DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE STUDENT OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT PLANNING OUTLINE FOR FALL, 2006 In conjunction with college-wide efforts to establish a baseline plan for consistent and ongoing SOA planning, the Department of Theatre will utilize the following procedures during the 20062007 Academic Year. I. PROGRAMS TO BE ASSESSED a. Performance b. Design and Production c. Theatre for Youth/Drama Education II. TARGETED GOALS/OUTCOMES BY PROGRAM (selected from larger list of outcomes for each program.) PERFORMANCE 1) Students will know and communicate how to analyze and interpret plays and other theatrical events from acting and performance perspectives. (GOALTHREE FROM PERFORMANCE GOALS/ALIGNMENT STATEMENT) a. Students will develop an ongoing working knowledge of and ability to incorporate acting techniques and theories. Included in this would be methodologies drawn from the Stanislavski approach (Meisner, Strasberg, Adler), Suzuki techniques and training in both Shakespearean and Commedia styles. b. Students will apply historical and literary research to acting. c. Students will recognize and apply techniques to free voice, body, mind and emotions; they will apply voice, body, mind and emotions to inhabit a role. DESIGN/PRODUCTION 1) Students will recognize and apply practical and theoretical knowledge of the processes by which creative impulses are channeled into design and production projects for the theatre. (GOAL THREE FROM DESIGN/PRODUCTION GOALS/ALIGNMENT STATEMENT) a. Students can create an original theatrical design for a play based on script analysis and historical research. b. Students can create the practical application tools necessary to execute a theatrical design. THEATRE FOR YOUTH/DRAMA EDUCTATION 1) Students will recognize the creative imagination and impulse and identify its relationship to artistic collaboration, standards, judgments, ethics and discipline from the youth theatre/drama education point of view. (GOAL ONE FROM YOUTH THEATRE/DRAMA EDUCATION GOALS/ALIGNMENT STATEMENT) a. Students will devise, implement and evaluate a creative drama/youth theatre program(s). b. Students will know and apply the basic elements, models and content of sequential standards for youth theatre and drama programs. c. Students will critique and analyze TFY/high school scripts based on elements of dramatic literature. d. Students will know a variety of creative drama and theatre for youth resources. e. Students will select and use research in devised work and scripted production. f. Students will perform, direct and teach activities, productions and roles intended for youth theatre audiences or participants.