Comets Unit Guidelines - crossroadscomets

Comets Unit Guidelines
Unit Expectations- As a group of teachers, we decided that the following four
items were important expectations for the students of the Comets Unit:
 Always be prepared.
 Treat others the way you want to be treated.
 Follow directions.
 Always do your best!
These four statements are posted in each of the unit teacher’s rooms and students
will be held to these expectations every day.
Lockers- Students can use lockers several times throughout the day. However,
students will not be permitted to return to their locker if they are unprepared for
Cell Phones- Cell phones must remain off and in student lockers during the day.
There are phones in every classroom if a student needs to make a phone call.
Students may not call home if they are feeling ill. They must report to the nurse
first and action will be taken from there.
Homework- On average, we assign 45-90 minutes of homework per night.
Students have the opportunity to start their homework during H.A.P.
Homework is expected to be turned in on time. Late assignments are assigned a
lower score, and if an assignment is more than one day late it will receive a grade
of zero, but still needs to be completed. Students are expected to report to the
teacher during H.A.P. if they have any missing work. In addition, if homework
is consistently late, after school detention or homework club may be assigned.
You will be contacted for permission to keep a child after school. Late buses are
available if needed.
Agenda- All homework should be written in the agenda and must accompany
your child to EVERY class! If your child needs extra guidance in completing
homework, you may want to check the agenda each night to see what
assignments were given. If your child is not writing his/her homework, then
you can check our unit wiki for more information.
Unit Wiki- The Comets teachers have created a wiki to help keep students on
track with assignments and provide additional unit information. Please visit to see what the site has to offer! You do
not need a password to view the site.
Late Bus- A late bus is available daily to all students attending after school
activities such as intramural sports, clubs, detention, or homework club. The late
bus does not drop your child off at the regular bus stop, but in a location near to
Library- Students have access to the library during P.A.T.T.E.R.N.S. and H.A.P.
In addition, classes on library and research skills are scheduled during class time.
Encore- Students have two Encore periods each day. One of the periods is
Physical Education. The other period alternates between World Language and
Music, Art, Keyboarding, Math Lab, or Language Lab. Physical Education and
Foreign Language encore take place for the entire year. Other encore classes
change with each trimester.
Communication- Please call, write a note, or send the teachers e-mail whenever
you have a question, concern, or a need for a meeting with us. All of the teachers
have voicemail, and we will return your call as soon as possible. Individual
teachers may be contacted at the following extensions:
Crossroads North Middle School (732) 329-4191
Mrs. Doyle
Ms. Fasanella
Mrs. Gasraguso
Mrs. Patterson
Ms, Phelan
Ms. Valdes
Ms. Vigliotti
Friday Folders- Students receive important school and unit information in their
Friday Folders each week. Please return all necessary forms inside the folder the
following Monday.
Class Trips- The Comets Unit will take trips this year. Please note that some trips
require chaperones, and other trips do not. If we need chaperones, we will send
home a sign-up along with the student permission slip.
Camp Bernie- Camp Bernie is a now an extended-day trip!
Research Task- The new research task is now embedded into the curriculum
throughout the unit classes. Students will still be required to perform research,
write an informational essay, create a presentation, and present to their peers.
However, this task will be built upon throughout the year and will culminate in a
presentation day in the springtime.