Encore—Older Adult Education Program (Noncredit) Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of a course, students will identify benefits in the following areas: 1. Behavioral and/or psychological changes such as stress reduction, attention span, and sense of well-being. See the following questions on the standard SLO form that is completed by all Encore students: A, B, C, G, H, I, and 2. 2. Identify change in community engagement such as involvement in social activities outside the classroom, participation in cultural and/or community events, and volunteerism. See the following questions on the standard SLO form that is completed by all Encore students: E, F, and 2. 3. Improvement in areas of independence: health, finance, entitlements, and advocacy. See the following questions on the standard SLO form that is completed by all Encore students: L, 1, and 3. Pierce College ENCORE Older Adult Education Program Class ________________________________________ Student Learning Outcome Semester: __________ Year: _________ We appreciate your thoughtful and insightful comments to help us show how ENCORE courses benefit students. Do you feel healthier? Have you made behavior or attitudinal changes? Do you feel more self-sufficient? Are you more aware of services available to you, etc.? Please check age: __ 40–50 __ 51–60 __ 61–70 __ 71+ Use the following code to answer questions and place the number next to each question. 1 – great improvement 3 – little or no improvement 2 – improvement 4 – NA (not applicable to this class) In general: ___ A. Have you noticed an improvement in your memory? ___ B. Have you noticed an improvement in your mood? ___ C. Has your attention span increased? ___ D. Has your vocabulary increased? Have you learned new words or terms? ___ E. Do you find you are participating in more social activities outside of class? ___ F. Are you participating in more cultural and/or community events? ___ G. Has your sense of fun increased? ___ H. Has your focus improved? ___ I. Do you notice improvement in your stress management? ___ L. Do you feel more self-sufficient in and outside of class? 1. How have you maintained or improved your independence in areas such as: health, finance, self-maintenance, advocacy, etc.? Please comment. 2. What knowledge, skill/s, attitude/s or other benefit did you gain in this class that has transferred to your daily life? 3. Has information you learned in class helped you outside the classroom? Please comment. 4. Additional comments (If you need more space, please use the back)