

Meeting of the Distance Education (DE) Planning Committee

Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 104

Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 3:00-4:30 pm



Called Meeting to Order: Present: Mark Renner, Mark Winter, Reno Giovannetti, James

Hayes, Lisa Sayles, Tina Vaughn, Wendy Riggs, Mike Butler, Crislyn Parker-support


Introductions and Public Comment: Members of the audience are invited to make comments regarding any subject appropriate to the DE Planning Committee: No

public comments; introduced Tina Vaughn as new committee member


Approve Dec. 9, 2014 DE Planning Committee Minutes, Mark Winter (attachment):

Approved as corrected.


Action Items

4.1 Confirm new members to Committee, Mark Winter (attachment):

Unanimous approval of membership. The website will be updated to reflect the current membership.


Discussion Items

5.1 Proctoring Processes, Mark Winter (attachment) a) Flow chart: Discussion and agreement to make revisions, primarily revising language for improved clarity. b) Proctor information: Form A: Discussion and agreement to tighten up this form, including some language and format changes. Discussed and agreed to standardize forms A and B to match AP 4105.

c) Student proctoring agreement: Form B: Discussion and agreement to standardize and make this form consistent with the other forms and remove duplicate requests for information. Also committee agreement to create PDF fill-in forms for students to complete and print; create a signatory block and use the same language as in AP4105. Also add electronic information and encapsulate KT and DN in terms of where to send.

d) Proctor request: Form C- Student/Proctor Agreement: Discussion and agreement to standardize this form with the others (Forms A and B), including header, language and format changes. Discussed having only one “instructions to student” form, where either one student or multiple students can sign-in; or, instead of a sign-in sheet, attach a roster and provide enough room for the testing center to check students and allow signatures. e) Other discussion: Updated drafts will be on the next agenda for final committee approval and submission to the Academic Senate for review and posting to the website. Mark

Winter will request a baseline use of the website this semester for future use in determining its effectiveness.



6.1 Canvas sections used this spring for VC classes, Reno Giovannetti : Reno provided data on the use of canvas for spring sections. Good number; however, there is some concern that only

38% are published at this point. Reno will investigate for the next meeting.

6.2 OTLT Spring 2015 update, Mark Winter (attachment): Mark Winter reduced the OTLT modules to ten and may revised due dates to allow students more flexibility to complete and show their understanding of creating syllabi and modules. Each training module has a discussion forum. Currently 10 trainees enrolled.


Future Agenda items

7.1 Respondus™ browser for secure online testing

7.2 DE Action Plan/Program Review

7.3 Student Complaint Process

7.4 Strategic approach to increasing online courses

7.5 Financial Aid/Fraud Prevention


7.6 Create an open site for sharing and collaboration with other (math) DE; and/or a faculty/community site



8.1 To produce: A video showing how to evaluate online classes



Next meeting January 29, 3pm, SS 104
