

4. Participation Themes

4.1 Participation


4.2 Membership and


4.3 Marketing

Criteria - Clubs will be assessed on the following:

4.1.1: Active members engaging with the club; the average number of members engaging on a regular basis within club activities

4.1.2: Offering casual or beginner opportunities. Clubs are responsible for ensuring all levels of participant are given the opportunity to participate in the sport. This can include active signposting to external clubs or other

Warwick Sport programmes e.g. Warwick Active. This can also include diversity – for clubs that can offer a range of disciplines (not relevant for all clubs)

4.1.3: Participation pathways can also be linked in with NGB programmes where relevant and appropriate

4.2.1: Recruitment of a large and diverse membership base; especially under-represented groups (e.g. women, postgraduates, International Students)

4.2.2: For clubs who have reached membership capacity the issue might be more about retention as they are unable to recruit beyond their maximum capacity

4.2.3: Clubs must be able to retain the size and diversity of their membership

4.3.1: Appropriate marketing to improve participation within the club – club should show examples of how marketing has been successful. This can include sports fair activities, social media, use of websites and physical promotions











4.4 Inclusive Approach

4.3.4: Additional consideration will be given to new and innovative ideas to increase interest in club sessions

4.4.1: Equal and open opportunities to ensure all feel included within the club – this can include social, community and wider events as well as sport. This can also include specialist events e.g. having alcohol free social events or specific events to target under-represented groups

4.4.2: Clubs can show a higher standard by showing innovative ways of including all members




4.5 Training and

Qualified Personnel

4.5.1: Having appropriately qualified personnel leading all sessions

4.5.2: Attendance at activator training sessions for all activators involved with the club. This should include having an activator lead role identified in the club if appropriate

4.5.3: Provision of development/training opportunities for members to become activators or to increase involvement in the club e.g. Facilitating members attending coaching qualifications




Suggested Evidence

List of participation opportunities and numbers attending

Dates and times of beginners sessions

Copy of communication with NGB

List of marketing opportunities and reach

Explanation of innovation

Examples of events promotions

Explanation of innovations

List of sessions and leaders.

List of members and opportunities.

1) DO NOT be discouraged from submitting an application if you do not meet ALL the criteria in each theme. Applications will be considered providing you meet some of the criteria from each theme

2) When evidence is not required this is because Warwick Sport / Warwick SU will already have the information internally

3) Not all clubs will have evidence for each criteria. Please only provide evidence that is appropriate to the criteria and relevant to your club

4) Evidence suggested is ONLY an example. Please use other evidence if it shows how your club has completing the criteria, each piece of evidence will be considered on merit

5) Bonus criteria are marked with italics - you will not be marked down if your club does not meet these criteria. However if you can provide evidence that the club meets the criteria you will be marked favourably
