Student Learning Outcomes Graduate Programs in Modern Languages Outcomes and Competencies Outcome 1 Students will be able to communicate in the target language, both orally and in writing. Competency 1.1 Students will understand the spoken language in its major dialects. Competency 1.2 Students will be able to make their ideas clear--on both a conversational and a scholarly level--in speaking with target-language speakers who know no English. Competency 1.3 Students will be able to read and comprehend non-literary material written in the target language at both a conversational and a scholarly level. Competency 1.4 Students will be able to express themselves clearly in writing in the target language on both a conversational and a scholarly level. Outcome 2. Students will be knowledgeable about the culture of the target language communities. Competency 2.1 Students will know the history and geography of the target-language areas. Competency 2.2 Students will be aware of regional differences within the target-language communities. Competency 2.3 Students will recognize manifestations of the culture of the target-language areas in literature. Outcome 3 Students will be knowledgeable about literature written in the target language. Competency 3.1 Students will be acquainted with the literary history of the target language. Competency 3.2 Students will recognize authors and titles of works written in the target language. Competency 3.3 Students will be able to analyze and criticize literary works written in the target language. Outcome 4 Students will be able to answer in writing analytical and synthesizing questions dealing with the target-language literature, language and culture spontaneously in the target language. Competency 4.1 Students will write in-class essay exams entirely in the target language. Competency 4.2 Students will write comprehensive examinations in the target language. Outcome 5 Students will be able to answer orally analytical and synthesizing questions dealing with the target-language literature, language and culture spontaneously in the target language. Competency 5.1 Students will have literary, linguistic, and cultural discussions in the target language in classes and seminars. Competency 5.2 Students will have oral comprehensive examinations in the target language. Outcome 6 Students will be able to carry out independent research, reporting the results in the target language. Competency 6.1 Students will write research papers in target language as part of classwork. Competency 6.2.a Students on a non-thesis program will be required to have a research paper written in the target language approved by their M.A. committees and filed in the Department of Modern Languages. Competency 6.2.b Students on a thesis program will write the thesis and defend it in the target language.