Student Outcomes Assessment Plan Department of Educational Leadership, Counseling and Postsecondary Education

Student Outcomes Assessment Plan
Department of Educational Leadership,
Counseling and Postsecondary Education
University of Northern Iowa
Ed.D. in Educational Leadership
The doctorate program in Educational Leadership has two intensive
study areas consisting of the Principalship and the Superintendency.
The Student Outcomes Assessments are identified by intensive area of
Educational Leadership Intensive Area Philosophy of
Outcomes Assessment
The underlying premise of the educational leadership graduate program is that
the practice of educational leadership is inextricably related to the educational
programs and processes in schools. Research and other forms of scholarship in
education, leadership, and related areas are useful to the extent that they inform,
guide, and develop structures, processes, and performance that improve
educational practice. Requirements and outcomes of the program are based
upon the standards established by the National Policy Board, Interstate School
Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) of the Council of Chief State School
Officers and practices identified in research based review of the literature.
Outcomes and Competencies for the Principalship
Intensive Study Area
OUTCOME 1 – Students shall exhibit proficiency in promoting the
issues of all learners by facilitating the development, articulation,
implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared
and supported by the school community.
Competency 1.1
Competency 1.2
The student has demonstrated knowledge
and understanding of learning goals in a pluralistic society.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
understanding of the principles of developing and
implementing strategic plans.
Competency 1.3
Competency 1.4
Competency 1.5
Competency 1.6
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
understanding of systems theory
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
understanding of information sources, data collection, and
data analysis strategies.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
understanding of effective communication.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
understanding of effective consensus building and
negotiation skills.
OUTCOME 2 – Students shall exhibit proficiency in promoting the
success of all learners by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school
culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and
staff professional growth.
Competency 2.1
Competency 2.2
Competency 2.3
Competency 2.4
Competency 2.5
Competency 2.6
Competency 2.7
Competency 2.8
Competency 2.9
Competency 2.10
Competency 2.11
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
of student growth and development.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
applied learning theories.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
applied motivational theories.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
curriculum design, implementation, evaluation, and refinement.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
principles of effective instruction.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
measurement, evaluation, and assessment strategies.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
diversity and its meaning for educational programs.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
adult learning and professional development models.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the
change process for systems, organizations, and individuals.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the
role of technology in promoting student learning and professional
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
school cultures.
OUTCOME 3 – Students shall exhibit proficiency in promoting the
success of all learners by ensuring management of the organization,
operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning
Competency 3.1
Competency 3.2
Competency 3.3
Competency 3.4
Competency 3.5
Competency 3.6
Competency 3.7
Competency 3.8
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
theories and models of organizations and the principles of
organizational development.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
operational procedures at the school and district level.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
principles and issues relating to school safety and security.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
human resources management and development.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
principles and issues relating to fiscal operations of school
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
principles and issues relating to school facilities and use of space.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
legal issues impacting school operations.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
current technologies that support management functions.
OUTCOME 4 – Students shall exhibit proficiency in promoting the
success of all learners by collaborating with families and community
members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and
mobilizing community resources.
Competency 4.1
Competency 4.2
Competency 4.3
Competency 4.4
Competency 4.5
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
emerging issues and trends that potentially impact the school
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the
conditions and dynamics of the diverse school community.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
community resources.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
community relations and marketing strategies and processes.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
successful models of school, family, business, community,
government and higher education partnerships.
OUTCOME 5 – Students shall exhibit proficiency in promoting the
success of all learners by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical
Competency 5.1
Competency 5.2
Competency 5.3
Competency 5.4
Competency 5.5
Competency 5.6
Competency 5.7
Competency 5.8
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
understanding of the purpose of education and the role of
leadership in modern society.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
understanding of various ethical frameworks and
perspectives on ethics.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
understanding of the values of the diverse school
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
understanding of trusting people and their judgments.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
understanding of accepting responsibility.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
understanding of high quality standards, expectations, and
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
understanding of involving stakeholders in management
The student has demonstrated knowledge and
understanding of a safe environment.
OUTCOME 6 – Students shall exhibit proficiency in promoting the
success of all learners by understanding, responding to, and influencing
the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
Competency 6.1
Competency 6.2
Competency 6.3
Competency 6.4
Competency 6.5
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
principles of representative governance that undergrad the system
of American schools.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the
role of public education in developing and renewing a democratic
society and an economical productive nation.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the
law as related to education and schooling.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the
political, social, cultural and economic systems and processes that
impact schools.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
models and strategies of change and conflict resolution as applied
to the larger political, social, cultural and economic.
Competency 6.6
Competency 6.7
Competency 6.8
Competency 6.9
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
contexts of schooling.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of
global issues and forces affecting teaching and learning.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the
dynamics of policy development and advocacy under our
democratic political system.
The student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the
importance of diversity and equity in a democratic society.
Frequency of Assessments for Principalship Intensive Area
A. Assessment to enter the program
 An essay, “Why do I want to become an administrator.”
 Letter of application
 Goal statement
 Work experiences
 Official transcript(s)
 Three (3) letters of recommendation on approved recommendation forms
B. During orientation to the Principalship program
 students to begin a portfolio
 reflective journaling
 begin practicum and review with faculty and mentor
 complete the first draft of reflective paper
C. After first year and summer study on campus (Assessment in Professional
Development Class -1 st summer)
 portfolio checkpoint
 practicum checkpoint
 Lifestyle Skills Inventory
 goal statements for Professional Development Plan
D. After second year of program assessment completed – By August 1 st of 2 nd
 Second draft of reflective research paper
 Self evaluation and mentor evaluation of the portfolio
 practicum checkpoint
 new goal statement(s) for the Professional Development Plan
E. After third year and exit from Principalship area of program (Final Assessment
3 rd year)
 Practicum Verification Forms
 Final Draft of Reflective Research Paper
 Portfolio Presentation
 Possible ISLLC Assessment
Analysis – Interpretation and Reporting Results
A. The entire educational leadership faculty reviews candidate application materials
upon entry to the program.
B. Practicum is jointly supervised by on campus faculty, field faculty, and onsite
C. This is accomplished by aligning practicum/clinical experiences with all courses..
D. Advisors evaluate and provide feedback on four drafts of the reflective research
E. The faculty routinely meets to evaluate course work, review competencies, review
practicum, review portfolios, and discuss concerns regarding progress of
individual students.
III Proficiencies and Competencies for the
Superintendency Intensive Study Area
Continuous reflection
Demonstrates continuous reflection in vision, thinking, planning,
and action.
Understanding of self
Engages in continuous growth to deepen understanding of self as a
moral/ethical leader.
Interaction with others
Demonstrates impartiality, sensitivity, and ethical consideration in
interaction with others.
Collective vision
Collaboratively builds, communicates, and stewards a collective vision
that reflects the needs and realities of the school organization and the
larger community.
Communicates effectively in appropriate ways for multiple audiences.
Problem/conflict resolution
Resolves problems and conflicts in a professional, tactful, timely and
sensitive manner.
Culture of high expectations for all leaders (students and adults)
 Collaboratively creates an active culture of high expectations for
student and adult academic and social development based on research,
theory, best practice, and the current context.
Data and Information
Uses multiple sources of data (information and knowledge) as
diagnostic tools to assess and enhance learning, and to make informed
Balanced Management & Leadership
Balances management and leadership in a manner that centers on
learning as the primary focus.
Implements fiscal policies and actions that ensure equitable financial
allocation of resources for the school organization.
Applies and assesses current technologies for instruction,
management, business procedures and monitoring student
Promotes, honors, and values diversity among stakeholders as essential
for the health of the organization.
Community engagement
Engages the community to create and sustain shared responsibility for
student and school organization success.
Broader context (multiple arenas)
 Applies understanding of the political, social, economic, legal and
cultural contexts to develop activities and policies that benefit all
students, their families, and the larger community.
Develops and implements a plan for nurturing relationships with the
Board of Education, community members and the media, and reaches
out to business, religious, political, parent, support agency and service
organization stakeholders to strengthen programs and support district
Change Agent
Develops and implements educational programs that nurture multiple
relationships to enhance the changing environment in Iowa
communities and school districts.
Frequency of Assessments of the Superintendency Intensive Study
Student Management System Data Collection Timeline
Who Completes
Seminar 1
Beliefs Survey
Seminar 3
Seminar 1
After Each Course
Seminar Professor
Skills Assessment
Beginning and End of Internship
Course Assigned
Internship Activities
After each chosen activity
Dispositions Rubric
Internship Assessment
– Formative
Internship 1
Internship 2
Include results from:
Administrator Internship
Rubric for Assessment of
Internship Experience
Lead Mentor and
Internship Professor
Course Professor,
Lead Mentor,
Internship Professor
Self, Peer, Critical
Friends, Lead Mentor
or mentor team,
Internship Professor
Internship Professor &
Lead Mentor, and
Mentors with Special
Internship Assessment
– Summative
Internship 3
Internship Professor &
Lead Mentor
Internship Verification
After Internship Activities (both course
assigned and site-determined) in Internship 1, Student
2, 3, 4
Additional Assessments and Checklist for the Doctoral Degree
_____ Receives admission letter
____ Reviews this handbook
____ Consults with advisor
____ Plans program of study with advisor (GF-1)
____ Completes provisions of admission, if appropriate
____ Pursues program of study and residency requirement
____ Identifies potential doctoral committee
 In conjunction with the advisor
____ Files recommended doctoral committee with Graduate College
____ Receives committee appointment letter from Graduate College Dean
____ Receives written preliminary approval of proposed dissertation research
from doctoral committee
 Student will make a formal presentation to his/her committee
which is research based
____ Applies for comprehensive examination (100% of coursework
 A one full day written examination over intensive study area
(Principalship or Superintendency)
 An oral examination focused on the practical application
concepts of the candidate’s intensive study area
specialization. This part of the examination is conducted by
the Intensive Area Doctoral Faculty
____ Makes a public presentation of the dissertation proposal
 Student receives feedback from committee and individuals
attending the presentation
____ Defends dissertation in open forum
 Student meets with committee upon the completion of the
public defense for possible/needed corrections of dissertation
____ Schedules preview meeting with Graduate College
____ Applies for graduation
____ Receives registrar record analysis (deficiencies)
____ Graduates
B. Analysis – Interpretation and Reporting Results
1. The entire doctoral intensive study area educational leadership faculty (ISA)
reviews candidate application materials upon entry to the program.
Candidates must submit a university official application
Three (3) letter of recommendation of which one must be from a
university professor who can speak to the prospect of doing doctoral
level work
Candidates must submit a written response to five questions
identified by the ISA faculty
Results of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
Candidate must possess a 3.50 GPA on all previous graduate work
2. The entire doctoral intensive study area educational leadership faculty (ISA)
develops the Comprehensive Doctoral Written Examination
 Doctoral faculty in the specialization area (Principalship or
Superintendency) evaluate the student’s written responses
 Evaluation of responses are rubric based (being developed) and with
majority of faculty agreement on passage of examination
 Oral examination questions are developed from written responses to
written examination and other appropriate practical application issues
identified by the faculty
3. The work of the dissertation committee
 The committee is made up of 5 members (chair, three members usually
within the College of Education and one member appointed by the
Graduate College).
 Each member is encouraged and expected to contribute to the
assistance of the student in the dissertation process.
 Recommendation for student advancement in the dissertation process
is done on a formal and professional collaborative basis. When
differences exist among committee members the chair intervenes and
mediates the dispute to the acceptance of all committee members.
 The final completion of the dissertation process and acceptance of the
dissertation is by committee decision.