Terry College of Business – Bachelor of Arts (AB) in Economics General Education (GenEd) Core Curriculum Requirements See UGA Bulletin (bulletin.uga.edu) for course options in each General Education Area. All Honors equivalents accepted. GenEd I - Foundation Courses (9 hours) ENGL 1101 English Composition I (Grade of C or better is required) _________ ENGL 1102 English Composition II (Average of 2.0 or better is required for both ENGL 1101/1102) _________ MATH 1101 or MATH 1113 _________ GenEd II - Sciences (7-8 hours) At least one course must include a laboratory. Physical Sciences (3-4 hours) _________ Life Sciences (3-4 hours) _________ GenEd III - Quantitative Reasoning (3-4 hours) MATH 1113 _________ If MATH 1113 is used to satisfy GenEd Area I, choose one of the following courses to satisfy GenEd Area IIl: ARTS 2100, BIOL 2010/L, CSCI 1130, CSCI 1210, CSCI 1301/L, CSCI 2105/L, CSCI(MATH) 2610, ENGG 2000, GEOG 2011/L, GEOG 2300, MATH 1060, MATH 2110, MATH 2200, MATH 2250, MATH 2260, MATH 2300H, MATH 2310H, MATH 2400, MATH 2400H, MATH 2410, MATH 2410H, MATH 2500, MATH 2700, PHIL 2500, PHIL 2500H, PHYS 1111/L, PHYS 1112/L, PHYS 1211/L, PHYS 1212/L, PHYS 1311/L, STAT 2000, STAT 2100H. GenEd IV - World Languages and Culture, Humanities and the Arts (12 hours) World Languages and Culture (9 hours) _________ Humanities and the Arts (3 hours) _________ _________ _________ GenEd V - Social Sciences (9 hours) Social Science Elective Social Science Elective Social Science Elective _________ _________ _________ GenEd VI - Related to the Major (18 hours) ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics _________ ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics _________ MATH 2200 or MATH 2250 Analytic Geometry and Calculus or Calculus for Science and Engineering _________ STAT 2000 Introductory Statistics _________ Foreign Language _________ (this degree requires a foreign language through the third semester) ----------------------------------------terry.uga.edu/economics-----------------------------------Refer to the Franklin College web site: franklin.uga.edu/students/college_degree_requirements.php for the Liberal Arts course requirements in the above GenEd Core. Liberal Arts Requirements Through 3rd semester Foreign Language / One Literature / Two Fine Arts/PHIL/RELI One History / One Biological Science / One Physical Science / One Multicultural *Except for Multicultural selections, no course may be used to satisfy more than one Franklin College Requirement.* All new UGA students who plan to pursue the AB degree will be admitted to the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences as "Intended Economics.” For most students, application to enter a Terry major will occur in the second semester of their second (sophomore) year. Entrance Requirements Currently enrolled at UGA 2.60 earned overall (transfer and UGA) grade point average 2.00 cumulative (UGA coursework) grade point average Earn 58 hours overall* Complete ECON 2105 (ECON 2105H) and ECON 2106 (ECON 2106H) with grade of "C" (2.0) or better *Students may apply if they are enrolled in coursework that fulfills these requirements. Students who withdraw from any of the above eligibility criteria courses will not be admitted to a Terry College of Business major. Terry College of Business – Bachelor of Arts (AB) in Economics Major Required Courses (7 hours) Required major courses must be taken in residence and must have a grade of "C" (2.0) or better.) ECON 4010 ECON 4020 ECON 5900 Choose four courses from the following - OR - choose the Area of Emphasis in Public Policy below: ECON 4100 ECON 4150 ECON 4160 ECON 4200 ECON 4250 ECON 4300 ECON 4310 ECON 4350 ECON 4450 ECON 4460 ECON 4500 ECON 4550 ECON 4600 ECON 4650 ECON 4700 ECON 4710 ECON(MARK) 4750 ECON 4850 -------------------------Students may elect to specialize in the Public Policy Area of Emphasis. The courses listed below satisfy both requirements for the major and the requirements for the Area of Emphasis. The Area of Emphasis in Public Policy will recognize the completion of 12 credit hours in the core and elective public policy courses with a minimum grade of B- in each course. Required Courses for Public Policy Area of Emphasis: ECON 4300 ECON 4450 ECON(MARK) 4750 Elective Courses for Public Policy Area of Emphasis: Choose one course from the following: ECON 4100 ECON 4150 ECON 4250 ECON 4310 ECON 4550 ECON 4600 --------------------------Choose nine hours from the following courses: (Courses in this section must have a grade of "C" (2.0) or better.) ACCT 1160, ACCT 2101, ACCT 2102, COMM 3200, AFST (ANTH)(CMLT)(GEOG)(HIST)(SOCI) 2100, CSCI 1100 or MIST 2090, any ECON course numbered 4000 or above*, ECOL 3070, ENGL 3590W, ENGL 3600W, FINA 3000/3001, GEOG 2610, GEOG 3620, GEOG 3630, GEOG 4610, GEOG 4620, GEOG 4630, GEOG 4640, GEOG 4650, GEOG 4660, GEOG 4670, GEOG 4710, GEOG 4720, GEOG 4730, GEOG 4740, HIST 3071, HIST 3072, HIST 3073, HIST 3421, HIST 3432, HIST 4074/6074, HIST(PHIL) 4860/6860, INTL 3000-level or above, LEGL 2700, MARK 3000/3001, MATH 2260 or above, MBUS 3000, MGMT 3000/3001, POLS 4000-level or above, REAL 4000, RMIN 4000, SOCI 3750 or STAT 4210 or above. *ECON 4010 ECON 4020 ECON 4800 and ECON 5900 may not be used in major related. ECON major required courses may not be used towards the major related requirement. Major Electives (6 hours) Completion or exemption through the third semester of one Foreign Language. Choose three hours from the following: ARHI, ARTS, DANC, DRAM, MUSI, PHIL, or RELI General Electives (26 hours) (Refer to College-wide requirements when selecting general electives.) Upper division (5-20 hours) Any level (6-21 hours) University-wide Requirements ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ American and Georgia History Exam Federal Constitution Exam Georgia Constitution Exam 2.00 University of Georgia cumulative average for graduation certification Minimum of 39 hours of upper division coursework ____ ____ ____ ____ Environmental Literacy Requirement Cultural Diversity Requirement Physical Education - one hour UGA Residency: 45 of last 60 semester hours earned (15 of last 20 three-hour courses are to be satisfied at UGA) NOTES: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spring 2015