Understand your reading lists To o find itemss on your reading listt it is imporrtant that you can easily identifyy different referencess so o that you can locate the materials you ha ave been asked to read. Th he most co ommon item ms on yourr reading list are likelly to be books, book chapters and journal wever, depending on your subje ect there may also be e other item ms such as s newspap per artticles. How artticles, repo orts or filmss. Ite ems on you ur reading list will be displayed as a refere ence. This referencee will contain unique o identify th he informattion type. Once you h ave done e this you are infformation which you can use to the en ready to o locate the item with hin Encore e. Is it a book? ? Author Book title Edition Publi sher th Bryman n. A. (2012) Social resea arch methoods. 4 ed. Oxford: O Oxfo ord Universsity Press n year Publication Placce of publication o search fo or a book in n Encore you will nee ed to searc ch for the title and/or author surrname, e.g g. To Brryman soc cial researrch metho ods ook? Is it a chaptter in a bo Author A Year Chappter title Editors Stoer, S S. R. & Magalhaees, A. M. (20 009) Educat ion, knowle edge and the network ssociety. In: R. Dale D and S. R Robertson, eds. Globallisation andd Europeanissation in Ed ducation. Oxxford: Symposium S Books, pp. 45‐63. Publisheer Pages Book title Placce of pubblication To o search fo or a book chapter you u should se earch for th he title of the book ratther than the title of the chapter. This is b ecause En ncore does sn’t alwayss co ontain the details of in ndividual chapters. E .g. Dale globalisatio on and Eu uropeanisation in ed ducation. Th he results in Encore will indicate e if the boo ok or book k chapter is s available in either print or as an book. Inform mation abo out the ava ailability an nd location of the prin nt book willl be provided. Ebookks eb ca an be accessed by logging in with your IT username e and pass sword. Is it a journa al article? ? Authors Yeaar Articcle title Altbach, P. G. & Knigght, J. (2007 7) The internnationalizattion of higher educatioon: Motivatiions and realities. Journal of Studies S in In nternationaal Education n, 11(3‐4), pp. 290‐305.. Jou urnal title Volume & issue Pages To o locate the e full text of a journal article you u first need d to check if Warwickk has a sub bscription to the e journal you require e by search hing for the e title of the e journal, e.g. Journaal of Studies in Intternationa al Education If the journall is availab ble, follow the links an nd log in us sing your IT usernam me and pas ssword. sing the de etails from the referen nce (year, volume, is ssue, pages) locate thhe article you require e. Us Th hings to lo ook out for: There e are subtle e differences betwee en a book, book chap pter and jouurnal article; a book and a book chapter will inc clude publication info ormation, whereas a journal artticle will usually have a volume and d issue number. Referrences for book chap pters and jo ournal artic cles will have two titlees. A book chapter will have the title of the chapte er and the title of the book it ap ppears in. T he journal article will have the title of the article and the tittle of the jo ournal it ap ppears in. If you are lookin ng for a jou urnal article e or a book k chapter, use the titl e of the main work (journ nal, book etc.) to searrch Encore e rather tha an the artic cle or chappter title. Th his inform mation will often appe ear on yourr reading liist in italics s or bold. Different types of material Books will generally fall into two categories, text books or scholarly monographs. Text books can present an overview of a subject area, providing a broad view of the topic and including different models or theories. Scholarly monographs tend to be more focused in their subject area, offering a much more detailed and in-depth coverage of specialist topic. Jo ournal articcles are typ pically shorrter pieces of academ mic researc ch or review ws of existting researrch hich have been peer--reviewed. Articles w ill tend to be more up to date thhan books as they arre wh up pdated and d published d more regularly. Prioritise your reading It is importan nt to manage your tim me and prio oritise your reading especially i f your read ding list is qu uite long. Iff items havve been ma arked as co ore or esse ential then you shoulld look at these first. If yo ou have only been assked to rea ad a chapte er from a book, then you don’t n ecessarily y need to rea ad the entiire book. Iff there are items marrked as opttional or fu urther reading then co onsider wh hich ones you would benefit fro om reading g. I.e. would d reading these help you contribute to a se eminar disccussion or are they lin nked to an n assignme ent topic orr exam? Fu urther help p Th he items on n your read ding list should all be e available through th he Library. However, if you have an ny question ns or difficu ulty locating any of th he items on n your read ding list pleease conta act your Ac cademic Su upport Librrarian.