WATER RESOURCESRESEARCH,VOL. 29, NO. 8, PAGES2485-2490,AUGUST 1993 PermeabilityMeasurementson New and EquitemperatureSnow R. A. SOMMERFELD U.S. Departmentof AgricultureForest Service,Fort Collins, Colorado J. E. ROCCHIO U.S. Departmentof AgricultureForestService,Sonora,California Measurementsof the air permeabilitywereperformedon snowfrom six horizonswithin a snowpack at the GlacierLakes EcosystemsExperimentSite in southeastern Wyoming.The snow was new or equitemperature snow,with densities (Ps)rangingbetween 0.134and0.367Mg m-3. The specific surface area of ice in each samplewas measured stereologically.Intrinsic permeabilities (K0) calculated fromthesedatarangedfrom3.0 x 10-lø to 3.1 x 10-9 m2. The datafittedthe equation K0 = 1.096x 10-Be-9-57ps, witha standard deviation of2.8 x 10-mm2. A dimensionally correct relationshipbetween permeabilityand specificsurfacearea did not fit our data as well as a simple densityrelationship.The smallscatterreportedis attributedto carefulselectionof undamagedsamples and the preventionof samplesublimationduringthe measurements. INTRODUCTION Duringthe month of February, between 46 and 53% of the land area of the northern hemisphere is snow covered [Barry,1992].Continental snowpacksact as chemicalreservoirs;pollutantscan accumulate in the pack over the entire winterand are releasedduring a relatively short springmelt period.Interactionsbetween the snow and the atmosphere can changethe quantities of different chemical species storedin the snow. In addition, snow can retain chemical species to be incorporated into major ice sheetsand large glaciers. The record of atmosphericchemistrypreservedin thiswayis importantin understanding the pasthistoryof the atmosphere [Dibb et al., 1991; Bales and Dibb, 1992]. Processes that may be important in the acquisitionand tion was not observed. Field experiments by Sturm and Johnson [!991] indicate that extreme thermal gradients are necessaryfor even intermittent convection. Considerable scatter in previous measurements of air permeability have made accurate estimates difficult and constitutea major source of uncertainty in estimating Rayleigh numbers for snow. Bader [1954] showed a range of about103for snowof density0.3 Mg m-3. KeeIer's[1969] data indicate a range of about half of Bader's [ 1954]. Shimizu [1970]and Martinelli [1971] show a range of about a factor of four at the same density. Shimizu [1970], whose work seems the mostcarefuland complete, related the air permeability to snow density (Ps) and grain size (do) for a limited type of snowwhich he characterizedas fine-grainedcompact: K0 = 0.077d•e-7'8p•. redistribution of impurities in snowpacksinclude wind pumping[Clarke et al., 1987; Colbeck, 1989; Clarke and (2) Regressionswe performed using his data showed that the Waddington, 1992;Albert and McGilvary, 1992];convection datafitsweresignificantly improved by theinclusion of d•, [Akitaya,1974;Palm and Tveitereid, 1979; Klever, 1985; as opposedto a simple density relationship. Akitaya [1974] failed to observe convection when he used Powerset al., 1985;Brunet al., !987; Sturm and Johnson 1991];and melt water flow [Colbeckand Davidson, 1973]. (2) to calculate Rayleigh numbers which were above critical Accurate quantification of theseprocesses requireaccurate for convection in snow. Denoth et al. [1979] estimated permeabilitiesfrom water flow. His results showed large Theintrinsicpermeability (K0) is scatterbut averagedabout half the permeabilitiespredicted permeabilityinformation. by $himizu's [1970] equation from Denoth's densities and Q = KoA(AP/L tzf) (1) grainsizes.Theseresultsseemto indicatethat the perme- whereQ is the volumetricdischarge(cubicmetersper abilitiesgivenby (2) are higherthan the true permeabilities •cond),K0 is the intrinsicpermeability(squaremeters),A for the snows they studied. The measurement of permeabilityis prone to systematic errors which tend to causespuriouslyhigh permeabilities. pressure gradient(pascalsper meter),and • is the dynamic is thecross-sectional area (squaremeters),AP/L is the viscosity of the fluid (kilograms per meterper second) Thefirsttypeof erroris physicaldamagecausedby sample handling. Thiscanbe in theformof cracksor disaggregation [Friedman andSanders,1978]. It is uncertain whether or not convection is common in snowat normal earth surface conditions. Calculated Ray- leighnumbers haveexceeded thosethoughtcriticalfor causedby insertionof the sampletube, or separationof the samplefrom the sampletube wall becauseof settlingor elevated temperatures. Sommerfeldand Rocchio [1989] also pointedout that convection in snow[Nield, 1968]andin laboratoryandfield when differentair permeabilitydata are compared,the experiments [Akitaya,1974;Brunet al., 1978]butconvetscatterand the average values'seem to be a function of air Thispaper isnotsubject to U.S. copyfight. Published in 1993by flowrate.Theyspeculated thatdry air mighterodeprefertheAmerican Geophysical Union. entialchannels in somesamples, increasing theexperimental Paper number 93WR01071. errorandcausing thereportedpermeabilities to averagetoo This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. 2485 2486 SOMMERFELD AND ROCCHIO:PERMEABILITYMEASUREMENTS ON NEW AND EQUITEMPERATURE SNOW high. A third sourceof systematicerror is that erosionwould TABLE 1. SnowSamples Reported in ThisStudy have a more seriouseffect alongflow pathsinvolving sample Stereological In situ damage, exacerbating any damage effects. The fact that Sample Density, Density, $•,, these sources of error are systematic means that accuracy No. Type mgm-3 mgm-3 Ko,m2 mm-•k2 may not be improved by larger sample numbers if such A IIA.1 0.191 0.225 1.50E-09 9.2 2.04 systematic errors are large. lB IIA.1 0.219 0.217 5.82E-10 9.6 0.97 Shimizu [1970] recognizedtwo types of systematicerrors; 2A IIA. 1 0.179 0.177 1.53E-09 8.1 I.• sampledamageand erosion. His permeabilityapparatuswas 2B IIA. 1 0.167 0.182 1.93E-09 6.4 1.15 designedto decreasethe effectof damagealong samplewalls 3A nd 0.299 nd 7.43E-10 7.6 1.12 3B nd 0.316 nd 5.35E-10 8.3 1.05 but not damagewithin the body of the sample.He addressed 4A IIA.2 0.367 0.307 3.00E-10 8.6 0.83 the erosion problem by measuringthe permeability of a 4B IIA.2 0.306 0.305 8.40E- 10 6.2 0.87 singlesampleduring a 10-hourperiod. However, this exper7 IB 0.152 0.149 2.62E-09 7.6 2.09 8 IB 0.134 0.146 3.07E-09 8.5 2.85 iment was not conclusivebecause(1) The temperaturewas 10 IB 0.150 0.160 2.62E-09 6.3 1.42 low and the humidity was high in his laboratory when this 11 IB 0.174 0.139 2.57E-09 7.0 1.89 experiment was conducted,reducing the amount of erosion 12 IB 0.136 0.140 3.08E-09 6.8 1.85 that might occur, and (2) the snow he used was relatively 14 IB 0.168 0.130 2.65E-09 6.7 1.74 0.311 0.329 1.08E-09 6.8 1.38 highin density(0.42 Mg m-3) and may not havebeen 2C IIB. 1 sensitiveto channel erosion. The permeabilitymeasuredin TypefromSommerfeld andLaChapelle[1970].lB, newsnow• this experiment was near the low end of his measurements, windblown;IIA.1, equitemperature, decreasing grainsize,begingrouped with the majority of his measurements in this ning; IIA.2, equitemperature, decrevising grain size, advanced; increasing grainsize,beginning; andnd,not density range. A scepticalinterpretationof this experiment liB. 1, equitemperature, determined. is that when erosion was shown not to be a problem, the permeability measurementwas low. Grain size estimates such as used by Shimizu [1970] are based on subjective judgments [Perla and Sommerfeld, LaChapelle[1970]in an attemptto providea morecomplete 1986]and thus introduceadditionalinaccuraciesin compar- description of the snow. isonsamong different types of snow. While $himizu [1970] METHODS determinedthe cross-sectional ice area objectively,from the snow density, the number of grains appearingin a section Snow samples were collected from six distinct horizons was estimatedby a more subjectivecountingtechnique:"a within snowpitsdug at the Glacier Lakes watershedin the complicated-shapedgrain having m remarkable constric- Snowy RangeNational Forest, Wyoming, duringthe winters tions was countedas m + 1 grains." Comparisonsbetween of 1988-1989 and 1989-1990. In situ snow densities were objective stereologicalmeasurementsof mean intercept obtained from the pit wall for each horizon at the timeof lengthsof snow samples[Sommerfeld, !983] and Shimizu's samplecollectionby weightingthe samples. [1970] diameter estimates show that errors of 30-50% in A total of 47 snow cores were collected. Corers of the size subjectivemeandiameterestimatesare easilypossible.The subjective nature of the grain size estimatesalso make it difficult to compare different sets of measurements.On the we used compressthe snow about 3% radially [Worket al., 1965] and slow elastic rebound causes the snow to press against the corer walls after several minutes (F. W. Smith, other hand, subjectivemeasurementshave been shownto be unpublisheddata, 1980).However, disaggregation alongthe consistent.They may be preciseevenif they are inaccurate, corer wall, which can occur with large grained or fragile with the result that an analysislike $himizu's [1970] can be snow, or settlementduring transportationcan defeatthis internally consistent. process. Fifteen of the cores survived handling and trans$himizu's [1970] grain size estimatesshouldbe related to portationto the laboratory.This low rate of samplerecovery specificsurface area Sv (ice surface area per unit snow (32%) has not been reported by other workers. Damage volume); a stereological parameter that can be measured included cracks causedby corer insertion, settlementaway accurately [Underwood, 1970] and relatively easily with from the corerwalls causedby transportation, and sample computertechnologyavailablesinceShimizuperformedhis shrinkageaway from the walls causedby above freezing measurements.K0 can be related to the porosity and the temperatures. Cracks causedby corer insertion were gener- specificsurfacearea of a porousbed by a Carmen-Kozeny ally not apparentuntil the samplewas removedfromthe equation [Adamson, 1982] k2(1- p,o) 3 K0= 8S•2 (3) corerfor sectionplanepreparation.If the sampleseparated or macroscopic crackswerevisibleat thispoint,thesample wasdiscarded. Gapsalongthewallweresometimes detected by visualexamination. In addition,samples whichslideasily from the corer, indicating lack of wall adhesion, were wherep•,is thepointdensity(1 - thevoidfraction)andk is discarded.Cracksin the samplesand gapsalongthe corer the Carmen-Kozeny constant.For uniformspherical grains, wallswouldgiveanomalously highpermeabilities andexac1/S•andd• arerelated ina simple way[Underwood, 1970]. erbateerosionproblems.Two coreseachof four horizons We presenta new set of permeabilitymeasurements here were collectedon February24, 1989, six from a single which are not entirely in agreementwith those of Shimizu [ 1970].We alsomeasuredthe specificsurfaceareaof eachof our samplesusinga sectionplane method[Perla, 1982]and classified each snow sample using Sommerfeld and horizon on January 17, 1990, and one from a horizonon January11, 1990.Table1 liststhe snowtype,thestereologicaldensity(pointdensitytimesthedensityof ice),andthe in situ(gravimetric)densitiesfor the samples. SOMMERFELD ANDROCCHIO: PERMEABILITY MEASUREMENTS ONNEWANDEQUITEMPEKATURE SNOW COLD FLOW METER • I CHRMBER " CONDITIONING COLUMN SNOW SRMPLE PRESSURE METER Fig. 1. Schematicof the permeabilityapparatus. 2487 SCCM were averaged.These valueswere alsousedin the calculationof the Carmen-Kozenyconstant(equation(5)). Thepermeabilities ranged between a lowof 0.3 x 10-9 andahighof 3.1 x 10-9 m2for snowdensities between 0.13 Mg/m3 and0.37Mg/m3 (Table1). Thesevaluesare in very goodagreementwith the lowest of Shimizu's [1970]permeabilities(Figure 2). The seven samplestaken from a single horizon (numbers 7-14) had permeabilities within about 10%, indicatingexcellentreproducibilityin samplesof the same snow. Snow densitiescalculatedfrom the point density measurements obtained from the stereological analysis compared well with the in situ density measurements(see Table 1). Snowdensitywhich is plotted againstpermeabilityin Figure 2 was calculated by multiplying the point density by the density of ice. -1 The specificsurfaceareasrangedfrom a high of 9.6 mm to a low of 6.2 mm-•. The corresponding permeabilities were 5.8 x 10-•ø m -2 and 8.4 x 10-•ø m -2 which were not Thepressure measurements for thisstudywereperformed using anEquibarType 123differentialcapacitance pressure the lowest or highest permeabilities. The population vari- gage (thesamegageusedby Martinelli).It wascalibrated to an accuracy of better than 15½by the Colorado State University EngineeringResearchCenter prior to the experiments.The flow meter had a factory specifiedaccuracyof _+1%,which was verified using a bubble flow meter. The entireapparatusis shown schematicallyin Figure 1. It is described in detail in the works by Sommerfeldand Rocchio [1989]and Rocchio [1990]. The unique feature of the apparatusis the conditioning column. It was filled with snow similarto that in the sample column to ensure that the air flowingthrough the apparatus was at the equilibrium temperatureand humidity for the test sample. This design preventedthe erosion of preferential air flow channels throughthe snow sample and assured that sublimation or anceof the specificsurfaceareaswas 1.05.The K: values obtained using our specific surface area measurements rangedfrom 2.8 to 0.8 (see Table 1). Kraus et al. [1953] give k2 = 25for "randomly poredmedia." To provide an estimate of core homogeneity, densities within the cores were analyzed stereologically. Analysis showed that 84% of the variance was due to intersample variance, 5% due to location of the core section within the sample, and 11% from measurements within each core section.The conclusionfrom these comparisonsis that each core was very homogeneous. DISCUSSION The snow densitiesin this study ranged from 0.37 to 0.13 deposition of water vapor did not occurduringpermeability two samples of artificialsnowwith measurements. We previously determinedthat a flow rate of Mg m-3. In addition, snow densities of 0.548 Mg m -3 and 0.616Mg m-3 and 200SCCM(era-3 perminuteat standard temperature and pressure) with corresponding filter velocityof 1.6 mm s-1 , wasin the laminar flow range [Sommerfeldand Rocchio, 1989]. corresponding permeabilities of 3.5 x 10-• m-2 and3.3 x 10-• m-: [Sommerfeld andRocchio,1989]wereusedin determiningthe empiricalrelationshipbetweenpermeability and snowdensit>,(Figure2). The followingrelationshipwas Themethodfor sectionplane preparationdevelopedby Per!a[1982]was used for our experiments.For specific obtainedfrom an exponential regressionon the data: surface areaandpoint densitymeasurements withinsingle 4E-009snowcore samples,each core was dividedinto three seqtions andsurfacesections werepreparedfor eachdivision.A totalof45 samplesections werephotographed andanalyzed /it THIS STUDY 0 todetermine specificsurfaceareasandpointdensities. • 95• CONFIDENCE 5E-009IMAGEPRO[Media Cybernetics, 1989],a commercially • '• ONCURVE FITavailable softwarepackage,wasusedto convertthe snow •,,• SHIMIZU 1970 section photographs intothedigitalimagesnecessary foruse \ \\xx xx x inthestereological analysis.The contrast andbrightness levels of thevideocameraweremanually adjusted to obtain thebestdiscrimination betweenthe ice grainsand the matrix.Two stereological parameters, point densityand surface areaper unitvolume,weremeasured usinga pro- ß-• o--. 2E-009 - E • 1E--009- \•\x x •? •.\x XX x x • x X •xx x• • .• •x gramdevelopedby Perla [ 1989]. I:•ESULTS Intrinsic permeabilities K0 werecalculated using (1).The volume flowrateswerecalculated fromthemassflowrates, OE+000- 0.0 o.h o., o., 0.7 Snow Density Mg/m3 ßeambient barometric pressure, andthetemperature ofthe Fig. 2. Data from$himizu[1970].Solidcurveis (4), and the experimentchamber. Three measurementstaken at 200 dashedcurvesindicatethe 95% confidenceintervalon that curve. 2488 SOMMERFELD ANDROCCHIO: PERMEABILITY MEASUREMENTS ONNEW ANDEQUITEMPERATURE SNOW K0-- 1.096x 10- 8e-9'57p' (4) The standarddeviationwas +-2.8 x 10-mm 2. This curveis shownin Figure 2 alongwith its 95% confidenceinterval. The low scatter in our permeability results tends to confirmthe validity of the measurementmethodand apparatus design.Excellent reproducibilityis indicatedby the smallspreadin measurements from the samehorizon(numbers 7-14, Table 1). The use of a conditioningcolumn minimizedthe problemof sublimationof preferredchannels throughthe snow cores by dry air. Care taken to eliminate damagedsamplesand to selecthomogeneous snowcontrib- (X1.0E4-9) •'3 2 uted to the small scatter in the data. $himizu[1970]relatedgrainsurface (d•) to permeability. ""1: / !lrl While exact comparisonbetweenhis determinations of do and our specificsurfacearea measurementis not possible, they both estimate essentially the same parameter and therefore should show similar trends. 0.13 Our averagedensitywas0.22Mg m-3 andour average specific surface areawas7.6mm-1. Theequivalent sphere diameter for a snow made of uniform sphereswith the same density and specific surface area is 0.2 mm. This compares with $himizu's [1970] average of about 0.4 mm for the same density. As was discussedabove, visual estimatesof .grain number generally result in lower numbers and thus larger grain size estimatesthan objective measurementsbecausea largenumberof very smallgrain sectionstend to be ignored. We had hoped that by using specificsurfacearea instead of a derivedequivalentgraindiameter, we would improveon Snow Density (Mg/m^3) 0.37 Fig. 3. Permeability, density, and surface area per gramforthe samples. crystalsper volume. The oppositeis true of older snowwith simple crystal shapes, which have higher densities,less surfacearea per crystal, and more crystalsper volume.This effect can also be seen in Figure 3 where snow densityand surface area per gram are seen to be highly correlated. Shimizu's [1970]d• texturalrelationship. Wehaveonlyone Low-density snow has a high surface area per grambuta case that can be compared to $himizu [1970]. Our four small number of gramsper volume, while the oppositeistrue samples,2C, 3A, 3B, and 4B would be classifiedas fine grain of high-densitysnow. The net result is to decreasethe range compact snowwithan average densityof 0.31Mg m-3. A of specificsurfaceareasin equitemperaturesnowof different regression onlogK0 versus 1/Svshows a slope of 1.8(R2 = densities. 0.56). This restfitis in general agreementwith the regressions While specific surface area must have an influenceon we performed to data taken from Shimizu's [1970] Figure 15 permeability, we conclude that the effect is small for the for bothfor bothslope(1.22to 2.04)andR 2 (0.32to 0.88). snow we studied because of the density correlationdeThis result is consistent with Shirnizu's [1970] choice of a scribedabove and is maskedby other sourcesof scatterin squarerelationshipwith grain size which is also dimension- the measurements. These could include differences in tortually correct. osityandgrainform factorsamongthe samples,undetected To test the importanceof Sv in our data (without the two inhomogeneities,and undetected sample damage. artificial samples)we obtained the following relationship: Our negativeresult with regard to surfacearea callsinto KoS•= 0.65e-lø'lSø', R2= 0.785 questionShimizu's[1970]relationshipbetweenpermeability (5) and grainsize. However,becauseof our smallnumberof $himizu [1970]proposedan approximationto Brinkman's relationship[Scheidegger, 1960]: Ko/d•= 0.56e- l•.so, attentionto a potentialproblem. We note that otherperme- (6) ability measurementspresentedby Shimizu [!970] are not This is very similar to (5), providing some theoretical support for our result. However, for a fit to density only (without the data on artificial snow), we obtained K0= 1.36x 10-Be-1ø'97•, R2= 0.893 samplesandlimitedrangeof specificsurfaceareas,wedo not think we have a definitivetest, but merelywishto call consistentwith the data he usedto determine(2). Also,the use of our lower permeabilities in calculatingRayleigh numbers wouldleadto a prediction moreconsistent withthe resultsof experiments [Akitaya,1970;Brunetal., 1987]. On the other hand, our density range of 0.13-0.37 averages lowerthanthe0.22-0.45Mgm-3 thatShirnizu (7) significantly Comparing(5) and(7) showsthat Sv may not be as important a parameterin determiningthe permeabilityof natural snow we studiedas we originally thought, at least in our data. We attribute this result to the small range in specific surfaceareas amongour samples.The small range among the snow types we studiedhas a relatively simpleexplanation. Complex crystals associatedwith new snow have more surfacearea per crystal, lower densities,and therefore fewer [1970]usedto determine hisrelationship. It is possible that the typesof snowusedfor the two differentsetsof measurements were not comparable. It doesnot appearthat the Carmen-Kozeny theory(equation(5))modelsthepermeability of naturalsnowsatisfactorily. Our determinations of k2 rangedover morethana factorof 3 andwereall considerably lowerthanthetheoret- icalvalueof 25.Fornatural snowthepermeabilities would have tobeabout afactor of10higher toraise thevalue ofk2 SOMMERFELD ANDROCCItlO: PERMEABILITY MEASUREMENTS ONNEWANDEQUITEMPERATURE SNOW 2489 of snow to25.Suchhighpermeabilities wouldbe aboveShimizu'sBader,H., Mineralogicaland structuralcharacterization [1970] highest measurements for thetypesof snowwe anditsmetamorphism, in SnowandIts Metamorphism, pp. 1-55, Corpsof Engineers,U.S. Army, Wilmette, II1., 1954. studied. 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Brunot, Experimental study on thermalconvection andgrainspictureanalysis,in Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Seasonal Snowcovers: Physics,Chemistry,Hydrology,editedby H. G. JonesandW. J. Orville-Thomas,746pp., D. Reidel, Norwell, Mass., 1987. Clarke, G. K. C., and E. D. Waddington, A three dimensional theory of wind pumping,J. Glaciol., 37, 89-96, 1992. Clarke, G. K. C., D. A. Fisher, and E. D. Waddington, Wind pumping:A potentiallysignificantheat sourcein ice sheets,IASH Publ., 170, 169-180, 1987. CONCLUSIONS Ourresultsshowthat a simplepermeability-snowdensity relationship (equation (4)) fits our data better than one •cludinga dimensionallycorrect specificsurfacearea parameter.Snowdensityis a convenientparameterbecauseof itseaseof measurement both in the lab and in the field. The snowtypesand the density range we studied span those commonly found in continental snowpacksat the start of meltandgenerallymake up the bulk of suchsnowpacks. 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