REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Minutes of the Meeting of the Basic Skills Committee December 2, 2011 PRESENT Not Present MINUTES ACTION ITEMS Review and award funds proposals IR Request Student Success Task Force Pilot Math mobile Cart— Eureka Math lab improvement Math 372 Textbooks Math mobile cart— Mendocino ISS for DSPS— Eureka Educational Dreams New ESL classes— Eureka Jeff Cummings, Erin Wall, Barbara Jaffari, Mary Grace Barrick, Rachel Anderson, Vinnie Peloso, Angelina Hill, and Keith Snow-Flamer. Ron McQueen, Harry Pyke No minutes were presented. The committee reviewed the rubric scores and agreed to award full or partial funding to the following proposals from 2009-10 and 2010-11 BSI funds allocation. Request IR Student Success Task Force Math Mobile Cart Eureka Math 372 Textbooks Math Mobile Car Mendocino Math Lab Subs (1 semester) Math Lab Tutor Training (Fall 2012) ESOL Curriculum Development/Alignment Amount $12,000.00 $28,500.00 $19,051.00 $872.93 $12,928.92 $1,000.00 $1,200.00 $1,800.00 The committee asked the tri-chairs to communicate with authors of proposals that were and were not funded. DISCUSSION ITEMS Changes to request form and rubric The committee agreed that the rubric functioned as expected but it needs additional work. The committee will revisit this topic in the spring. Ratify the five action items for the CCCCO The committee agreed with the tri-chair’s recommendation on the five action items to forward to the Chancellor’s Office. The committee requested to revise the “Explore feasibility of math and English non credit basic skills classes” planning item to reflect that the “BSC, EMC, Dean’s Council, CSSO” will be responsible for completion of this action item. The revised plan will be sent to the CCCCO on December 2. The revised GANTT chart reflecting the “tracked” actions will be sent to the committee and uploaded to the BSC site on December 2. SUBMITTED ksf