REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Distance Education (DE) Planning Committee Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 104 Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 3:00-4:30 pm Present: Mark Renner, Mark Winter, Chris Romero, Wendy Riggs, Reno Giovannetti, Lisa Sayles, Mike Butler (phone), Crislyn Parker-support 1. Call to Order 2. Introductions and Public Comment: Members of the audience are invited to make comments regarding any subject appropriate to the DE Planning Committee: N/A 3. Approve Nov. 11, 2014 DE Planning Committee Minutes, Mark Renner (attachment): Approved as written. 4. Reports 4.1 Canvas Adoption Update, Reno Giovannetti (attachment): Thirty-six faculty members are currently participating in the Canvas pilot program, and have reported few to no questions or major problems. Transitioning 50% of all faculty during the spring semester will make the fall transition from Sakai easier. The focus will now shift to student training. There is currently no face to face training for students, but plenty of online tutorials. 50% of faculty teaching online courses are already using canvas. The DEPC would like to request faculty provide an introduction to Canvas with their students on the first day of class. 4.2 OTLT Update, Mark Winter: Mark Winter is running a pilot with one faculty member, for READ 10 online. This provides Mark an opportunity to address glitches prior to rolling out to the district. Posting the syllabus is good, but creating a complete module in the time frame was not realistic. Mark is reconsidering how to offer module training, especially for classes with content composed primarily of discussion. It is important to include module building training. Mark Renner noted modules are superlative and must be emphasized. Instructor understanding of the nuances of modules is important. Building the class is a series of steps which should be done consecutively. Suggestions were offered for module building consideration. Canvas provides a consistent look and process for online learning that has not existed in Sakai. This adds to their success and persistence. People looking for training are looking for best practices in online instruction. Mark Renner and Mark Winter may offer spring and fall convocation sessions on best practices for online classes. It was suggested to have completed course modules as examples; add sample models to the tips and tricks site (for viewing only). Have sites where instructors can participate as instructor and student. There are various tools to include in training and online help. Instructors need to have a handle on what their course looks like as a student: suggestion to provide sites where instructors can participate as instructor and student. Reno is building a sandbox and would like some feedback on how it looks. 5. Discussion Items 5.1 OEI Targets, Mark Winter (attachment): The attachment lists the courses that will be included in the first iteration of the OEI pilot spring 2015 implementation. Our concern is that students will go to this online exchange rather than taking classes at CR, because it will be efficient and registration streamlined for participants. CR is an outlier and does not yet have the infrastructure to jump into this. Discussion that we identify one or two classes from this list, check with faculty who already offer one/some of these courses and whether they want to participate in OEI. Approach union on whether faculty can receive reassigned time to be involved in this project. Mike Butler would like to invest time to develop the stats course for teaching on the exchange. CR has yet to begin offering online lab-based classes. DEPC discussed recommending to the Senate that CR is falling behind by not offering online labs. Suggestion to request administrators, when attending conventions, solicit feedback from other schools. Suggestion to find examples of quality online labs that work. Online instruction needs administrative support for success. Mark and Mark will bring issues to Keith. It was agreed this will be a continuous agenda item. 5.2 Proctoring Processes, Mark Renner (attachments): Mark Renner, Mark Winter and Tina Vaughan have discussed proctoring in depth. DEPC goal is to standardize the proctoring process for all instructional modalities. Timeline: o DEPC will provide input today. o Mark Renner, Mark Winter, Mike Butler & Tina Vaughn (MMM&T) will collaborate and bring a first draft to the first January meeting for discussion/revision. o In February a completed draft process will go to the Academic Senate for discussion. Discussion: o Agreed the Student/Proctor Agreement Form is a starting point. The sample attached is geared to paper/pencil testing rather than online; MM&T will revise to a multipurpose document. They will look at examples from other institutions and outside sources that will do the proctoring. o Faculty security concerns: how to avoid students surfing the internet for answers to test questions. o Suggestions: Extend the time students are allowed to complete testing; e.g. one week vs. one day, to allow better monitoring in the ASC, by reducing the load. Require students to read and sign instructions prior to testing. Look into “Respondus” software that works with Canvas to lock down browsers. (IR is looking into this and one trial allows faculty to beta test for two months.) There are questions regarding site licenses to proctors working on our behalf in other areas. James Hayes is looking into the technical aspects of this. This is likely the most secure solution. o It was agreed that forefront of the proctoring discussion should be not security, but establishing a consistent process. 5.3 Student Training for the Canvas LMS: Discussed with Reno’s report (above). 6. Action Items 6.1 Revise committee membership; Mark Renner (attachment): IEC recommended changes for the committee membership. Motion to modify by Mark Winter, seconded by Lynn Thiesen. Following discussion the committee voted unanimously to accept the revised IEC recommendation. Committee also discussed how it could be useful to recommend to Academic Senate next fall that one faculty member comes from the Health Occupations division. 6.2 Determine Spring 2015 meeting schedule, Mark Winter Mark Renner will generate a doodle to finalize spring meeting times. 7. Future Agenda items 7.1 DE Action Plan/Program Review 7.2 Financial Aid/Fraud Prevention 7.3 Student Complaint Process 7.4 Strategic approach to increasing online courses 8. Announcements 9. Adjourn-Motion and second to adjourn.