RETIREMENT GUIDELINES 1.0 INTRODUCTION If you are a member of one of the University’s occupational pension schemes you may access general information about retirement from Human Resources Pensions (please see section 6.0 below for contact details.) An employee who decides to retire is required to resign from their post, providing the notice specified in their contract of employment in the normal way. If the employee wishes to draw on their pension when they retire, they need to contact the University pensions team on Three months should be allowed for processing the pension arrangements. It is helpful to understand the intention of employees as far as is possible to enable the University to undertake workforce planning, and to assist employees in their planning process. The University will continue to discuss with all employees irrespective of age their short, medium and longer term career aspirations. The University therefore encourages employees to engage in open and transparent discussions as early as possible in their planning process for retirement with their appropriate manager. It is acknowledged that individual intentions to retire can change due to variety of personal circumstances, and individuals are reassured that such informal discussions will only be progressed formally once notice to resign has been given. Information on ill-health retirements is included in the University’s Sickness Management Policy available from 2. OPTIONS PRIOR TO RETIREMENT It is recognised that employees at whatever stage of their working life may wish to change their working pattern to suit their individual circumstances. It may therefore be possible to agree a flexible working approach whether or not this is intended to lead directly towards a full retirement. Should an employee wish to work more flexibly (e.g. reduced hours) then that request would be considered as a flexible working request (Flexible Working Guidelines can be found on the HR website). A meeting to discuss retirement could however include a discussion around flexible working as it may be helpful to consider the different options available and how appropriate these might be to the department and the individual at the same time. 3. PENSIONS Employees approaching retirement may wish to investigate how certain options may affect their retirement benefits. Any retirement benefit queries should be referred to Human Resources Pensions at Additional information is available on the HR website and in the retirement Frequently Asked Questions. 4. EMERITUS STATUS For those at Professorial/Reader level there is the opportunity to seek emeritus status on retirement. A request should be submitted by the Head of Department at least one term prior to their intended retirement date. Further information is available from Human Resources. 5. WARWICK RETIRED STAFF ASSOCIATION There is a retired staff association which is open to all staff who have held appointments at the University and are now retired. Partners of retired staff may also join. Further information is available on the website at: 6. CONTACTS AND FURTHER INFORMATION Further information is available from or from your link HR Adviser. If you require further guidance in respect of pensions, information is available from If you require this publication in hard copy or in an alternative format please contact HR. 7. REVIEW The Equality and Diversity Committee will review and amend the Retirement Guidelines in line with any legislative changes. 8. FLEXIBLE RETIREMENT (USS Only) Employees who are USS members and over 55 are able to draw a proportion of benefits whilst remaining an active member of the scheme, and remaining in the same role. The University will consider each case on its merits and will not unreasonably withhold permission for a member to reduce hours and elect to take part payment of their accrued benefits, subject to the operational requirements of the University; the University will not waive the actuarial reduction of such an election. Flexible retirement is subject to agreement by the University and will be considered in line with the University’s Flexible Working guidelines. 9. FEATURES OF FLEXIBLE RETIREMENT To be eligible an employee must be a member of USS and aged 55 or above, and have ‘qualifying service’ which is normally a period of at least two years’ pensionable service, and must not be a multiple appointment holder. The benefits to be drawn may be between 20% and 80% of the member’s total pension and lump sum at the date of flexible retirement (benefits will be actuarially reduced to the extent that they are payable before the members normal pension age). The University will not waive nor otherwise compensate flexible retirees for any actuarial reduction arising from flexible retirement. Members can obtain an estimate for flexible retirement from the calculator on the USS website at the address below: In line with the USS rules the employee’s working hours must be reduced by a minimum of 20% at each request for no less than 12 months. A maximum of two contractual reductions is permitted, up to the 80% maximum. Any further amendment would require the member of staff to fully retire from their post. In practice, up to six months may be required for the completion of the process for a flexible retirement request to allow for initial quotes and discussions to take place prior to any final notification to USS. USS will issue full calculations once the request has been approved by the University. The employee will be required to gain written consent from the University for flexible retirement. The University will consider each case on its merits and in line with the University’s Flexible Working guidelines. The University will not unreasonably withhold permission for a member of staff to reduce hours, and elect to take part payment of their accrued benefits, subject to the operational requirements of the University. Once the flexible retirement request has been approved by the University the employee will have a maximum of four weeks to decide if they wish to progress with the flexible retirement. USS requires a minimum of two months’ written notice of the employee’s flexible retirement date. Employees should also be aware that where a request for flexible retirement is agreed and implemented there is no automatic right to increase their hours at any point in the future, or decrease their hours further, regardless of the provision within the USS rules. However, this will not prevent a further request being made and is subject to the agreement of the University Longer term planning: where an employee makes an approach to their manager to request flexible retirement it is reasonable for the manager to ask the employee about their longer term plans so that they can plan for any further reduction in hours and also for the time when the employee plans to fully retire. As part of the annual review process it is expected that reviewers will ask all their reviewees about their short, medium and long term plans. Further information is available on the USS website at the address below: ages/12aflexibleretirement.aspx