Agenda DE DE Committee Webpage at CR

Agenda DE
DE Committee Webpage at CR
Use the template from IEC (see the form)
The charge of the Distance Education committee is to make recommendations and to inform the
Academic Senate, faculty, staff and administrators in matters of policy, practice and pedagogy regarding
distance learning; to advise faculty and staff on professional development activities in integrating
technology and distance learning into the curriculum; to advise on innovations in matters of distance
learning to meet the diverse needs of the district’s students.
Planning and Prioritization
Should we include?
ACCJC standards
A planning page-What is due for our committee?
Distance Education Coordinator and Managers Oct 2013 Monthly Meeting
LeBaron Woodyard Dean Academic Affairs CCCCO
Clearing up the murkiness
CCC Online Education Initiative RFA Update (CVC Online Course Exchange)
Online Initiative for CVC
Professional Development Course for DE Coordinators
Ready in spring 2014
Improve communication between Chancellor’s Office and Campus
State Authorization Update
With no process clearly stated we were encouraged to begin authorization with other states, so
that a student can be living in TX and still take an online at CR. Student may live in CA when they begin a
class but where they actually take it needs to be authorized. Begin seeking authorization from every
state and we will be ahead of the game. We can’t just take the approach to block non-CA students from
registering into our on-line classes, in doing so we cause problems if our own students move.
Some articles in Inside Higher Ed are provocative and can upset people, be sure to vet these
articles like everything else we read.
WITCHE and WCET are working to smooth processes for students, especially around matters of
authentication: Background
Student authentication in distance education has been an issue of interest to federal policy makers for
several years. The growth in enrollments and in the number of educational providers of online learning
fueled concerns about the ability of institutions to verify the identity of online students throughout the
cycle of an online course: registration, participation, assessment, academic credit. Passage of the Higher
Education Opportunity Act of 2008, followed by federal rule making, resulted in new regulations. One
regulation required accrediting agencies to assure distance and correspondence education programs
have processes in place to verify student identity.
The issue is complex and frequently misrepresented. Among many e-learning professionals, the issue
seems unfairly aimed only at online education when similar concerns of identity falsification could apply
in traditional higher education settings. The policy and regulatory conversations concerning identify
authentication, originally focused on academic dishonesty, now encompass the serious problem of
financial aid fraud, as reported in some high profile cases.
WCET has led a number of important efforts aimed at informing policy makers, accrediting agency
leaders, and online program administrators of different approaches—pedagogical as well as
technological—that ensure their compliance with the regulation but also raise the conversation to a
more widely relevant discussion of academic integrity. WCET's Study Group on Academic Integrity and
Student Authentication, established in March 2008, continues its work to identify and disseminate
information on promising practices to promote academic integrity of which identity authentication is
but one component.
DE coordinator 2013-14 directory
DEC 101 Update
CCC Proctoring Network Exploration—See the model at the University of North Carolina. California is
considering adopting a similar model.
Edu-Stream Statewide Project Presentation
CCC Coordinators and Managers Organization
Financial Aid and Consortium Agreements
Announcements- I found out today that CCC confer offers online tutoring space for faculty and
students, we can start using that with our online classes, and arrange the same tutors as in the ASC. This
Would fulfill our requirement for the standards.