JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 95, NO. D7, PAGES 10,235-10,247,JUNE 20, 1990 OBSERVED AND MODEL-CALCULATED NO2/NO RATIOS IN TROPOSPHERIC AIR SAMPLED DURING THE NASA GTE/CITE-2 FIELD STUDY W.L.Chameides, 1D.D.Davis, 1J.Bradshaw, • S.Sandholm, • M. Rodgers, • B.Baum, • B.Ridley, 2S.Madronich, 2M.A.Carroll, 3G.Gregory, 4H.I.Schiff, 5 D.R.Hastie, 5A. Torres, 6 andE. Condon 7 Abstract. Data gatheredduringthe NASA GTE/CITE 2 airbornefield campaignwere analyzedand comparedwith whichconverts NO and0 3 to NO2 and NO2 + hv-• NO + O diagnostically derived parametersto study the NOx (R2) photostationary statein the troposphere andtheprocesses that controlthisphotostationary state.Our analysisfocussed on two (R3) O + 0 2 + M-• 0 3 + M setsof NO2/NO ratiosderivedfrom the data;thesewere whichreformNO and 0 3 from NO2' Duringthe daylight based onoverlapping NO andNO2 measurements madebytwo ß . hours,(R1), (R2), and (R3) can typicallycycleodd nitrogen independent techniques; i.e.,a chemiluminescent technique and a techniquebasedon two-photon, laser-induced-fluorescence.betweenNO and NO2 on a time scaleof a few minutes. Becausethis time scaleis considerably shorterthan the time While for any given 6- to 10-rain time interval the two anddestruction, these observedNO2/NO ratios often exhibited significant scalefor NOx (NO + NO2)production discrepancies, these discrepancies appearedto be mostly randomrather than systematic, and as a result,the average differencefor all time intervalswith overlapping NOx measurements wasonly12%. Onenotableexception, however, wasthe blockof data gatheredduringthe last three CITE 2 missions; duringthesethree missions the ratiosobservedby thechemiluminescent technique weresystematically largerthan thoseobserved bythelaser-induced fluorescence technique by reactions tendto establish a photostationary statein whichthe rateof destruction (production) of NO2 (NO) from(R2) is balanced by NO2 (NO) production (destruction) from(R1) [Cadle and Johnston,1952; Leighton, 1961]. Under these conditions, therelativelevelsof NO2 andNO aredetermined {[NO2]/[NO]}pss = [03]kl / J2 a factor of 1.6. When the data from these three missions were omittedfrom the analysis,the averagesof the observedratios agreedto within 1%. In contrastto a numberof previous studies,the ratios predicted from photochemicalmodel calculations were foundto be reasonably consistent with the observed ratios,althoughon averagetheytendedto fall about 20 - 25% belowthe observations.This agreementbetween observations andtheoryprovides strongevidence in supportof the importanceof peroxyradicalsin the fast photochemical cycling of NO. (andtheconcomitant photochemical production of03)inboth themarine andcontinental troposphere. Introduction (1) wherethe squarebracketsdenotea species' concentration and k andj denotethe rate constantfor the appropriatereaction or photolysis, respectively. A morecomplete description of the NOx photostationary statemustaccountfor the additionaleffectof peroxyradical reactionswith NO; for example, (R4) (RS) (R6) NO + HO2 -• NO2 + OH NO + CH302 -• NO2 + CH30 NO + RO2 -• NO2 + RO (In (R6), R is usedto denotean organicradicalinvolvingtwo or moreC atoms,suchas CH3CH2. ) Thesereactions, like A fundamental tenet of present-day tropospheric photochemical theoryis that therelativelevelsof tropospheric NO and NO2 are determined by a rapidcycleof reactions which establish a photostationarystate. The simplest description of this photostationarystate involves three (R1), convertNO to NO2 and lead to a modifiedexpression for theNOx photostationary state;i.e., {NO2/NO}pss, = ([O3]k 1+ [HO2]k 4+ [CH302]k 5+ [RO2]k6)/j 2 (2) reactions: (R1) Note thatunlike(R1), theperoxyradicalreactions(R4), (R5), NO + 0 3 -• NO2 + 0 2 and (R6) convertNO to NO2 withoutconsuming an 0 3 1School of EarthandAtmospheric Sciences, Georgia Instituteof Technology, Atlanta. 2National Centerfor Atmospheric Research, Boulder, moleculeandasa result,whenfollowedby (R2) and(R3), act asa netphotochemical sourceof tropospheric 0 3. Whilethe differencein the NO/NO ratiospredictedby equations(1) 2 and(2) appearsto be smallfor conditions typicalof the urban atmosphere, it canbe quitepronouncedin cleanair wherethe Colorado. ratioof{[HO2]+ [CH302] + [RO?.]} to0 3tends tobehigher 3National Oceanographic andAtmospheric Administration,[Calvertand Stockwell,1983;Parrishet al., 1986]. Boulder, Colorado. Simultaneous observations of NO, NO2, 0 3, andsolarflux in Detroit, Michiganappearto verifythe accuracy of equation 4NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia. 5Department of Chemistry, YorkUniversity, Downsview,(1) for conditionstypicalof urbanlocations[Stedmanand Ontario, Canda. 6NASA Wallops Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. 7Atmospheric Experiments Branch, NASAAmes Research Center, Moffett Field, California. Copyright1990by the AmericanGeophysical Union. Paper number90JD00249. 0148-0277/90 / 90JD-00249505.00 Jackson,1975]. However,the samehas not been true of observations madein lesspollutedenvironments [McFarland et al., 1978;Ritter et al., 1979;Fehsenfeldet al., 1983;Parrish et al., 1986; Trainer et al., 1987]. The NO/NO ratios 2 observed in nonurbanlocationshavetendedto be largerthan that predictedby equation (1). Furthermore,with the exceptionof Trainer et al., theseinvestigators havefoundthat in orderto reproducetheirobserved ratioswith equation(2), it wasnecessary to invokeperoxyradicallevelssystematically 10,235 Chameides et al.:NO2/NORatiosin Tropospheric Air 10,236 GTE/CITE-2 larger than those predicted by simulations using a by dividingthe NOCAR observed NO2 by the NOCAR photochemical model;moreover, therateof 0 3photochemical observed NO and{NO/NO}G formedfrom 2 rr wassimilarly productionimplied by these peroxy radical levels were the GIT NO2 andNO observations. It shouldbe notedthat generallyfound to be unrealisticallylarge and were not for conditions typicalof the daytimeCITE 2 flights(i.e.,[NO] reflected in a commensurate increase in local0 3levels.There ~ 10 - 15 pptvand [NO2]~ 20 - 30 pptv),the (l-a) total are at least three possibleexplanationsfor the apparent inconsistency betweentheo observedNO/NO ratios in non ß 2 urban air and photochemical theory:(1) the measurements were subjectto systematicerrors,(2) our understanding of NO_ chemistryand/or the processesthat control peroxy radicalsand O photochemistry •s incomplete,or (3) the atmospherecontranss•gnificantlevels of oxidants,like IO radicals[Chameidesand Davis, 1980],whichare capableof converting NO to NO2 withoutproducing 0 3. uncertainty(combinedprecisionandaccuracy)in the NO and NO2 measurements were20%for NOCARNO, 27%for GIT NO, 30% for NOCAR NO2, and40% for GIT NO2 [Gregory et al., thisissue(a, b)]. (Theseuncertainties are basedon 1min and 6-min integrationtimes for the NOCAR and GIT instruments, respectively, and are appropriatefor the typical NO andNO2concentrations indicated.Largeruncertainties applyforsmaller NOxconcentrations, andsmaller uncertainties apply for larger concentrations.) If these uncertainties propagated quadratically in theratioformedfromtheNO and In thiswork,datacollectedduringthe NASA GTE/CITE 2 field operation[Hoell et al., this issue]are analyzedto shed furtherlight on the problemof the NO 2/NO photostationary statein cleanair. Our analysishastwo main facets.To obtain an indicationof the accuracy withwhichcurrenttechnology can wouldtypicallybe about35% for the NOCAR ratio and47% measureNO2/NO ratiosin cleanair, an intercomparison is individual NO andNO2 measurements maycancelwhenthe made of ratios measured during the field exercisewith differentinstruments usingdifferenttechniques.To assess the accuracyof present-daytroposphericphotochemical theory, each of the measuredratios is also comparedwith ratios calculatedusinga photochemical model.(For an additional analysisof NO2/NO ratiosmeasuredduringthe NASA GTE/CITE fieldstudiesthereaderis referredto M.A. Carroll NO2 measurements, the uncertainty in the observed ratios for the GIT ratio. However, the actual uncertainties in the ratio may be smaller,as someof the systematicerrorsin the ratio is formed, since both the NOCAR systemand GIT system measured ambientNO andphotolyrically converted NO (from ambientNO2) usingthe sameprocedures (i.e., chemiluminescent in the case of NOCAR and TP-LIF in the caseof GIT). The datafromthe NOCAR NO andNO2 instrumentation weregenerallyrecordedin 1-mintimeintervals,whiletheGIT etal.,(Observed ratiosofNO2/NOcontrasted withtheoretical NO data had resolutionvaryingfrom 2 to 6 min and the GIT calculations: NASA/GTE Cite 1 andGTE/CITE 2, submitted NO2 datawererecorded with6- to 10-minresolution.Over to Journalof GeophysicalResearch,1990). the entire 8 missions,74 time intervals were identified with overlapping measurements ofNO andNO2frombothNOCAR Observed NO2/NORatios Our intercomparisonis based on data gathered during missions 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16 of the GTE/CITE 2 airbornefield campaign.(For a completedescription of the flight tracks and instrumentconfigurationthe reader is referredto Hoell et al., [thisissue]and the referencescited therein.) We focus primarily on two sets of NOx measurements, one beingthe simultaneous NO and NO2 measurements obtained with the chemiluminescent and GIT and it is the data gatheredduring these74 time intervalsuponwhich our analysisis based. A listingof the missionnumber,samplingperiod,andbarometricpressureof the air sampledfor eachtime intervalis presentedin Table 1. Note that the duration of each time interval varied from 6 to 10 min and was chosento approximately coincidewith the sampling periodof the lowest-resolution NOx measurement; iße,ß theGIT NO measurement ratiosobtained ß The NO/NO 2 from theNO•J•R andGITmeasurements along withthe observed valuesfor0 3, CO,dewpointtemperature (Td),and instrumentationof the National Center for Atmospheric Research and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrationgroup, hereinafter referred to as NOCAR NO (from NOCAR and GIT) for each time interval are depictedin Figs. la throughlg. Each of the ratiosindicated in the figureswasdeterminedby first averaging the individual [Ridleyet al.,thisissue], andtheotherbeingtheNO andNO2 NO andNO2 measurements overthetimeintervalandthen dividing theaveraged NO2bytheaveraged NO; thisapproach measurementsobtained with the photofragmentation twophotonlaser-induced-fluorescence (TP-LIF) instrumentation of the GeorgiaInstituteof Technology, hereinafterreferredto as GIT [Sandholmet al., this issue]. It should be noted that in addition to the NOCAR and GIT NOxobservations, NO_measurements weremadebytwoother groups duringthe •ITE 2 campaign. Theseincluded chemiluminescent measurements of NO and NO2 using hasbeenfoundto yieldresultsthat are in closeagreement with thoseobtainedfrom the mathematicallyexactprocedureof first forming the ratio and then averagingover the time interval[Chameides et al., 1987].Thevaluesfor 0 3,CO, and Tdindicated in thefigures wereobtained byaveraging the30-s observations recordedfor theseparameters. It shouldbe noted that while there was alwaysexcellent instrumentation from the WallopsFlightFacility,hereinafter overlapbetweenNOCAR NO andNO2 measurements and referredto as WFF [Torres,1985]andNO2 measurements betweenthe GIT NO and NO2 measurements, the overlap usinga tunablediodelaserabsorption spectrometer fromYork University,hereinafterreferred to as YU [Schiffet al., this issue]. TheWFF NO2 measurements werenotincluded in our between the NOCAR and GIT NO_ measurements was more variable. Because ofthisfact,and•ecause thelength ofeach time interval was chosen to conform to the GIT 6- to 10-min analysisfor the samereasonsas thosecitedby Gregoryet al., [this issue (a)]. The WFF NO measurementswere not included because of the very limited overlap these samplingtime, many of the time intervalsincludedin our analysis had only partial coverage by the NOCAR measurements had with the NOCAR and GIT NOx the entire samplingperiod of any giventime intervalshould not havecausedsignificant errorsin our analysis aslongasthe time intervalhad little or no chemicalvariability,sincethe averageconcentrationover a portion of the time interval shouldbe reasonablyrepresentativeof the averagefor the entire interval. On the other hand, the lack of complete NOCAR coveragemayhavegivenriseto significant errorsin our analysisfor thoseintervalswhichhad significantchemical variability.To assess thepossible magnitudeof thiseffect,two measurements. Finally,because ß the NO2 levelsfor mostof the daytimeCITE 2 flightsremainedcloseto the 25 pptv (parts pertrillionbyvolume)detection limitof theYU NO2 system [Schiffet al., thisissue],the YU datawerenot includedin our analysis exceptfor thosedatagatheredduringmission14,when theNO2 levelswereunusually high. Twosetsof NO2/NOratioswereformedfromtheNOCAR andGIT NOx observations: {NO2/NO}NoCAR wasobtained measurements. Thelackof NOCARNOxmeasurements over Chameides et al.:NO2/NORatiosin Tropospheric Air GTE/CITE-2 TABLE 1. (continued) TABLE 1. Listingof Time Intervalsand Their Mission Numbers,SamplingTimes,andAveragePressures Time Time Interval 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Mission Time (UT) P, mbar 10,237 Mission Interval Time (UT) P, mbar No. No. 7 7 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 2056:51-2104:04 2107:05-2114:18 1824:53-1831:06 1850:37-1857:22 1900:34-1906:37 1822:53-1829:13 1828:53-1834:53 1836:37-1843:36 1843:36-1850:15 1917:29-1923:48 1923:29-1929:29 1929:29-1936:26 1938:10-1944:10 1944:10-1950:10 2000:33-2006:33 2006:33-2013:18 2014:33-2020:33 2105:49-2111:53 2122:18-2128:18 1833:19-1839:38 1839:38-1845:57 1847:38-1854:22 1909:26-1916:22 1917:26-1923:47 1923:47-1929:50 1936:24-1942:30 1942:30-1949:02 1950:30-1957:27 2044:33-2051:31 2055:59-2101:59 2101:59-2108:21 2123:10-2129:25 1817:44-1823:44 1823:32-1829:44 1829:44-1836:10 1842:52-1849:48 1850:52-1857:12 2015:00-2021:15 2025:15-2031:50 2034:24-204:36 2043:49-2050:24 2121:41-2128:5 2131:07-2137:2 2137:28-2143:45 1822:45-1829:4 1829:41-1835:44 1837:41-1844:3 1848:22-1855:00 1857:00-1903:00 1955:27-2001:27 2000:58-2007:27 2022:53-2028:53 2030:53-2036:53 1755:10-1802:01 1826:05-1832:49 1834:05-1840:38 1843:39-1849:39 1849: 27-1856:18 1857:18-1903:39 1912:56-1919:36 1919:36-1925:47 1927:36-1933:36 1938:43-1944:43 1944:43-1952:15 1959:05-2003:08 1002 1002 552 553 553 550 550 550 550 679 770 870 987 999 1000 1000 1000 930 930 738 738 738 718 709 632 564 562 561 631 633 633 632 541 540 540 540 541 770 769 769 769 826 688 612 561 561 561 561 562 566 566 544 540 769 773 770 770 772 772 804 834 778 630 549 465 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 1522:37-1533:20 1540:10-1550:00 1550:00-1600:25 1633:58-1644:47 1710:34-1721:22 1819:12-1829:12 1829:12-1839:12 2126:12-2136:12 2301:37-2312:27 531 530 531 531 535 530 531 529 529 analysesof the observedratios will be carried out and discussed later: one which includes all time intervals and anotherwhichexcludes all intervalsthatexperienced morethan a 5 K variationin dewpointtemperature.Thoseintervalsthat had more than a 5 K variationin dew point temperatureare identifiedin throughlg by an asterisk.Duringmost of these intervals,the aircraft was undergoingan ascentor descentduringat leasta portionof the samplingperiod. Beforecomparing the observed NO2,/NOratios,it is interesting to comparethe 74 overlapping NO and NO2 measurements made by the NOCAR and GIT instruments. Scatter plotsof NO andNO2dataareillustrated in Figs.2 and 3 alongwith the Pearson-Rcorrelationcoefficients calculated from the data sets and the slopesobtained from linear regressionof the data.The NO data setswere foundto be in excellentagreement. The Pearson-Rcorrelationcoefficients of 0.88 for all 74 time intervals and 0.85 for all intervals with NO levelsbelow30 pptvindicatea highdegreeof correlation betweenthe two techniques.The slopesobtainedfrom linear regression of the NO data (i.e., 0.79for all 74 time intervals and 1.02for time intervalswith [NO] lessthan 30 pptv) also indicate good qualitativeagreementin the absolutelevels recordedby the two techniques.However,the interceptof about5 pptv in both casesindicatesthat the GIT NO tended to be systematically higherthan NOCAR NO when [NO] was belowabout20 pptv. Giventhat the uncertainty in the NO2 measurements was generallya factor of 1.5 larger than that of NO, it is not surprisingthat the agreementbetweenthe NOCAR and GIT NO2 measurements was not as goodas that of the NO measurements.The relativelyhigh degreeof scatterin the NO2 measurements is apparent froma comparison of Figs.2 and 3, and this is reflectedin the relativelysmallcorrelation coefficient of 0.45calculated for [NO2]whenintervals with levelsgreater than 50 pptv were omittedfrom the analysis. Like theNO scattergram, linearregression of theNO2 data yieldeda slopelessthanunityß However in the NO2 case, . . .the slopewassmallerand more consistently lessthan umty0.e., 0.62for theentiredatasetand0.46forall intervals with[NO2] lessthan 50 pptv). Togetherwith the interceptof about 10 pptv,theseplotsindicate thatfor[NO2]< 20pptv,GIT tended to be higherthan NOCAR, while for [NO2] > 40 pptv, NOCAR was systematically higher. While it •; possiblethat the small bias in the NO data sets noted above and the more substantial bias in the NO 2 data sets noted here are only ß artifactscausedby the dataselectionandaveraging techniques adopted in our work and are not a reflectionof a real systematicdifferencein the two techniques,they should nevertheless be borne in mind in the discussion that follows. Comparisonof ObservedRatios The ratios from the first and second time intervals are depictedin Fig. la. The datafor theseintervalswerecollected Chameides et al.:NO2/NORatiosin Tropospheric Air 10,238 •4 0d o GTE/CITE-2 • •o I Mission 7 + 8 Mission o 10 4 5 Time 6 7 8 9 10 11 Interval 12 Run Fig. la 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 /• Fig. lb * , , , , , ?i ? Mission 20 i 21 ! 22 ' 11 i 23 i 24 i 25 Time • 26 • 27 Interval i 28 i 29 i 30 i 31 i 32 I i /t Fig. l c i Mission i 33 i 34 i 35 36 37 Time 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Interval Fig. l d Fig.' 1ß Bar graphsdepicting NO/NO ratiosasa functionof time interval:openbar, GIT observed ratio; 2 solidbar,calculated ratiousingequation(2) withGIT NO; downward hatchedbar,NOCAR observed ratio; andupwardhatchedbar: calculated ratio usingequation(2) with NOCAR NO. Listedalongthe top in orderof appearance are[03] (ppbv),[CO](ppbv),Ta (øC),GIT [NO](pptv),andNOCAR[NO](pptv). Asterisks areusedto denote timeintervals witha vaiiation greaterthana 5øCin Td duringthesampling period. Quotationsmarksare usedto denoteparametersthat were extrapolated.(a) Intervals1-5, missions 7 and8; (b) intervals6-19,mission10;(c) intervals20-32,mission11;(d) intervals33-44,mission 12;(e) intervals45-53,mission13;(f) intervals54-65,mission14;and (g) intervals66-74,missions 15 and 16. duringmission7 while the aircraftwassampling boundary layerair overthe easternNorth PacificOcean. The NO levels measured byNOCAR andGIT duringthesetwotimeintervals werein the 5 - 10pptvrange;theyagreedin onecasenearly exactlyand in the other to within a factor of 2. However, because of a muchlargerdiscrepancy in themeasured NO2 levelsfor thesetwo time intervals, the observed NO2/NO ratiosdifferedby a factorof 6, the largestdiscrepancy in the observed ratiosof the entiredataset. By contrast, the ratios observedduringtime intervals3, 4, and 5, whichhad similar levelsof NO, arein excellent agreement (seeFig. la); thedata for theselater three time intervalswere obtainedduring mission 8 whiletheaircraftwassampling mid-tropospheric air over the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Time intervals6 through19 (Fig. lb) are for datacollected duringmission10,anotherflightovertheeasternNorthPacific Ocean; as is indicated in Table 1, these data include air sampledin the mid-troposphere andthe boundarylayer. The NO levelsrecordedduringthesetime intervalsvariedfrom below 5 pptv for the boundary layer data, to values approaching 20 pptvfor the free troposphere data. A cursory comparison of the observed ratiosdoesnot revealanyobvious patternwithgoodagreement for someintervalsandsignificant disagreement for others. Time intervals20 through32 coverthe data analyzedhere from mission11, a flight over the San JoaquinValley of California;the dataare all from the mid-troposphere, andNO levelsin somecaseswere observedto exceed30 pptv. Note in Chameides et al.:NO2/NO Ratiosin Tropospheric Air GTE/CITE-2 10,239 . 3 c• • 58 59 o • o • •- 60 61 62 63 64 $ Mission 13 M•ssion 14 4 2 o z 2 1 1 O, , 45 46 47 48 Time 49 50 51 52 0 53 54 55 56 57 Interval Time Fig. le 65 Intervol Fig. If . I I Mission I 15 + I I I I ? I 70 71 72 73 74 16 o 66 67 68 69 Time Fig. 1, (continued) Fig. lg Fig. lc that when the NO levelswere the highest(i.e., time intervals24, 27, and 32), the GIT NO was lower than the NOCAR NO. In contrast to data from later missions with relatively highNOxlevels, theNO2/NOratioobserved byGIT was larger than that observedby NOCAR for two of these three time intervals. The dataanalyzedfrom mission12,anotherflightoverthe easternNorth PacificOcean,are coveredby time intervals33 through44 and are depictedin Fig. l d. While thesedatawere all obtainedfrom the mid-troposphere (seeTable 1), the NO levels remainedbelow 20 pptv. The largest discrepancy betweenthe two observed NO2/NO ratiosfor thesedata occurredduringtime interval42 whenthe NOCAR ratio was foundto be a factorof 3 largerthanthat of GIT; thisinterval wascharacterized by largevariationsin dewpointaswell as NO andNO2,andit is possible thatthe discrepancy is more a reflectionof samplingdifferences in the twotechniques than in an actualsystematicerror in either of the measurements. Timeintervals45 through53 depictedin Figurele coverthe data analyzedhere from mission13, a continentalflight over the southwestern United Interval States. All the data for these time intervalswereobtainedfromthemid-troposphere, andthe NO levelsaveragedabout 20 pptv. With the exceptionof time interval51,whenthe GIT NO2/NOratiowasa factorof 3 lower than the NOCAR ratio, the observedratios from this missionagree quite well. While the data analyzedfrom mission14 (i.e., time intervals54 through65) were also obtainedfromthemid-troposphere overlying the southwestern UnitedStates,theresultscontrastsharplywiththoseof mission 13. The NO levelsrecordedby both GIT and NOCAR were significantly higherthanthoserecordedduringmission13 and exceeded30 pptv for all but the last three time intervals. FUrthermore, the GIT NO2/NOratiowasfoundto be less thanthe NOC^R ratio for all the time intervalsanalyzedfrom thismission(seeFig. If). Time intervals66 through74 coverthe data obtainedfrom missions 15and16,whenthe aircraftwasreturningto Wallops Island,Virginia from Moffett Field, California. The NO levels duringthesemissionsrangedfrom 15 to 30 pptv and, like mission 14, the GIT observed ratios were less than the NOC^R ratiosfor all but one of the time intervalsanalyzed from the two missions. A scatter plot of the entire set of NOCAR and GIT observedratiosis presentedin Fig. 4. The figureindicatesa large amountof scatterbetweenthe two ratios,with a fairly low correlationcoefficientof only 0.18. (Note that the correlationcoefficientimprovedto 0.44 when the two time intervalsfrom mission7 were omittedfrom the analysis;the largest discrepanciesbetween the observed ratios were obtainedfromthesetwotimeintervals.)Thepoorcorrelation Chameides et al.:NO2/NORatiosin Tropospheric Air 10,240 GTE/CITE-2 80 I I I I I I 0 I0 I ,,,,,,,,I 70 R:0.88 (0.85) ,,,,,,," o _ 60 b=0.79 (1. R-0.18 b-0.27 _ o R'-0.44 z _ i•1 ¸z o b'-0.59 ....... ....... - 4o i 0 oo " 2 ooO o...?"" ........ 0 2O 0 10 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 o NOCARNO [pptv] Fig. 2. Scatterplot of GIT NO versusNOCAR NO. The solid line showslinear regressionfor all data. The dashedline showslinear regression for datawith [NO] < 30 pptv. Values for R, the correlationcoefficient,andb, the slope,are shown for the entiredata set and for the datawith [NO] < 30 pptv by the numbersoutsideand insidethe parentheses. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NOCARNO2/NO Fig. 4. Scatterplot of GIT observedratio versusNOCAR observed ratio. The solid line, R, and b indicate linear regressionline, correlationcoefficientand slope of linear regressionline, respectively,for the entire data set. The dashed line, R', and b' indicate linear regressionline, in the observedratios is perhapsnot surprisinggiven the correlationcoefficient,and slope of linear regressionline sizeableuncertainties in the NO and NO2 measurements respectively,for the data withouttime intervals1 and 2 from mission 7. themselves andthe additiveeffectof theseuncertainties upon the random error in the ratios formed from these measurements. In order to further investigate the source of the discrepancies in theobserved ratiosconsider theobserved ratio difference(ORD), definedby 180 i i OR.D= {NO2//NO}NoCAR' {NO2/NO}Grr (3) MAX[ {NO2/NO }NOCAR, {NO2/NO }GIT] wherethe functionMAX[A,B] is equalto the maximumof the two quantitiesA and B. (Note that becausethe maximum observedratio is usedin the denominatorof equation(3), ORD is constrained to varybetween+ 1 and -1. ORD values i 160 of +0.25, +0.5, and +0.75 occur when the NOCAR ratio is 14-0 100 o • R-0.91 (0.4-5) b-0.62 120-- larger than the GIT ratio by factorsof 1.33, 2.0, and 4.0, respectively. O RD valuesof-0.25, -0.5, and -0.75 occurwhen the NOCAR ratio is smallerthan the GIT ratio by factorsof 0.75,0.5,and 0.25,respectively.)The ORD valuefor anygiven time intervalrepresents the relativeor normalizeddifference in the two ratios for that time interval and is causedby a combinationof random and systematicerrors in the two (0 4-6) ' __ 80-- measurements. However, because random errors tend to cancelwhenindividualobservations are averaged, the average ORD for the entiredatasetshouldreflectonlythe systematic 60-- bias in the two measurements. Thus if the two sets of measurements had no systematicbias, we would obtain an averageORD of zero with a standarddeviationcharacteristic of the random o o 0 20 4-0 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 NOCARNO2 [pptv] Fig.3. Scatterplotof GIT NO2 versus NOCARNO2. The solidline showslinearregression for all data. The dashedline shows linearregression fordatawith[NO2]< 50pptv.Values for R, the correlationcoefficient,andb, the slope,are shown for theentiredatasetandfor thedatawith[NO2]< 50 pptv by the numbersoutsideand insidethe parentheses. differences. In Fig. 5, O RD is plottedas a functionof time interval;the meanvalue(+ 0.12)and1-a standarderrorof the mean(0.04) for all 74 time intervalsare alsoplottedon the far right-hand side of the figure. While a good deal of randomscatteris apparentin Fig. 5 with ORD varyingfrom a minimumof-0.85 and -0.82 for the first two time intervals, to a maximum of +0.7 for intervals31 and69, the meanORD is considerably closerto zero. Thisresultsuggests that a largefractionof the non zero O RD valuesin Fig. 5 were causedby the random errorsin the instrumentation and samplingrather than by systematic errorsand thusthat at leaston average,the two techniques yieldedreasonably consistent NO2/NOratios.It is Chameides et al.:NO2/NORatiosin Tropospheric Air GTE/CITE-2 1.000 I I I I co o o o o 0.500 o o o o o 0.000 4.O ooo o o o 10,241 o o 2.0 o o o Ooøøo ø c•øo oo o z ,1.33 o o • o o o z ß o • o o o0 o o O o 0.75 o o o -0.500 o o z o o0 o z 0.5 o o o • o 0.25 - 1.000 0 15 30 45 Time z 60 Interval z # Fig.5. Observed ratiodifference, ORD,(withcorresponding ratioof {NO2/NO}NOCAR to {NO2/NO}orr indicated onrighthand verticalaxis)asa function of timeinterval.Meanratiodifferences and1-astandard error of the meansare indicatedon the far right for all time intervals(circle),time intervalswithout missions 14,15,and16(triangle), onlytimeintervals frommission 14,15,and16(square).Notethatan ORD value of +0.5 is indicative of a factor of 2 difference in the two ratios. NO levelsexceeded 20 pptv;for thesehigherNO levelsthe ORD valuesarepredominantly positive, indicating a tendency forNOCARratiosto begreaterthanGIT ratios.Interestingly, alsointerestingto note that our resultsdo not appearto be dominated by errorsrelatedto chemical variabilityduringthe individualtime intervals;for instance,if we eliminateall the intervalswhich had more than a 5 K changein dew point closerexaminationof thesetime intervalsrevealsthat virtually temperature overtheirsampling periodsandareindicated by an asteriskin Fig. 1, the meanORD improvesslightlyto 0.09. Someinterestingcharacteristics of the ratio differences are revealedfrom an inspectionof Fig. 6, where the ORD is plottedas a functionof NOCAR [NO]. We find that the largestpositiveandnegativeORD valuesare associated with NO levelsof about20 pptvor less,as onemightexpectsince in thisrangethe NO_levelsare closeto theNOCAR andGIT all of the largepositiveORD valuesobtainedwhen[NO] was greaterthan20 pptvwerefrommissions 14, 15,and 16 (see Fig.6). Whileit is notdearwhatfactoror factorsuniqueto these missionsmight have given rise to a systematic discrepancy between thetworatios,it isinteresting to notethat byeliminating allthedatafromthesethreemissions, themean ORD decreases from 12% to only1%. In contrast,the mean betweenthe two ratios for low NO levelsappearsto be randomin nature,a more systematic trend is apparentwhen NOCAR and GIT observed ratiosfor theseflights.(SeeFig. 5 and Table 2). ORD for the time intervalsfrom missions14, 15, and 16 is detection limits.•owever,whilemostof thediscrepancy+0.38, indicatinga factor of 1.6 differencebetweenthe 1.000 I I 0.500 ß cP ß o o -0.500 o oo OOoo o -1.000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 NOCARNO [pptv] Fig.6. Observed ratiodifference asa functionof NOCAR NO. Opencirclesarefrommissions 7, 8, 10, 11, 12,and 13,andsolidcirclesare from missions 14, 15,and 16. The solidline indicateslinearregression line. Chameides et al.:NO2/NORatiosin Tropospheric Air 10,242 GTE/CITE-2 TABLE 2. Mean Ratio Differences,StandardDeviations,and StandardErrors of Means Ratio Difference Data Set Without Full Data Set Missions Data SetWith OnlyMissions 14, 15, and 16 14, 15, and 16 ORD +0.12 +0.38(0.04) +0.01+ 0.36(0.05) +0.38+ 0.19(0.04) (CRD)GIT + 0.38+0.32(0.04) + 0.49+ 0.27(0.04) +0.01+ 0.27(0.06) (CRD')GIT + 0.09+0.36(0.04) + 0.20+ 0.30(0.05) -0.20+0.25(0.05) (CRD)NOCAR +0.50 +0.23(0.03) +0.50 +0.25(0.04) +0.50+ 0.18(0.04) (CRD')NOCAR +0.23 +0.26(0.03) +0.23 +0.30(0.05) +0.23+ 0.16(0.04) Valuesshownare the meanratiodifference 1-rstandarddeviations (1-r standarderrorof the means). Could the poor agreementbetweenthe observedratios during missions14, 15, and 16 have been causedby a systematic error in either the NOCAR or GIT NO2 theobserved NO2/NOratiosexhibited muchlessvariability, rangingfrom a minimumof about0.5 to a maximumof about 6ß The fact. that. the ratio variabilityis muchless . NO/NO .2 measurementsmade during these flights? One way of investigating this possibilityis to comparethe NOCAR and thanthevariability ane•ttierNO or NO2 suggests thatthese GIT NO2measurements fromtheseflights withthoseobtained would expectif NO and NO2 were controlledby a from the YU tunable diode laser absorptionspectrometer. (A uniqueaspectof the the YU systemis that it measures photostationary staterelationshipof the form of equation(1) or (2). In order to carry out a more quantitativetest of two speciesare positivelycorrelatedwith eachother,as one theory,NO2/NOratiosbasedonequations (1) NO2 directlywhereas boththe NOCAR andGIT systems photochemical andcompared withtheratiosobtained measureNO2 throughdetectionof photolytically converted and(2) werecalculated from the GIT and NOCAR measurements,as describedbelow. NO.) In Table3 the NO2 concentrations recorded fromthe threedifferenttechniques arelistedfor ninetimeintervals(5462) from mission14. We limited the comparisonto these intervalssincethey had high NO. levelsand were therefore mostsintablefor an totercomparison •nvolvlngthe YU data. Unfortunately,no firm conclusions can be reachedfrom the datain Table3. Whilethe YU NO2 measurements are in better agreementwith the GIT measurements during some time intervals, they agree better with the NOCAR measurements duringothers.Thusno apparentreasonfor the anomalously poor agreementbetweenthe NOCAR and GIT In the caseof the simplephotostationary staterelationship (iße,' equation(1)), valuesfor {NO•,/NO} ,z p sswerecalculated for eachof the74 timeintervals usingtheaveraged [03] and temperatureobserved duringeachinterval.(The temperature duringeachtimeinterval wasusedto determine kl, using the Arrheniusexpression recommended byDeMore et al., [1987].) Values fromtheUV-Eppleyphotometer ß for J2 werecalculated readingsrecordedduringthe flightsusingthe semi-empirical formulaof Madronich[1987];i.e., ratios from missions14, 15, and 16 can be identified at this J2= time. 1.35 Eu + 2(1.14)E a (0.56 + 0.03z)cos0 + 0.21- 0.015z Calculated NO2/NORatios While the NO and NO2 levelswere observed to varyby almost 2 orders of magnitudeover the 74 time intervals considered, examinationof Figuresla throughlg revealsthat wherez is altitude(in kilometers), 0 is zenithangle,andEu andEd are the upward-looking anddownward-looking Eppley readings(in megawatts per squarecentimeter),respectively. TABLE 3. Comparisonof NO2 Measurements for Time IntervalsWith HighestNOx Concentrations Time Interval NO2 Observed NOCAR 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 110 76 66 122 127 140 130 175 128 (4) Concentrations, pptv GIT YU 102 38 46 90 124 105 91 103 67 66 63 50 125 100 99 71 66 95 Chameides et al.:NO2/NORatiosin Tropospheric Air GTE/CITE-2 The reader shouldnote, however,that there is someindication 10,243 duringthe flights. Sincethe model-calculated peroxyradical concentrations are dependenton [NO], twosetsof calculations that the useof the Eppleyreadingsfromthe CITE 2 flightsto infervaluesfor a systematic errorinto ß J2 mayhaveintroduced our calculations. While the Eppley readingsupon which Madronich based his formula typicallypeaked at about 6 were carried out for each time interval in order to avoid biasing the calculationsin favor of either set of NO_ observations; onesetofcalculations usedNOlevels observec'] mWatts cm-2, thepeakreadings fromthe upward-lookingby GIT and the otherthe NOCAR NO levels.Concentrations Eppleydurin•g someof theCITE 2 flightswerein excess of 7 of CH4 andH2 wereassumed to be 1.7and0.55ppmv, mWatts cm-'. While radiative transfer calculations indicate respectively. Photolyticrate constantshave a strong impact on our that theselargepeakEppleyreadings couldhavebeencaused bycloudalbedoeffectsfromclouds positioned overthehorizon but out of the line of sightof the sun,it is alsopossiblethat the largereadingsreflectinstrumental problems with the UVEppleyphotometers usedduringthe flights.If thislater case is ß true, thenthe , J2 valuesinferredfrom equation(4) andused tn our calculations are overestimated by 15-20%. calculated NO2/NOratios.Theserateconstants include theJ valuefor thephotolysis of NO2,whichappears explicitly in equations(1) and (2); and a hostof otherswhichare input into the photochemicalbox model and affect the levels calculatedfor peroxy radicals. The J values used in our calculationsof the modified steady state equation were calculatedfor eachtime intervalusinga two-streamradiative Valuesfor {NO../NO} ss'(i e, the modifiedsteadystate relationship, equation (2)•,reqmre allofthedatadescribedtransfer resultspresented here,we usedconcentrations of HO2 and CH302 radicalsobtained froma photochemical boxmodel similarto that describedby Chameideset al., [1987, 1989]. The model is based on a chemical mechanism which included ox/dation sequence. •a•culations were also carried outthat estimated from a more detailed photochemical modelcapableof simulatingthe oxidationof nonmethanehydrocarbons [Chameides,1984; Richardson, 1988]whichwasconstrained toyieldnonmethane hydrocarbon and peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) levelsconsistent with those observedduringthe CITE 2 flights[Singhet al., thisissue]. data set was 1.1. The resulting NO2/NO ratioscalculated for eachtime The effectof the calculated RO2 radicalswasfoundto be small;in general, inclusion of RO2 radicals resulted in onlya 10%enhancement in thecalculated NO2/NOratiosoverthose calculated withonlyHO2 andCH302 radicals.) In thephotochemical boxmodel,thelevelsof 03, NO, H20, CO. CH.. - ß -_-q,, and H•. as well as teml•erature • the solar flux for cloud-free two-streammodelandthatcalculatedusingequation(4). The minimumscalingfactorobtainedfor the datasetwas0.7;this valuewas calculatedfor a boundarylayer time intervaland probablyreflectsthe influenceof overlyingclouds. The maximumscalingfactor,on the otherhand,was1.6;thisvalue wascalculated for a mid-tropospheric time intervalandcould havebeencausedbyunderlying cloudsreflectingradiationback up to the aircraft. The averagescalingfactorfor the entire included theeffectof longerchainperoxyradicals (i.e.,RO2) on the NO2/NO ratios. The RO2 levelsneededfor these were to determine equalto the ratiobetweenthe J2valuecalculated usingthe the reactions of the HO -NXOy -O•.• system andthe CH4-CO . calculations model conditionsas a functionof altitude,solar zenith angle,and wavelength [Dickersonet al., 1979;]andan empiricallyderived scalingfactorto includethe effectof cloudsandothervariables not simulatedin the radiative transfermodel. The scaling factor was assumedto be wavelengthindependentand was aboveas well as concentrations of peroxyradicals. For the intervalusingGIT and NOCAR NO levelsas input to the photochemical boxmodelare indicatedin Figuresla through lg. The effectof the calculatedperoxyradicalconcentrations ontheNO2/NOratiosisillustrated in Figures 7 and8,where NO2/NOratioscalculated fromequation (1) andequation (2) and r)ressure are specified, andtheconcentrations o•short-lived species such as are plotted as function of time interval. The modified stateequationwasfoundto be largerthanthat HO2 and CH302 are calculated assuming photochemical photostationary equilibrium.For the calculations presented here,the values of the simplephotostationary stateby a factorof 1.3to 2. The largestdifferenceswere calculatedfor time intervalssuchas 1 and 2 with NO levelsof 10 pptv or less,relativelyhigh dew usedfor [O3], [CO], [NO], dew point temperature, and pressurefor eachtime intervalwere equalto thoseobserved o z o 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time 35 40 Interval 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 •t Fig.7. Calculated NO2/NOratiousing NOCARNO asa function of timeinterval.Opencircles denote ratioscalculated with equation(1), andsolidcirclesdenoteratioscalculated with equation(2). Chameides et al.:NO2/NORatiosin Tropospheric Air 10,244 GTE/CITE-2 0 z ßß ß ß o oo ooo ß ooo •oo• o o -- o ßß • ß ßß o • ß ß ß o o ß oo o 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time 35 40 45 50 55 •0 •5 o 70 75 Intervol Figß 8ø Calculated NO/NO ratiousingGIT NO asa function of timeinterval.Opencirclesdenoteratios 2 calculated with equation(1), andsolidcirclesdenoteratioscalculated with equation(2). pointtemperatures, and0 3 levelsof 30 ppbvor less;thelow NO andhighH20 concentrations favorlargerperoxyradical o 200 levels,and the combinationof this effect and the low [O ] causes relatively large rates ofconversion ofNOtoNO 2!•y o< reactions(R4) and(R5) comparedwith (R1). Conversely, the smaller differences were obtained for time intervals such as 70 characterized by higherlevelsof NO and0 3 andlowerdew point temperatures.An exception to this generaltrendwas found for time interval 74, which had the smallestdifference betweenthe twocalculated ratiosof the entiredatasetin spite of a relativelymodestNO level;however,in thisparticularcase z Ro-097 '" b -0 63 150 o ß ,,,,' '• R'-0.98 • b'-0.95,,• •> 100 - ,,,, thesolarzenithanglewasexceptionally large(i.e.,80ø) andas a result,radicalformationwas suppressed. z g 50 Comparison of Observedand CalculatedRatios In Figures9 and 10 we presentscatterplotsof calculated andobserved NOs concentrations fromtheNOCAR andGIT datasets,respectFvely. While linearregression of the datain theseplotsyieldsslopesreasonably dose to unity and high Pearson-r correlation coefficients,some caution should be 0 o •"'• o 50 100 150 200 NOCARNO2 [pptv] exercisedin interpretingthese results. The slopesare dominated by the datapointswithhighNO2 concentrations Fig.9. Scatterplot of calculated [NO• (usingNOCAR NO andare not representative of the entiredataset. In the case obse•ations) andNOCARobsemed [NO•. •e circlesare of the correlation coefficient it should be borne in mind that for [NO• calculated uskgequation(1) andthetrian•esare the calculated NO2 is obtainedfrom the productof the for [NO-1 calculatedusingequation(2) •e sold line, R, observed NO concentration andthecalculated NO2/NOratio. andbo •dlcate•ear recession •ne, correlatmn coefficient, SincetheNO2/NOratiois onlya weakfunction of [NO],the and slope of •ear recession,respectively, for [NO• high correlationcoefficientobtainedbetweenthe calculated and observed NO2 is more an indicationof the strong correlation betweenambient[NO] and[NO2]ratherthana quantitative validationof photochemical theory.Nevertheless, the fact that ambient[NO] and [NO2] are found to be correlated is consistentwith the photostationarystate equationsand as such representsat least qualitative confirmationof photochemical theory. As an alternate approachto comparingtheory and observations, we define the followingfour calculatedratio difference(CRD) functions: calculateduskg equation(1). •e dashedline, R', and b' •dicate linearregessionline,correlationcoefficient, andslope of lkear recessionline, respectively, for [NO• calculated uskg equation(2). (CRD')Grr = {NO2/NO} GIT'{NO2/NO }pss',GIT (Sb) MAX[ {NO2/NO }GIT, {NO2/NO }pss',GIT] (CRD)NoCAR = (CRD)Grr= {NO2/NO}Gr r - {NO2/NO}pss MAX[ {NO2/NO }orP {NO2/NO }pss] (5a) {NO2/NO}NoCAR ' {NO2/NO}pss MAX[ {NO2/NO }NOCAR, {NO2/NO }pss] (5c) Chameides et al.:NO2/NORatiosin Tropospheric Air GTE/C1TE-2 photostationary stateequation,(CRD')GiTis the fractional 0 difference Z • 10,245 140 between the GIT observed ratio and the ratio calculatedwith the modifiedphotostationary state equation ,," usingthe GIT observed NO, (CRD)NoC^R is the fractional •120 • difference between the NOCAR •,,,," observed ratio and the ratio calculatedfrom the simplephotostationary stateequation,and (CRD')NOCARis the fractionaldifferencebetweenthe NOCAR ,_• 100 observed ratio and the ratio calculated with the modifiedphotostationary state equationusingthe NOCAR 8o • z o • 60 ," •,'" ,,,,,"• o observed NO. Plots of the four CRD bo=0.85 /•o functions versus time interval are presentedin Figures11 and 12.Similarto our comparison of the observedratios in Fig. 5, we found a large amountof variabilityin all four CRD functionsfrom onetime intervalto another,withmanyintervalshavingCRD magnitudes in excess of 0.5 (i.e., a factor of 2 discrepancy).However,a large fraction of the discrepancybetween the calculated and observedratiosappearsto be randomratherthan systematic. As indicatedon the far righthandsideof Figures11 and 12 b'=1.5 and in Table 2, the mean calculatedratio differencesare within 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 20-25%of 0 whenthe modifiedphotostationary stateequation wasused,implyingat leastreasonably goodagreement between observations and present-day photochemical theory. Furthermore,whilethe averageratio differences betweenthe 160 GITNO2 •-pptv] Fig. 10. Scatterplot of calculated [NO2] (usingGIT NO observations) andGIT observed [NO2]. The circlesare for [NO2]calculated usingequation (1), andthetriangles arefor [NO2]calculated usingequation (2). Thesolidline,Ro,andbo GIT observations and the calculations are somewhat smaller indicatelinearregression line,correlationcoefficient, andslope thanthoseinvolvingtheNOCAR observations whenthe entire data set is used, the agreementbetweenobservationsand theoryisvirtuallyidenticalfor bothsetsof ratio measurements of linearregression, respectively, for [NO2]calculated using when the time intervals from missions 14, 15, and 16 are omittedfrom the analysis.(Interestingly,the NOCAR CRD functionsare not affectedby the inclusionor exclusionof the equation(1). The dashedline, R', and b' indicatelinear regressionline, correlationcoefficient,and slope of linear data from the last three missions, while the GIT CRD regression line, respectively, for [NO2] calculatedusing functionsincreasesignificantly whenthe datafrommissions14, 15, and 16 are omitted. In fact, the ratios predictedby equation(2) are actuallylargerthanthe ratiosobserved by the GIT instrumentation duringthesemissions.) equation(2). (CRD')NOCAR = {NO2/NO }NO'CAR - {NO2/NO }pss',NOCARk-,u) Conclusions MAX[ {NO2/NO }NOCAR' {NO2/NO }pss',NOCAR] An analxm;cnf Wan [nclopgnclgnt qgtqnf airhnrne.NO where(CRD)Grristhefractional difference between theGIT measurements obtained during theNASA GTE/CITE 2 fiei• observed ratio and ratio calculated from the simple samplingcampaignindicatesreasonableagreementbetween -o o 1.000 I -o o c.a 0 • I I o o o:p m o oo o o oo oo ooo oO ø øaD o øooee ß o ßß o,ß ß * o'ßo*ß .oo.oo ßo ß•mOoOd• ,o. 4.0 n,' • 0.500 .o''cøø''ø o .o. o. o q.øoøm. }... 2.0 o ß ß ß ß .' !!•. 1.33 Q) o z ße 0.000 o ß o .' .• ß eeee e Oe e ee ß 1.0 ee . 0.75 .•-0.500 ß 0 o I0.5 • O • 0.25 o •0 n,' -1 ' 000 0 i i i 15 30 45 60 z Time Interval # Fig.11. Calculated ratiodifference (withcorresponding ratioofobserved tocalculated NO2/NOindicated onright-hand verticalaxis)usingNOCARobservations asa function of timeinterval.Opeficircles denote (CRD)NoCAR,the NOCAR calculatedratio differenceusingequation(1). Solid circlesdenote (CRD')NOCAR , the NOCAR calculated ratio differenceusingequation(2)ß Mean valuesandstandard errors6f themeanare indicatedon the rightfor all timeintervals(circles),all timeintervalsexceptthose frommissions 14,15,and16(triangle),andonlythetimeintervals frommissions 14,15,and16(square). Chameides et al.:NO2/NORatiosin Tropospheric Air 10,246 '• 1.000 I t • • co o...o" o i•,o oC• E o • 0.000 ß ß. •o . 4.0 o ooOcr p * •Oo. • • o .. o ooo o • 0.500 , o ** • • ß oo eee GTE/CITE-2 o o . 2.0 • .o • oe ß . Oo ß o o o • • -0.500 1.0 ß 'o 0.75 e• 0.5 • •• 0.25 -• . 000 0 • • • • •5 30 •5 •0 z 7ime Interval Fig.•2. Calculated milodiff•nc• (wi•hcorresponding miloof obs•d m calculated NO•/NO •d•ca•d on •gh•-handv•fical •is) usingOTT obs•afions as a functionof fim• ••al. (C•)o• Open c•cl•s •h• OTTcalculated milodiff•nc• using •quafion(1). Solidc•cl•sd•no• (CRD')o•, calculated•afio d•f•nc• using•quafion(2). •an valuesand s•anda•d•o•s of •h• m•an a• •dica•d on •h• • fo• • • ••s (c•d•s)• aH fim• in••s •xc•p• •hos• •om missionsl•, l•, (•Jan•)• and o•y •h• fim• incomesf•om missions• • and •6 (squa•). theNO2/NOratiosinferred fromtheobservations. Whilethe two ratioswere found to differ by a factor of 2 or larger for some 6 to 10 min time intervals with overlapping measurements, the averagedifferencefor all time intervals analyzedwas only about 10%, with a standarddeviationof 40% and a standard error of the mean of 4%. Elimination of anomalousdata from three missions, yieldedan averageratio differenceof only 1% with a similar standarddeviationand standarderror of the mean. Two importantpointscan be inferred from theseresults:(1) large randomvariationsare overestimation ofthe oJ • values from equation (4).Thus a model-predicted peroxy radical more stringent test conversion of NO to NO2 will likelyrequireaccurate NO2actinometric measurements aswellasNOx measurements. Acknowledgments.This work was supportedin part by fundsfromtheNationalAeronautics andSpaceAdministration (NASA) undergrantsNAG-1-385andNAG-1-50andfromthe National Science Foundation under 8208828 and ATM- 8600888. We thank RogerNavarro,the flight crew,and the associated withthe NOx measurements, makingcomparisons maintenance personnelof the NASA Wallops Island Flight of quantities suchastheNO2/NO ratiofromindividual time Facilityresponsible for the Electraaircraft. We alsothankthe intervalsstatistically meaningless; and (2) with the useof the personnelat the NASA Ames ResearchCenter for providing entire data set, a statisticallymeaningfulcomparisoncan be facilitiesfor ground-based operationsaswell as flightsupport. made, and this comparisonindicatesreasonableagreement Partial supportwas provided by the NASA Tropospheric within the stated standard error of the mean. Chemistry Program to M.A.C. and B.A.R. The National A comparisonof the observedratios and thosecalculated Centerfor Atmospheric Researchis sponsored bytheNational basedon photochemical theoryalsoindicatesreasonably good Science Foundation. agreement. In contrastto a numberof previousstudiesof NO2/NO ratiosin nonurban air, therewasno evidence of a large systematic trend with model-calculated ratiosfallingfar below the observedratios. The better agreementbetween observations and theoryin the caseof the CITE 2 data base is likelydue,at leastin part,to the techniques usedby the GIT and NOCAR instruments to convertNO2 to NO when measuring NO2 levels;thesetechniques appearto be more specific toNO2thantechniques usedbyotherinvestigators and as a resultthe GIT and NOCAR NO2 measurements are probably lessinfluenced byartifacts arising fromotherNOy compounds [cf.,Gregoryet al., this issue(b)]. However,whileour analysis appearsto qualitatively confirm present-day photochemical theory,thereis stillevidencefor a small,but statistically significantdiscrepancy betweenmodel- calculated andobserved NO2/NOratios.On average, modelcalculatedratios using the modified photostationarystate equationare about25% smallerthan the observedratios;the standarddeviationof the meanfor bothdatasetsis onlyabout 5%. 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