REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Special Meeting of the Basic Skills Committee March 2, 2012 FM 107 Noon – 1:30p.m. Minutes BSC Mission Statement Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of basic skills students BSC Scope/Function To recommend and support educational programs, student support services, and matriculation policies that enhance retention, persistence, and academic success of basic skills students. 1. To promote the use of effective p ractices in developmental education for administrative, student services, and instructional programs. 2. To provide professional development regarding effective practices in developmental education. 3. To work with Institutional Research in tracking basic skills students fro m entry to completion. 4. To assess and evaluate the programs designed to improve student success. 5. To allocate and oversee expenditures of BSI categorical funds. . 1. Call to Order Attendance: Erin Wall, Barbara Jaffari, and Vinnie Pelosi 2. Approve Notes of February 3 and 10 Notes from 2/10 meeting were approved. Notes from 2/3 were missing. It was noted that we had sent a request for a faculty ESOL representative to the Senate and have not heard of an appointment. It was decided that the request should be resent. We went over the edits suggested to the form on 2/10 and sent out the 2nd call for BSI funding proposals. 2. Action Items 4. Discussion Items 4.1 Potential Contributions from BSC to Remedy Accreditation “Show Cause” 4.2 Discussion of Basic Skills Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Results The committee decided to discuss these together. We need to tie assessment to the work we do as a committee both in our focus and our funding allocations. We don’t see our roll as one that reviews course level assessment. That is for the various departments/areas to do. However, we should review the Basic Skills data and possibly the analysis done by all “programs” on some rotational basis. We felt consulting Angelina and Justine on the options for doing this and their thoughts would be the next step. 5. Reports 5.1 Funds Report* We reviewed the funding report and there was no questions on it. 6. Announcements Vinnie announced that the English Department is discussing deactivation of Eng 353 because it hasn’t been offered for a while. 7. Adjournment (* denotes attachment) Funds Report as of February 10, 2012 Allocation Encumbered Remaining for allocation 1. Math Mobile Cart (Mendocino) 2. Math 372 Textbooks 3. Math Mobile Cart (Eureka) 4. IR Request 5. Student Success Pilot Faculty Stipend 6. Funds for substitutes for (1 semester) for Eureka Math lab 7. Math Lab Tutor Training (Fall 2012) for Eureka ASC 8. ESOL Curriculum Development/Alignment Subtotal Total +/- 2009-10 funds (expire June 30, 2012) $90,000.00 $40,000.00 $50,000.00 $12,928.92 $872.93 $19,051.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 2010-11 funds (expire June 30, 2013) $90,000.00 $40,000.00 $50,000.00 $19,000.00 $1,200.00 $1,800.00 $48,852.85 $1,147.15 $19,000.00 $31,000.00