Meeting of the Distance Education (DE) Planning Committee
Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 104
Thursday, January 29, 2015, 3:00-4:30 pm
Summary Notes
1. Meeting Called to Order. Present: Mark Renner, Mark Winter, Reno Giovannetti, James Hayes,
Lisa Sayles, Mike Butler, Lynn Thiesen, Wendy Riggs, Tina Vaughn, Crislyn Parker-support
2. Introductions and Public Comment: Members of the audience are invited to make
comments regarding any subject appropriate to the DE Planning Committee
3. Approve Jan. 20, 2015 DE Planning Committee Minutes, Mark Winter (attachment):
Approved as stand.
4. Action Items
4.1 Proctoring Processes, Mark Winter (attachments):
 All suggestions were included in the revised forms and vetted through Tina Vaughn and VP Keith
Snow-Flamer. Language in all forms will match AP 4105 where applicable. Form B, proctor
approval section will include a checkbox for either approved or denied and space for a brief
 Motion to approve all three forms as revised passed unanimously.
 The website will be updated to match AP 4105 language where applicable. CR is adopting the title
“eLearning” to be consistent with HSU. The web will show ‘online/eLearning’ until students
become familiar with the term. A suggestion was made to submit a revision of the language in AP
4105 through college council.
5. Discussion Items
5.1 DE Action Plan/Program Review, Mark Renner:
 VP Snow-Flamer is requiring a DE action plan on president’s desk by April 1, 2015. Members will
read the attached documents for brainstorming at the next meeting, based on the points listed and
determine what other elements are needed.
5.2 Student Complaint Process, Mark Renner:
 The student complaint process needs to be more visible for students. Renner will discuss with
Giovannetti known issues and how to include web based forms. Renner will bring more ideas to the
next meeting. The online process must reflect the same type of process for face to face students. It is
likely the deans and VPI will assist in finalizing the process.
5.3 Online Class Evaluation Training Video, Mark Winter:
 This is in response to a request by the instructional deans. Winter is working on a PowerPoint taking
elements from the DE2 form, adding language and narration. Targets will be deans and instructional
faculty who don’t teach online. This will be vetted through the union. Winter will create storyboard
and route to Renner, Riggs and Sayles.
5.4 “Student Orientation to VC courses in Canvas” online short course, Reno Giovannetti and
Mark Renner (attachment):
 There is a need for online training for students based on the assumptions that students can use email
and basic program software. Discussion on structure and what to include: technology skills;
pedagogical skills for online learning; self-discipline. Develop parallel training for students and
instructors, for consistency. Include FAQs. This will be ongoing discussion.
5.5 Canvas access dates, Mark Renner and James Hays (attachment):
 Two issues with programming in codes and student access dates: 1) how long should for student
access-will go to academic senate; 2) Length of faculty access. This is a Faculty issue with IT
6. Reports
6.1 Respondus™ browser for secure online testing, James Hays (attachment):
 This program will have to be installed on lab computers. Proctors for distance students, who don’t
have the software, will need to receive a student version on their testing machine. Fall back might be
a paper version. Ideal use is in a lab environment.
6.2 OTLT sessions one and two rosters with alternates, Mark Winter (attachment)
6.3 LMS sections used this spring (updated), Reno Giovannetti:
 Kudos! There are a greater number of published courses in canvas than Sakai, and this is not a
required semester.
7. Future Agenda items
7.1 Financial Aid/Fraud Prevention
7.2 OEI – become standing agenda item.
8. Announcements
8.1 TBA
9. Meeting Adjourned