Summer 2012 BPC Meeting Prioritized Ranking Recommendation to close over $1.1 million budget gap 2012-13 Description DRAFT RANK 8/29/2012 9:09 AM Average Top 3 Ranks SCORE Bottom 3 Ranks BPC Rank Sum of Deltas Dollars 9 8 54 1 3 18 Associated Students funding for clerical support $ 1 2 15 6 0 9 Consolidate Admissions, Financial Aid, Records $ Reduce Campus Public Safety to less 7 than 24/7 coverage 11 9 64 0 6 10 9 60 0 4 13 Layoffs 7 7 47 1 2 14 2 4 25 5 0 Discussion 10,000 100,000 Efficiencies from combining services and staffing. $ 9,000 $ 200,000 Furloughs (One-time and may require negotiations?) $ 200,000 8 COLA freeze (May require negotiations?) $ 74,000 5 5 36 2 1 19 Step freeze (May require negotiations?) 3 4 31 2 0 13 6 6 41 0 0 $ Hold open currently vacant positions (onetime) 7 Eliminate temporary staffing (one-time) $ $ 1 Associated Students could provide some funds to help offset costs related to the clerical support provided by the District. Certain shifts would not be covered, so County Sheriff would be first responder. Night shifts when school is not in session might be an example. Savings estimate is based on 90 days with one shift not covered. Instructional and non-instructional faculty, and certain administrators work under contract & could not be laid off until 7-1-2013, so potential layoff savings in 2013-14 for faculty and administrators. Confidential, classified staff & certain administrators could be laid off typically on 45 days advance notice. The layoff estimate is for illustration and could be another amount. Employee's would be required to take a certain number of workdays off as unpaid furlough days. Potenital budget savings for all employees by class are noted below. Note that the $200K BPC savings is a conservative estimate, since we don't know which employees would furlough or how many days. If we move forward, then more detailed savings estimates will need to be developed. Staff: $19,476 Instructional and non-instructional faculty: $29,938 Managers, confidential, etc: $14,880 Total savings per furlough day: $65,209 (1 furlough day of savings) 2012-13 COLA will be included in July paychecks. COLA might be frozen as of a particular date. If Gov's tax measures pass, then COLA might be restored. Also, depending on the agreement, this could be one-time or permanent savings. BPC Estimate is for about half a year of savings, but amounts below are full-year cost: COLA Freeze Scenario: Classified: $0 Admin/Mgr/Conf: $36,389 Instr & Non-instructional Faculty: $113,340 Total annual $149,729in July paychecks. Steps might be frozen as of a particular date. 2012-13 stepssavings: will be included If Gov's tax measures pass, then Steps might be restored. Also, depending on the agreement, this could be one-time or permanent savings. Estimate is for about half a year of savings, but amounts below are full-year cost: 187,000 Step Freeze Scenario: Classified: $121,854 Admin/Mgr/Conf: $74,113 Instr & Non-instructional Faculty: $178,316 Total annual savings: $374,283 This would not apply to instructional faculty vacancies. This option would require that all vacant positions only be filled internally by a general fund employee and will require transfers to fill key 252,000 postions. 2012-13 savings is for 7 staff positions and 2 corridor positions. Savings is net of estimated lumpouts and SERP costs. This would eliminate many, but not all, temporary staff in the general fund. The total temp costs 100,000 are in the $250,000 range. To make this budget cut work, we will need to reduce the respective department budgets, so that the funds are not spent on other items. 2012-13 Legislative bgt cut - BPC Final Rankings 8-29-2012.xlsx 2012-13 Addl Cuts Rankings Summer 2012 BPC Meeting Prioritized Ranking Recommendation to close over $1.1 million budget gap 2012-13 Description DRAFT RANK 8/29/2012 9:09 AM Average Top 3 Ranks SCORE Bottom 3 Ranks BPC Rank Sum of Deltas Discussion Dollars $3 million fund balance in the employee benefit trust may be drawn upon by the general fund. The balance was built up in earlier years when about $1.6 million of the general fund's excess fund balance was transferred to the employee benefit trust. However, the trust is currently 250,000 drawing against those balances because annual payments into the trust are less than the payments out to beneficiaries. Since this is a one-time solution, we must identify a permanent savings for 2013-14 for any amounts noted here. 8 7 51 1 2 12 One-time draw from Employee Benefit Trust (one-time) $ 4 5 33 3 2 19 Suspend Board of Trustees Stipends (onetime) $ 13,000 These stipends would be held back during 2012-13. Savings is for 6 months. Total Savings Estimate without Negotiations $ 934,000 Negotiable Items $ 461,000 Total Savings Estimate with Negotiations $ 1,395,000 2 2012-13 Legislative bgt cut - BPC Final Rankings 8-29-2012.xlsx 2012-13 Addl Cuts Rankings