Multicultural and Diversity Committee

Multicultural and Diversity Committee
Friday, February 3, 2012
11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order: at 11:20am; present in person: Chair Justine Shaw; Michael Dennis; Ana
Maria Mease; Kyler Tidwell; Dana Maher; and present via telephone: George Potamianos;
Philip Mancus; Toby Green; Ruth Moon.
2. Introductions and Public Comments: Kyler Tidwell described an initiative designed to
raise funds for California Community Colleges, and read some of the text. Justine Shaw
and Michael Dennis requested an electronic version; Kyler Tidwell said he would get
them some hard copies. It was announced that CR’s former president Jeff Marsee was put
on administrative leave.
3. Approve the December 16 Meeting Minutes: Michael Dennis moved, Ana Maria Mease
seconded, and the minutes were approved. Chair Justine Shaw noted a correction required
to the Agenda, item 4.2, replace Budget Planning Committee with Basic Skills
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Potential Curriculum Committee Diversity Requirement: Since Peter Blakemore is at
another meeting, Justine Shaw recommended that this item be discussed at the next
regular meeting. She said that the curriculum committee is proceeding with the GE
assessment of the global awareness outcome, and that may provide us with some data or
at least some bullet points. We need some more clarity to be able to assess accurately,
also to more directly relate to diversity. George Potamianos reported that some
committee members are looking at other institutions in California and compiling a list of
those diversity requirements for comparison purposes.
4.2 ESOL Status; ESOL Representative for the Budget Planning Committee Basic Skills
Committee: Justine Shaw reported that Deanna Herrera-Thomas is still trying to keep
things moving along, now working through the Basic Skills Committee rather than the
Budget Planning Committee. Some discussion ensued regarding the status of her grant
application to the Basic Skills Committee. The Basic Skills Committee has asked the
Multicultural and Diversity Committee to forward the names of people members with
ESOL expertise who might be willing to join the Basic Skills Committee and advise them
on ESOL-related matters. We have been asked to recommend 3-4 names; various persons
were suggested; it was not clear whether only faculty names were wanted.
4.3 Student Equity Plan Status: The BP/AP Student Equity Plan Policy was a discussion
item at the last meeting, and so this will move forward as an action item at our next
4.4 Spring Movie Activity: Students of Ryan Emenaker and Dana Maher are organizing
showings of the movie More Than Just A Game.
4.5 Book of the Year Activities: no report
4.6 Cultural Activities with Ana Maria Mease’s Multicultural and Diversity Award:
There was some discussion and clarification of the purpose of the award and how the
award funds may be used. Justine clarified that the funds are awarded on behalf of the
awardee, to purchase resources, materials, videos, other items, in the name of the awardee
for the Multicultural and Diversity Center. We no longer have a physical Center,
currently all Center materials are in storage. Ana Maria Mease reported that some
materials have disappeared from the storage area, and no one is sure who has access.
Discussion expressed the need to continuing to maintain the Center and the resources.
Until a true Center can be located, committee members wished to see the MDC award
funds used to continue to develop the resources and promote the mission of the MDC.
Ruth Moon moved, and Philip Mancus seconded: The MDC recommends that the funds
awarded in the name of Ana Maria Mease in 2005 and 2011, in the amount of $1,000 in
total, be used to support the Latino Film Festival 2012. After additional discussion, the
motion carried. The recommendation will be on the next agenda as an action item for
4.7 Content for Report to Academic Senate on February 3: The committee compiled the
following bullet list for Chair Justine Shaw’s report:
a. ESOL Advocacy: MDC members have met with representatives of the local Latino
community; have applied for BSI funds for ESOL classes; will forward a list of names to
recommend to the BSI committee; DN member Toby Green is working with Mary Beth
Arago on ESOL curriculum for ESOL 202B and 302A;
b. Student Equity Plan & Policy: the MDC advocates for an SEP committee to implement
at least one cycle of our Student Equity Plan;
c. MDC members are reviewing diversity requirements at other colleges and will assist
the Curriculum Committee Chair to develop an appropriate local requirement and
d. MDC remains in contact with Book of the Year committee and will assist with
activities; and
e. MDC provides feedback on relevant BPs and APs up for review and invites the Senate
to continue to refer policies to the MDC for review.
5. Open Forum/Announcements: Kyler Tidwell announced that there is no funding for
DSPS notetakers; that some students are continuing as notetakers on a voluntary basis. Ana
Maria Mease called for any faculty interested in participating in any of the Latino Film
Festival events or activities to contact her; there will be a panel discussion and George
Potamianos and Peter Blakemore will be participating; the dates are March 6, 7 & 8.
6. Adjournment: Michael Dennis moved to adjourn, Dana Maher seconded, meeting was
adjourned at 12:30
Next Meeting:
February 10, 2012