REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Multicultural and Diversity Committee

Meeting of the
Multicultural and Diversity Committee
Of the Academic Senate
• Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Rd, CA 100; and AT 120
• * Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Room DN 4
• Point Arena: 41341 Harris Ranch Rd
Friday, Dec 3, 2010
1. Call to Order @ 11:34am
Members present
Phone: Melody Pope and Toby Green
In person: George Potamianos, Justine Shaw, Dana Maher, and Ryan Emenaker
2. Introductions and Public comments
2.1 Deanna Herrera-Thomas has questions about implementation and oversight
of the student equity plan (SEP).
3. Approval of Minutes: April 2, 2010 Meeting
Minutes approved unanimously (Emenaker – y; Green – y; Maher – y; Pope – y;
Potamianos – y; Shaw – y)
4. Discussion Items
4.1. Determine committee goals for the remainder of the 2010-2011 academic
For the remainder of the academic year, the MDC decided to focus upon
advocating for the development of an ESOL program for the CR district.
This would utilize a plan already developed by consultants. In support of
this effort, the MDC will also advocate for the Student Equity Plan to be
implemented and/ or updated.
4.2. Investigate the current status of CR’s ESOL program development
At present, it has been decided to have Mendocino College teach one
ESOL course in Ft. Bragg this spring. No courses are being offered
anywhere else in the district; this includes the Eureka campus, which had
previously offered one class each semester.
4.3. Address new member recruitment strategies
Members will ask other faculty, particularly newer faculty needing
committee work, if they are interested in joining the MDC. In the past few
years, the MDC hasn’t been able to achieve many publicly visible results.
It is hoped that having more well-defined, specific goals, regular reports to
the Senate, and public events will provide the committee with a higher
profile that will help to attract more members. In turn, having more
members would make it much more possible for the committee to achieve
its goals.
5. Action items
5.1. Establish Spring MDC Meeting Schedule
It was decided that the MDC would meet on the first and third Fridays of
each month from 11:30-12:45 in CA100 (Emenaker – y; Green – y; Maher
– y; Pope – y; Potamianos – y; Shaw – y).
5.2. Endorse the Freedom Rider Movie Premier on December 9, 2010.
Following explanation by Ryan Emenaker, the endorsement was
unanimously approved (Emenaker – y; Green – y; Maher – y; Pope – y;
Potamianos – y; Shaw – y). Ryan will investigate the possibility that the
film might also be shown on the Mendocino and Del Norte campuses.
6. Open Forum/ Announcements
Discussion about MDC logo was revisited. Ryan will approach Jesse Wiedel
about the creation of a logo for the MDC. This would be used on any public
materials for events endorsed or sponsored by the MDC.
7. Meeting was adjourned at 12:45pm