COMPETITION CRITERIA Evidence Required? Suggested Evidence 3.1.1: Performance and ability to get positive results from all competitions; this takes into account the performances across the club, not just the highest positioned team(s) or member(s) 3.1.2: This is relative to each club and takes into account improvements from the previous year(s) 3.1.3: Performance will also be relative between sports Yes List of competitions and results Yes No List of competitions and results 3.2 Fulfilling Fixtures 3.2.1: Organisation of their fixtures and the clubs’ ability to plan all competitions efficiently 3.2.2: Clubs should be aiming to have zero walk overs across the year (except in exceptional circumstances) No No 3.3 Sporting Values 3.3.1: Disciplinary record – each club must have an exemplary disciplinary record in all competitions 3.3.2: Clubs must show good sportsmanship throughout the year Yes No Record from non-BUCS competitions BONUS 3.3.3: Examples of outstanding sporting behaviour will be taken into account Yes Quote or media coverage 3.4 Coaching Standards 3.4.1: Clubs must have dedicated coaching at an appropriate level from a qualified coach with support from other coaches and/or volunteers where necessary 3.4.2: Clubs can show a higher standard by ensuring their coach has access to the teams competitive performances or by having better coaching standards where appropriate 3.4.3: Continuous professional development (CPD) from coaches and volunteers will also be taken into account Yes Yes List of support coaches/volunteers and their qualifications or experience Evidence of paying coach to attend Yes Copies of CPD certificates 3.5.1: Breadth of competitive opportunities offered to members – clubs should be aiming to have the highest number of members competing (A). This can be achieved through having a number of teams or squads competing in different competitions (B) or through signposting and/or forming links with other clubs or programmes (C) 3.5.2: Constraints such as facility usage will be taken into account Yes (A) and (B) List of team sizes and comps; (B) Copy of external comp registration; (C) Copy of communication to other club or programme 3.6 General 3.6.1: Each tier of assessment will take into account all criteria, not just the results of teams within the club 3.6.2: For higher tiers the standard of competition will also be taken into account No No BONUS 3.6.3: Positive media coverage of results (both internal and external) will also be taken into account Yes 3. Competition Themes Criteria - Clubs will be assessed on the following: 3.1 Relative Performance 3.5 Breadth of Competitive Opportunities No Copy of media coverage 1) DO NOT be discouraged from submitting an application if you do not meet ALL the criteria in each theme. Applications will be considered providing you meet some of the criteria from each theme 2) When evidence is not required this is because Warwick Sport / Warwick SU will already have the information internally 3) Not all clubs will have evidence for each criteria. Please only provide evidence that is appropriate to the criteria and relevant to your club 4) Evidence suggested is ONLY an example. Please use other evidence if it shows how your club has completing the criteria, each piece of evidence will be considered on merit 5) Bonus criteria are marked with italics - you will not be marked down if your club does not meet these criteria. However if you can provide evidence that the club meets the criteria you will be marked favourably