Diffusion of finite-sized hard-core interacting particles in a one-dimensional box: Tagged particle dynamics The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Lizana, L., and T. Ambjörnsson. “Diffusion of Finite-sized Hardcore Interacting Particles in a One-dimensional Box: Tagged Particle Dynamics.” Physical Review E 80.5 (2009) : 051103. © 2009 The American Physical Society As Published http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.80.051103 Publisher American Physical Society Version Final published version Accessed Thu May 26 19:25:39 EDT 2016 Citable Link http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/65085 Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 Diffusion of finite-sized hard-core interacting particles in a one-dimensional box: Tagged particle dynamics L. Lizana* Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark T. Ambjörnsson† Department of Theoretical Physics, Lund University, Sölvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden and Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 共Received 3 July 2009; published 5 November 2009兲 We solve a nonequilibrium statistical-mechanics problem exactly, namely, the single-file dynamics of N hard-core interacting particles 共the particles cannot pass each other兲 of size ⌬ diffusing in a one-dimensional system of finite length L with reflecting boundaries at the ends. We obtain an exact expression for the conditional probability density function T共y T , t 兩 y T,0兲 that a tagged particle T 共T = 1 , . . . , N兲 is at position y T at time t given that it at time t = 0 was at position y T,0. Using a Bethe ansatz we obtain the N-particle probability density function and, by integrating out the coordinates 共and averaging over initial positions兲 of all particles but particle T, we arrive at an exact expression for T共y T , t 兩 y T,0兲 in terms of Jacobi polynomials or hypergeometric functions. Going beyond previous studies, we consider the asymptotic limit of large N, maintaining L finite, using a nonstandard asymptotic technique. We derive an exact expression for T共y T , t 兩 y T,0兲 for a tagged particle located roughly in the middle of the system, from which we find that there are three time regimes of interest for finite-sized systems: 共A兲 for times much smaller than the collision time t Ⰶ coll = 1 / 共2D兲, where = N / L is the particle concentration and D is the diffusion constant for each particle, the tagged particle undergoes a normal diffusion; 共B兲 for times much larger than the collision time t Ⰷ coll but times smaller than the equilibrium time t Ⰶ eq = L2 / D, we find a single-file regime where T共y T , t 兩 y T,0兲 is a Gaussian with a mean-square displacement scaling as t1/2; and 共C兲 for times longer than the equilibrium time t Ⰷ eq, T共y T , t 兩 y T,0兲 approaches a polynomial-type equilibrium probability density function. Notably, only regimes 共A兲 and 共B兲 are found in the previously considered infinite systems. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.051103 PACS number共s兲: 05.40.Fb, 02.50.Ey, 05.10.Gg I. INTRODUCTION Recent development of single fluorophore tracking techniques allows experimental studies of the motion of particles in cellular environments with nanometer resolution 关1兴. The cell interior represents a crowded environment, in which the motion of an individual particle is strongly affected by the presence of other particles: crowding affects, for instance, the folding of proteins, diffusional motion 关2,3兴, as well as rates of biochemical reactions 关4,5兴. Crowding is also important during ribosomal translation on mRNA 关6兴 and binding protein diffusion along DNA 关7,8兴, where bound proteins are hindered from passing each other. Furthermore, advances in nanofluidics allow studies of geometrically constrained nanosized particles 关9,10兴. The system considered in this paper, the diffusion of a tagged particle immersed in a onedimensional bath of hard-core interacting particles—in the literature referred to as single-file diffusion 共SFD兲— represents one of the simplest systems governed by crowding effects, but with possible applications for obstructed onedimensional protein diffusion along DNA molecules and transport in nanofluidic systems. SFD phenomena emerge in quasi-one-dimensional geometries. The particle order is under these circumstances con- *lizana@nbi.dk † tobias.ambjornsson@thep.lu.se 1539-3755/2009/80共5兲/051103共16兲 served over time t, which results in interesting dynamics for a tagged particle, quite different from what is predicted from classical diffusion 共governed by Fick’s law兲. Examples found in nature include ion or water transport through pores in biological membranes 关11兴, one-dimensional hopping conductivity 关12兴, and channeling in zeolites 关13兴. SFD effects have also been studied in a number of experimental setups such as colloidal systems and ringlike constructions 关14–18兴. One of the most apparent characteristics of SFD is that the mean-square displacement 共MSD兲 S共t兲 = 具共y T − y T,0兲2典 of a tagged particle is in the long-time limit proportional to t1/2 in an infinite system with a fixed particle concentration 共angular brackets denote an average over initial positions and noise and y T and y T,0 are tagged particle positions at times t and t = 0, respectively兲. Also, the conditional probability density function 共PDF兲 for the tagged particle position 共tPDF兲 is Gaussian. The first theoretical study showing the t1/2 law of the MSD and that the tPDF is Gaussian is in Ref. 关19兴. Subsequent studies, proving the MSD law in alternative ways, are found in 关20–23兴. Simple arguments to its origin are presented in 关24–26兴, one of which 关26兴 uses a simple relationship between the displacement of a single particle and particle density fluctuations, with the latter known to be the same as for independent particles 关19,27兴. The t1/2 law and Gaussian behavior have, in the long-time limit, been shown to be of general validity for identical strongly overdamped particles interacting via any short-range potential in which 051103-1 ©2009 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 L. LIZANA AND T. AMBJÖRNSSON mutual passage is forbidden 关28兴. A generalized central limit theorem for tagged particle motion has also been proven 关29兴. More recent work includes 关30兴 where particles interacting via a screened Coulomb potential 共i.e., not perfectly hard core兲 were studied numerically 共see also 关31兴兲, 关32兴 deals with SFD in an external potential, and 关33–35兴 address SFD dynamics with different diffusion constants. A phenomenological Langevin formulation of SFD was presented in 关36兴. Although much work has been dedicated to single-file systems, to our knowledge, very few exact results for finite systems with finite-sized particles have been obtained. The one exception is 关37兴 where the PDF for N point particles diffusing on a finite one-dimensional line was derived. However, simplified expressions for the tPDF was only considered in the thermodynamic limit 共N , L → ⬁, where L denotes the system length and the concentration = N / L is kept fixed兲. In this paper, we go beyond previous studies in the following ways: first, finite-sized particles are considered and we show that the N-particle probability density function 共NPDF兲 can be written as a Bethe ansatz solution. We obtain an exact expression for the tPDF in terms of Jacobi polynomials 共or hypergeometric functions兲, which reduces to that in 关37兴 for the case of point particles. Second, we perform a 共nonstandard兲 large-N analysis of the tPDF, keeping the system size L finite. The expression for T共y T , t 兩 y T,0兲 in the many-particle limit is presented compactly in terms of modified Bessel functions. An analysis of the tPDF reveals the existence of three dynamical regimes for a particle located roughly in the middle of the system: 共A兲 short times, t Ⰶ coll = 1 / 共2D兲, where coll denotes the collision time and D is the diffusion constant. In this limit the tagged particle undergoes standard Brownian motion with a MSD S共t兲 ⬃ t; 共B兲 for intermediate times, coll Ⰶ t Ⰶ eq, where eq = L2 / D is the equilibrium time, we get a SFD regime where S共t兲 ⬃ t1/2; 共C兲 for long times, t Ⰷ eq, an equilibrium tPDF of polynomial type is found. Notably, only regimes 共A兲 and 共B兲 exist in infinite systems. This paper has the following organization. Section II contains the formulation of the problem and a mapping onto a point-particle system. The tPDF is also formally stated in terms of the NPDF to which governing dynamical equations are introduced. In Sec. III, we provide the solution to the equations of motion for the NPDF using a coordinate Bethe ansatz. In Sec. IV the initial coordinates as well as the coordinates for all particles except the tagged one are integrated out in order to obtain an exact expression for the tPDF. Also, asymptotic results for large N for the tPDF are derived. In Sec. V the asymptotic large-N expression for the tPDF is expanded for short and long times, and three different time regimes 共A兲–共C兲 共see above兲 are identified. More technical details are given in the appendixes. A brief summary of some of our results, corroborated with Gillespie simulations 共Monte Carlo type兲, can be found in 关38兴. II. PROBLEM DEFINITION In this paper we consider a system of N identical hardcore interacting particles, each with a diffusion constant FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Cartoon of the problem considered here: N particles of linear size ⌬ diffusing is a one-dimensional system of length L. The particles have center-of-mass coordinates y j and initial positions y j,0 共j = 1 , . . . , N兲 and are unable to overtake. This implies that y j+1 ⱖ y j + ⌬ 共j = 1 , . . . , N − 1兲 for all times. Also, the particles cannot diffuse out of the box, i.e., y 1 ⬎ −L / 2 + ⌬ / 2 and y N ⬍ L / 2 − ⌬ / 2. D and a linear size ⌬, diffusing in a finite one-dimensional system extending from −L / 2 to L / 2. A schematic cartoon is depicted in Fig. 1. The particles each have center of mass 共CM兲 and initial coordinates yជ = 共y 1 , . . . , y N兲 and yជ 0 = 共y 1,0 , . . . , y N,0兲, respectively. Due to the hard-core interaction, the particles cannot pass each other and retain their order at all times, i.e., y j+1 ⱖ y j + ⌬ for j = 1 , . . . , N − 1. The ends of the system are reflecting 共the particles cannot escape兲, i.e., y 1 ⬎ −共L − ⌬兲 / 2 and y N ⬍ 共L − ⌬兲 / 2. The diffusion of finite-sized particles can be mapped onto a point-particle problem. Introducing the rescaled effective system length ᐉ = L − N⌬, 共1兲 and making the coordinate transformation x j = y j − j⌬ + N+1 ⌬, 2 x j,0 = y j,0 − j⌬ + N+1 ⌬, 2 共2兲 it leads to R:− ᐉ/2 ⬍ x1 ⬍ x2 . . . ⬍ xN ⬍ ᐉ/2, 共3兲 where R denotes the phase space spanned by Eq. 共3兲. The phase space R0 is also introduced for the initial coordinates which satisfy −ᐉ / 2 ⬍ x1,0 ⬍ x2,0 . . . ⬍ xN,0 ⬍ ᐉ / 2. For convenience, we also introduce the shorthand notations xជ = 共x1 , . . . , xN兲 and xជ 0 = 共x1,0 , . . . , xN,0兲. Equations 共1兲 and 共2兲 map exactly the problem of N finite-sized hard-core particles in a box of length L onto a N point-particle problem in a box of length ᐉ. The main quantity of interest in this study is the tPDF T共xT , t 兩 xT,0兲 that is the probability density that a tagged particle T 共T = 1 , . . . , N兲 is at position xT at time t, given that it was at xT,0 at t = 0 关an ensemble average over the initial 共equilibrium兲 distribution of the surrounding N − 1 particles is implicit兴. The equilibrium tPDF is straightforwardly calculated from the ergodicity principle: all points in the allowed phase space R are equally probable. This leads the equilibrium NPDF 051103-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 DIFFUSION OF FINITE-SIZED HARD-CORE… N−1 Peq共xជ 兲 = N! 兿 共xi+1 − xi兲, ᐉN i=1 共4兲 where 共z兲 is the Heaviside step function; 共z兲 = 1 for z ⬎ 0 and zero elsewhere. Using an extended phase-space integration technique 共see Appendix C兲 it is easy to verify that 兰Rdx1 ¯ dxN Peq共xជ 兲 = 1. Integrating Eq. 共4兲 over all coordinates leaving out one, xT, gives the tPDF eq T 共xT兲 = 冕 R 冕 ᐉ/2 xT = 冕 xT −ᐉ/2 ⬘ ¯ dxT+1 dx1⬘ ¯ 冕 ᐉ/2 冕 xT −ᐉ/2 dxN⬘ NL ᐉ − xT 2 NR , 1 共xT,0兲 eq ⫻ 冕 R0 冕 R ⬘ ␦共xT,0 − xT,0 ⬘ ¯ dxN,0 ⬘ 兲 dx1,0 t 冉 冊 2 2 2 P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲, 2 + 2 + ¯+ x1 x2 xN2 共7兲 for xជ 苸 R 关P共xជ , t 兩 xជ 0兲 ⬅ 0 outside R兴. The equation certifying that neighboring particles cannot overtake reads D 冉 冊 − P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲兩xi+1=xi = 0. xi+1 xi 共9兲 = 0, 共10兲 xN=ᐉ/2 共11兲 III. NPDF AS A COORDINATE BETHE ANSATZ In this section we obtain the NPDF for the diffusion problem defined in previous section using a coordinate Bethe ansatz. The Bethe ansatz has been proven useful in solving a large variety of interacting particle problems since its introduction by Bethe in 1931 共see 关40兴 for a review兲. The Bethe ansatz solution for the present problem reads P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲 = 冕 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dk1 2 ⬁ −⬁ dk2 ¯ 2 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dkN −E共k ,. . .,k 兲t e 1 N 2 ⫻⌸Nj=1共k j,x j,0兲关eik1x1+ik2x2+ik3x3+¯+ikNxN + S21eik2x1+ik1x2+ik3x3+¯+ikNxN + S32S31eik2x1+ik3x2+k1x3+¯+ikNxN + all other permut. of 兵k1,k2, . . . ,kN其兴, 共12兲 E共k1, . . . ,kn兲 = D共k21 + ¯ + kN2 兲, 共6兲 where eq T 共xT,0兲 is given in Eq. 共5兲. In order to get the tPDF using Eq. 共6兲, we need to calculate the NPDF P共xជ , t 兩 xជ 0兲. It is governed by the diffusion equation =D P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲 xN = 0, x1=−ᐉ/2 where E共k1 , . . . , kN兲 is the dispersion relation, Sij are the scattering coefficients, and 共k j , x j,0兲 denotes a function containing boundary and initial conditions. Each one of these quantities is described below. The dispersion relation has the form dx1⬘ ¯ dxN⬘ ␦共xT − xT⬘ 兲 ⫻P共xជ ⬘,t兩xជ 0⬘兲Peq共xជ 0⬘兲, P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲 冏 冏 making sure that the particles are restricted to 关−ᐉ / 2 , ᐉ / 2兴 at all times. Finally, the initial condition is 共5兲 where ␦共z兲 is the Dirac delta function and NL 共NR兲 is the number of particles to the left 共right兲 of the tagged particle 共N = NL + NR + 1兲. In the remaining part of this section, we show how to calculate the complete time evolution of the tPDF from the many-particle NPDF. In order to obtain T共xT , t 兩 xT,0兲 one needs to first introduce the N-particle joint probability density P共xជ , t ; xជ 0兲, which gives the probability density that the system is in a state xជ and that it initially was in a state xជ 0. The joint probability density for the tagged particle T共xT , t ; xT,0兲 is simply obtained from the joint NPDF by integration over R and R0: T共xT , t ; xT,0兲 = 兰Rdx1⬘ ¯ dxN⬘ 兰R0dx1,0 ⬘ ␦共xT − xT⬘ 兲␦共xT,0 ⬘ ¯ dxN,0 − xT,0 ⬘ 兲P共xជ ⬘ , t ; xជ 0⬘兲. Relating the conditional and joint probability densities using Bayes’ rule 关39兴, i.e., P共xជ , t ; xជ 0兲 = P共xជ , t 兩 xជ 0兲Peq共xជ 0兲 and T共xT , t ; xT,0兲 = T共xT , t 兩 xT,0兲eq共xT,0兲, leads to T共xT,t兩xT,0兲 = x1 Summarizing this section, the problem of N hard-core interacting particles of size ⌬ diffusing in a one-dimensional system of a finite length L was mapped onto a point-particle problem using relationships 共1兲 and 共2兲. The dynamics of the NPDF is governed by Eqs. 共7兲–共10兲. Once they are solved 共topic of Sec. III兲, the tPDF can be calculated via Eq. 共6兲 共as demonstrated in Sec. IV兲. ⬘ dxT−1 冉 冊冉 冊 P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲 P共xជ ,0兩xជ 0兲 = ␦共x1 − x1,0兲 ¯ ␦共xN − xN,0兲. xT N! 1 ᐉ + xT N ᐉ N L ! N R! 2 冏 冏 D dx1⬘ ¯ dxN⬘ ␦共xT − xT⬘ 兲Peq共xជ ⬘兲 1 N! = N ᐉ N L ! N R! ⫻ D and relates “energy” to the momenta k1 , . . . , kN. Equation 共13兲 is obtained by inserting the Bethe ansatz 共12兲 into the equation of motion 共7兲. The scattering coefficients Sij describe pairwise particle interactions and are in general functions of the momentum variables ki and k j, Sij = S共ki , k j兲. They are, however, independent of the initial positions of the particles. In Appendix A it is demonstrated that the scattering coefficients making sure that the particles cannot pass each other 关i.e., satisfying Eq. 共8兲兴 are given by Sij = 1, 共8兲 Also, reflecting boundaries are placed at the system ends, 共13兲 共14兲 which means that they are independent of momenta and correspond to perfect reflection. For noninteracting particles 051103-3 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 L. LIZANA AND T. AMBJÖRNSSON Sij = 0, which reduces the Bethe ansatz to a standard Fourier transform. The quantity 共k j , x j,0兲 contains information about the initial and boundary conditions of the problem, which are here defined by Eqs. 共9兲–共11兲. The form of 共k j , x j,0兲 satisfying these relationships is given by 共xi,x j,0 ;t兲 = 兺 eik j共2m+1/2兲ᐉ , 共15兲 P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲 = 共x1,x1,0 ;t兲共x2,x2,0 ;t兲 ¯ 共xN,xN,0 ;t兲 + 共x1,x2,0 ;t兲共x2,x1,0 ;t兲 ¯ 共xN,xN,0 ;t兲 共19兲 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 mxi mx j,0 cos ᐉ ᐉ 共+兲 cos Gm共xi,x j,0兲 = m 共−兲 + m sin m=−⬁ which is shown explicitly in Appendix A. Notably, for an infinite system we have 共k j , x j,0兲 = e−ik jx j,0 关41,42兴. It is interesting to note that for SFD systems described by Eqs. 共12兲–共15兲 any macroscopic quantity that is invariant under interchange of any two particle positions, xi ↔ x j, takes the same value as for a system of noninteracting particles. This is in marked contrast to microscopic quantities such as the tPDF which in general behave very differently for singlefile and independent particle systems. In Appendix F we use the Bethe ansatz to explicitly calculate two macroscopic quantities, the dynamic structure factor and the center-ofmass PDF, and show that they agree with standard results for independent particle systems. Integration over momenta in Eq. 共12兲 关using Eqs. 共13兲–共15兲兴 leads to the NPDF 册 ⬁ where ⬁ 共k j,x j,0兲 = 2 cos关k j共x j,0 + ᐉ/2兲兴 冋 1 1 + 兺 Gm共xi,x j,0兲Em共t兲 , ᐉ m=1 mxi mx j,0 sin , ᐉ ᐉ Em共t兲 = e−共m兲 2Dt/ᐉ2 共20兲 , 共21兲 m共⫾兲 = 1 ⫾ 共− 1兲m . 共22兲 Elementary trigonometric identities 关44兴 were used to bring Gm共xi , x j,0兲 onto the form in Eq. 共20兲. Equations 共19兲–共22兲 agrees with well-known results 关45兴. The single-particle PDF 共19兲 is more convenient for obtaining the long-time limit as well as for numerical computations compared to Eq. 共17兲. In summary, the many-particle NPDF for excluding particles of size ⌬ diffusing in a finite interval of length L with reflecting boundaries is given by Eqs. 共16兲 and 共19兲 关or Eq. 共17兲兴 combined with the mapping equations 共1兲 and 共2兲. For point particles 共⌬ = 0兲 these results agree with those presented in 关37兴 where a different approach was used 关46兴. Based on the explicit expression of our NPDF, we will in the following section address the tPDF. + all other permut. of 兵x1,0,x2,0, . . . ,xN,0其, 共16兲 where ⬁ 共xi,x j,0 ;t兲 = 再 冋 1 共xi − x j,0 + 2mᐉ兲2 exp − 兺 共4Dt兲1/2 m=−⬁ 4Dt 冋 + exp − 关xi + x j,0 + 共2m + 1兲ᐉ兴2 4Dt 册冎 册 共17兲 is obtained from the inverse Fourier transform 2 ⬁ dk j 共k j , x j,0兲e−Dk j teik jxi. We point out that 共2兲−1兰−⬁ 共xi , x j,0 ; t兲 is the single-particle PDF for a particle in confined in a box of length ᐉ. The single-particle PDF given in Eq. 共17兲 is, however, not convenient for analyzing the long-time limit t → ⬁. In order to get a more suitable expression we seek instead the eigenmode expansion of 共xi , x j,0 ; t兲, which can be done in a variety of ways. Here, we use Bromwich integration. The Laplace transform of Eq. 共17兲 is 共see Appendix B兲 共xi,x j,0 ;s兲 = 冕 ⬁ IV. tPDF—EXACT AND LARGE N RESULTS In this section, we calculate the tPDF 共6兲 by integrating out the coordinates and initial positions of all nontagged particles from the NPDF given in Eq. 共16兲 关47兴. As is shown in detail in Appendix C we can, due to the property that P共xជ , t 兩 xជ 0兲 is invariant under permutations of xi ↔ x j, extend the integration from R to the hypercubes x j 苸 关−ᐉ / 2 , xT兴 共j = 1 , . . . , T − 1兲 and x j 苸 关xT , ᐉ / 2兴 共j = T + 1 , . . . , N兲. A similar procedure holds for integration over R0 共initial positions兲. Using the extended phase-space technique, Eq. 共6兲 becomes T共xT,t兩xT,0兲 = xT N L ! N R! −ᐉ/2 ⫻ ᐉ/2 ⫻ xT ᐉ/2 dxT+1,0 ¯ f L = 共ᐉ/2 + xT,0兲−1, 冑4Ds sinh共ᐉ冑s/D兲 兵cosh关共xi + x j,0兲 + cosh关共ᐉ − 兩x j,0 − xi兩兲冑s/D兴其. xT dxT+1 ¯ xT,0 dx1,0 ¯ ᐉ/2 xT,0 −ᐉ/2 xT,0 −ᐉ/2 ᐉ/2 dxT−1 dxT−1,0 −ᐉ/2 dxN,0 P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲, 共23兲 xT,0 where dt e−st共xi,x j,0 ;t兲 1 dx1 ¯ dxN xT 0 = 冕 冕 冕 冕 冕 冕 冕 冕 f LNL f RNR 冑s/D兴 共18兲 The sought eigenvalue expansion is obtained as a sum of residues of 共xi , x j,0 ; s兲 共see, e.g., Ref. 关43兴兲 and reads f R = 共ᐉ/2 − xT,0兲−1 . 共24兲 Using a similar combinatorial analysis to the one in Ref. 关37兴, we arrive at Eq. 共D1兲 共see Appendix D兲. The tPDF is, however, more conveniently expressed in terms of Jacobi polynomials 关44兴, P共n␣,兲共z兲. Using the identities P共n␣,兲共z兲 共−␣,兲 = 共n + ␣兲 ! 共n + 兲 ! / 关n ! 共n + ␣ + 兲!兴关共z − 1兲 / 2兴−a Pn+ ␣ 共z兲 and 共␣,兲 n 共,␣兲 Pn 共−z兲 = 共−1兲 Pn 共z兲 关48兴 leads to 051103-4 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 DIFFUSION OF FINITE-SIZED HARD-CORE… 共xT,t兩xT,0兲 = 共NL + NR − 1兲! L N R N 共 L兲 L共 R兲 R N L ! N R! R = 1 − L, 再 L L NL2 L ⌽共1,0,0; 兲 L + N LN R 冋 + 冎 册 L R + L ⌽共0,0,1; 兲 , LR R R L Km = R R NR2 R ⌽共0,1,0; 兲 R 冉 冊 冉 共25兲 Jm共z,z⬘兲 = 关NL − 共a + c兲兴 ! 共NR − b兲! c 共1 − 兲NL−共a+c兲 ⌽共a,b,c; 兲 = 关NL + NR − 共a + b + c兲兴! R−NL+a−b兲 ⫻PN共c,N−共a+c兲 L = 冉 冊 1+ , 1− 共27兲 were introduced. The quantities L, LL, etc. are defined in Eq. 共D3兲 and are integrals of the one-particle propagator = 共xi , x j,0 ; t兲 关49兴. For the general case we have 苸 关0 , 1兴 关50兴. By using limiting results of LL, RR, LR, and RL from Appendix E, one concludes that → 0 for short times 共t → 0兲, and → 1 in the long-time limit 共t → ⬁兲. It is also possible using standard relations for the Jacobi polynomials 关44兴 to express ⌽共a , b , c ; 兲 as a Gauss hypergeometric function 2F1共␣ ,  , ␥ ; z兲, ⌽共a,b,c; 兲 = 2F1共− NL + a,− NR + b,− 关NL + NR兴 + a + b + c;1 − 兲, 共28兲 which is convenient for obtaining the long-time behavior as will be seen in the next section. Finally, we need to find explicit expressions for the integrals of 共xi , x j,0 ; t兲 关Eq. 共D3兲兴. Integrating Eq. 共19兲 关or integrating 共xi , x j,0 ; s兲 prior to Laplace inversion 共see Appendix E兲兴 yields 共arguments are left implicit兲 冉 冊 冉 冊 1 xT 1 xT,0 − + − 2 ᐉ 2 ᐉ ⫻ KmEm共t兲, −1 ⬁ L = 冋 冋 1 1 xT,0 1+ + 2 ᐉ ᐉ 冉 冊 冉 冊 1 1 xT,0 − R = 1− 2 ᐉ l 兺 Jm共xT,0,xT兲Em共t兲 m=1 −1 ⬁ 兺 Jm共xT,0,xT兲Em共t兲 m=1 冋 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊册 1 mz mz⬘ m共+兲 sin cos m ᐉ ᐉ mz mz⬘ sin ᐉ ᐉ , 共31兲 冉 冊 1− 4 关N−共a+b+c兲兴/2 Ic兵关N − 共a + b + c兲兴其 共32兲 where 关54兴 兺 KmEm共t兲, m=1 −1 ⬁ 共30兲 , ⫻关1 + A共兲兴, m=1 1 xT + + 兺 Jm共xT,xT,0兲Em共t兲, 2 ᐉ m=1 冊册 冊 ⌽共a,b,c; 兲 ⬇ 关N − 共a + b + c兲兴1/2共2c−1兲/4共2兲1/2 冋 册 1 1 + 冑 = ln , 2 1 − 冑 ⬁ L = 共29兲 共⫾兲 are given by Eqs. 共21兲 and 共22兲, respecwhere Em共t兲 and m tively. To summarize, the complete expression for the tagged particle PDF is given by Eqs. 共25兲–共27兲, 共29兲, and 共30兲 together with Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲 for the case of finite-sized particles. The expressions for T共xT , t 兩 xT,0兲 can straightforwardly be computed numerically; our MATLAB implementation is available upon request. In the remaining part of this section we derive the tagged particle PDF T共xT , t 兩 xT,0兲 valid for a large N and 共finite兲 system size ᐉ. This large-N expansion will be used in the next section for identifying different time regimes and to obtain T共xT , t 兩 xT,0兲 for short and intermediate times. From Eq. 共26兲 we note that the argument in the Jacobi polynomial, P共n␣,兲共z兲, is in the interval z 苸 关1 , ⬁兲 共since 苸 关0 , 1兴兲 and that the number of particles is related to the order n. A large-N expansion of ⌽共a , b , c ; 兲 therefore amounts to find a large order n expansion valid for z 苸 关1 , ⬁兲 共i.e., for all times兲 for the Jacobi polynomial. One such expansion was derived in 关51兴 共see also 关52,53兴兲, and applying it to Eq. 共26兲 yields −1 ⬁ 兺 mxT mxT,0 cos ᐉ ᐉ 共−兲 − m cos 共26兲 RLLR , LLRR 1 xT 1 xT,0 LL = + + + 2 ᐉ 2 ᐉ 冋 冉 冊冉 1 mxT mxT,0 共+兲 sin sin 共m兲2 m ᐉ ᐉ 共−兲 + m cos where RR = RL = 1 − RR , with ⫻ 共NL + NR兲⌽共0,0,0; 兲 + LR = 1 − LL, 册 册 , 共33兲 and I␣共z兲 is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order ␣. Stirling’s formula 关44兴 was also used to approximate factorials involving NL and NR. The correction term appearing in Eq. 共32兲 is A共兲 = , 051103-5 Ic+1兵关N − 共a + b + c兲兴其 B 0共 兲 , N − 共a + b + c兲 Ic兵关N − 共a + b + c兲兴其 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 L. LIZANA AND T. AMBJÖRNSSON B 0共 兲 = 再 冉 1 1 共c2 − 1/4兲 − coth 2 冊 冎 − 关共␦N + a − b兲2 − 1/4兴tanh共兲 , Ⰶ 1. In this limit, one finds that the first term in Eq. 共35兲 dominates which in combination with Eq. 共2兲 leads to where ␦N = NR − NL was introduced. The expression for A共兲 was found by explicitly evaluating an integral in Ref. 关51兴, and it is a straightforward matter to show that the correction term A共兲 is indeed always small for all 苸 关0 , 1兴 provided that 1 / N , 兩␦N兩 / N Ⰶ 1. Inserting Eq. 共32兲 in Eq. 共25兲 and using the same approximations as above, we obtain our final large-N result for the tPDF, T共xT,t兩xT,0兲 = 共LL兲共N−␦N−1兲/2共RR兲共N+␦N−1兲/2 冉冑 冊 再 冉 冊 冑冉 冊 ⫻共1 − 兲共N−1兲/2 1/2 N L R + R I0关N兴 2 LL R + R L L R N + L I1关N兴 . 2 LR R R 冎 共35兲 We point out that this expression, in contrast to previous asymptotic expressions 关20,22,37兴, is valid for a finite box of size ᐉ, assuming only that the number of particles is large N Ⰷ 1 and that the tagged particle is approximately in the center of the system: 兩␦N兩 / N Ⰶ 1. S共t兲 = 2Dt. In the short-time regime, almost no collisions with the neighboring particles 共nor the box walls兲 have occurred and the tPDF is therefore a Gaussian with width 2Dt as for a free particle in an infinite one-dimensional system. In the intermediate-time regime the tagged particle has collided many times with its neighbors but not yet reached its equilibrium tPDF. For this regime, where Ⰶ 1 but N Ⰷ 1, we get the tPDF as follows. First, the first term in Eq. 共35兲 is neglected 共this is checked at the end of the calculation兲. Second, the Bessel function is approximated with I␣共z兲 兩zⰇ1 ⬇ ez / 冑2z. A straightforward expansion of Eq. 共35兲 for LR , RL Ⰶ 1 共i.e., 冑 Ⰶ 1兲, together with Stirling’s formula, gives L R 1 T共y T,t兩y T,0兲 ⬇ e−␦N共R−L 兲 2 冋 + L R 冑 N L R −1/4 −共N/2兲共冑L − 冑R兲2 R L 共 兲 e 2 R L 共36兲 T共y T,t兩y T,0兲 = A. Short times, t ™ coll , eq For short times we have N Ⰶ 1 and may therefore use the approximations I␣共z兲 兩zⰆ1 ⬇ 共z / 2兲␣ / ⌫共␣ + 1兲 关44兴, ⬇ 冑, and RL LR 1/2 1/2 共40兲 . 1 冢 冤 1 冑2 4Dt 1 − ⌬ 冉 冊冣 1/4 2 共y T − y T,0兲2 ⫻exp − 共37兲 For a particle located roughly in the middle, 兩␦N兩 / N Ⰶ 1 关i.e., Eq. 共35兲 applies兴, the three cases are given by 共A兲 short times, N Ⰶ 1, i.e., t Ⰶ coll , eq; 共B兲 intermediate times, Ⰶ 1 and N Ⰷ 1, corresponding to coll Ⰶ t Ⰶ eq; and 共C兲 long times, Ⰷ 1, i.e., t Ⰷ coll , eq. Time regimes 共A兲–共C兲 are analyzed in detail below. 冉 冊册 LR RL 冉 冊 If we furthermore assume that the average of the absolute value of = 共xT − xT,0兲 / 冑4Dt is small 共which is checked after the calculation兲, Eq. 共E15兲 may be used which in combination with Eqs. 共1兲, 共2兲, and 共40兲, keeping only lowest order terms in , leads to the SFD result, where = N / ᐉ is the concentration of particles, and the equilibrium time ᐉ2 eq = . D 共39兲 ⫻ L L + R R + R L In this section we show that, for large N, the finite SFD system considered here has three different time regimes to which expressions for T共xT , t 兩 xT,0兲 are derived. Mathematically, the different cases appear due to the magnitude of N 关found in the argument of the Bessel functions in Eq. 共35兲兴, and if is small or large. Utilizing Eqs. 共E14兲 and 共33兲, these cases can be turned into different time regimes if introducing the collision time 1 , 2D 共38兲 for which the MSD is V. THREE DIFFERENT TIME REGIMES coll = 册 共y T − y T,0兲2 , 4Dt B. Intermediate times, coll ™ t ™ eq 共1 − 兲1/2I0关N兴 + L 冋 T共y T,t兩y T,0兲 = 共4Dt兲−1/2exp − 共34兲 2 冑 冉 4Dt 1 − ⌬ 冊冥 2 , 共41兲 where the MSD is S共t兲 = 1 − ⌬ 冑 4Dt . 共42兲 Equation 共42兲 justifies the assumption that the expectation value of 兩兩 is a small number. Also, comparing the magnitude of the first term in Eq. 共35兲 with respect to the second and the third shows indeed that our first assumption above was correct 关55兴. For point particles ⌬ = 0, Eq. 共41兲 agrees 051103-6 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 DIFFUSION OF FINITE-SIZED HARD-CORE… with standard results 关20,37兴, in which N , L → ⬁ while keeping the concentration fixed. The result above shows that SFD behavior appears also in a finite system with reflecting ends, as an intermediate regime 共for a particle roughly in the middle兲. In addition, note that the simple rescaling → / 共1 − ⌬兲 takes us from previous point-particle results to those of finite-sized particles. C. Long times, t š eq In the long-time limit we have Ⰷ 1, for which the tPDF can be obtained exactly for arbitrary N. Using the exact expression for T共xT , t 兩 xT,0兲 found in Eqs. 共25兲 and 共28兲, together with 2F1共␣ ,  , ␥ ; z = 0兲 = 1 关44兴 and Eq. 共E7兲 关also using Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲兴 gives eq T 共y T兲 = 共NL + NR + 1兲! 1 N N L ! N R! 共L − N⌬兲 ⫻ 冉 L + y T − ⌬共1/2 + NL兲 2 冊冉 NL 冊 L − y T − ⌬共1/2 + NR兲 2 NR 共43兲 where eq T 共y T兲 = T共y T , t → ⬁ 兩 y T,0兲. This equation agrees with the equilibrium tPDF given in Eq. 共5兲 共for ⌬ = 0兲, as it should 关56兴. The results above show the consistency of our analysis and illustrate the ergodicity of the finite SFD system. Calculating the second moment of the equilibrium tPDF, S共t → ⬁兲 = Seq, gives Seq = 冉冊 冉 1 4 NR+1 L − N⌬ 2 冊 2 ⌫共1/2兲⌫共2关NR + 1兴兲 , 共44兲 ⌫共NR + 1兲⌫共NR + 5/2兲 for NL = NR where ⌫共z兲 is the gamma function. For N Ⰷ 1 we can simplify the expression for the equilibrium tPDF as well as Seq. If a symmetric file is assumed, i.e., NL = NR and T = 共N + 1兲 / 2, an asymptotic expansion of eq T 共y T兲 共using Stirling’s approximation 关44兴兲 gives the Gaussian PDF eq T 共y T兲 ⬇ 冑 冋 冉 1 2N yT exp − 2N 共L − N⌬兲2 L − N⌬ 冊册 2 , 共45兲 from which we read off that Seq ⬇ 共L − N⌬兲2 . 4N 共46兲 Equation 共46兲 can also be found directly from a large-N expansion of Eq. 共44兲 using Stirling’s formula and assuming N ⬇ 2NR. We point out that eq T 共y T兲 → 0 for N , L → ⬁ even if the concentration = N / L is kept fixed. This is consistent with the long-time limit of Eq. 共41兲, which indeed goes to zero for large times. Finally, the analysis in this subsection also gives an estimate on the time required to reach equilibrium, namely, t Ⰷ eq. VI. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK In this study we have solved exactly a nonequilibrium statistical-mechanics problem: diffusion of N hard-core interacting particles of size ⌬ which are unable to pass each other in a one-dimensional system of length L with reflecting boundaries. In particular, we obtained an exact expression for the probability density function T共y T , t 兩 y T,0兲 共denoted as tPDF兲 that a tagged particle T is at position y T at time t given that it at time t = 0 was at position y T,0. We derived the tPDF by first finding the N-particle probability density function 共NPDF兲 via the Bethe ansatz, and then integrating out the coordinates and taking the average over the initial positions of all particles except one. The exact expression for T共y T , t 兩 y T,0兲 is found in Eqs. 共1兲, 共2兲, 共25兲, and 共26兲 and constitutes the main result of the paper. For a large number of particles and for a tagged particle located roughly in the middle of the system, an asymptotic expansion of the tPDF was derived 关see Eq. 共35兲兴. Based on this equation, we found three time regimes of interest: 共A兲 for short times, i.e., times much smaller than the collision time t Ⰶ coll = 1 / 共2D兲, where = N / L is the particle number concentration, the tPDF coincides with the Gaussian probability density function that characterizes a free particle 关Eq. 共38兲兴. 共B兲 For intermediate times t Ⰷ coll, but much smaller than the equilibrium time t Ⰶ eq = L2 / D, a subdiffusive single-file regime was found in which the tPDF is a Gaussian with an associated MSD proportional to t1/2 关Eq. 共41兲兴. 共C兲 For times exceeding the equilibrium time t Ⰷ eq, the tPDF approaches a probability density of polynomial type 关Eq. 共43兲兴. We point out that the subdiffusive behavior for a tagged particle in time regime 共B兲 is of fractional Brownian motion type 关33,57,58兴 rather than that of continuous-time random walks 共CTRWs兲 characterized by heavy-tailed waiting time densities 关59–61兴. For such CTRW processes the probability density function is not a Gaussian as for the current system. Further comparison between subdiffusion in single-file systems and that occurring in CTRW theory was pursued numerically in 关62兴. The Bethe ansatz is often employed in quantum mechanics when many-body systems are studied 共e.g., quantum spin chains兲 关40,63兴, and also for stochastic many-particle lattice problems 关64,65兴. We hope that the theoretical analysis based on the Bethe ansatz presented here will stimulate further progress in the field of single-file diffusion and that of interacting random walkers. For instance, it would be interesting to see whether our analysis could be extended to derive exact results also for particles interacting through potentials other than hard-core type 关31兴, and for particles having different diffusion constants 关34兴. From the applied point of view, our exact expression for the tPDF covers all time regimes and is straightforward to implement for numerical computations. Therefore, we believe that our explicit formula for T共y T , t 兩 y T,0兲, as well as the approximate results for regimes 共A兲–共C兲, will be useful for experimentalists 共see, for instance, 关18兴兲 seeking to extract system parameters such as the particle size ⌬, the system size L, the particle’s diffusion constants 共D兲, and the number 共NL and NR兲 of particles to the left and right of the tagged particle. We finally note that the use of fluorescently labeled 共tagged兲 particles is of much use for studying biological systems. The understanding of how the motion of such particles correlates with its environment is therefore the key for grasping the behavior of such systems in a quantitative fashion. 051103-7 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 L. LIZANA AND T. AMBJÖRNSSON ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. Boundary conditions at the ends of the box In this subsection it is proven that Eq. 共12兲 satisfies the reflecting boundary conditions 共9兲 and 共10兲 at ⫾ᐉ / 2 with an appropriate choice for 共k j , x j,0兲 关Eq. 共15兲兴. The scattering coefficients are set to Sij = 1, which is proven to be correct in the following subsection. First, we define the function We are grateful to Bob Silbey, Mehran Kardar, Eli Barkai, Ophir Flomenbom, and Michael Lomholt for valuable discussions. L.L. acknowledges support from the Danish National Research Foundation, and T.A. from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. ⬁ 共k,z兲 = 共k,z兲e APPENDIX A: BETHE ANSATZ P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲 x1 冏 = x1=−ᐉ/2 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dk1 ¯ 2 冕 ⬁ −⬁ = 2 cos关k共z + ᐉ/2兲兴 兺 e−2ikmᐉ , m=−⬁ In this section we show that the Bethe ansatz, Eq. 共12兲, is a solution to the problem defined by Eqs. 共7兲–共11兲. First, it is demonstrated that Eq. 共12兲 satisfies the boundary conditions at the ends of the box. Second, we show that the requirement that the particles are unable to pass each other is satisfied by setting the scattering coefficients to unity. Finally, it is demonstrated that Eq. 共12兲 also satisfies the initial condition. 冏 −ikᐉ/2 共A1兲 which has the symmetry relation 共k,z兲 = 共− k,z兲. 共A2兲 By taking the derivative of Eq. 共12兲 with respect to x1 and evaluating at the left boundary x1 = −ᐉ / 2 give dkN −D共k2+¯+k2 兲t N ik1x1 ik2x2+¯+ikNxN 1 N ⌸ e 共e + perm. of 兵k2, . . . ,kN其兲 j=1共k j,x j,0兲关ik1e 2 + ¯ + ikieikix1共eik2x2+¯+ik1xi+¯+ikNxN + perm. of 兵k2, . . . ,ki−1,ki+1, . . . ,kN其兲 + ¯ + ikNeikNx1共eik2x2+¯+ik1xN + perm. of 兵k1, . . . ,kN−1其兲兴x1=−ᐉ/2 = 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dk2 ¯ 2 + ¯+ ⫻ 冕 ⬁ −⬁ ⫻ 冕 ⬁ −⬁ 2 冕 冕 ⬁ −⬁ ⬁ −⬁ dkN −D共k2+¯+k2 兲t N 2 N ⌸ e j=2共k j,x j,0兲 2 dk1 ¯ 2 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dki−1 2 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dki+1 ¯ 2 2 dki 共iki兲e−Dki t共ki,xi,0兲 + ¯ + 2 冕 ⬁ −⬁ 冕 ⬁ −⬁ 冕 −⬁ 2 dk1 共ik1兲e−Dk1t共k1,x1,0兲 2 dkN −D共k2+¯+k2 +k2 +¯+k2 兲t N 1 i−1 i+1 N ⌸ e j=1,j⫽i共k j,x j,0兲 2 dk1 ¯ 2 2 dkN 共ikN兲e−DkNt共kN,xN,0兲 = 0, 2 ⬁ 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dkN−1 −D共k2+¯k2 兲t N−1 1 N−1 ⌸ e j=1 共k j,x j,0兲 2 共A3兲 ⬁ where 兰−⬁ dki kie−Dki t共ki , xi,0兲 = 0 关odd integrand; see Eq. 共A2兲兴 was used in the last step. Note that this calculation does not rely on any specific form of 共k j , x j,0兲. It is only required that the symmetry relation 共A2兲 holds. Furthermore, the dispersion relation E共kជ 兲 = D共k21 + ¯ +kN2 兲 was also used in the above derivation. However, it would work equally well for any dispersion relation as long as E共kជ 兲 = 兺iE共ki兲 with E共ki兲 = E共−ki兲 is valid. A similar analysis as just presented shows that the Bethe ansatz solution also satisfies the reflecting condition at +ᐉ / 2 关Eq. 共10兲兴. In fact, since the Bethe ansatz is in- variant under the coordinate transformation xi ↔ x j, it gives 关P共xជ , t 兩 xជ 0兲 / x j兴x j=⫾ᐉ/2 = 0 for all x j. 2. Single-file condition: Particles are unable to overtake In this subsection it is shown that the condition that the particles are unable to pass each other 关Eq. 共8兲兴 is satisfied for scattering coefficients given by Sij = 1 in the Bethe ansatz solution 共12兲. We start off by expressing P共xជ , t 兩 xជ 0兲 in two alternative ways: 051103-8 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 DIFFUSION OF FINITE-SIZED HARD-CORE… P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲 = 冕 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dk1 2 ⬁ −⬁ dk2 ¯ 2 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dkN −D共k2+¯+k2 兲t N ik1x j ik jx1+¯+ik j−1x j−1+ik j+1x j+1+ik j+2x j+2+¯+ikNxN 1 N ⌸ e 共e j=1共k j,x j,0兲关e 2 + all other permut. of 兵k2, . . . ,kN其兲 + eik2x j共eik1x1+ik jx2+¯+ik j−1x j−1+ik j+1x j+1+ik j+2x j+2+¯+ikNxN + all other permut. of 兵k1,k3, . . . ,kN其兲 + ¯ + eikNx j共eik1x1+¯+ik j−1x j−1+ik j+1x j+1+ik j+2x j+2+¯+ik jxN + all other permut. of 兵k1, . . . ,kN−1其兲兴 共A4兲 and P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲 = 冕 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dk1 2 ⬁ −⬁ dk2 ¯ 2 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dkN −D共k2+¯+k2 兲t N ik1x j+1 ik j+1x1+¯+ik j−1x j−1+ik jx j+ik j+2x j+2+¯+ikNxN 1 N ⌸ e 共e j=1共k j,x j,0兲关e 2 + all other permut. of 兵k2, . . . ,kN其兲 + eik2x j+1共eik1x1+ik j+1x2+¯+ik j−1x j−1+ik jx j+ik j+2x j+2+¯+ikNxN + all other permut. of 兵k1,k3, . . . ,kN其兲 + ¯ + eikNx j+1共eik1x1+¯+ik j−1x j−1+ik jx j+ik j+2x j+2+¯+ik j+1xN + all other permut. of 兵k1, . . . ,kN−1其兲兴. 共A5兲 Using the above equations one finds 冏冉 P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲 x j+1 − P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲 xj 冊冏 冕 冕 ⬁ = x j+1=x j −⬁ dk1 2 ⫻关ik1e −e ⬁ −⬁ ik1x j 共e dk2 ¯ 2 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dkN −D共k2,. . .,k2 兲t N 1 N ⌸ e j=1共k j,x j,0兲 2 ik j+1x1+¯+ik j−1x j−1+ik jx j+1+ik j+2x j+2+¯+ikNxN ik jx1+¯+ik j−1x j−1+ik j+1x j+1+ik j+2x j+2+¯+ikNxN + all other permut. of 兵k2, . . . ,kN其兲 + ik2eik2x j共eik1x1+ik j+1x2+¯+ik j−1x j−1+ik jx j+1+ik j+2x j+2+¯+ikNxN − eik1x1+ik jx2+¯+ik j−1x j−1+ik j+1x j+1+ik j+2x j+2+¯+ikNxN + all other permut. of 兵k1,k3, . . . ,kN其兲 + ¯ + ikNeikNx j共eik1x1+¯+ik j−1x j−1+ik jx j+1+ik j+2x j+2+¯+ik j+1xN − eik1x1+¯+ik j−1x j−1+ik j+1x j+1+ik j+2x j+2+¯+ik jxN + all other permut. of 兵k1, . . . ,kN−1其兲兴 = 0, 共A6兲 ⬁ where it was used that each parenthesis is identically zero due to the cancellation of the 2共N − 1兲! terms after permutation over all allowed momenta. Note that this derivation is independent of the choice of 共k j , x j,0兲 and E共kជ 兲. 3. Initial condition In this subsection we show that the Bethe ansatz 共12兲 agrees with the initial condition 共11兲 when t → 0. By defining ⍀共x,y兲 = 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dk j ik x e j 共k j,y兲, 2 共A7兲 ⍀共x,y兲 = ␦共x − y + 2mᐉ兲 + ␦共x + y + 关2m + 1兴ᐉ兲. 共A9兲 For all m ⫽ 0 the ␦ functions are nonzero for coordinates lying outside of R and R0 where, per definition, P共xជ , t 兩 xជ 0兲 ⬅ 0 共see discussion in Sec. II兲. For m = 0, it is only the first ␦ function in the sum, ␦共x − y兲, that contributes to the NPDF. Furthermore, since all terms except the first one in Eq. 共A8兲 are zero due to the fact that P共xជ , t 兩 xជ 0兲 = 0 outside R, one obtains P共xជ ,t → 0兩xជ 0兲 = ␦共x − x0兲 ¯ ␦共xN − xN,0兲 共A10兲 as t → 0, which is the desired result. Eq. 共12兲 reads P共xជ ,t → 0兩xជ 0兲 = ⍀共x1,x1,0兲⍀共x2,x2,0兲 ¯ ⍀共xN,xN,0兲 APPENDIX B: LAPLACE TRANSFORM OF (xi , xj,0 ; t) + ⍀共x1,x2,0兲⍀共x2,x1,0兲 ¯ ⍀共xN,xN,0兲 + all other permut. of 兵x1,0, . . . ,xN,0其. 兺 m=−⬁ 共A8兲 Using the explicit expression for 共k , y兲 found in Eq. 共15兲 ⬁ dk eik共x−z兲 leads to and that ␦共x − z兲 = 共2兲−1兰−⬁ In this section it is shown explicitly how one can go from the one-particle PDF 共xi , x j,0 ; t兲 for a particle in a box expressed in terms of Gaussians 关Eq. 共17兲兴, to the eigenmode expansion 关Eqs. 共19兲–共22兲兴 used in this paper. First, the summation in Eq. 共17兲 is divided schematically into 051103-9 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 L. LIZANA AND T. AMBJÖRNSSON ⬁ ⬁ 兺m=−⬁ f m = f m=0 + 兺m=1 关f m + f −m兴. Then, using the Laplace transform L关共t兲−1/2e−a/共4t兲兴 = s−1/2e−a冑s 共a ⬎ 0兲 关44兴 one finds 共xi,x j,0 ;s兲 = Q共s兲 + 冋 + e−共xi+x j,0+ᐉ兲 x1 = x2 冑s/D 冑4Ds e−共xi−x j,0兲 冑s/D e−共xi+x j,0+ᐉ兲 + x2 x1 < x2 + 关e共xi−x j,0兲 冑s/D 冑4Ds 冑s/D + e共xi+x j,0+ᐉ兲 冑4Ds 兴 冑s/D x1 册兺 ⬁ e−2mᐉ 冑s/D x1 > x2 , m=1 共B1兲 where Q共s兲 = 再 共4Ds兲 共4Ds兲 −1/2 −共xi−x j,0兲冑s/D , xi ⱖ x j,0 −1/2 −共x j,0−xi兲冑s/D , xi ⱕ x j,0 . e e 冎 共B2兲 Considering the cases xi ⬎ x j,0 and xi ⬍ x j,0 separately, and ⬁ e−2mᐉ冑s/D = 共e2ᐉ冑s/D − 1兲−1, leads to that 兺m=1 共xi,x j,0 ;s兲 = 1 冑sD sinh关ᐉ冑s/D兴 再 FIG. 2. Integration area 共the darker upper area, x1 ⬍ x2兲 for the integral defined in Eq. 共C2兲. For any function which is symmetric under x1 ↔ x2 the integration over the lower triangle 共x1 ⬎ x2兲 yields the same result as integration over the same function over the upper triangle 共x1 ⬍ x2兲. One may therefore extend the integration area to the full rectangle above provided one divides the corresponding result by 2. cosh关共ᐉ/2 + xi兲冑s/D兴cosh关共ᐉ/2 − x j,0兲冑s/D兴, cosh关共ᐉ/2 − xi兲冑s/D兴cosh关共ᐉ/2 + x j,0兲冑s/D兴, which after elementary trigonometric manipulations result in Eq. 共18兲. APPENDIX C: EXTENDED PHASE-SPACE INTEGRATION xi ⱖ x j,0 , 冎 共B3兲 The integration area in the 共x1 , x2兲 plane is sketched in Fig. 2 共upper dark triangle兲. Since P共xជ , t 兩 xជ 0兲 is invariant under x1 ↔ x2, integration over the lower triangle gives the same result, i.e., When the tPDF is integrated out from the NPDF we need to resolve the following type of integral: 冕 xi ⱕ x j0 I共x3兲 = 冕 −ᐉ/2⬍x2⬍x1⬍x3⬍ᐉ/2 dx1dx2 P共x1,x2,x3,t兩xជ 0兲. ⬘ dxT+1 ⬘ ¯ dxN⬘ P共xជ ⬘,t兩xជ 0兲 共C1兲 dx1⬘ ¯ dxT−1 共C3兲 over the region R 关Eq. 共3兲兴 with the tagged particle coordinate xT left out. As pointed previously in the paper, the Bethe ansatz solution 关Eq. 共12兲兴 is symmetric under the transformation xi ↔ x j when all scattering coefficients are given by Sij = 1. This allows the integration of P共xជ , t 兩 xជ 0兲 in Eq. 共C1兲 to be extended to the whole hyperspace x j 苸 关−ᐉ / 2 , xT兴 , j = 1 , . . . , T − 1 and x j 苸 关xT , ᐉ / 2兴 , j = T + 1 , . . . , N. This is most easily demonstrated in an example which then is extended to the general situation. Consider the case of three particles where particle 3 is tagged T = 3, If Eqs. 共C2兲 and 共C3兲 are added, I共x3兲 can be expressed as an integral over the full rectangle I共xT兲 = I共x3兲 = R\xT 冕 −ᐉ/2⬍x1⬍x2⬍x3⬍ᐉ/2 dx1dx2 P共x1,x2,x3,t兩xជ 0兲. 共C2兲 I共x3兲 = 1 2 冕 xT −ᐉ/2 dx1 冕 xT dx2 P共x1,x2,x3,t兩xជ 0兲. 共C4兲 −ᐉ/2 For the general case, the integration can be extended for any particle number to the left of the tagged particle. This means that it is possible to go from integration over the phase space −ᐉ / 2 ⬍ x1 ⬍ . . . ⬍ xT−1 ⬍ xT to −ᐉ / 2 ⬍ x j ⬍ xT for j = 1 , . . . , T − 1 provided that we divide by NL!. This holds also for NR particles to the right and Eq. 共C1兲 can in general be written as 051103-10 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 DIFFUSION OF FINITE-SIZED HARD-CORE… I共xT兲 = 冕 1 N L ! N R! ⫻ 冕 xT dx1 −ᐉ/2 xT dxT−1 −ᐉ/2 冕 冕 xT −ᐉ/2 ᐉ/2 dxT+1 ¯ xT extended phase-space technique is valid for integrations over the initial particle positions R0. dx2 ¯ 冕 ᐉ/2 dxN P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲. APPENDIX D: FROM THE NPDF TO THE tPDF xT 共C5兲 Since P共xជ , t 兩 xជ 0兲 is also invariant under xi,0 ↔ x j,0, a similar 1 共xT,t兩xT,0兲 = N L ! N R! 再 In this appendix the tPDF is obtained from integral 共6兲 using the Bethe ansatz NPDF 共16兲 explicitly. A similar combinatorial analysis to that found in 关37兴 gives min兵NL−1,NR其 min兵NL,NR其 兺 H 0 共q兲共LL兲NL−q共RL兲q共LR兲q共RR兲NR−q + 兺 HLL共q兲共LL兲NL−q−1共RL兲qLL共LR兲q共RR兲NR−q min兵NL−1,NR−1其 min兵NL,NR−1其 + 兺 q=0 q=0 HRR共q兲共LL兲NL−q共RL兲qRR共LR兲q共RR兲NR−q−1 + 兺 HLR共q兲 冎 q=0 q=0 min兵NL−1,NR−1其 兺 q=0 ⫻共LL兲NL−q−1共RL兲q+1RL共LR兲q共RR兲NR−q−1 + with the combinatorial factors 冉 冊冉 冉 冊冉 冉 冊冉 冉 冊冉 冉 冊冉 NL H 共q兲 = q 0 HRR共q兲 q HLR共q兲 = HRL共q兲 = q NL − 1 NL NR − 1 q+1 q NL ! NR ! NR , 冕 冕 xT −ᐉ/2 RR共t兲 = f R dx j,0 共xi,x j,0 ;t兲, −ᐉ/2 冕 冕 ᐉ/2 dx j,0 共xi,x j,0 ;t兲, xT,0 冕 冕 ᐉ/2 xT,0 dxi xT RL共t兲 = f R ᐉ/2 dxi xT LR共t兲 = f L xT,0 dxi 冕 冕 xT ᐉ/2 dxi −ᐉ/2 dx j,0 共xi,x j,0 ;t兲, −ᐉ/2 xT,0 dx j,0 共xi,x j,0 ;t兲 xT dxi 共xi,x j,0 ;t兲, 冕 ᐉ/2 dxi 共xi,x j,0,t兲, xT L共t兲 = f L NL ! NR ! NR , and integrals 共leaving arguments xT,0 and xT implicit兲 LL共t兲 = f L R共t兲 = 冕 xT,0 dx j,0 共x j,x j,0 ;t兲, −ᐉ/2 NR NL ! NR ! NL , q+1 q 冕 共D1兲 −ᐉ/2 NR NL ! NR ! NL , q NR − 1 NL = q L共t兲 = NR NL ! NR ! , q NL − 1 HLL共q兲 = 冊 冊 冊 冊 冊 HRL共q兲共LL兲NL−q−1共RL兲qLR共LR兲q+1共RR兲NR−q−1 , R共t兲 = f R 冕 ᐉ/2 dx j,0 共x j,x j,0 ;t兲. 共D3兲 xT,0 共D2兲 The prefactors f L and f R are found in Eq. 共24兲 and correspond to uniform distributions to the left and right of the tagged particle according to which the surrounding particles are initially placed. They appear when integrals over initial coordinates are performed. Also, it is easy to see from normalization that L共t兲 + R共t兲 = 1, LL共t兲 + LR共t兲 = 1, and RR共t兲 + RL共t兲 = 1. If considering a single particle in a box of length ᐉ, the integrals defined in Eq. 共D3兲 are easily interpreted as follows. First, LL 共RR兲 is the probability that a single particle is to the left 共right兲 of xT at time t given that it started, with an equal probability, anywhere to the left 共right兲 of xT,0. Similar interpretations hold also for LR and RL. The quantity L 共R兲 is the probability that a single particle is at position xT given that the particle started somewhere to the left 共right兲 of xT,0. Finally, L 共R兲 is the probability that a single particle is to the left 共right兲 of xT at time t given that it started at position xT,0. 051103-11 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 L. LIZANA AND T. AMBJÖRNSSON APPENDIX E: INTEGRALS OF (xi , xj,0 ; s) IN LAPLACE SPACE In this appendix, exact expressions as well as limiting forms for the integrals appearing in Eq. 共D3兲 are given in the L共s兲 = L共s兲 = R共s兲 = LL共s兲 = RR共s兲 = 1 sinh关共ᐉ/2 + xT兲冑s/D兴cosh关共ᐉ/2 − xT,0兲冑s/D兴, fL 再 再 sinh关ᐉ冑s/D兴 − cosh关共ᐉ/2 + xT兲冑s/D兴sinh关共ᐉ/2 − xT,0兲冑s/D兴, xT ⱕ xT,0 s sinh关ᐉ冑s/D兴 cosh关共ᐉ/2 − xT兲冑s/D兴sinh关共ᐉ/2 + xT,0兲冑s/D兴, fR s sinh关ᐉ冑s/D兴 s sinh关ᐉ冑s/D兴 s sinh关ᐉ冑s/D兴 冦 冦 xT ⱖ xT,0 , cosh关共ᐉ/2 + xT兲冑s/D兴sinh关共ᐉ/2 − xT,0兲冑s/D兴, sinh关ᐉ冑s/D兴 − cosh关共ᐉ/2 − xT兲冑s/D兴sinh关共ᐉ/2 + xT,0兲冑s/D兴, 关1 − 共xT,0 − xT兲f L兴sinh关ᐉ冑s/D兴 − f L sinh关ᐉ冑s/D兴 − f L 冑 冑 xT ⱕ xT,0 xT ⱖ xT,0 , 冎 共E1兲 冎 冎 共E2兲 共E3兲 D sinh关共ᐉ/2 + xT兲冑s/D兴sinh关共ᐉ/2 − xT,0兲冑s/D兴, xT ⱕ xT,0 s D sinh关共ᐉ/2 − xT兲冑s/D兴sinh关共ᐉ/2 + xT,0兲冑s/D兴, s xT ⱖ xT,0 , 冧 共E4兲 sinh关ᐉ冑s/D兴 − f R 冑 D sinh关共ᐉ/2 + xT兲冑s/D兴sinh关共ᐉ/2 − xT,0兲冑s/D兴, s 关1 − 共xT − xT,0兲f R兴sinh关ᐉ冑s/D兴 − f R 冑 1 LL + LR = , s xT ⱕ xT,0 D sinh关共ᐉ/2 − xT兲冑s/D兴sinh关共ᐉ/2 + xT,0兲冑s/D兴, xT ⱖ xT,0 . s 冧 共E5兲 The remaining three integrals follow from the normalization conditions 共arguments are left implicit兲 1 L + R = , s xT ⱕ xT,0 s sinh关ᐉ冑s/D兴 sinh关ᐉ冑s/D兴 − sinh关共ᐉ/2 − xT兲冑s/D兴cosh关共ᐉ/2 + xT,0兲冑s/D兴, xT ⱖ xT,0 , 1 1 再 Laplace domain. Using the Laplace-transformed one-particle PDF 共xi , x j,0 ; s兲 found in Eq. 共B3兲, the integrals defined in Eq. 共D3兲 共with time t replaced with Laplace variable s, and xT and xT,0 left out兲 are given by 1 RR + RL = . s = L = R = 1 , sᐉ L = LL = RL = 共E6兲 R = RR = LR = The Laplace inversion of the above relationships, using, e.g., residue calculus 关43兴, gives Eq. 共29兲. In the following subsections we give asymptotic results in the 共1兲 long- and 共2兲 short-time limits for the expressions above. 冉 冊 1 1 xT , + s 2 ᐉ 冉 冊 1 1 xT − . s 2 ᐉ 共E7兲 The inverse transforms are found from L−1共s−1兲 = 1 关44兴. 2. Short-time behavior 1. Long-time behavior The long-time behavior of Eqs. 共E1兲–共E16兲 is obtained from a series expansion for ᐉ冑s / D Ⰶ 1 and reads 共arguments are left implicit兲 Short times is defined here as 共ᐉ ⫾ xT兲冑s / D , 共ᐉ ⫾ xT,0兲冑s / D Ⰷ 1, i.e., times shorter than the time it takes to diffuse across the entire box. The short-time behavior of Eqs. 共E1兲–共E16兲 is given by 051103-12 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 DIFFUSION OF FINITE-SIZED HARD-CORE… 共s兲 ⬇ L L共s兲 ⬇ R共s兲 ⬇ LL共s兲 ⬇ RR共s兲 ⬇ 冦 冦 冦冉 冉 冦 冦冉 1 −共x −x 兲冑s/D e T,0 T , 2s 冊 冊 1 1 冑 1 − e−共xT−xT,0兲 s/D , xT ⱖ xT,0 , 2 s 1 fL 冑 1 − e−共xT,0−xT兲 s/D , xT ⱕ xT,0 2 s f L −共x −x 兲冑s/D e T T,0 , 2s xT ⱖ xT,0 , f R −共x −x 兲冑s/D e T,0 T , 2s xT ⱕ xT,0 冊 xT − xT,0 冑4Dt 冧 冧 冧 冉 冉 冑 冉 冑 冉 1 fL 1 − 共xT,0 − xT兲f L − s 2 冑 fL 共1 − erf 兲, 2 1 L共t兲 = 共1 + erf 兲, 2 LL共t兲 fL =1− 2 RR共t兲 = 1 − fR 2 冑 冑 共E10兲 冊 冊 冊 1 fL 1− s 2 D −共x −x 兲冑s/D , e T T,0 s xT ⱖ xT,0 , 1 fR 1− s 2 D −共x −x 兲冑s/D e T,0 T , s xT ⱕ xT,0 1 fR 1 − 共xT − xT,0兲f R − s 2 冑 冊 D −共x −x 兲冑s/D e T T,0 , xT ⱖ xT,0 . s L共t兲 = L共t兲 = 共E13兲 , R共t兲 = 共E9兲 D −共x −x 兲冑s/D e T,0 T , xT ⱕ xT,0 s 冉 冊 冉 冑冊 fR 共1 + erf 兲, 2 1 R共t兲 = 共1 − erf 兲, 2 冧 冧 共E11兲 共E12兲 冉 冊 冉 冑冊 2 fL 1− 冑 , 2 R共t兲 = 2 fR 1+ 冑 , 2 2 1 1+ , 2 R共t兲 = 1 2 1− , 2 it leads to L共t兲 = 共E8兲 1 fR 冑 1 − e−共xT−xT,0兲 s/D , xT ⱖ xT,0 , 2 s The remaining integrals follow from Eq. 共E16兲. Equations 共E9兲–共E12兲 can be inverted exactly into time domain. Using standard formulas 关44兴 and introducing = xT ⱕ xT,0 LR共t兲 = fL 2 RL共t兲 = fR 2 冑 冑 4Dt 共1 − 冑兲, 4Dt 共1 + 冑兲, 共E15兲 and 共arguments are left implicit兲 L + R = 1, 4Dt −2 关e + 冑共erf − 1兲兴, 4Dt −2 关e + 冑共erf + 1兲兴, 共E14兲 LL + LR = 1, RR + RL = 1. 共E16兲 The limit where t → 0 limit 共s → ⬁兲 is most conveniently found from Eqs. 共E1兲–共E16兲 which, in combination with L−1共s−1兲 = 1, read where erf z is the error function 关44兴. The expressions above are valid for times such that 4Dt / 共ᐉ / 2 ⫾ xT,0兲2 Ⰶ 1 and 4Dt / 共ᐉ / 2 ⫾ xT兲2 Ⰶ 1. Expanding the result in Eq. 共E14兲 for small and using the normalization conditions 共E6兲 yield 051103-13 L共t → 0兲 = L共t → 0兲 = 再 再 0, xT ⱕ xT,0 1, xT ⱖ xT,0 , f L , xT ⱕ xT,0 0, xT ⱖ xT,0 , 冎 冎 共E17兲 共E18兲 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 L. LIZANA AND T. AMBJÖRNSSON R共t → 0兲 = LL共t → 0兲 = RR共t → 0兲 = 再 再 再 0, xT ⱕ xT,0 f R , xT ⱖ xT,0 , 冎 1 − 共xT,0 − xT兲f L , xT ⱕ xT,0 1, xT ⱖ xT,0 , 1, xT ⱕ xT,0 1 − 共xT − xT,0兲f R , xT ⱖ xT,0 , 共E19兲 冎 冎 S共Q,t兲 = 1 1 1 N N! ᐉN ⫻ 共E20兲 共E21兲 冕 APPENDIX F: MACROSCOPIC DYNAMICS—THE DYNAMIC STRUCTURE FACTOR AND CENTER-OF-MASS MOTION + S共Q,t兲 = 1 N 冕 R dx1 ¯ dxN 冕 R0 冕 ⫻ 兺 eiQ共xi−x j,0兲P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲Peq共xជ 0兲, −ᐉ/2 ᐉ/2 dxN 冕 ᐉ/2 dx1,0 −ᐉ/2 −ᐉ/2 dxN,0 兺 eiQ共xi−x j,0兲P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲, i,j 冕 冕 ᐉ/2 ᐉ/2 dx1 −ᐉ/2 −ᐉ/2 ᐉ/2 dx2 ¯ i dxN,0 冋冉 兺 dxN 冕 ᐉ/2 dx1,0 −ᐉ/2 −ᐉ/2 eiQ共xi−xi,0兲 i=1 −ᐉ/2 j,0兲 ᐉ/2 N ᐉ/2 dx2,0 ¯ 冕 冊 册 共F4兲 + remaining N ! − 1 terms . Defining C共Q兲 = 1 ᐉ 冕 冕 1 ᐉ2 ᐉ/2 ᐉ/2 dxi −ᐉ/2 dx j,0 共xi,x j,0 ;t兲eiQ共xi−x j,0兲 , −ᐉ/2 冕 冕 ᐉ/2 ᐉ/2 dxi −ᐉ/2 −ᐉ/2 冕 冕 ᐉ/2 dx j,0 ᐉ/2 dxk −ᐉ/2 dxl,0 −ᐉ/2 ⫻共xi,x j,0 ;t兲共xk,xl,0 ;t兲eiQ共xi−xl,0兲 , 共F5兲 and noticing that all the N! terms corresponding to permutations of the initial particle positions in Eq. 共F4兲 give the same contribution lead to S共Q,t兲 = C共Q兲C共0兲N−1 + 共N − 1兲F共Q兲C共0兲N−2 . 共F1兲 共F6兲 This result is identical to that of noninteracting particles 共obtained, e.g., by putting, Sij ⬅ 0, in the Bethe ansatz 共12兲 and allowing the particles to be in the full phase space x j 苸 关−ᐉ / 2 , ᐉ / 2兴兲. The expression above is simplified by noticing that C共0兲 = 1 due to the normalization of 共xi , x j,0 ; t兲. As an example, we consider the case ᐉ → ⬁ and ⌬ = 0 where 共xi , x j,0 ; t兲 = 共4Dt兲−1/2exp关−共xi − x j,0兲2 / 共4Dt兲兴 can be used. A straightforward calculation of Eq. 共F5兲 for this case gives 共F2兲 2 C共Q兲 = e−DQ t , i,j where we averaged over the 共equilibrium兲 initial positions. Since the integrand above is invariant under xi ↔ x j, we can apply the technique explained in Appendix C to extend the integrations over coordinates as well as initial positions to 关−ᐉ / 2 , ᐉ / 2兴, which leads to 冕 eiQ共x −x 兺 i,j,i⫽j F共Q兲 = dx1,0 ¯ dxN,0 ᐉ/2 冕 ⫻共x1,x1,0 ;t兲共x2,x2,0 ;t兲 ¯ 共xN,xN,0 ;t兲 1. Dynamic structure factor where the angular brackets denote an average over different realizations of the noise. In terms of the NPDF and the equilibrium NPDF 共see Sec. II兲, it is given by −ᐉ/2 dx2,0 ¯ 1 1 1 N N! ᐉN −ᐉ/2 1 兺 具eiQ关Xi共t兲−X j,0兴典, N i,j −ᐉ/2 dx2 ¯ where also Eq. 共4兲 was used. Inserting explicitly the NPDF from Eq. 共16兲 yields ⫻ S共Q,t兲 = ᐉ/2 dx1 共F3兲 Again, the remaining integrals follow from the normalization condition 共E16兲. The dynamic structure factor is tractable via scattering experiments 共see, e.g., Ref. 关66兴兲 and is widely used in condensed-matter physics and crystallography. Considering a set of noise-driven stochastic trajectories X1共t兲 , . . . , XN共t兲, the dynamic structure factor is 关67兴 冕 冕 ᐉ/2 ᐉ/2 −ᐉ/2 S共Q,t兲 = Macroscopic quantities for a single-file system are the same as for a system consisting of noninteracting particles 关19,27兴. By “macroscopic” we here refer to any quantity which is invariant under xi → x j, i.e., any one which does not “notice” if two particles are interchanged in the system. In this appendix we explicitly evaluate two such macroscopic quantities: 共1兲 the dynamic structure factor and 共2兲 the PDF for the center-of-mass coordinate. We demonstrate that indeed they agree with known results for noninteracting systems. 冕 F共Q兲 = 2 2 ␦共Q兲e−DQ t , ᐉ 共F7兲 共F8兲 ⬁ d␣ ei␣z was used. Inserting the results where ␦共z兲 = 共2兲−1兰−⬁ above into Eq. 共F6兲 gives 051103-14 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 051103 共2009兲 DIFFUSION OF FINITE-SIZED HARD-CORE… 2 S共Q,t兲 = e−DQ t, Q ⫽ 0, 共F9兲 P共X,t兩xជ 0兲 = P共X,t兩xជ 0兲 = h共Q,x j0兲 = 冊 冕 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dQ 2 冋冉 ᐉ/2 −ᐉ/2 ⫻exp iQ X − dx1 ¯ 冕 = ⬁ −⬁ dkN −D共k2+¯+k2 兲t 1 N e 2 ⬁ dxi −⬁ dk j −Dk2t e j 共k j,x j,0兲eixi共k j−Q/N兲 . 2 共F14兲 The result in Eq. 共F13兲 is identical to that of noninteracting particles, as can be shown straightforwardly by setting Sij ⬅ 0 in Eq. 共12兲 and not restricting the particles to the phasespace region R. As an example, Eq. 共F13兲 is evaluated for an infinite system 共ᐉ → ⬁兲 and ⌬ = 0, where 共k j , x j,0兲 = e−ik jx j,0. For this case Eq. 共F14兲 becomes 冉 h共Q,x j,0兲 = exp − dxN x1 + x2 + ¯ + xN N 冕 dk j −Dk2t e j 共k j,x j0兲g共k j,Q兲 2 −ᐉ/2 ᐉ/2 −ᐉ/2 ⬁ ᐉ/2 where the NPDF P共xជ , t 兩 xជ 0兲 is given in Eq. 共12兲, and the integration region R is defined in Eq. 共3兲. Since the integrand is invariant under xi ↔ x j, it is possible to extend the integration region to x j 苸 关−ᐉ / 2 , ᐉ / 2兴 共provided we divide by N!兲, as was done in the previous subsection. Also, using the integral representation of the ␦ function from previous subsection, Eq. 共F10兲 can be rewritten as 1 N! −⬁ dk1 ¯ 2 dQ iQX e h共Q,x1,0兲 ¯ h共Q,xN,0兲, 共F13兲 2 冕 冕 冕 −⬁ x1 + x2 + ¯ + xN P共xជ ,t兩xជ 0兲, N 共F10兲 P共X,t兩xជ 0兲 = 冕 ⬁ −⬁ where 冉 ⬁ 共F12兲 dx1dx2 ¯ dxN ⫻␦ X − 冕 ⫻共k1,x1,0兲 ¯ 共kN,xN,0兲g共k1,Q兲 ¯ g共kN,Q兲. The probability density function for the CM coordinate X is given by 关69兴 R dQ iQX e 2 Integrating over k j leads to 2. Center-of-mass dynamics 冕 ⬁ −⬁ which is in agreement with standard results for noninteracting particles in one dimension 共see, e.g., Ref. 关68兴兲. 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Using the Poisson summation formula ⬁ ⬁ gives the identity 兺m=−⬁ e2imk jᐉ = 共 / ᐉ兲兺m=−⬁ ␦共k j + m / ᐉ兲, from which the Bethe ansatz solution, Eqs. 共12兲–共15兲, can be rewritten in term of discrete wave vectors m j / ᐉ 共m j = −⬁ , . . . , −1 , 0 , 1 , . . . , ⬁兲 if desired. A. D. Wunsch, Complex Application, 2nd ed. 共AddisonWesley, Reading, MA, 1994兲. Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables 共Dover, New York, 1964兲. H. S. Carslaw and J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids 共Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1959兲. Note that our convention, with coordinates in the range 关−L / 2 , L / 2兴, is different to Ref. 关37兴 where the left 共right兲 end of the system is at 0 共L兲. 关47兴 Alternatively, one may be interested in the tPDF for a fixed initial particle distribution xជ 0: ˜T共xT , t 兩 xជ 0兲 = 兰Rdx⬘1 ¯ dxN⬘ ␦共xT − xT⬘ 兲P共xជ ⬘ , t 兩 xជ 0兲. 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