete the written documentation that explains each of the seven
processes identified in the TWS prompt to meet the identified standards.
Outcome 3: The student shall be able to reflect on teaching practices through the
consideration of educational alternatives and their consequences.
The student will:
Competency 3.1
demonstrate a knowledge of the social/political context of his/her own
Competency 3.2
demonstrate knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the practitioner.
Competency 3.3
demonstrate an understanding of the moral and ethical practices of
Competency 3.4
demonstrate the ability to function effectively in a pluralistic environment.
Competency 3.5
demonstrate an awareness of effective communication strategies
(listening, speaking, writing, reading, and viewing) in a seminar
Outcome 4: Students shall demonstrate their ability to be a reflective practitioner. The
student will:
Competency 4.1
demonstrate the ability to use various observation strategies and to analyze
and synthesize those observations in reflective journal writing.
Competency 4.2
demonstrate the ability to assess his/her own strengths and weaknesses as
a classroom teacher.
Outcome 5: Students shall share personal observations regarding their teaching
effectiveness. The student will:
Competency 5.1
demonstrate personal assessment (of their teaching) using the Office of
Student Field Experience’s fourteen point checklist.
Competency 5.2
utilize the supervisory conferences to enhance growth as a teacher during
the student teaching experience.