Centre for Studies in Democratisation CSD Students' Working Paper Series Politics, Performance and the People: Assessing Factors Shaping Public Opinion of Privatization in Mexico Matthias Baumgarten MA student of International Political Economy at the University of Warwick Matthias.Baumgarten @gmx.de Working Paper n. 7/ 2011 Centre for Studies in Democratisation Department of Politics and International Studies University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL United Kingdom http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/pais/research/csd/ The Centre for Studies in Democratisation (CSD) was established at the University of Warwick in 1992 in response to a growing interest in the study of democracy at a theoretical and empirical level. Democratisation has become a central political theme and features now prominently on the foreign policy agenda of western countries. Members of CSD are seeking to understand why, how and when democracies emerge, sustain or collapse. They also investigate the reasons why democratisation can sometimes be problematic. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information! Renske Doorenspleet (Director): Renske.Doorenspleet@warwick.ac.uk Or visit our website: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/pais/research/csd/ Abstract Privatization of formerly state-owned industries became a common policy instrument in the 1970s. However, most scholarly studies are still limited to the economic aspects of this phenomenon, looking mainly at welfare and efficiency effects. This omits the crucial importance of political aspects, especially public opinion, for privatization outcomes. The following paper focuses specifically on factors influencing public opinion of privatization, choosing Mexico as the object of study due to its interesting internal and external political dynamics. Developing a framework based on Durant and Legge’s French model (2002), six groups of influence factors are analyzed using data from the ‘Latinobarómetro 2007’. The comparison of theoretically derived relationships with the statistical results of univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses supports most research hypotheses, yet it also highlights a number of interesting deviations in terms of significance, direction and strength. Furthermore, clear national differences between the Mexican and the French results are apparent. The findings offer valuable insights into factors shaping public opinion of privatization, and underline that this topic area clearly deserves further research in the future. Keywords: Privatization, Public Opinion, Mexico, State Performance, Government Services Politics, Performance and the People: Assessing Factors Shaping Public Opinion of Privatization in Mexico Matthias Baumgarten INTRODUCTION The beginning post-war era, which was characterized by a lack of private sector investment (Parker and Saal 2003), led governments around the world to set up state-owned enterprises (SOEs) for the provision of infrastructure and public goods (Toninelli 2000). Yet SOEs were not merely commercial entities, but also pursued political goals like employment and social inclusion (Chang 2006). In developing countries like Mexico, imports were restricted to meet local demand through nationalized domestic industries (Frieden 2007). This import substituting industrialization (ISI) formed an integral part of ongoing nation building processes and economic development (Noll 2000). However, the end of the post-war ‘Bretton Woods era’ in the 1970s created a decisive shift to neoliberal policies (Williamson 1993), and state involvement in the economy began to be viewed increasingly as a burden (Eichengreen 1998). Consequentially, the privatization of SOEs became a standard policy instrument and still is today. The majority of studies about privatization are limited to its economic aspects, emphasizing welfare-enhancing effects by overcoming the inefficiencies inherent in SOEs. However, they fail to acknowledge the equally important political aspects for the understanding of privatization outcomes, and especially the importance of public opinion. This paper 1 therefore analyzes factors that influence public opinion of privatization. Mexico is chosen as the object of study, as its citizens have long and ongoing experience with privatization programmes, while at the same time enjoying increasing political rights to voice their opinions. Furthermore, Mexico and Latin America as a whole up to now received only scarce scholarly interest in the area of privatization. To obtain a solid choice of influence factors, I base the framework developed for this paper on Durant and Legge’s (2002) work, which analyzed privatization in France. Each influence factor is described through central theoretical assumptions and operationalized using data from the ‘Latinobarómetro’ survey. The year 2007 is taken as reference, in order to avoid distortions created by the subsequent period of financial crisis. After looking at each variable’s univariate statistics, the theoretical relationships are subjected to empirical analyses using bivariate and multivariate techniques. The results support most of the theoretical predictions, but also show remarkable deviations from expected significance, direction and strength. Also, a comparison with Durant and Legge’s French findings highlights clear national differences. The most striking findings are the distinct support for Inglehart’s post-materialist theory (1990) and the rather weak connection between the government’s reputation and the judgement of its policy programmes. The paper thus creates a political perspective of privatization in Mexico, and raises interesting questions for future research. Privatization, politics and the Mexican context A wave of developing world debt crises, starting in Mexico in 1982 (Haber 2 et al. 2008), convinced the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to adopt the neoliberal ‘Baker Plan’. This plan made further loans to developing countries conditional upon long-term structural change towards an open-market system (Chang 2006, Bratton et al. 2004). Privatization of SOEs was one of the central means to raise productivity and generate revenues to service foreign debt (Ramírez 2003). This neoliberal focus on market dynamics led most researchers to concentrate exclusively on the economic aspects of privatization. Economics of privatization For economists, state production is a method to overcome market failures, e.g. by providing public goods (Shirley 1997). The state must ensure fair pricing and adequate supply to deliver welfare gains. Conversely, privatization is “any material transaction by which the state’s ultimate ownership of corporate entities is reduced” (OECD 2009:7). It is generally presented as response to the inefficiencies of SOEs (Megginson and Netter 2003). These inefficiencies include principal-agent problems, i.e. conflicts of interest between SOE managers and the overseeing political bodies (Robinson 2003). Furthermore, political motives like patronage, corruption and employment creation may overrule profit considerations (Chang 2006). The lack of competition additionally leads to decreased innovation, reduced product quality and finally to a lower general welfare (Shleifer and Vishny 1994). Accordingly, inefficient SOEs can become an obstacle to growth, especially in developing countries, and need to be privatized in order to 3 regain efficiency (Shirley 1997). Successful privatization is based on the assumption that sales and tax revenues as well as reduced prices of goods outweigh potential welfare losses, e.g. increased unemployment (Ramanadham 2002, Ramírez 2003). However, despite the abundance of economic models there is no clear empirical evidence that efficiency benefits are generally realized (Durant and Legge 2002). The singular focus on economic aspects, as the World Bank itself admitted (1995), overlooks the crucial importance of political factors. Politics of privatization Political factors are the focus of this paper, as they constitute an integral part of privatization processes and their outcomes (Ramanadham 2002). Shirley (1997) developed a set of three necessary political conditions for successful privatization programmes: political desirability, political feasibility and political credibility. To be politically desirable, the benefits of privatization must outweigh its costs. From the perspective of the current political leadership, this means that its core constituency must at least tolerate reform efforts (World Bank 1995). Ideally, the public perceives privatization to be in its own interest. In order to be politically feasible, the leadership must have the ability to make and implement reform policies and overcome opposition. This can best be achieved if public support for the reform ideology exists, as otherwise resorting to coercion can incur high social costs and undermine long-term sustainability of privatization efforts (Cook et al. 1998). If SOE interest groups do not feel represented by the political apparatus, opposition outside the political process can undermine privatization efforts (World 4 Bank 1995), as in Costa Rica and Uruguay in the early 1990s (Martin 1993). Political credibility rests on the trust relevant actors put in the government. Public anxieties that cost and benefits of privatization are distributed unequally must be dispersed by credible programmes of compensation (Durant and Legge 2002). Public participation in political decisions to privatize can help to foster social inclusion and investor security (Kirkpatrick and Parker 2004). These political conditions underline the importance of public opinion for privatization processes, as “prevailing societal values […] have proven to be […] determinants of outcomes and cannot be ignored at the policy making level” (Chang 2006:208). This view is not uncontested, however, as privatization might be perceived as a ‘hard topic’ to be dealt with by elites and to be implemented ‘top-down’ without citizen consultation (Durant and Legge 2002). Nonetheless, case studies have shown that citizen opinions – or at least perceptions thereof – are incorporated into political calculations, as public agency shapes the political environment (Zahariadis 1995). Although public understanding may be lacking detail, considerations like social security, participation in economic activities and national pride shape the symbolic meaning of privatization programmes (Durant and Legge 2002, Cook et al. 1998). Consequentially, public opinion is crucial in providing stable political opportunities for privatization (Manzetti 1999, Kaufman and Zuckermann 1998). 5 Privatization in the Mexican context Public opinion in each nation is influenced by individual internal and external circumstances (Ramírez 2003). Mexico is a Latin American economic heavy-weight and second in terms of per capita GDP in 2007 only to Brazil (World Bank 2011). Mexico’s North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) membership boosted its export sector, yet led to a strong dependency from the United States’ (US) economy (Bulmer-Thomas 2006). It further strengthened foreign property rights and laid a foundation for foreign direct investment and privatization projects (Haber et al. 2008). While overall privatization in Latin America is declining (Bulmer-Thomas 2006), Mexico resumed a sizeable privatization programme in 2005, peaking in value in 2007 (figure 1). Figure 1: Privatization proceeds and political rights in Mexico, 1992-2007 6 Interestingly, privatization in Mexico was initially pursued by the left-wing ‘Partido Revolucionario Institucional’ (PRI) through private market sales and share issues (Cook et al. 1998, Graham 2003). Although some rate these privatization programmes as economic success (World Bank 1995), convincing evidence suggests less optimal outcomes. Patronage and corruption led to the sale of many SOEs to local business cartels, which keep prices artificially inflated and create significant public discontent (Ramírez 2003). This discontent has gained political importance, because political rights and therefore electoral power in Mexico have been steadily increasing (figure 1). The 2006 elected conservative government thus faces elevated political costs if failures in its privatization programmes are attributed, at least partially, to political aspects of privatization (Haber et al. 2008). Despite this highly interesting political and social background, existing studies of privatization in Mexico and Latin America overwhelmingly concentrate on economic (Chang 2006) and macro-political (Ramírez 2003) aspects. Public opinion research on privatization has largely been restricted to a few developed countries (Durant and Legge 2002, Judge et al. 1983). This paper contributes to bridging this gap by creating an understanding of the factors that shape public opinion of privatization in Mexico. Factors shaping the public opinion of privatization Having established the importance of public opinion for privatization programmes, this section will develop a framework containing a selection of central influence factors. Subsequently, the theoretical relevance of each 7 factor and important univariate statistics of the corresponding variable will be highlighted. Building the framework Durant and Legge’s (2002) model to assess public opinion of privatization, used with French national election data, offers a robust foundation on which to build. Of the six groups of variables it is based on, the five significant groups are adopted in this essay’s framework. The only insignificant group (‘economic self-perception’) is substituted by a new influence factor. The transfer of the model from the French to the Mexican context furthermore allows a comparison of results, highlighting parallels and differences in public opinion between the two countries. The complete framework with the six groups, each containing one independent variable, is illustrated in figure 2. Figure 2: The theoretical framework 8 The variables are operationalized using data from ‘Latinobarómetro 2007’, an annual public opinion survey of 18 Latin American countries (Latinobarómetro 2011). The cases for Mexico are 1,200 respondents aged 18 and over, determined by a three-stage probabilistic sample with quotas. This sampling method produces independent random results and allows an adequate representation of the general population within reasonable limits of probability (Latinobarómetro 2007). The variables derived from this data are therefore suitable for statistical analysis. The framework’s groups and variables Public support for privatization is the dependent variable in the framework, which represents the outcome of the different influencing factors. It is measured using the ordinal-level variable Privatization, which reflects respondents’ opinions whether the privatization of SOEs has been beneficial for Mexico. Respondents that agree are referred to as (strong or moderate) supporters of privatization, while those disagreeing are labelled opponents. The long experience and ongoing confrontation with privatization should facilitate the formation of a valid opinion in the Mexican public. This is supported in figure 3, which shows the variable’s frequency distribution and univariate statistics. Figure 3: Privatization as dependent variable 9 Although it is measured at the ordinal level, which is common for most variables originating from questionnaires, it will be treated as interval-ratio variable to allow the use of additional statistics (e.g. standard deviation). While in marginal cases this might influence the interpretation, in general the error should be negligible (Labovitz 1970). It is noteworthy that the public support for privatization approaches a normally distributed shape. The score mean of 2.37 is close to the category mean (2.5), and the standard deviation of 0.8 indicates that the majority of scores is closely scattered around it. Moderate supporters and opponents are exactly equal in numbers, while strong opponents cause a slightly negative skew. This distribution shows that the opinion towards privatization is not politically polarized by contagion effects (e.g. mass media campaigns, current events) and is therefore likely to represent actual valid opinions (DiMaggio et al. 1996). Turning now to the first group in the framework, ‘utilitarianism’ is based on the assumption that citizens judge privatization programmes depending on their perception of how costs and benefits affect them directly (Gabel 10 1998). Although difficult to predict, the long experience with privatization should enable Mexicans to estimate these effects (Kaufman and Zuckermann 1998). As privatization is often conducted due to perceived inefficiencies like excess employment (Shleifer and Vishny 1994), employees of SOEs are likely to oppose it for fear of job losses or deteriorating working conditions (Cook et al. 1998, OECD 2009). A negative relationship between employment in a public company and support for privatization is expected. Furthermore, Kaufman and Zuckermann (1998) show that fear of unemployment undermines reform support, thus unemployed persons are likely to view SOEs as potential future employers and oppose privatization. Lastly, SOEs may produce crowding-out effects, i.e. they occupy markets and reduce the opportunity for private sector enterprises (Chang 2006). A positive relationship between self-employment and support for privatization is therefore expected. For the other employment options no clear direction of association is evident. The nominal-level variable Employment represents the respondents’ employment status (figure 4). The mode indicates that the self-employed form the majority with over thirty percent, while employees of public companies make up seven and unemployed about four percent. This underlines that significant privatization has already taken place. Figure 4: Independent variables in the framework’s groups 11 The second framework group is ‘emulation’, reflecting the idea that if privatization is perceived to be beneficial in other countries, it is also supported at home (Durant and Legge 2002). Accordingly, the economic 12 pre-crisis prosperity until 2007 should have augmented the reputation of US market reforms, including privatizations (Simmons et al. 2008). However, Martin (1993) points at differences in privatization proceedings depending on whether the political pressure is external or internal, with the latter allowing social considerations more weight. Mexico’s privatization programme was largely defined by external IMF conditions and NAFTA rules (Haber et al. 2008). This might create opposition to further privatization, if the public sees social security endangered (World Bank 1995). Nonetheless, a positive relationship between favourable judgements of US market reforms and support for privatization is expected. This context is operationalized by the independent ordinal-level variable US Influence, which measures the respondents’ judgement of US influence in Latin America. While this is clearly a much broader statement than one directed explicitly at US privatization programmes, such detailed data is not available. The median (figure 4) highlights that the majority of respondents sees US influence as moderately positive, yet strong opponents outnumber strong supporters. ‘Ideology’, the third group, shows the respondents’ political inclination in terms of the common left-right-dichotomy (Garrett 1998). Support for market reform is generally attributed to right political values (Hooghe et al. 2002). While Robinson argues that ideology does not matter, as also left parties (like the PRI-party in Mexico) conducted privatization (2003), individual-level studies have identified traditional left-right divides as primary determinants of opinion formation (Gabel 1998). Accordingly, although long experience tends to base public judgements more on real 13 policy impacts, support for the PRI has historically come from leftist social sectors with a major stake in government patronage (Kaufman and Zuckermann 1998). Right political identity is therefore expected to correlate positively and left identity negatively with support for privatization. The group is operationalized through the ordinal-level variable Left/RightOrientation, which measures the respondent’s self-classification on a 0 (left) to 10 (right) scale. The frequency distribution and the basic statistics (figure4) show that the vast majority is allocated in the centre of the scale, as expressed by the median. The univariate results thus suggest a low degree of radicalization in the Mexican public. The mean is also close by, yet dispersion is substantial. The fourth group, ‘value orientation’, follows Inglehart’s theory that individuals in industrialized nations may go beyond utilitarian reasoning and base judgements on socialized values (1990). Accordingly, a ‘materialist’ person shows an inclination towards market-centred solutions and therefore tends to support the economic efficiency arguments for privatization outlined in section one (Megginson and Netter 2003). A ‘post-materialist’, in turn, prioritizes collective and social values (Durant and Legge 2002). A positive relationship between market-oriented values and support for privatization is therefore expected. Figure 4 shows the ordinal-level variable Market Economy as proxy for ‘value orientation’, which measures the respondent’s perception of the market economy as necessary development factor. The data shows that a majority of Mexicans, 61 percent, moderately or strongly supports a market economy and is therefore likely to support its associated values. 14 ‘Government support’, the fifth group, represents the general finding in studies that attitudes towards policies are often a function of general government support (Kaufman and Zuckermann 1998). This applies especially since privatization is commonly perceived as a ‘hard topic’, where public opinion tends to follow the judgments of leaders (Durant and Legge 2002). Furthermore, supporters of the government may expect patronage benefits (Shleifer and Vishny 1994). Hence, a positive relationship between government support and support for privatization is expected. This is backed by findings that the public opposes further privatizations when trust in the government erodes or promised compensation for losers of privatization processes is not credible (World Bank 1995, Ramírez 2003). The ordinallevel variable Government Welfare (figure 4) measures whether respondents feel the government is interested in their welfare. Although strong opponents outnumber strong supporters, the mean is almost exactly in between these extremes, due to the fact that moderate supporters are the dominant group. Opinions are generally moderate rather than extreme, as the dispersion around the mean is small. The sixth group in the framework is ‘government service quality’, which replaced ‘economic self-perception’ from Durant and Legge’s framework. It follows the idea that citizens who experience poor government service quality are more likely to be supportive of private sector service provision (Becker 1958). This reflects the economic argument that privatization is necessary when state ownership fails (Megginson and Netter 2003). For example, dissatisfaction with government service quality was a major factor for initial privatization in Britain (Vickers and Yarrow 1988). Yet evidence 15 from privatization also shows that monopolistic structures are often maintained even after privatization (Haber et al. 2008). Hence, it is not entirely clear whether faulty services are blamed on remaining SOEs or on already privatized companies. Nonetheless, a negative correlation between a positive perception of government service quality and support for privatization is expected. The independent ordinal-level variable Municipal Services represents the satisfaction with government service quality. Although government services encompass a broader area, municipal services have the highest everyday importance for most citizens. The variable should therefore be a valid proxy. As figure 4 shows, about 58 percent of the Mexicans are either not very or not at all satisfied with these services. This overview of the framework’s groups has highlighted the individual form of its variables and established a set of theoretical relationships. Next, it will be determined whether these research hypotheses withstand empirical testing. Empirical tests of the framework This section aims to provide empirical evidence in order to support or dismiss the previously formulated hypothetical relationships. Each individual relationship is tested using bivariate statistical techniques, while the whole framework is assessed in a multivariate analysis. Bivariate Analysis The first step to test the framework’s assumptions is to determine whether the relationship between each influence factor and the support for 16 privatization actually exists, and if its direction is in accordance with the theoretical predictions of the research hypotheses. The strength of the association can be seen as an indicator of the factor’s importance (Field 2009). The analysis begins with the relationship between ‘utilitarianism’, measured by the respondents’ employment situation, and support for privatization. The theory predicts that public sector employees and unemployed are likely to oppose privatization, whereas self-employed workers should on average support it. To test these research hypotheses, the relationship between the nominal-level variable Employment and the dependant variable Privatization is analyzed. The individual effects are separated by additional tests using dummy variables of public sector employees, unemployed and self-employed workers (figure 5). Figure 5: Bivariate relationship: Employment and Privatization 17 To refute the null hypothesis (H0), which states that the two variables have no significant relationship, a chi-square (χ²) test is conducted. Testing the relationship between Employment and Privatization, the chi-square significance (0.26) predicts that an average of 26 percent of cases show no relationship between the two variables. This clearly exceeds the alpha-level of maximal five percent accepted in this essay, so H0 cannot be rejected. Furthermore, the strength of association is weak, indicated by Cramer’s V (0.082). The test of the individual employment categories also delivers weak and insignificant results. The expected relationships between employment status and support for privatization in Mexico thus cannot be empirically supported in this study. The next group, ‘emulation’, predicts a positive relationship between the respondents’ beneficial assessment of US influence in Latin America and support for privatization (figure 6). Figure 6: Bivariate relationship: US Influence and Privatization The pattern in the bivariate table already indicates that respondents who judge US influence negatively are most likely to be strong opponents of 18 privatization. The chi-square test shows the highest level of significance, indicating that H0 can be rejected and a relationship between the variables is extremely likely. The gamma value (0.17), used for ordinal variables, describes a weak and positive relationship. This value is also highly significant, which supports the claim that the relationship can be generalized from the sample to the whole Mexican population. Although these results cannot be considered proof for causation, they are very consistent with the theoretical predictions. The respondent’s orientation towards left or right political values is captured in the group ‘ideology’. As has been detailed before, common theoretical approaches see a positive relationship between right political ideas and support for privatization, and this relationship is expected to hold here. Figure 7: Bivariate relationship: Left/Right-Orientation and Privatization Patterns in the bivariate table are not easily discernible, but the analysis results confirm the expectations. Although weak (gamma value of 0.15), Figure 7 shows a positive and highly significant relationship. Next, respondents who regard a market economy as necessary for 19 development, reflected in the group ‘value orientation’, are expected to be likely supporters of privatization (figure 8). Figure 8: Bivariate relationship: Market Economy and Privatization The result of the bivariate analysis is clearly consistent with the theory. A significant and moderately strong positive relationship can be deducted from the data, which supports the research hypothesis. The group ‘government support’ represents the respondents’ perception that the government is following the citizens’ interests (figure 9). As outlined before, I assume that government supporters also support the government’s privatization programmes. Figure 9: Bivariate relationship: Government Support and Privatization While the percentage of strong supporters of privatization is curiously the 20 largest for strong government opponents, the percentages in the bivariate table overall suggest a higher support of privatization from government supporters. This is backed by the statistical results, which testify a significant weak to moderate relationship in the expected positive direction. Lastly, I turn to the analysis of ‘government service quality’, which is represented by the respondents’ satisfaction with municipal services. It is expected that satisfied recipients of local services will tend to oppose privatization, and both variables therefore correlate negatively. Figure 10: Bivariate relationship: Municipal Services and Privatization The relationship is again highly significant, yet contrary to the theoretical expectations the two variables have a weak to moderate positive association (figure 10). Respondents highly dissatisfied with municipal services are the strongest opponents of privatization, while those most satisfied are also the strongest supporters. The relationship is most likely to apply to the whole 21 population, as the gamma value (0.265) is highly significant. Multivariate Analysis The bivariate analysis has supported the majority of the theoretical predictions, although one group did not prove significant and another suggested a relationship in the opposite direction. In order to assess the actual influence of each group, I analyze the entire framework simultaneously using a multivariate linear regression. Linear regression techniques are most appropriately used with intervalratio level or dummy variables (Healy 2009). While it is common practice to use ordinal-level data in many studies, the interpretation of ordinal scales as intervals makes caution in interpreting the results necessary (Kim 1975). However, the high number of cases in this study and the fact that the dependant variable is normally distributed should reduce potential sources of error to an acceptable degree (Henry 1982). For this analysis, it is assumed that each independent variable has a linear relationship with the dependent variable and the variables do not interact. Furthermore, the effects - or intercorrelation - between the independent variables need to be low1. To increase the validity of the findings, two control variables are introduced2: socioeconomic status, which was used in Durant and Legge’s original model (2002), and urbanization, which had a strong impact in other studies (Kaufman and Zuckermann 1998). Using control variables removes effects caused by these factors, and therefore produces a more realistic picture (figure 11). The ANOVA test shows the highest level of significance, 1 The intercorrelation in this study is acceptable, see appendix A.2. 2 22 which supports the assumption that the framework can be applied to the whole Mexican population. The analysis further reveals that the control variables hardly altered the significant bivariate relationships, while the employment dummies as well as the socioeconomic control variable remained insignificant. The correlation coefficient R (.406) indicates a moderately strong relationship, while the coefficient of determination R² (.17) expresses that 17 percent of the support for privatization - the variation in the dependant variable - are explained by the independent variables of the framework. Figure 11: Multivariate analysis of the framework The results of the regression allow us to predict the likely support for privatization if the values of the independent variables are known, using the unstandardized least-squares regression equation (figure 17) Figure 17: Least-squares regression equations 23 The coefficients in the formula show that all significant independent variables, excluding the control variable, have a positive influence on privatization. This means that when each factor increases, so does the support for privatization. The standardized values of the framework’s coefficients further enable the comparison of the individual influence each independent variable has in the model. Thus Market Economy (0.260) has clearly the highest impact on Privatization, followed by Municipal Services (0.154) and US Influence (.107). The bivariate and multivariate analysis both confirmed that the framework used in this essay is a good model of influence factors on public opinion regarding privatization. The empirical findings it provides can now be theoretically re-interpreted. Findings The preceding analysis was conducted on the basis of Durant and Legge’s (2002) model, which was modified and extended by the new group ‘government service quality’. An unexpected result is the lack of significance of the respondent’s employment status for his support of 24 privatization. In Durant and Legge’s model, public employment was a highly significant, albeit weak, factor (2002). A possible explanation may be the practice of co-opting public-sector labour union leaders by the Mexican state (Teichman 1995). This could lead to reduced general disagreement with state policies, in contrast to the effect of the independent French unions (Béland 2001). Alternatively, a value shift in Mexican society may have caused privatization to be judged less from the viewpoint of personal employment but rather based on broader post-materialist values (Inglehart and Baker 2000). Another interesting finding is the rather weak influence of left/right political orientation on the support for privatization, especially compared to the belief in the market economy, which resulted as strongest factor in the framework. Both factors are of equal strength in the French context (Durant and Legge 2002), indicating a possible connection. Mexicans in contrast seem to judge privatization more differentiated than on a simple left/rightdivide, which supports Robinson’s claim that this factor loses relevance when left political parties also enforce privatization (2003). Again, Inglehart’s ‘materialist’/’post-materialist’ division seems to dominate perceptions, indicating that broader socialized values are considered in the formation of opinions (1990). Government support also proved to be a weaker predictor than expected, strengthening the argument that loyalties are not unconditional, but are continuously reshaped (Kaufman and Zuckermann 1998). Furthermore, widespread disappointment with an often corrupt elite may have caused a detachment of government perception from actual policy implementation 25 (Montaner 2000). In contrast, the judgment of US influence was in line with the predictions, showing that admiration for US prosperity has an influence on acceptance of US economic policies (Crandall et al. 2005). The introduction of the new group ‘government service quality’ proved to be an important contribution to the framework, as it turned out to be the second strongest predictor. Hence, public perception of government services seems to have a decisive influence on the support for privatization, and the factor should be included in future studies. Nonetheless, the direction of the relationship turned out to be the opposite of the theoretical prediction. Respondents who are satisfied with local service quality are likely to support privatization, indicating that the service provision is not clearly linked to the government. Although unexpected, this is in line with results from twelve African surveys, which saw a majority opt for more expensive high standard private services instead of low standard free government services (Bratton et al. 2004). Similarly, a general decline in state services in Mexico since 1985 has caused civil society groups to take over the supply of some public goods (Gordon 1997). Good service quality may therefore be attributed to private efforts rather than government success, a relationship clearly worth further investigation. Lastly, conclusions from the entire framework can be drawn. The analysis proved that Durant and Legge’s framework (2002) is a solid basis for investigations of public support for privatization. Most theoretical predictions were accurate, although the strength of the individual factors varied strongly between French and Mexican contexts. Furthermore, employment status had no significant effect in Mexico, while the inclusion 26 of government service quality was a valuable addition. This emphasizes that simple generalizations from national findings to other countries are not valid, and individual studies are essential (Ramírez 2003). The explanatory power of the framework developed in this essay is acceptable for a public opinion analysis, proving it to be a significant adaption of the original to the Mexican context. Nonetheless, as 83 percent of variation remains unexplained, additional studies are sure to yield further insights and work towards a more complete picture of the underlying processes. Conclusion The findings in this essay have highlighted factors influencing the formation of public opinion of privatization in Mexico and thereby achieved the goal of adding a political perspective to the almost exclusively economic literature in this domain. These insights may help to understand whether privatization reflects the will of the citizens and how cross-class support may be achieved. The success rate and overall performance of future privatization programmes may thereby be increased. Future research should expand the knowledge of public opinion formation towards privatization, especially in the developing world, to uncover additional influence factors and allow a much wider international comparison. 27 Appendix A.1 Bivariate table: Employment and Privatization A.2 Correlation matrix for the independent variables i References Becker, G. S. (1958) 'Competition and democracy', Journal of Law and Economics, 1, 105-109. Bratton, M., Mattes, R. B. and Gyimah-Boadi, E. 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