REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Facilities Planning Committee (FPC) meeting notes January 11, 2008 In attendance: Tim Flanagan, chair of the committee, Scott Thomason, Ray Kingsbury, Mike Mendoza, Mark Winter, Keith Snow-Flamer, Tricia Hawkins, Frank Martinez, Paul Agpawa, Leslie Haddock, Tracey Thomas, Bill Connors, Michael Bailey, and Stephen McCollum (by phone CRDN). Scott Thomason announced that he would be leaving the district’s employ and that Tim would continue to serve as the Facilities Planning Committee’s chair. It was moved (Mike Mendoza) and seconded (Bill Connors) to approve the revised provisional mission and vision statement as sent to FPC members at the end of the day December 14, 2007. This was unanimously approved by all present. Scott announced that a special meeting of the Board of Trustees would take place in the next two weeks to address facilities on the Eureka campus. Discussion took place regarding what documents would establish the criteria for membership in the FPC, as well as whether there would be a charter or by-laws for this committee. Reviewing analysis of Program Reviews relative to facility needs was discussed, and it was determined that more information was needed regarding other committee functions and interconnectivity. The FPC should expect input from different directions, in addition to program review, as other groups will be involved. More information should be available soon from administration as the committees are structured, since program review is only one starting place for identifying facility needs. It was suggested that each department provide a wants/needs list so other areas such as maintenance and technology can provide input. The question of whether the FPC is responsible for the fund allocation to any degree is yet to be determined by other entities and communication areas. Broad input from the college community throughout the district is the goal for all planning the FPC considers. We need to always think district-wide to include the direct people involved, such as associate faculty at the centers, and others, in any facility planning decision. We should also review lists of needs at each district location for facilities, technology, security, disaster planning, and other factors in addition to instructional or user input. Tim explained that action plans to be formulated in the future will incorporate additional needs after the bond funded renovations have been completed. Members of the FPC discussed the methods for choosing community members for the committee. The goal is for the FPC to devise criteria and a process for community member selection. It was suggested that the FPC review the Citizens' Oversight Committee administrative procedure guidelines available on the CR website. Areas of consideration for potential community members also included background in construction, budgeting, improvement planning, maintenance, building development, volunteer work with a CR association or alumni, and involvement with community activities, city councils or service organizations. This topic will be further discussed in future meetings as it becomes part of the committee charter or by-laws. For sharing at upcoming FPC meetings, committee members are encouraged to gather examples of other colleges’similar committee charters or by-laws, including the methods by which other colleges choose community members. The next meeting will be held on February 1, 2008, 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the Lakeview room.